Sea and Sky and Land
walking backwards on the beach
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this could lead to excellence
or serious injury
only one way to know
go, go, go
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Paging Asuka Soryuu-Langley....
Someone stole your EVA and gave it to Marvel Comics.

Here is the proof. )

I think we should cut off Anno's meds cold turkey and send him into the Marvel offices with a knife. I mean, there's homage and there's theft, and that's not even trying to be an homage.

(That is, by the way, supposed to be the next generation Sentinel.)
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Oh, and also:

Went to H&R; Block and got my taxes done. All of them, Federal, New York State and New Jersey. (For the record: you do the New York State first, then New Jersey gives you a break based on what you paid to New York.)

Refunds back from all three. $1200 from the Feds, $350 from New Jersey, and $99 from New York. I have to wait on the New York, tho, because they won't accept an e-file if you're submitting to another state. Go figure.

I can smell the new machine already. I should have the refunds for the Feds and NJ in the next couple weeks.
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More lavatory follies
There is a guy in there...


The Soul Says: weirded the hell out
The Ears Hear: Somebody Told Me - The Killers

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so let me get this straight....
I have to stay late for two tickets that cannot be done until after 5 PM.

One of them has a TEN MINUTE WINDOW... and is missing information, and the person who has the information wants me to call them, but is on the phone and not picking up, and I have about ten minutes before I have to try to interpret his desires for myself. He's not going to like it if I play pin-the-account-on-the-server...

At least the other one, the guy called me, asked nicely, and then emailed me a copy of the request so it's nice big fonts and such for me to work off of. So he gets to survive. he also has to work late because of the nitwit manager who refuses to allow this to go through 'during business hours'....

The Soul Says: annoyed
The Ears Hear: Nine Inch Nails - Perfect Drug

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Winter-een-mas is coming!

The Soul Says: amused
The Ears Hear: Teen Titans! (Japanese) - Puffy AmiYumi

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Well, crap.
(ganked from [info]chadu)

Will Eisner died today.

If I see a 'The Spirit (based on the character created by Will Eisner)' book in the stores, I will buy it just so I can burn it.
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"And the sky is a hazy shade of winter."
Very nice time down in Maryland with [info]tth and his lovely wife [info]aylinn.

...then I came back.

OK, so I knew my parents would be at my mother's Christmas party. The light dusting of snow - so light that it was nearly the slipperiness of ice - was not expected. Wrenched my right knee a bit in an attempt to not hit the ground with it. Got home, got online for a bit, then went offline to go to sleep...

..and failed.

Commute in was a piece for [info]commuterhell. FIRST the train was late. THEN it was also half the size it usually is, which means half the number of seats in what is usually a fairly busy train, putting it up to standing room only level. There was also a 'power problem' so there was no light or heat. And finally, we got into Hoboken... two minutes after the shuttle bus to work left. Finally get the shuttle bus, go to work...

...and find out that since I logged out on Thursday? Nothing. Was. Done.


I hate my life. I want the breakdown I've promised myself since I was 16. I'm close to having the inner voice mug the outer voice and take its place.

and I'm on a phone conference call... kill me now.

(edited. I really need to stop the occational writing up stuff in Word.)

The Soul Says: pissed off
The Ears Hear: Ministry - N.W.O.

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First I slept badly, with weird dreams. (and yes, [info]ardaniel and [info]seifergrrl, THAT kind of dream again.)

Then I get up and go to work... to find out that I got a version of The Dante Treatment. (I am supposed to be here today, but dammit, so are OTHER PEOPLE. I shouldn't be here by myself. Two people with kids being sick, one person took today off, and the person working from home appears to have disappeared without a trace into the ether. Blargh.)

And then the feel of the day turned around pretty much completely with this post by BZArcher.

So hey. (I'm still tired.)

The Soul Says: tired
The Ears Hear: Khan - The Edge Of Soul

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Because it was amusementworthy (to me at least)
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...that my mother doesn't have strep.  If she does, they won't go away this weekend.

Yes, selfish, but, hey, I'm at least hoping there's nothing wrong, instead of there being SOMETHING wrong...
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woo. Like the image in the newest Apple Geeks comic. 'Eve' has an interesting design.
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Working from home today.

Got a request from someone who then ended up demanding I call them.  I am not calling Long Island City from home, no.  I ended up once again throwing stuff around and finally getting the other firewall group to say "oh, wait, yeah, we see, the address you're using?  It's not working."  I changed to an alternate routing of his mail and then sent the reuqest.  He should have it now.

Ghah.  Bozos.

The Soul Says: tired
The Ears Hear: "Law & Order" on TV

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[Halo2 info]
For those can't figure out or can't be arsed to figure it the stuff at
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Atsuku atsuku atsuku / moetagiru kokoro... )

The Soul Says: awake
The Ears Hear: Kouji Wada - Honoo no Overdrive

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Mental Image and Movie Review
The Mental Image )
The Movie Review )

Now I must go hit iTunes and try to see if they're selling the soundtrack to the Incredibles.

The Soul Says: pleased

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Proof I am totally a Transformers geek.
I just put forth how Optimus Prime could become President of the United States, and then, when pointed out that Megatron also could run, explained how he couldn't.

(for the record: there was a supreme court case back in the early 1800s where a candidate ran for President, he was from a state that had previously been a territory, and the SCOTUS decision was that if you were resident in the state when it was a territory you were considered 'natural born', which lets Prime be grandfathered in.  Megatron, conversely, worked for a middle-eastern state in an offensive manner against the US, which qualifies him to be stripped of his citizenship, and therefore cannot run.)no

The Soul Says: geeky
The Ears Hear: Vince DiCola, Stan Bush - TF-TM Main Title (Alternate) Featuring Stan Bush

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oh, wow....
According to, the only state that is exactly tied... is New Jersey.

Wow.  Talk about actually having the feeling you may have made a difference...
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When I have been
Back March 2005
User: [info]mephron
Name: Gwalchmai
Website: mephron::core
Deep peace of the Running Wave to you, Deep peace of the Flowing Air to you, Deep peace of the Quiet Earth to you, Deep peace of the Shining Stars to you, Deep peace of the Gentle night to you.

May the Moon and Stars pour their Healing Light on you. Deepest Peace of the Light of the World to you.


Three things from which never to be moved: one's Oaths, one's Gods, and the Truth.
The three highest causes of the true human are: Truth, Honor, and Duty.
Three candles that illuminate every darkness: Truth, Nature, and Knowledge.
Where I go