Yet Another "why" Question (YAWQ) |
[04 Apr 2005|10:37pm] |
In re another user having trouble with multidelete (g/unk). I was about 99% sure that the user had not actually followed the instructions in the FAQ, but they just said, flat out, after receiving a FAQ reference, that they had. Is it appropriate in this case to say "no, I really meant it, please do this one specific thing"? (I was taking the question-asking approach in my unapproved answer, in the hopes that they would realize there was something they hadn't tried yet, so I wouldn't have to explicitly say "No, you didn't. Really, you need to try it out. I swear it works.").
(g/unk) Typical "why wasn't I accepted" question... |
[04 Apr 2005|07:44pm] |
So what did I do wrong here?
Help on standard information |
[02 Apr 2005|04:50pm] |
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Hello there. I hope I am allowed to post this question here, under whatever regulations this community has. I'd like to get better at support requests...since I know a whole lot about LiveJournal after having one for a year and a half. I asked this question to a fellow supporter, it0376, and she referred me here. These were my original questions:
I've posted some replies to the issues people have been having, and they have been solid, correct answers, but I never get any credit! I know you have to wait about a week for the question to close, but how do I get credit? I've just answered two questions in which I'm sure I should get 2 support points for, but how do I know when my help gets counted? Does the person have to click a link that says, "Yes, this user's answer has resolved my problem," or something? Also, are they showing up screened for me at first because I am not a senior support person on LiveJournal, and my answers need to be screened at first?
A prime example is this: I gave literally the SAME answer you it0376 did, but will I get ANY credit at all, or will you get the credit? When? How? PLEASE help me out here..since I doubt asking a question in the Support board would help.
[Original comments at].
So, as my plea for help asks, any imput on help? I know the memories might have something about this in them, but I first off don't know which ones in particular, and secondly, it would be nice for a customized explanation...if necessary.
read the FAQ! |
[30 Mar 2005|08:05am] |
Support volunteers are always muttering "read the FAQ. read it," to themselves - at users. If more users read the FAQs, we could all be spared a lot of trouble. But it is also important for support volunteers to read them.
As a general rule, you should not reference a FAQ that you have not never read. Lately I've been seeing a lot of "the referenced FAQ explains why..." or "the referenced FAQ contains a link to..." or "the referenced FAQ explains how to..." when the promised information is not actually in there.
Some FAQs that say "how do I do foo?" don't actually explain how to do foo, but actually explain that foo can't be done. Some FAQs that say "why is this thing broken?" are not troubleshooting FAQs, but instead explain that what appears to be broken is intended behavior. You don't have to have a FAQ memorized, and if it gets technical you don't have to completely understand it, but you should have read through it at some point, and you should be generally familiar with it, enough to know whether it actually says whatever you're claiming it says. Making assumptions about the contents of a FAQ on the basis of its title leads to incorrect knowledge about what users can and can not do, as well as to incorrect answers.
FAQs are your friend. Read them read them read them. reread them.
If you find yourself referencing a FAQ and you have never read it before, read it before submitting. If you don't remember its contents for sure, refresh your memory.
FAQ changes FAQs change. They get rewritten. Information gets added to or removed from them. They get combined with each other, or split into multiple FAQs. When this happens, you need to know about it, because it could mean that whatever you think is in the FAQ is no longer there.
There are many good reasons for you to watch lj_support, whatever your priv level. One of these is that the FAQ changes that most bring to bear on support are announced there. To be informed of all FAQ changes, you can watch lj_userdoc.
on HowTo docs and changes thereto
The usual! (Web Interfaces) |
[27 Mar 2005|12:20am] |
The usual "Why Wasn't I" questions. I'm definatley looking at getting into this more. Some help & tips would be more than appreciated!
Here's the requests:
Both revolving around the same issue. I was the first one that replied, just curious as it was not approved?
Thanks in advance for anyone who comments!
Edit: My apologies in advance, just getting into this more, and didn't know about the priv's & catagories. taking note for future posts & references =)
Questions about my answers |
[27 Mar 2005|07:35pm] |
**Editted to Include Links**
I posted several answers that were not approved. I would like to learn why so that I may improve in the future.
( Question 1: Style Systems Category )
( Question 2: General/Unknown Category )
( Question 3: General/Unknown Category )
Additionally, one answer I left was before the user had validated their email address, so that bit about validation was in my answer. But it was not approved, and an answer that didn't mention validation was. Was this only because the user had since validated their address, so that bit of my answer was not needed? Or would my answer have still been approved in this case and so something else was wrong with it?
Well, I think that's enough for today. Thank you. ^_^
Time zone questions and miscellaneous |
[26 Mar 2005|10:44am] |
Seem to be an awful lot of time zone questions recently. Is that just coincidental, or is there a larger issue at work here?
Also: while trying to figure out if this is a known issue, checked support page, front page, lj_support community, support "known issues" box, this community, Zilla, and support lounge just to be safe. Are there other places I should be looking to find out about known issues?
Lastly: when referring a user to a specified section in a FAQ, should I use all caps, since that's what the section headers actually are printed as? I don't generally like to use all-cap text (particularly not when doing tech support), but on the other hand there's an accuracy issue there.
A "Why wasnt my answer choosen"? Advice? |
[25 Mar 2005|05:07pm] |
I was wondering on idea as to why my answer wasn't choosen for this request...mostly I guess I wanted to ask about the answer.
I was under the impression that we should try not to quote the FAQ but leave it as a reference and explain why we left it, so users will READ the FAQ? or was I incorrect in interperting the support guidelines that way?
[25 Mar 2005|03:06am] |
Hi, my name is Kristie.
Just posting to say that I am back again =) (A lot of crazy things happened and unfortunately support got jumbled up in the mess of things I lost). Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. ^^ Whoo. Go Styles.
Newbie's first "answered" on support! |
[24 Mar 2005|01:03pm] |
I got my first "answered" the other day. :)
I have a few others now as well, but I wanted to share the first with all of you.
434054 in the communities category
A quick reminder - Switching style systems FAQ 168 vs 173. |
[23 Mar 2005|06:06pm] |
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This applies to styles, obviously ;)
Just a quicky reminder. When telling people that if they want to do something which requires switching style systems, please point them to FAQ 168 rather than FAQ 173.
FAQ 173 (What is the difference between S1 and S2? Which should I use?) is literally for those who want to know what style system to use. Since we've already told them "you need to use FOO" then they don't need this information. The information they *do* need is in 168.
168 is linked from 173, but 173 is full of information that will generally confuse them. Just stick to giving them 168 so they can actually make the change.
Any questions? Ask away via the usual methods (comment or email) thanks :)
Questions |
[22 Mar 2005|08:25pm] |
Hi. Like a lot of folks lately, I'm new here. And still a bit confused about why I'm doing this. :)
So far it's been pretty clear why answers that haven't been approved haven't been approved, but there were a couple I was curious about.
( The details. )
General questions:
Is it possible to change the icon used when posting answers to support requests? I was thinking about making one specifically for this purpose. (And I can imagine this has come up before, since I know some other folks have default icons which would be, er, less than great for support.)
Should I be keeping bookmarks of my tickets in anticipation of a future review? The docs suggested using the specific-category answered search, but it seems as if requests periodically drop off of that and there might be one or two specific ones I'd like to ask about if I ever get to that stage.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Just a small question. |
[22 Mar 2005|10:09pm] |
I've recently started helpign out around the Support board.
So far I'd say very little of my answers have been accepted. But alas, I have reviewed them and figured out why they were not accepted. (For example, signing the replys with - Piers or Hope that helps.)
Anyway, I've started getting a little agrivated with some of the older Support Volunteers who seem to simply ignore any above answer, and simply reword the near-perfect replys above!
The request which made me post this thread is:
Any reasons to why mine has not been accepted?
Thanks for taking a look (If you do...)
[22 Mar 2005|11:31am] |
Hello everyone. My name's Valerie, but everyone around LJ calls me Vallie. I'm a paid user who's been around since Mid-2001. I just learned that people can volunteer to help with support. I love LJ and I've done pretty well with helping out friends figure out minor problems, and I work technical assistance as a career over the telephone. I'd love to help out my fellow members in lj-support. :)
I'm still reading over the documentation, but I wanted to come in and say hello.
gunk question |
[21 Mar 2005|10:19pm] |
hello! yes, it's me again, sorry.
just curious about why my answer was passed over in this request...
communities question... |
[20 Mar 2005|02:29pm] |
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not sure if this would be the place to post this, but i had a question about the following request.
when i worked on this request, i had no idea that it was going to become something that required privs to view. is there a way that i could have spotted that, so i wouldn't have worked on it.
also, was something wrong with my answer? i thought i answered him in a direct way and i was wondering if there was just something that i didn't pick up on, that i may be able to spot in the future.
i'm not sure we're supposed to ask about requests we don't have privs to view here, so i apologize if this is the wrong spot. if it is, is there somewhere else i can direct future inquiries? should i have emailed it, as if i was getting a review?
thanks in advance.
styles question |
[20 Mar 2005|04:27pm] |
i have a question about this request. the only difference i can see between my answer and the approved answer is that the approved answer mentions remote loading. i used to do this, but i thought that the policy had changed to make the remote loading FAQ not a requirement. looking back at the post in question, though, it seems like this only applies to gunk questions, and styles answers should still include the remote loading FAQ. is this correct?