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The Egg
Inside the Egg
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Grossing you out.
I think some commodes/toilets/ivory butt sitters are designed to let your unmentionals sink into the basin and under the throat of the mouth of the toilet not to be seen by the sitter or the next person who encounters an unflushed potty. Now, I believe (hypothetically) that this is the case especially for public bathrooms. But that some people have the tendancy to...overstep the average amount of release. They overload the maximum capacity for something to be hidden in the pipe.

I, myself, have never had a load larger than at least a partial hiding. I've had a peeking. I've turned around and seen a stray floater. But never have I had anything outrageous. This was not the case with someone else a certain potty patron the other day.

I heard somewhere that the amount you eliminate should be the length of your wrist to your arm. I also heard that this amount should be released once to twice a day. I think this particular person released an entire weeks supply in one sitting. And I'm not sure if they were in a hurry to leave or feared it wouldn't all fit down the comparitively tiny drain but they neglected to shield these excretes from the curious wide eyed always takes the last stall stranger's view, whom I was that day.

Yellow and brown. I will never be able to look at another caramel and chocolate candy bar the same way again. These are two colors you know should never go together. Any shade of either one of these colors with any shade of the other is just pukish. Vomitish. Disgusting. Wrong.

On another note, I will not be in my house for two weeks. I'm, once again, staying with a teenage boy while his parents are somewhere exotic. This time Brazil. Laurel, you know who I'm talking about. P.S. it's not fair that it's 9pm. It should be 9pm. I hate you day-light savings. I hate you with avengence.

Alright. I suppose that's all I had to say. I'll write later. Because I don't have anything else in particular that I have to do.

Emotional Forcast: bored

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You scored as Bomb. Your death will be by bombing. You will probably be an innocent bystander, not doing anything wrong and not a person who was targeted at, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

















Natural Causes








Cut Throat


How Will You Die??
created with

Emotional Forcast: amused

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Okay, that "update journal" floaty thing is pretty cool.

And "process whining." Funny stuff.

pps: talk about emotional roller coaster.

Emotional Forcast: amused

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For all the people who went looking for a candleholder, couldn't find one, so bought a cake.

*dash* Mitch Hedburg


Emotional Forcast: annoyed

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I have such a hard time selecting icons.
I felt pretty comfortable with my icon selection for my journal. With the priviledges of so many icons I thought I could express all of my emotions. But, apparently, I didn't. Or I did and I don't express most of my emotions because some of the icons I have don't hardly get used. I am havinga real problem finding a selection to stick with.

What does it take to get a really good selection of 15 icons that are equally used?

Emotional Forcast: contemplative

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On National Public Radio
Apparently there is a spa where the owner is in touch with many names in the business of movie making. When a screenwriter comes in she takes whatever screenplay they have in the works and puts it in a file. Producers will then come to the spa and ask what she has. A man who has been writing screenplays for seventeen years without one being produced came in with a Marlene Dietrich screenplay in the works.

Gwyneth Paltrow came in. And then:

Emotional Forcast: thoughtful

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1) Total volume of music files on my computer?
458 MB ...I think.

2) The last CD I bought was...
Erm...I gotta think waaaaaaaaay back. I think the last one I bought was my Dresden Dolls cd. I've recieved many CDs since then, though.

3a) The last song I listened to before writing this was...
Our chior sung this morning at church. So I have hymns in my head. Lessee, the last one off my computer was yesterday. Prolly something from Jump, Little Children. I apparently have a lot of them on my computer.

3b) Song playing right now:
Single's Line theme song. I' listening to any music. Wow. I suck at this one.

4) Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me.
Pink Lemonade always makes me happy.
I'm not a Fucking Dragqueen.
Bumble Bee Tuna will always catch in my head.
Bohemian Rhapsody is the absolute shiznit. That was my introduction to the music world. Actually, highlander was my introduction to the music world. But it was still Queen. I adore that band.
Anything by Marlene Dietrich. That woman just does it for me.

(I coulda thought more about this...)

5) Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?
[info]spiritusveritas because he's got a unique sense of music.
[info]patchouli_queen because she dances and also has a unique sense of music.
[info]messyjessy because he used to be da music man!
[info]petalpicker because she dances like an animal.
[info]fakeplasticpeas [see reason above]
[info]alchephiliac because chances are at least on of these people might not respond to this and I'm curious to see what sort of music this gal likes. And cause all the other peoples were taken.

Emotional Forcast: apathetic

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Ha! Yeah.
legato_lento is blah.
I've met prosthetic legs with more get-up-and-go than you. Could you be less melancholy and go out and do something?
brought to you by interim32. wanna know your lj's moodring color? enter your user name and hit the button. (discussion thread)

Emotional Forcast: blah

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Hipped Out
So, I'm watching this VH1 "When we were Cool" thing and it's talking about how people like Carrot Top and...all those other people were hippies. And they were talking about all this stuff and whatnot. And how they used to dress. And so I'm just laying across my chair, right? Thinking, "Oh man. They were bad." And then I look down at my attire.

I'm wearing, no joke, a tye-died wife beater (no bra), pants with six-inch holes in them drawn on by various people. Airwalks©. A multi-colored coat. And a bandana. All of which I've worn for three days straight. My audacity astounds me at times.

You know, despite the visuals I have never done any of the following:
smoked weed
taken drugs
went to a week long concert celebration
protested against the eating of meat
saved the whales

What I have done:
Worn copious amount of patchouli oil
Danced like no one was watching
Lit incense
Owned a lava lamp (currently out of commission, if anyone has a replacement bulb I'd be in their debt)
Gone barefoot through the woods (these feet aren't made for that sort of punishment)
Not showered for several days
Protested the war

And so, as you can see, I am a hippy. Or is it hippie? Or is it floater? (a la Clueless)

You know--hippies will never die. Because there will always be a need to express yourself by doing nothing at all.

A hippie is a
Patchouli smell anti-bath
Really cool people

To all my hippies out there: My Laurels, Bens, Natalies, Betsies, and more. Mwah to you all!

Emotional Forcast: ditzy

Name: Evelyn
Back April 2005
On the Subject of Marshmallow Snacks
They are
The three black coals
Of my sticky
They are
Of burnt mallow
Resting on
Peanut butter.
They are
Coating my arteries
And invading my
Digestive track.
Chewy with
Smooth with
Cracker-y crunch.
If I die
I will die
A sticky