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[23 May 2005|08:53pm]
breaking LJ silence for this public service announcement:

Suz and I will be coming home this weekend. If you want to see us, plan accordingly. Chocolate is always appreciated.

In other news, I made a new friend in the hospital today.

In other other news, apparently APO doesn't appreciate me and I'm wasting my time being desperate and my efforts go unwarranted when I ran for three different offices and didn't get any of them.

In other other other news, there's no more Eric. Ended well.

Tie update: probably purchasing from gag.
7 swift kicks to the head | kick me

Are you serious? I got out of bed for this? [19 May 2005|10:43am]
[ mood | frazzled and on the go ]
[ music | the whiz of the pc lab ]

One quiz down, one to go. Feeling frazzled (as is the custom of my sprint on the last leg of the week). What was supposed to be an all-nighter turned into a til-11 pm -er. haha. *shrugs* I did a lot of hardcore studying and there's no possible way I could learn anything new in the twenty minutes I have between math test and geology pop testeroo.

I've come to the conclusion that apparently I'm just not what he desires, and that's okay. I'm okay with it. I wish people wouldn't blow me off, or at least have some reason or whatnot, but it's okay because it apparently wasn't meant to be. I'm okay with that. Gotta heal my own body first.

Meeting with Laura (last one ever!) went really well. It's amazing how far I've come along and re-aligned myself with what is good and fuzzy-bunny ish. Go me.

I was super late to my first test this morning because I got all dolled up and then realized the stupid skirt was too short and I didn't want to look like a whore so I changed (of course, having decided this two blocks away from my apartment, I had to double time hoof it back and change)'s just one of those days.

Dalai Lama Dalai Lama Dalai Lama.

2 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[17 May 2005|04:26pm]
Suz and I are watching "Jurassic Park."

*Fanfare and trumpets* First glimpse of Jurassic Park, filmed in Hawaii.

Me: Oh, Hawaii.

Suz: You should have had Sarah take pictures of the dinosaurs when she was there.
6 swift kicks to the head | kick me

Pointless Post [17 May 2005|02:45pm]
[ mood | meep? ]
[ music | "Not another teen movie" ]

ugh. I wanted to just curl up and DIE at work today. What was 3 1/5 hours felt like a solid 8 hours of pure work. Ugh.

Hahah. I know something you don't know. Don't you wish you knew what I knew? You will know soon enough, lemme tell ya. In about four months.

Urgh. I'm so checked out of school. I'm so done with this term, so ready to just fucking be DONE. Thank God I only have one final.

Need house tie.

tell me a story...?

34 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[16 May 2005|04:25pm]
I feel like I should be on next week's episode of House. Seriously. I have something that neither of my doctors can diagnose (one being a world renouned leader in hemotological diseases - AKA blood cancers, and the other one just being nifty and smart likea good doctor should), and now she's putting me on prednizone because she doesn't know what's wrong with me. I could be the perfect "Diagnostics Unit" case. You'd think that a year after a transplant I'd be all spiffy, right?

...wrong. Maybe I'll just live my life miserably with a suppressed blood supply. I'm doomed. Bloody brilliant. *snorts* I'm a pun goddess.
12 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[13 May 2005|02:14pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | Ben Folds ]

I fucking hate this school.

What people think is politically correct and cutting edge diversity is really segregation. Do we live in the fucking 6th century? Gee, I thought Brown vs. Board of Education HAD passed and we had instituted a whole new learning system and everything.

Goddamnit. Diversity is a THOUGHT not segregation. I can't believe they actually fucking still DO segregate people on campus. Or won't let seniors into sophomore level classes because they save spaces for "students of color." OMG DIE OREGON DIE.

I cannot believe that I go to such a backwards school. Oh, wait, yes I can. Because the KKK headquarters were in Tillamook, Oregon and the reason we didn't have slave is that Black people weren't allowed in Oregon. Oh, how I loathe Oregon, this school and the stupid people in it.

You know, this girl in my writing class, when talking about stereotypes, was all, "I guess indians are like, alcoholics or something?"

Holy Shit.

Okay, a) they're not indians because they don't live in India. They aren't blocked off of China by a ginormous mountain range. They are Native Americans, which is NOT a crazy PC term, it is in fact the truth. They are native to the Americas. As a matter of fact, this America. b) They are NOT alcoholics. They have a low tolerance to alcohol because whiteys introduced them to alcohol (and small pox, but that's a different story), and so they've only had 200 years to become tolerant. Imagine getting piss drunk off of one drink. Oh, wait...that happens to me all the either they only had 200 years to adapt or they all had leukemia.

Fucking bigots.

32 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[12 May 2005|05:35pm]
Oh, the irony. Our APO softball team faced the scariest team in our league for the first round of play-offs: the College Republicans. It wouldn't be that bad, but our office shares a wall with them. And they are scary. And by scary I mean "OMG are you serious they just said that?" (We can hear them talk through the walls).

My favorite thing about the game: this girl didn't run from second to third on a play, and when the guy on first asked her about it, she's like "I didn't want to run, I'm tired! I just ran all the way to first!"


we lost. :-(
5 swift kicks to the head | kick me

This will probably only make sense to the Eugenians. [12 May 2005|06:49am]
As I was sitting in the theater at the Bijou last night waiting for the fabulous movie that it "Millions" with Eric last night, there was a short film before the showing. About DDR nonetheless. All those little kids in the EMU break that always hog the DDR machine? Yeah, they're in a movie and you aren't. Among them, I saw Mendel and Tater (and by Tater, I mean Tyler).

Oh, and speaking about Tater, I saw Billiam a few days ago, Naima. When he was my RA three years ago, he was dating (or having sex with) this girl. We'll call said girl "Betty." Anyway, so Betty turns out to be an anth major and I have her in all my classes. So every time I see her, I think, "Dude, my RA hit that." So when I saw him the other day, I told him the story of Betty and exactly those words. "Billiam, every time I see her I think 'Dude, my RA hit that.'" He laughed.
9 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[10 May 2005|07:39am]
For [info]ponkie, or anyone who doesn't see me on a regular basis: look at that hair! There's so much of it!

your mom )
43 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[09 May 2005|07:42pm]
A perfectly average day. And when I say "perfect," I mean "perfect." It was nice for a change to have a very dull day after a very entertaining beginning. As I was talking to Annie about it over the free cookies, I realized it's the truth - it was average. After the ups and downs and fallings of this weekend, it was what was needed. And nothing out of the ordinary. And I'm in bed, being happy that I get to see Eric again on Wednesday and glad to know that, even though certain things may suck, it was a great day.

pointless post. Ooooh, almost...

I once saw a truck in coos bay with the phrase 'Osama your mama' spray painted on the side )
21 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[09 May 2005|09:22am]
[ mood | laughing hysterically -quietly ]
[ music | Ben Folds - Rockin' the suburbs ]

As I was walking to work this morning (like ya do), and it was raining in May (like Oregon does), I was walking in back of this girl who had her head smoooshed under an umbrella (I get the impression that she wasn't from Oregon), and her umbrella's holdie thingie released and her umbrella folded in on her head.

20 swift kicks to the head | kick me

I Love Lamp [08 May 2005|05:35pm]
Potluck in the Park today. Craziness ensued due to lack of coordination. All in all, it was good though. Had fun. Good music, good food, and good friends. Fell and hit my friends<-- that's actually funnier than what I really hit. haha. But good times. I hope this isn't the end of it all.

Softball practice yesterday day. I was the only one NOT hung over so those who played outfield performed such verbs as "mosey" and "meander" and "saunter" when completing plays. It made for an interesting practice, considering that there were four of us and three fourths of 'us' compromised fashion.

I got some good news this week - I get to work at work over the summer!! Okay, that sounded stupid. So I have work study. And we were worried that I wasn't gonna be able to work at Student Life over the summer. It turns out that Paul can't work there so whoohoo! Guess who gets to keep her job year round? moi!

GoF trailer = love. And by love I mean excitement by the gallon. *points at icon*

I heart Vince Vaughn.
8 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[07 May 2005|07:54pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Ronald Weasley! I am absolutely disgusted...!" ]

holy deleted expletives. The extended version of CoS on ABC is better than anticipated. But only because Dumbledore just said that he was looking forward to some Custard, something that is neither on the movie or the deleted scenes. Je t'aime.

Note to self: get a life.

17 swift kicks to the head | kick me

piercings spam [06 May 2005|08:18pm]
So, a lot of someones went to go get piercings tonight. I wasn't one of them, as no platelets = no piercings. But I was the historian (successfully delegating the job to those who went into the rooms). Check it out!

I <3 body mod )

going out tonight. Woot!
5 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[05 May 2005|02:51pm]
Oh, and a word to the wise:

Send your mom a damn card already!
15 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[03 May 2005|09:41pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Killers ]

for Brandi

from [info]carrie_di:

1.) The getting-to-know-you question: What would you prefer: an eternal winter where snow never fell on the roads, or an eternal summer with swarms of bugs that never leave?

Does the snow fall not on the roads? I dunno, I like summer alright I guess...I mean, we're two weeks into the warm season and I'm ready for my rain to come back. So really, I'll take the snow. I like snow. I don't like bugs and I don't like being fucking warm - it's like the inferno. So I choose snow. Because you can't make a heat angel but you sure as hell can make a snow angel!

2.) The digging-a-bit-deeper question: What is one of your favorite life memories.

Holy cow woman, make me think, why don't you? I look back on college and only a few people stand out. It's weird. I think testing for my adult black belt at age 16 and breaking a brick with my hand certainly qualifies for an achievement (I'm currently a second degree black belt). But one time I hiked up Spencer's Butte with Andy and that was a lot of fun and the view was really shitty and it rained on us, but that was just fun. I love hiking/rock climbing/biking/outdoorsy stuff - it just makes me feel so alive.

3.) The serious question: Could you ever empathize with Lord Voldemort? Why or why not?

Yes. Because he's just a simple man who, when given an ounce of power, turned it into something extraordinary (I swear, you give boys an inch and they take a mile!!) No really. I think maybe he needed more hugs as a kid or something? He did something so magnificent, he set out to do something, no matter how terrible, and he accomplished it. "There is no good or evil, only power, and those to weak to seek it." Sound familiar?

4.) The, "I'd like to know that about mmmbopthis question: What is your favorite Hanson song and why?

"A minute without you" It makes me happy and reminds me of someone. (BTW, I'm currently wearing the same green hanson shirt that Carrie wore in the first - or was it second? - season episode of "Sex and the City")

5.) The question reserved for a random page from my "Would you rather...?" book: Would you rather have increased charm when on the tundra OR have unquestionable priority when it comes to using mutual armrests in public theaters?

Did you come up with this question? Quite amazing, indeed. I don't really think that I would need to charm permafrost, so I'll go with the unquestionable priority. I like armrests and I like public theaters, and I'm a slytherin, so I like to have unquestionable priority when using said armrests in said public theaters.


That was exausting! Wanna be interviewed? Reply and I'll do the same to you!

Why even update with my life? I think a pretty accurate current description of my life can be found in the book "Gone with the Wind." Check it out.

oh, except for this: My kitten just fell in the toilet. Funny how things that belong to me end up in the toilet, no?

23 swift kicks to the head | kick me

laundry day is the only exciting day in the life of clothes. [02 May 2005|10:22pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Dispatch ]

akdfaer a4br

good. feels better.

Had a fabtabulous afternoon with Jesse [info]pluckmyeyeout! We walked around, hung out, grabbed some beverages (caffeinated or otherwise), and then went out with his brother and his brother's friends to fish and chips.

Oh yes. I ate fish and chips. It was a lot of fun. I'm so lucky to have met him in person! Talk about super weird trying to tell Nate and his friends how Jesse and I met. That's the kind of creepy thing you hear about how other people meet. But it was fun and we had a great afternoon. Thanks for spending your last full day with me jesse!

Otherwise, crazy ass day. Took a few pix on my camera (with film c/o jesse) and those should turn out good. I had a great idea about some film that I developed by never fully made into photos. I was gonna dig those up (they were mostly of the lovely [info]boho_croissant Naima) and I was just gonna scan them and make them all artsy. I couldn't find them though and that makes me sad. So, I scanned in a few and dinked around. Nothing special, just being silly.

You all remember the New Carissa? The tanker that beached itself on the North Spit of Coos Bay about 6 years ago? My father, his girlfriend, Tim [info]northcoastpunk and I were all hanging out on the beach the night it got napalmed. Yes, we're that bright on the coast. So, check it out!

Image hosted by

20 swift kicks to the head | kick me

[01 May 2005|09:27pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | "Pride and Prejudice" ]

so. damn. full.

Celebration of Life. Which would have been a lot more like another funeral for her but the annoying main presenter fucking droned on and on and on and on...dude, I think he could outdo the energizer bunny!! Never, ever, under any circumstances, allow a counsellor/psychologist to be the main presenter at a "Celebration of Life." Not only did he distastefully use the words "death" and "dying" far too much for the general non-psychology public (i.e. those happy "parrots" who like terms such as "moved on" or "passed away"), he also talked waaaay too much and cited such Unity books (okay, some points to him for using Unity Church materials) such as Conversations with God, etc. Freaky new-agey types who talk too much *half-assed points at self*

Suffice to say, I didn't bother crying because I was so annoyed at the longwindedness (is that a word?) of this annoying, overanalyzing prat. I'd hate to see the way he would sort people. OMG. Can't imagine a squib vote (BTW, the harry potter quote was super popular *grins*)

a short story )

*points at icon* my two favorite things: geography and HP jokes.

*points at stupid words in asterik brackets* I'm going nucking futs.

9 swift kicks to the head | kick me

Huh. Must be "LJ-whoring" day [29 Apr 2005|02:51pm]
Poll #484687 Ponderance...
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

How many people would you drop everything in a heartbeat for?

me? Three.
10 swift kicks to the head | kick me

When in doubt, just smile and "arrrgghh!!" [29 Apr 2005|07:05am]
you only WISH you were this cool )

I'm still not quite sure how this whole "pirate" thing arose. I think it happened the weekend we all went to Heidi's for the fall retreat. And like...watched a bunch of movies including pirates (well, POTC and *le sigh* Peter Pan). So it's now an unwritten bylaw that every time someone says "pirate", Dave, Dan, I, and/or anyone else that's nearby has to yell "arggghh!!!" at them and do the hook thingie. *shrugs* I fell asleep during Peter Pan at the retreat.

Softball game was great. Dan showed up, which was super cool, considering he had mentioned on Tuesday that he had had a prayer engagement (I crack myself up). And by "great" I mean that only two members from the other team showed up so we just played an easy game with 6 and 5.

Last night I felt the need to write a super emo post, but the rest of my flist pretty much covered it. So instead, I made some guacamole with cottage cheese and Suz and I pigged out.

And re: my last post: sorry if I horribly offended anyone, well...I tried to equally offend everyone. Did it work? I intentionally didn't mention Black Student Union, UO Hillel, Off-yello (is that right?), Hawaii Club, etc, because those are different from the asshats appreciation club.

Last but certainly not least, GIP!
15 swift kicks to the head | kick me

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