[31 Jan 2009|09:29pm] |
we would like to know a little bit about you for our files...
60 +1
inconsequential peel |
[18 Apr 2005|09:50am] |
good morning, monday. i will be twenty-six by your week's end.
12 +1
[16 Apr 2005|09:49am] |
i see the days of my city bearding its face
two-factor theory |
[14 Apr 2005|03:26am] |
volumetric representation; rotary pursuit; proprioception; orientation invariant; vermis; rerouting; reuptake; vigilance; simultanagnosia; voicing*; verbal auditory agnosia* all appear as innuendo at three-twenty-something am., and i've a neuroscience exam at ten sharp!
*voicing: the timing between the release of air for a stop consonant and the vibration of the vocal cords. when a sound is voiced, the release of air and vocal cord vibration coincide, whereas when a sound is unvoiced, the vocal cords don't begin to vibrate until after the release. verbal auditory agnosia: an auditory agnosia in which words cannot be understood but the ability to attach meaning to nonverbal sounds is intact. it is sometimes called pure word deafness.
[12 Apr 2005|01:56pm] |
[ |
mood |
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(divided consciousness) |
] |
obscene as cancer bitter as the cud of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues
2 +1
[05 Apr 2005|04:38pm] |
only because i would love to know what you're reading right now:
*please take your nearest book;
*open to page twenty-three;
*find the fifth sentence;
*& post the text.
'ten o'clock,' she remarked, apparently finding the time on the ceiling. - f.scott fitzgerald the great gatsby
(via. miss threne)
19 +1
[05 Apr 2005|12:28pm] |
[ |
mood |
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new york! new york! |
] |
feeling appreciably normal.
[31 Mar 2005|02:11pm] |
1 +1
[19 Mar 2005|01:36pm] |
what a pretty way to put something simply awful: misfortune.
[14 Mar 2005|08:04pm] |
[ |
mood |
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peppered with imperfections |
] |
7 +1
[09 Mar 2005|08:40am] |
[ |
mood |
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drop dead, fred |
] |
[06 Mar 2005|08:28pm] |
[ |
mood |
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(can't stand the heat) |
] |
getting out of the kitchen. thank you!
[05 Mar 2005|05:34pm] |
[ |
mood |
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riddle me this, riddle me that |
] |
[24 Feb 2005|04:37pm] |
i have fifty gmail invitations.
8 +1
[23 Feb 2005|09:56am] |
how lovelily the wall how lovelily of the wall and we do not necessarily hesitate he did not, he found it thin.
2 +1
[29 Jan 2005|09:33am] |
[ |
mood |
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nip it in the bud |
] |
but you, my dear, are a liar pushing junk.
1 +1
[24 Jan 2005|12:43pm] |
i'm collecting numbers of noses i'd like to black and blue!
7 +1
[22 Jan 2005|06:19pm] |
[ |
mood |
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gradually, and suddenly. |
] |
[08 Jan 2005|01:56pm] |
& miss s., oh dear, i have forgotten! please post where here. i will screen all comments.
3 +1