Next Generation of Unity

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Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
3:09 pm - Pics out the wing wang!


That's our bulletin board for NGU... at the top now - there's a section called Photos (it's at the top right) and it has pics from the last 2 Atlanta retreats, as well as the retreat in PA this year too. And the bulletin board just rocks in general.

Oh! We are voting on ages at the NGU email group. We are deciding if the age range should be 18 to 28 or 18 to 35. If you want to vote, go to (you have to be signed up for this if you do it). If you don't want to vote on the email group, you can comment here on why you think it should be one way or another, or send an email to the International team at

Much love to all!

current mood: good
current music: John Mayer - Why Georgia

(4 hugs | share a hug)

Sunday, December 7th, 2003
7:36 pm - How about some introductions?

I think it would be neat to get to know the people that are here, so I thought it would be cool if we could do introductions. Who are you? Where are you? What has your Unity experience been? What would you like to see NGU be?

Anyway, I will do mine after some other people have. Groovy? Let's get to know each other!

current mood: energetic

(2 hugs | share a hug)

Tuesday, November 11th, 2003
2:39 pm

Hello everyone, I just thought to search for a unity community and here I am. I just graduated from Y.O.U. this past Summer Connection and I just wanted another way to keep in contact with Unity.
-Bubbles from Daytona Beach

current mood: happy
current music: Dir en Grey "Zomboid"

(10 hugs | share a hug)

Friday, October 17th, 2003
6:17 pm - Current Retreat Schedule

Southeast Region Presents "Back to Basics"
Dates: November 7-9, 2003
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Unity Christ Center, Suwanee, Georgia
Registration: $75 if registered by November 1, 2003
$85 if received day of retreat (cash – still must pre-register)
Basic Program: 3 minister workshops, along with things celebrating the eclipse, and studying the 5 basic Unity principles.
Who can go? All of Next Generation of Unity (regardless of location).
Registration Information: In Word Document, In Html

Great Lakes Region Presents "Sympsosium"
Dates: November 14-16, 2003
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Unity Church of Oak Park, Oak Park, Illinois
Registration: $20
Basic Program: Setting up Great Lakes Region while getting spiritually intune.
Who can go? All of Next Generation of Unity (regardless of location).
Registration Information: In Word Document

Want to hold a retreat in your area?
Comment on this post... :) I know I can help you get that started.

Coming soon: A get to know you survey. Feel free to post who you are - so we can welcome you.

current mood: accomplished
current music: Barenaked Ladies - Pinch Me

(4 hugs | share a hug)

Saturday, September 13th, 2003
11:42 am - Hello!

I'm Wednesday and I'm 18. I founded [info]y_o_u this week as well! I grew up in Bellevue, WA (about 2 miles from Seattle) and I went to Unity there, but then I had to move to Salt Lake City when my mom got remarried (because of her husband's job), and I didn't know there was unity here. At the time I was in Uniteens, but in 11th grade I got sick of Utah and went back to WA and stayed with family, and rejoined Unity as a part of the Y.O.U. Then I found out I had to move back! (I didn't get along with my cousin and my mom missed me.) When I told the Y.O.U., our sponsr told me that there was a Salt Lake branch and I found it, and................guess what? It happens to be the only branch in all of Utah AND we're listed as NW outta nowhere so I get to go to rally and retreat with my friends from Bellevue! It rocks!
You know how you're not supposed to be in Y.O.U. fater you graduate high school or you turn 19 whichever comes first? Well I've graduated but fotunately my new branch is letting us all stay on until we're 19, and you can stay in the youth group during church hours, and we actually allow college students to be with us instead of being in the regular congregation. I like that better because most people in the regular congregation seem to be middle-aged or senior citizens, college doesn't go with that! I'm really glad [info]aquariusbelle is getting NGU to go international, I think it's a WONDERFUL idea! Bye kids <3

(1 hug | share a hug)

9:36 am - Welcome!

Welcome to [info]ngu!

NGU is for the Next Generation of Unity - Unity's 18 to 28 year olds.

It's very exciting to have all of this coming together.

For right now - please - introduce yourself - and how you found Unity.

I grew up in Unity - from the children's program - to Uniteens - to Y.O.U. - and then was a sponsor a youth ed director - oh a whole bunch of jobs. Now - I work with getting Next Generation of Unity set up - on the International Team - which is also shifting.

Anyway - welcome and hugs to every one - and please introduce yourself! Welcome!

current mood: excited

(14 hugs | share a hug)

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