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Below is information about the "Aurora Chasers" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:aurora_chasers (4611095) aurora_chasers
Name:Aurora Chasers
Website:Daily Aurora Prediction
About:Did you know every year auroras are seen as far South as California? Did you know where it's dark enough to see the milky way, it's dark enough to see an aurora?

This community is for those crazy souls who stand outside in the wilderness in the dark of night clutching their cameras, maps, satellite photos and binoculars, hoping to see curtains of green fire dance across the sky.

Feel free to ask questions, offer information, or describe your aurora-chasing adventures. Please place any large photos behind a cut tag.

If you are serious about catching an aurora, you should also sign up for the mailing list at

This community has just been founded; hopefully as time goes on we can get an FAQ and some online resources listed under memories.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:22: arctic circle, aurora, aurora borealis, aurorae, auroras, coronal mass ejection, dark places, driving to alaska, fire in the sky, geomagnetic storms, interplanetary magnetic field, ionosphere, ions, light, light pollution, luck, magnetic poles, magnetosphere, north, quests, solar flares, solar wind. [Modify yours]
Members:29: ahtei_eneogei, aldente, ashley_y, cdozo, corivax, cow, czecherz, dianthus, eneogei, erislitai, euro_in_america, gothicnatureboy, hollyking, jadine, kerrizor, mandil, mmmonica, moniska, muca, oinverted_world, punkjay333, sea_gaagii, silenceleigh, smurfette1169, spillthemoment, tylik, violalee, vixyish, vulture23
Watched by:37: ahtei_eneogei, aldente, anansi133, ashley_y, corivax, cow, czecherz, datavore, dianthus, eneogei, erislitai, euro_in_america, fontainebleau, gfish, gothicnatureboy, hollyking, irgth, jadine, kerrizor, kingchiron, mandil, moniska, muca, norae, pauldf, punkjay333, qazwsxmko, sea_gaagii, silenceleigh, sistawendy, smurfette1169, spillthemoment, troglodyteking, tylik, violalee, vixyish, vulture23
Account type:Free Account

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