A Little Too Kickass ([info]wordweaverlynn) wrote,
@ 2005-02-04 03:04:00
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The Moral High Ground
[info]wild_irises said some time ago: Israel has clearly lost, by the whole Palestinian thing, a huge portion of the moral high ground handed to Jews-in-general by the Nazis.

This statement is, to me, one key to the problems of identity politics, not to mention the psychology of abuse.

In my opinion, nobody gets the moral high ground based on anything but how they’re behaving now. It’s based on what you actually do, not who you think you are and not what was done to you. Neither heroism nor victimhood is an entitlement, much less an excuse.

I hereby declare a moratorium on using victimhood as a deed to the moral high ground.

Victimhood—now or in the past, direct or indirect, whether determined by chance, genetics, race, creed, color, social status, economic status, age, shape, size, gender, sexual preference, accent, disability, personal achievement, birth order, irrational dislike, or anything else—is not a free pass marked "Get out of Guilt Free." It does not grant you permanent immunity from responsibility for your actions, nor can you hand down such immunity to your great-grandchildren or to people who share similar culture or genetics. It does not justify your use of unfair or cruel tactics in self-defense. It does not automatically award you the coveted Halo of Martyrdom—a razor-edged circle that, when thrown like a Frisbee, can decapitate your enemies. (In self-defense.)

This goes in personal relationships as well. I know the psychology of abusers. I know how it feels to say, “They made me do it to them.” I understand violence—physical and emotional and even financial—done in self-defense. And it’s wrong.

I also declare a permanent ban on claiming heroism or good-guy status as an excuse for behavior that would shame a wolverine.

That means the United States cannot decide that since we rode to the rescue of Europe in 1917 and 1941, anything we do now (or did then) is automatically virtuous. The firebombing of Dresden was an atrocity. We did it. It would be wrong no matter who did it, and pretending that our status as world heroes makes it acceptable is contemptible. The same kind of thinking made the Glen Ridge high school football stars think it was fine to rape a mentally retarded girl while their teammates looked on. They were heroes, and heroes are allowed.

We cannot whine that Hitler was worse, or that the Soviets cold-bloodedly murdered 15,000 to 25,000 Polish officers at Katyn Forest and two other sites. Moral responsibility is not a zero-sum game. There is plenty of it to go around.

Self-proclaimed heroism is just as dangerous as being a victim.

Hitler could argue that he was just trying to defend and protect Germany, which had been shamefully treated by the Treaty of Versailles. Stalin could argue that he was trying to build a new society free of the brutal oppression that characterized life under the Romanov czars. Nicholas could argue that he was just doing what he thought was best for his country, that the peasants were like children who needed a firm hand, and that he and his family lived relatively simple lives. The French aristos could argue that they were just having fun. They gave to charity and went to church. Was it their fault that the peasants were filthy and starving, that a few rogue aristos killed the peasants for sport? And Robespierre could argue that he had to build a new France, that the purity of his goals justified Madame Guillotine.

In justifying atrocity, victimhood and heroism tend to work together. Much of current US foreign and domestic policy is based on a revolting mixture of the two. As victims of a dreadful attack, we behave as if we’re justified in violating the basic tenets of the Constitution we are supposed to be defending. And as heroes and good guys, we invaded Iraq—not even questioning the effect of what we’re doing.

From the days of the Revolution, the United States have always defined ourselves as the good guys. We the people started out doing something unprecedented, and, yes, laudable in idea if not in practice. (I revere our Constitution as much as anyone, but the line about slaves being counted as 3/5 of a human being makes me sick.) But instead of using that sense of righteousness as a yardstick to measure our actions, we have all too often used it as a way to justify violence, oppression, and naked greed. And these days, torture.

It all boils down to individual responsibility of a very specific kind. Each person is responsible for the damage they do directly or enable to be done indirectly—both for kicking the cat and for buying clothes made by slave labor.

We have to stop pluming ourselves on who we are, and start looking at what we are doing.

(cross-posted in slightly different form to UnNatural History)

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2005-02-04 11:08 (link)
May I quote you entire in my journal? I'm so tired of victimhood being used as an excuse for bad behavior and inaction, by nations, ethnic groups and individuals.

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2005-02-05 09:03 (link)
Please don't. I'd rather that you posted a link, so people can see it within its original context.

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2005-02-04 11:49 (link)
Nicely put. The perpetuation of victimhood in modern Jewish culture is one of my biggest beefs.

Will link to this later. Thought you'd like to know. :-)

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2005-02-04 15:07 (link)
The perpetuation of victimhood in modern Jewish culture is one of my biggest beefs.

Mine too. It's very high on the list of reasons why I abandoned, not only the Hebrew faith but the entirety of Jewish culture.

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2005-02-04 15:23 (link)
I had walked away, but since getting married I've found it holds more appeal. My wife has a strong connection to Judaism, so perhaps it's rubbing off on me.

The rabbi who married us asked me prior to the wedding why I had abandoned the religion. I explained that there were many rituals I found appealing, but after multiple, very negative experiences within my Jewish community as a child and teen, I felt it wasn't for me. His response made me laugh, but I think it contains quite a bit of truth: "We rabbis have a saying: "Judaism would be wonderful if it weren't for all the Jews."

Love your icon, by the way. :)

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2005-02-04 16:29 (link)
I have mixed feelings about this. I think that an awareness of having been a victim, either individually or culturally, can be either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on where it leads. The "never again" mantra, and that little "they came for the X and I was not an X" thing that get repeated can be an awfully good thing, for two reasons. First, they do encourage standing up for ones self/culture against bullies, and second, they encourage standing up for others.

I suspect that it becomes a problem when the identification turns into a sense of "it's me/us versus the world", or when the questions "why a victim, and what can be done about it?" stop getting asked.

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2005-02-04 16:45 (link)
Oh, definitely. I'm not denying that there are important lessons to be learned from the past, but the cultural message that I hear repeated is more along the lines of "Everyone is out to get us," and "Trust no one," rather than, as you say "What can we do to halt a pattern of victimization."

Unfortunately, I think the former is a rather defeatist attitude that has become intrinsic. Understandable, but unfortunate.

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2005-02-04 18:01 (link)
That is unfortunate. It's also not my experience, though I'm quite certain that my experience was atypical.

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2005-02-04 18:49 (link)
I've met a lot of Jews who did have some touch of that universal, ethnic fear you describe, though none of my Jewish heritage taught it to me. Perhaps this sounds odd, but....though I don't support all of the /outcomes/ of that attitude, and am largely in agreement with WordWeaver's post as well as much that has been written in reply, I'm willing to honor the culture of uncertainty and caution that is part of the Jewish ethnic heritage--because it is thousands of years in the making. I think it would be a horrible mistake to ascribe it to the Holocaust. It is woven into the earliest stories of the Hebrews that their race and their faith have put them in the minority, and often a despised minority. Only in the skim off the surface of history that is the past hundred years or so has that begun to fade - and it still isn't gone. These days, people shape their hatred or contempt with swastikas, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't around before the Nazis - even as the swastika itself was.

A history of persecution does /not/ bestow a moral high ground. And I have not personally found much good to come of making an identity out of victimhood. But that's my conclusion, and I'm not going to impose it onn anyone else. That identity, along with many other customs, rituals, rules, songs, and stories provided by the priesthood, helped keep the Hebrews from being assimilated and thus destroyed during their exile in Babylon. Maybe there were other identities that would have worked as well and been a less ambivalent source of strength and unity, but that's the way it happened, and there's little to be gained from second-guessing history.

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2005-02-05 09:25 (link)
I suspect that it becomes a problem when the identification turns into a sense of "it's me/us versus the world", or when the questions "why a victim, and what can be done about it?" stop getting asked.

Excellent points.

I am all in favor of recognizing that one has been victimized. I've written here and elsewhere about the damage done to me by my incredibly abusive and neglectful parents. It was essential to me to see that I *had* been victimized. But I also needed to learn that it didn't mean I was incapable of victimizing others.

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2005-02-05 09:04 (link)
Thanks. I'm honored.

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2005-02-04 11:56 (link)
Brilliantly written - your position echos mine. Our moral fiber is to a certain extent the result of what society and our ancestors made it; but what we're ultimately responsible for is how we as individuals behave towards our fellow person. The Bible sums it up in one sentence: "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." There is no mention of filtering your behavior through the screens of ethnicity or culture.

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2005-02-04 12:50 (link)
*hugs hard* Beautifully written, babe. Have you considered sending this to our president and/or congress?

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2005-02-05 09:06 (link)
It never even occurred to me. When I mentioned the idea to your sister, she said, "It might be a good idea. But does it have any big words?"

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2005-02-04 13:55 (link)

Except... when has kicking a cat ever been a bad thing? *hides*

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2005-02-04 15:08 (link)


She's over there!

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2005-02-04 15:47 (link)

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2005-02-04 15:43 (link)
Verrry nicely done, Lynn. Have as many allergen-free and calorie-free yet remarkably tasty cookies as you want.

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2005-02-04 15:59 (link)
Wonderful. Thank you.

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2005-02-04 16:26 (link)
Nicely put. But it begs the questions: what, then, does constitute a deed to the moral high ground? Which actions are good enough, and which aren't? How much do past actions matter? What about intent?

I'm not saying I disagree with what you've written (I don't). It's just that I usually regard with a certain cynicism anyone who tries to lay claim to the moral high ground, mostly because people tend to use it as an excuse for fuzzy thinking and imperious action. So I'm curious how that would change if it were based on action.

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2005-02-04 20:48 (link)
I don't think there is a deed to the moral high ground; nobody owns it and gets to stay there because they own it. The people who try to do that are pulling a snow game.

I tend towards the feeling that someone who points out explicitly that they're standing on the high ground has just slipped off. It's something I suspect can only be held and affirmed by recognition, not declaration -- and when the subject changes, so, likely, does the terrain.

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2005-02-05 09:08 (link)
I share your cynicism. I think there is no deed to the moral high ground. But believing or pretending you have one is the fastest way to end up waist-deep in the Big Muddy.

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2005-02-04 16:35 (link)
I've certainly argued this, myself, before; and heard or read others' similar arguments.

But you've done it so much better. :-) I like this. Thanks.

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2005-02-04 17:42 (link)
Echoing the praise of others for your piece, I also find myself unsure whether you are agreeing or disagreeing with my initial point.

Like [info]eciklb, I believe that there are useful things that can be learned from the experience of being a victim. I believe, in fact, that there are useful things that can be learned from any experience one survives. (Please, please, please do NOT interpret what I just said as saying that being treated as a victim is a good thing.)

The most important thing I've ever learned about victimhood is something a friend of mine said many years ago: "Suffering does not ennoble." We have a tendency to expect that people or groups who have been misused will develop some kind of extraordinary empathy for the mis-used. (I think that among other things, this is the Victorian myth of the sainted dying child surfacing in our psyches.) Somehow, we expect the Jews who survived the concentration camps to be more attuned to the suffering of others. Similarly, we expect adults who were abused as children to be deeply protective of their own offspring, as well as of children around them.

The facts don't bear this out. While good things can be learned from the experience of being a victim (see above), the default state is that what is learned is helplessness and (surprise!) victimization. And a great deal of violence and terror is perceived by the perpetrator as protecting zirself against intimidation and victimization.

Again, I completely agree with you that this is not an excuse. It is, however, a fact, and must be wrestled with. To me, the overwhelming question is: what separates victims who transcend the urge to become victimizers from the ones who become victimizers? How can we nurture and encourage and support the tendency to the former, while respecting and appreciating the tendency to the latter?

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2005-02-04 18:05 (link)
*That's* exactly it. Thanks for posing the question that's been murky in my head so clearly.

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2005-02-05 09:11 (link)
I agree that the behavior of Israel toward the Palestinians is wrong. I also think the Palestinians are wrong in their tactics.

To me, the overwhelming question is: what separates victims who transcend the urge to become victimizers from the ones who become victimizers? How can we nurture and encourage and support the tendency to the former, while respecting and appreciating the tendency to the latter?

As you so often do, you've pinpointed the crux of the matter. That's another essay for another night. Believe me, I will answer that question if I can. For myself, if not for everyone else.

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2005-02-04 17:58 (link)
I have been working on a similar treatise with a much different approach .. of course any such stand as this can bring with it the labels and the looks .. I often feel overwhelmed by the generational/racial guilt that pervades our lives, and of course any protest can turn the pack in your direction .. thank you for stating this much better than I have been able

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Small Correction
2005-02-04 18:08 (link)
The firebombing of Dresden was an atrocity. We did it.

The firebombing of Dresden was ordered by Air Marshall Arthur Harris, head of the British RAF's Bomber Command, and carried out by RAF aircraft. American aircraft only participated in follow-up raids. (Harris developed his terror-bombing tactics in, of all places, Iraq.)

There's plenty of guilt to go around for the Americans to get our share. The Tokyo firebombing was quite bad enough, with Nagasaki and Hiroshima having to take second and third place (with dozens of other Japanese cities destroyed as also-rans).

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Re: Small Correction
2005-02-05 09:27 (link)
Thanks. When I first worked on this essay, months ago, I did some googling to doublecheck the facts, and was scared witless by the Dresden stuff. Apparently it's a big issue among the Neonazis.

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2005-02-04 19:01 (link)
The first part of this caught me off guard and made me rueful, because I took it personally instead of politically.

Through my childhood and teens, even, I think, into my twenties, I deeply believed that victims were good people, that being a victim was a guarantee of being in the right. It was a very weird and warped mind-set which fed on the books I read - sort of a post hoc ergo propter hoc argument, a false syllogism:

Good guys are always victimized
X has been victimized
Therefore, X is a good guy.

I learned how to take apart false syllogisms in high school...but I didn't learn how to take apart that particular ingrained belief until much later.

When I've tried to look at it, in retrospect, I think my belief was that if I could only be /acknowledged/ to have been hurt, then I would be automatically in the right...if I suffered /enough/ then I would be worthy of rescue. Another false syllogism: People who suffer are rescued and protected. I am not rescued and protected. Therefore, I must not have suffered enough.

Oddly, it's Christianity that has evolved the worship for and inherent goodness of suffering. In any case, it's a mind-set that reaches far, far beyond any one political conflict. I like to believe that there are many cultures in which this would be bizarre, in which we would need to unpack this, not in order to perceive our assumptions and knee-jerk reactions, but for it to make any sense at all.

Maybe we can take part in creating one.

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2005-02-05 18:24 (link)
Thank you for writing this. It set down in words some things I've been trying to sort out.

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2005-02-04 19:29 (link)
As they used to say in the playground when one child said, as an excuse for hitting the other child, 'they hit me first!': two wrongs don't make a right. Very good post, which I've kept coming back to all day.

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2005-02-04 19:32 (link)
And if you haven't read it already: much of Rebecca West's Black Lamb and Grey Falcon is an extended meditation on these issues, in the context of what was then Yugoslavia against the backdrop of Europe in the 1930s and all that implies. A wonderful, wonderful book.

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2005-02-04 19:30 (link)
Very well said.

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2005-02-04 19:53 (link)
Well-put. Memoried. Thank you.

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2005-02-04 19:59 (link)
Thank you for this post. I wish I had something more to say but, frankly, you and the other commenters have said all I could say. Hope you don't mind but I linked to it in my own journal,

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2005-02-04 20:52 (link)
Every time I hear someone use the "I'm a victim, I'm allowed" argument, my blood boils. It's schoolyard logic.

"Why did you hit Johnny?" "Because Roger hit me."

"Why did you hit Johnny?" "Eddy stole some cookies!"

On the small scale, it's just an example of how an immature mind seeks to deflect blame instead of accepting responsibility. In a punishment-obsessed world where the only method of crime prevention is making an example of offenders, it's not surprising this kind of mentality should arise.

Mind if I link to you? I think a lot of people need to see this.

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2005-02-05 09:39 (link)
Please feel free to link to it.

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2005-02-04 21:37 (link)
I really like what you wrote here, except one phrase bothers me somewhat: I understand violence—physical and emotional and even financial—done in self-defense. And it’s wrong. Do you feel that self-defense is wrong?

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2005-02-05 18:59 (link)
I can't say what she'll think, but this is what I think:

no, self-defense is not wrong. Violence is wrong, when done for any reason. I will use every non-violent method of self-defense that I can. But if I must use violence to defend myself, I will do so, knowing full well that it is wrong, and that it is hurting a part of me to hurt someone else.

But when it comes down to it, I won't be someone's doormat.

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Re: The Moral High Ground
2005-02-04 22:17 (link)
well said, and i wholeheartedly agree with almost all of it.

except for this:

I understand violence—physical and emotional and even financial—done in self-defense. And it’s wrong.

i think violence in the cause of direct self-defense is ethically acceptable. eg. if somebody attacked me physically, i would feel justified to hurt, main, or even kill the person. i don't think of that as the moral high ground, and it's not license for wholesale revenge at a later point, but anyone who tries to hurt me loses the right to my consideration at that moment, and we're in a primal place where different rules apply.

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2005-02-05 10:00 (link)
I completely agree with you actually.

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2005-02-05 10:02 (link)
I would argue that self-defense is justifiable, but it is still morally wrong. SOmething can be legitmately unjustifiable and immoral. See my increasing calculus towards violence for how I came to this conclusion (my posts in early january.)

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2005-02-05 19:00 (link)
Like I've been saying:

things happen to us that make things easier or harder, but in the end, we've all got to play the hand that we were dealt.

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the good guys?
2005-02-09 04:01 (link)
From the days of the Revolution, the United States have always defined ourselves as the good guys.

Kind of ignores the indigenous population, who were eventually driven onto reservations (permanent refugee camps, or like Apartheid) and given infectious blankets (germ warfare). No moral high ground there. Nations act in the self-interests of the people in charge. And those self-interests frequently are not enlightened.

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Re: the good guys?
2005-02-09 06:17 (link)
Well, exactly. We *define ourselves* as the good guys. So anything we do must be right. We rename genocide "Manifest Destiny."

But it's still genocide.

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