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Small suggestion for FAQ 61 [Feb. 6th, 2005|05:05 pm]

FAQ 61 - What is LiveJournal's Friends System and how do I use it to keep the mean bad people away?

In the Web Interface section, it mentions how to assign colors to friends as you add them. But this is also the way to edit the colors for Friends you already have defined. It's unlcear for many people that you can use/re-use this form as needed to alter the colors without needing to delete your friends and re-add them. Meaning, the wording of the FAQ implies these color-fields can only be used when literally *adding* a friend.

I'd suggest the following edits in the one paragraph (italicized):

"Finally, there is a text area where you can enter up to five usernames to add to your Friends list, and select foreground and background colors for them. You can also use this area to alter the colors for your existing friends. Simply enter their username again in this area and select the desired colors. After you have made all the changes you wish to make, you need to select "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page."

(and before I forget, I think there's a little 'a' missing at the beginning of that sentence -- underlined in my example text there.)

Wording is just a suggestion of course, but I think it would help quite a bit to spell it out that it works for existing Friends as well.

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[memories] Multi-delete and deleting references to deleted posts [Feb. 5th, 2005|08:35 am]

There have been a lot of requests in the past week or two about deleting memories references to deleted entries. Memories: FAQ 47 does have information on multi-delete, which is the only method at the moment. However, people seem to be overlooking multidelete, as it's's buried in the Deleting Memories section after the normal editing method for deleting memories and it doesn't specifically mention that it can be used for that.

So this section should be changed to stand out more and specify that it can be used for this purpose. If not sectionalized, another phrase or sentence should be added to emphasize multidelete's usefulness.

Edit: [info]isabeau had the same idea about separation and emphasis, but I really think this section would benefit from a separate section header.

This request states that editing the memory once worked. Anyone know whether that was true once, and if so, why it changed?

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Why does LJ display incorreclty in my browser? [Feb. 5th, 2005|01:41 pm]


One thing that would be cool to add to this, under "why isn't a submit entry button showing" thing that if you're editing an entry and the entry contained a really really long string of characters, like an ellipsis with 25234532 dots, that you may have to side scroll a bit to find the submit entry button.
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Update to FAQ 47 (site nav features) [Feb. 4th, 2005|04:48 pm]

FAQ 47 (the Memories FAQ) has information about deleting memories, but it doesn't mention what happens when you try to delete a memory that leads to a deleted entry. At least judging from support requests, there are people that try the standard "edit memory to erase the description" method, get an error, and get confused.

I'd like to suggest that something like the following be added as a separate paragraph at the end of the DELETING MEMORIES section:

If the memory points to a deleted entry, or to an entry in a deleted journal, you will need to use the multidelete method to delete the memory. Memories of deleted entries cannot be edited.
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New FAQ! [Feb. 4th, 2005|10:08 pm]

[music |Queen - Breakthru]

As previously discussed we now have a new FAQ (#218) which is about using the blogger and atom client APIs. Enjoy. Or something.

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[accounts] Outdated FAQ title in further reading of FAQ 19 [Feb. 4th, 2005|03:29 pm]


The "Further Reading" section of FAQ 19 refers to FAQ 11as "How do I get validated? It says I'm currently not validated!". However, the title of that FAQ is now "How do I validate my e-mail address?".

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PhonePost page [Feb. 2nd, 2005|11:55 pm]


On the above page, Post by Phone is called a "new" service. When does something stop being "new"?

Also, perhaps this page could benefit from mentioning that it's a paid account feature?

(My apologies if this would be better placed elsewhere; it seems to fit here best.)
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New FAQ: 217 [Jan. 31st, 2005|04:49 pm]

There's a new category ("ScrapBook") and one FAQ in it, #217. I added it (after briefly chatting with Denise and Jesse) because I don't think the information about how a paid account's ScrapBook access degrades over time is available anywhere else.

So there it is. Feel free to improve on it. You don't have to ask me, either -- I just wanted to have the basic information there and have no attachment to the FAQ going forward.

Thanks much!
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FAQ proposal -- friends notifications [Jan. 29th, 2005|06:13 pm]

I wanted to do this because people seem to ask it a lot, and because (from a support admin perspective) I want to get it away from evil clients-syn hybrid monster things into "hi please see this nice shiny FAQ" things. So.

This is a (rather rough) draft only. Commennts or corrections more than welcome. Expansion also welcome; it's kind of short.

ETA: Edited to incorporate suggestions (as of feb 4). Was going to add information about ?mode=live, but that doesn't seem to be working for me. *eyes it suspiciously* maybe because I'm using a custom s2 style, dunno.

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Drop-down pop-up menu box! [Jan. 29th, 2005|03:23 am]

A recent and slightly heated discussion in #lj_da prompted me to conduct a poll in the [info]macosx community. If you haven't already done so, go fill it out, then read on... )
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[paidaccounts] FAQ #131 -- Friends of friends link [Jan. 28th, 2005|01:27 pm]

FAQ #131 currently contains this text, without explanation that 'exampleusername' must be replaced by the user's own username.

* Access to your Friends of Friends list (

I think it needs spelling out more, as it's not uncommon for people to post support requests asking why their friendsfriends page isn't working. Something like this, maybe? (Though worded better, please :))

* Access to your Friends of Friends list, which you can reach by replacing 'exampleusername' in this link with your own username:

I could swear this has been brought up before, so there may be some unknown-to-me yet very good reason why no rephrasing of this kind has happened.
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[syn] Why might a syndicated account not work? [Jan. 25th, 2005|12:00 am]

More FAQ!spam from me. This time, it's a complete rewrite of FAQ 151 (Why might a syndicated account not work?) to try to make it not suck. If anyone can think of any common reasons that I've missed out then please holler. Similarly, if anyone feels like doing a spot of code diving to retrieve the exact error messages that we throw in all these cases (well, all the ones that actually give error messages) then that would be fantastic.

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[comments] Proposed addition to FAQ 20 [Jan. 24th, 2005|11:52 am]

FAQ 121 (Can I ban someone from reading my journal?) explains why you can't ban someone from reading your journal by IP address, but as far as I can tell there isn't a FAQ that explains why you can't ban someone from commenting by IP address.

I'd like to propose adding a similar explanation to the end of the first paragraph of FAQ 20 (How do I ban/unban a user from commenting in my journal), something like:

It is not possible to ban someone from posting anonymous comments by IP address. If you could ban someone from commenting by IP address, you would end up banning other people too, and the person you wanted to ban could still post anonymous comments from a computer that connects to the internet differently.

If someone else has better wording or better idea for where this should go, that's great. I just think there should be an explanation of this somewhere, since it's something we get asked in Support a lot.
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FYI: updated FAQ 119 [Jan. 23rd, 2005|08:22 pm]

[mood | mellow]

FAQ 119 ("How do I edit or delete an entry in a community?") had a misleading line that basically implied that you could find entries you posted in communities by using your own Calendar. This section was apparently copied verbatim from FAQ 2, and the line has now been corrected to specifically say to use "the community's Calendar view" if you need to.

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[syn] FAQ 137 -- unfriending syn accounts [Jan. 23rd, 2005|02:37 am]

[music |Cabaret - Cabaret]

Yes, I'm being spammy. Sue me. One of the more common questions in the syndication support category is how to remove a syndicated account from one's friends list. As such, I'm proposing that FAQ 137 (How do I create a new syndicated account or add an existing one to my Friends list?) be changed to read as follows:


Changes here are:

Changing to further reading style
Adding a brief section explaining that you defriend a syn account the same way as any other account.

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[paidaccounts] How do I forward my domain to my LiveJournal? (repost) [Jan. 23rd, 2005|02:11 am]

[music |Nellie McKay - It's A Pose]

This is a repost of an entry from September which needed more comments/more people to check it over, and which I never got around to reposting until now.

A lot (well, relatively a lot, considering the number of people who I suspect read it) of people seem to be misunderstanding FAQ 129 (How do I forward my domain to my LiveJournal?). I think that this is in part due to the fact that most people don't have a clue how DNS works, and in part due to the options afforded by some domain registrars. I know that some registrars offer the options of either "have a record on our DNS server which points at our website" or "provide your own DNS servers, and point your domain at wherever you want", but don't offer the option of "have a record on our DNS servers that points to an IP of your choosing", which is what the user actually wants in this case. This leads to some users trying to enter LiveJournal's IP as their DNS server, which naturally doesn't work, and then come asking in support why it doesn't work.

What I'm wondering is, can we make this any clearer to reading users. Obviously, we can't put in a complete explanation of how DNS works, but I think we probably could expand on what we currently have ("LiveJournal does not provide DNS services. You will need to obtain DNS services from your web hosting company or your domain registrar."). I'm thinking something along the lines of the following:

Setting up your domain's DNS typically contains two parts. First, you must specify two DNS servers (an "NS record") and then you must specify what IP address these point at (an "A record"). Different domain registrars will provide you with different levels of control over these options. Typically, you will not need to change the NS record at all, but need to change the A record as explained above. LiveJournal does not offer a DNS service, so it is not possible to use this feature if your domain registrar only allows you to control your NS records, or does not allow you access to DNS records at all. If you are unsure of how to make the required changes or do not know if your registrar offers you the ability, you will need to contact them, explaining that you wish to have your domain's A record point to

I'm not particularly happy with that wording, so any improvements would be welcome. I'd also really like if this could be checked over by people more familiar with DNS than I am to check that it's technically accurate, and by people less familiar than I am to check that it's comprehensible.
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[clients] Proposed new FAQ (blogger/atom APIs) [Jan. 23rd, 2005|01:29 am]

[music |Nellie McKay - Won't U Please B Nice]

I'd like to propose the addition of a new FAQ for the clients category, about use of the Blogger and Atom client APIs. I've written up a draft, but would very much appreciate any constructive criticism on it as I think it's far from perfect.

Can I update my LiveJournal with a client from another site?

The text of the FAQ is behind here )

I've tested the blogger API bits of this, but couldn't test the Atom bits because I couldn't find a single client that supports the Atom API. If anyone reading this actually knows how that works and could offer clarification or more information, or just confirmation, then that would be good. The information I have on it comes from an entry from [info]lj_clients.

As far as I know, I've just plucked the thing about these two APIs being provided "as is" and being "in beta" out of thin air, but they both seem reasonable, given that neither of the APIs themselves should really be considered anything more than that (at most). If there's any objections to that from employees, then speak now.

I've tended to use somewhat more complex language in this FAQ than I generally would do, as it's somewhat difficult to explain this sort of concept without veering slightly into the complex, and the sort of people who will need this FAQ are probably OK with it.

To whichever docadmin adds this, I think that it should be given sortorder of 30 (ie, after all of the other FAQs in the category).

Edit: Have updated and corrected the further reading section based on comments from [info]janinedog and [info]phoenixdreaming. I've also changed "guarantedd to work" to "most likely to work".

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web stuff [Jan. 22nd, 2005|03:59 am]

It just occured to me that we have no HowTo for when a user is unable to post an entry. Is that on purpose, or am I missing something?

edit: [info]janinedog asked me to repost this; I'll post the link, because I'm tired:
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FAQ Updates (Dec 27-Jan 20) [Jan. 22nd, 2005|01:27 am]

Here's the FAQ updates for the past month (luckily, it wasn't too much to do, considering it was a span of a month). It covers everything since the last smackdown, except the entry right before this one since it hasn't yet been 48 hours since that one was posted.

As always, feel free to comment here if there's a minor change that needs to be done to one of these FAQs, or post a whole new entry if you have a big suggestion.

[link] FAQ 99 updated to tell users not to send their passwords with userpic requests.

[link] FAQ 130 fixed to link to FAQ 214 instead of FAQ 170.

[link] FAQ 156 updated to say that comment timestamps are dependent on the comment page type (site scheme or custom), not S1/S2. Also, FAQ 99 was edited to fix a minor wording issue.

[link] FAQ 74, the old paid servers FAQ, was totally rewritten to talk about the express lane. In addition, a link to this FAQ was put into FAQ 131.

[link] FAQ 211 was updated to state that mistyping your password will also cause errors when logging in, and it suggests to check CapsLock and NumLock to make sure they're toggled properly.

[link] FAQ 197 had some minor wording changes made to it.

[link] FAQ 106 had "being under 13" removed from the list of suspendable offenses.

[link] FAQ 213 updated to fix typos in the further reading section, and to clarify how to get to the tabs in the customization wizard.

[link] FAQ 84 had a minor wording change which involved removing a few words left over from when you could log in as a community.

[link] FAQ 163 updated to add a link to [info]syn_quest.
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[comm/upi] Add "What are Community User Pictures?" to the title of FAQ 77 [Jan. 21st, 2005|03:31 pm]

I've seen several requests by people wanting to post with community user pictures. Since they're still continuing, I think a secondary question should be added to the title of FAQ 77.

Instead of "What is a Community?"

I recommend "What is a Community? What are Community User Pictures?"
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