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[02 Feb 2005|12:50pm]
I just said to Misty, and I'm saying to you:

"haha, i'm such a loser. i told my psychiatrist i want to stab him in the face, so he's admitting me to hospital for a major depressive episode."

And I'm going on Zoloft or Prozac, as of today. HE HAS DECIDED.

And he wants to have a session with my parents. Because they "hover between inadequate and downright abusive."

Hopefully I'll be out of the Albert Road Clinic by the 10th of February.

Love. And a bit of hate (because I am angry, after all).
From Nadine.
4 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[01 Feb 2005|03:35pm]
Who said this:
"I have a fetish that involves masturbating on puppies. The puppies aren't the objects of my lust at all. I just think it's funny to get them all sticky."

Oh, the hilarity.
grab your pink bits

[29 Jan 2005|07:09pm]
[ music | the smiths - girlfriend in a coma ]

I'm home alone on a Saturday night, listening to The Smiths, bemoaning my existence, and hating the world.

I really am Mike's other half. :(

Actually, I'm not that pathetic (although I really am listening to The Smiths). I'm home because I have a migraine and I can't be bothered going to midsumma events tonight. I saw Closer with Andrew today... and I went shopping for Miss Kate's birthday present (with Andrew -- he's got good taste).

Natalie Portman and Clive Owen were brilliant, but Jude Law and Julia Roberts left a lot to be desired. They were boring. I wanted them to get offscreen so I could see more of Natalie and Clive... Julia seemed to do nothing but pout intensely at everyone. I think she's had her lips pumped up about 1200 times. Jude Law was marginally better, but there was no real chemistry between him and Julia, and he was far too young for her.


Three stars.

2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[28 Jan 2005|06:43pm]
I am absolutely positive I have a copy of Olivia Tremor Control's Dusk At Cubist Castle, but I can't find it ANYWHERE.

One can never have enough Green Typewriters mp3s, really.
1 clichéd statement // grab your pink bits

[28 Jan 2005|05:52pm]
[ music | the clash - london calling (on repeat) ]

I am irritating the hell out of myself lately. One reason for this is that I keep saying to people, "cheers, thanks a lot," whenever I buy something... a la Patsy from Ab Fab. It's a total autopilot thing. I'm sure it started from watching too much Ab Fab in my teenage years, but it's really become an involuntary pleasantry.


P.S. I went to Phillip Island for a few days with Kate, Anna and Myff. It was fun. Although we did do something very immature on our first night. But then, what happened in Phillip Island, stays in Phillip Island. I think I spent about $150-$170, all up.

I have holes in my hands, and I'm wearing long sleeves in the heat. Tell me that's not so obvious.

2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[28 Jan 2005|04:35pm]
New purchases:

Bright Eyes - Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
The Clash - London Calling
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - The Best Of
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Breathless / There She Goes, My Beautiful World (single)
2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[22 Jan 2005|09:29pm]
lied to andrew.

saw i ♥ huckabees a second time.

asked parents to lend me a suitcase, and instead they gave me a RETRAVISION bag on wheels. so. fucking. ugly. yet they have proper luggage, the pricks.

slept all day...

got up at 11, went back to bed at 2, and then again at 4, and slept until 8. (am not feeling well at all)



am in a very bad mood, and i hope it doesn't persist during the long weekend.

haven't packed a fucking thing yet, don't really want to. want to sleep. dreading getting up early.


have a towel on my head and my pyjama pants have a hole in the arse.
grab your pink bits

[20 Jan 2005|08:49pm]
I'm going to be in Federation Square from 6pm onwards tomorrow night, at the opening night of the 17th annual Midsumma Festival.

I'll be with dear Andrew, if anyone would like to come, feel free, it should be fun. (Myff: this means you.)

Yes, Midsumma is Melbourne's queer festival, not to be confused with MQFF, our queer FILM festival which begins on March 10...

I'd really like folks to come to either Midsumma with us, or to MQFF, especially MQFF, because some quality stuff gets shown, and some seriously hilarious stuff gets shown.

However, before MQFF kicks off officially, they're doing four nights of Queer Film with "Movies Under The Stars", at the Fairfield Amphitheatre.

On Saturday the 5th of February, they're playing Eating Out, which Andrew and I saw at MQFF last year, and it totally rocked. If I skip Kate's birthday, I might go to it. I might have to just miss it, though. I don't know. I'm really anxious to see it again. :( Pity it's on the same day. They're also playing Jeffrey, Go Fish (classic), and Goldfish Memory.;=MUTS05
1 clichéd statement // grab your pink bits

[20 Jan 2005|04:03pm]
The Swinburne uniform is the most fucking ugly piece of shit I've ever seen.


On it, not even a Swinburne LOGO or anything. Just the words embroidered in caps on the breast pocket. It's chambray -- that buttugly imitation denim crud that loser men like to wear. It's not got darts or anything, and it's so long. I had to go a size up, and it's still too tight for my tits (men's, dur), and huge across the back.

That put me in a bad mood.

Then I had vietnamese, and it hurt my tooth -- and now I have a toothache.

Then I went to the bookstore to spend my voucher, and bought two things: something by JG Ballard which I fail to accurately recall, and Amrita, by Banana Yoshimoto:
'I can only perceive my past as a story. Nothing more.'

Then I had to spend an hour on the train. That frustrated me 'to the max', and now I'm 'hardcore' pissed off.

I tried to take a nap, but I failed.

I'm really angry.

I hate everything right now, and I feel like using the C word at my mother.
2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

Myff and I are planning to go on a long vacation together. [18 Jan 2005|09:03pm]
A map of our travel route looks like this:

And the trip route goes like this:
Days 1-2 Bangkok
Delight in Bangkok's famous highlights including the reclining Buddha at Wat Po and a boat tour of the famous klongs.

Day 3 Chiang Mai (Thailand)
There are over 300 temples in this old moated city, fabulous markets filled with hilltribe jewellery and delicious offerings at the night market.

Day 4 Chiang Khong (Thailand/Laos border)
At the border town of Chiang Khong we stay in a guesthouse on the banks of the majestic Mekong River, looking across to Laos.

Days 5-6 Mekong River (Laos)
Travelling down the Mekong River on a local river boat is the perfect introduction to the people and pace of Laos. Children wave from the riverbanks and smiles greet us at every village.

Days 7-8 Luang Prabang (Laos)
Once the royal capital of Laos, Luang Prabang is a charming town of beautiful temples, friendly people and a lavish palace.

Days 9-10 Vientiane (capital of Laos)
Experience the ambiance of the most relaxed capital city in Asia. Explore the wealth of cultural sights, find textile treasures in the morning market or wander dusty village tracks by the Mekong.

Days 11-12 Ninh Binh (Laos/Vietnam)
Sparsely populated forest hills lead east towards Vietnam. Spend a night as guests of a village family in their riverside home before crossing the border.

Days 13-14 Halong Bay (Vietnam)
'Magnificent' hardly begins to describe the thousands of limestone peaks and islands punctuating these crystal waters. Explore secluded bays that shelter fishing communities and pearl farmers.

Days 15-16 Hanoi (if you don't know it's in Vietnam, there's something wrong)
One of Asia's most beautiful cities, Hanoi is filled with old French charm, tree-lined boulevards, lots of character and plenty of life. Lovely lakeside cafes offer pleasant respite from the rigours of shopping and sightseeing.

Days 17-18 Hue (Vietnam)
Imperial Hue is a city rich in history and charm. On the banks of the Perfume River, the citadel is a reminder of past glory and tragedy, while the surrounding countryside reveals many hidden treasures.

Days 19-20 Hoi An (Vietnam)
The rich trading heritage of Hoi An is preserved in the meeting halls and merchants' houses of the Chinese communities. Tradition is maintained in the many tailors, art galleries and cafes of this lovely town.

Days 21-22 Ho Chi Minh City
Plunge into the sights and sounds of Ho Chi Minh City by cyclo. Visit the stately colonial buildings, emotive museums, pulsating markets and active temples.

Days 23-24 Phnom Penh (Capital of Cambodia, losers)
With a volatile past, Phnom Penh is a fascinating city to explore. Visit the Royal Palace and genocide museum, stroll along the unpaved back streets and stop at the elegant riverside Sisowath Quay, Killing Fields and colourful markets.

Days 25-27 Siem Reap (y'know... the whole Angkor Wat dealie)
Siem Reap is the gateway to the archeological wonder of Angkor. Intricate stone carvings, delicate sculptures and the overall scope of the complex is absolutely breathtaking.

Days 28-29 Bangkok
Return to Thailand's capital for another serve of spicy specialties or hunt for a bargain in the maze of markets.

It's just an idea at the moment, but I figure I'm going to need to burn off some steam this time next year, so a good long holiday (for which I will have to save all year -- we're talking $5000), might be in order. =p
6 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[16 Jan 2005|03:43pm]
So, I spent most of Wednesday at Kate's house, I had dinner there, and lunch, and helped her dye her hair black. She didn't really need me, I think, but she took pity on me because I had nothing else to do. =p

Kate and I are on OK terms about the Alice party. I admit I'm still disappointed about the whole thing, but she knows not to feel bad about it, because it couldn't be helped. I'm going to make a big effort to go to her 20th, and hope it goes well -- e.g. no over-drinking or drug abuse.

We watched Elephant by Gus Van Sant on Wednesday arvo as well, and it was so disturbing. The scariest part was that it was so quiet when Alex and Eric were roaming the halls looking for people to shoot. Meep.

Thursday I got up bright and early to be at the St John Ambulance Centre by 8.15 to do my Senior First Aid / Workplace Level 2 course. I expected that it would be exciting, somehow... but actually, it was really very boring. Uncomfortable chairs, too many people, air conditioning up too high, far away from any shops to buy beverages or food, no one I actually liked, and an instructor who thought he was the funniest person ever. I did the same thing on Friday, and at 5.30, I had completed my course.

A few things:
Performing CPR is really quite difficult. Like, people think it's easy, breath, compression, breath, compression, but you have to do so many breaths in a minute, so many compressions, you have to get a rhythm going, and it's important that the head stay tilted back or the air goes into the stomach and the casualty vomits. Then there are the facts you have to remember, like if you're performing CPR on an infant, you can't tilt the head back at all, and you have to do it faster, at a different rate. It's so weird.

We did quite a few scenarios regarding seizures, burns, bites and stings, bleeds, concussions, etc. When we did the scenarios it was fine, it was interesting, but often we'd be sitting staring at a whiteboard for three hours straight, listening to theory. BORING. I remember a lot of it, but I've forgotten some. :(

There was this 16-year-old girl doing the course, and she seemed to think that, every five minutes, we wanted to hear a story from her about something completely irrelevant that she found funny. At one point she was telling us about the discovery of the iceman and how some woman wanted to have his babies. I mean, hello, what the? There was a similarly annoying girl sitting next to me who wasn't QUITE as annoying as the first girl, and she couldn't stop bitching about this kid. She went on so extensively on the second day (Friday), that we were behind by an hour, and we finished at 5.30 instead of 4.30.

Regardless of all that, I did get a gigantic book called Emergency First Aid that's about 400 pages long, and it lists most possible scenarios and types of injuries that the first aider has to deal with.

Yesterday I was with Andrew all day, we saw The Phantom of the Opera, and it was so bad, I mean so bad, I wanted to throw up throughout most of it... I remembered why I hate Andrew Lloyd Webber with a passion. The costumes were good, the sets were beautiful... but it was atrocious, really. I didn't even WANT to see it, it's just that I objected even more strongly to seeing Elektra, and this seemed the lesser of the two evils. I think Elektra would have been better. We had lunch as well and I was home by about 7. I then consented to going out to dinner with my parents... the food at the restaurant was bad, and it was overpriced for what it was. I had a glass of the most disgusting chardonnay I have ever tasted.

So, it was nice to see Andrew, but honestly... BARF.

Sigh. I wonder how the Alice party went.
1 clichéd statement // grab your pink bits

[11 Jan 2005|07:53pm]
OK, this is not easy at all for me, and I regret the format in which I'm doing it, but I'm doing it here so Myff can insert her own input.

I am angry about what's happened to the Alice party.

Myff doesn't like parties, as a rule, and when she said she'd come, it was with the idea that it would be small, intimate, at Kate's house, and not filled with threatening people. This was part of the appeal for me, too.

But since Saturday (possibly due to the influence of weed, speed and alcohol), Kate's turned it into an enormous gathering of sorts, at someone else's house, filled with a large number of people we don't know and thus are not necessarily comfortable with, and it will include use of recreational drugs.

The bogan party was one thing -- but Alice is meant to be about childhood and innocence, and while I wouldn't have complained about a joint here or there being smoked, and a bit of booze, it's becoming clear that this has spiralled out of control into something I don't (and Myff doesn't) want to be a part of.

Out of all Kate's friends, only two people actually talked to me, and I'm not convinced the same thing won't happen on Saturday, especially when there will be drugs. I'm certainly not about to go to the effort of buying a top hat if I'm going to spend the day being ignored by people who seem to not think I'm cool enough to talk to. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty much convinced that's how it is. Maybe that is my self-loathing talking, but Kate's friends gave me the impression I wasn't good enough to be spoken to, especially darling Sasha, and I'm just NOT in the fucking mood to feel like crap when I'm supposed to be having fun.

I said I'd go if Myff goes, but now I'm thinking I'm really not willing to. I can't expect Kate to uninvite her friends, especially when it's becoming evident to me that she requires more than the company of ARCH people to be entertained. Therefore: Kate can go to the party with her friends, and do her own thing -- and I'm not going to be a part of it, and neither, I believe, is Myff.

I feel really bad for writing this because I know Kate will read it and be upset, but I am not mad at her, I'm mad at my own inability to cope with people I don't know, and my desire to avoid drugs due to my own habit of getting smashed all the time. It would be BAD for me to go to the party -- I would not be able to say no, and I would get paranoid.

I also don't think that would be a good idea because it would make Myff uncomfortable, if she came for my sake, and then I turned out to be losing it for one reason or another.

I'm sorry Kate, but I'm not going. I hope you enjoy it, but it's just not going to happen.
4 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

big emo post. [10 Jan 2005|03:12pm]
emoness of emo, emo emo emo )
2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[09 Jan 2005|09:20pm]
In brief:
Kate had a bogan party.

I went to said bogan party.

I got very smashed and very stoned at said bogan party.

Andrew came to the party. Andrew met Mike, immediately commented on Mike's physical resemblance to Tim.

I met Sasha, and no, I don't like him. I found him to be... full of himself? And so did Andrew.

In full: )

Therein lies my weekend.
3 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[06 Jan 2005|07:25pm]
Kate & Myff, I just found a party planning website that shows you how to plan parties for children. Since we want to play like children and have an Alice in Wonderland party, we might make things associated with it.

Here are instructions for an Alice In Wonderland party:

And here are instructions for a Mad Hatter's Tea Party:

Anyway, it's all extremely childish and far beneath us, but I think we should do it in spite of that. Because it will rule, playing like children.

I swear I'm going to have to re-read Alice In Wonderland in time for the party. I've forgotten everything.
7 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[04 Jan 2005|11:19pm]
So today:

Got up at 6
Saw David at 8
Met Myff at 9, had breakfast
Saw Finding Neverland at 10.55 - 12.30ish
Had lunch
Met Kate
Spent a while chatting
Went to group at 3.45
Had group. Bitched too much, was generally whiny, urg
Asked Kate, as we walked to tram stop, if she wanted to see I Heart Huckabees with Andrew and I
Met Andrew at 6
Went to Lygon St, had a scone
Saw I Heart Huckabees at 7.25 - movie delayed due to film catching on fire
Laughed ass off
Split with Andrew & Kate at 10
Got home at 11

As Kate and I took the tram to Flinders St, we rant into Elly, of the ex-ARCH infamy.

In the middle of ranting about not getting laid on New Year's (he is an Orthodox Jew, and a virgin), he said he got his father to call the police because he "wanted to do something crazy". The police did nothing, so he went to the Alfred, where they were really nice but let him go.

What did he want to do?

He said he wanted to go out, find a girl, and rape her, because he's so frustrated about not getting laid.

I mean, he told ME and Kate that he wanted to commit rape, regardless of the consequences. Kate and I backed away slowly, basically, and got off the tram, and he kept talking while we tried to leave. To think we spoke to him because we felt SORRY for him! AAAAHHH!!!!


And then poor Kate ran into him again on the train home, poor girl.

5 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

PUPPY PICTURES!!!!!!!! [03 Jan 2005|06:27pm]
pictures of puppy... see here! )
8 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[02 Jan 2005|01:44pm]
Meh. New Year's Eve was sort of a wash out, sort of not. We had planned to spend the time on St Kilda Beach, but unfortunately we couldn't get there due to the underabundance of trams. Nick didn't show up until almost midnight, by that time Kate and I had made our way to her house. Myff arrived at like, 12.30 or so, and then Mike, after having a pity party and whining via text message for two hours, showed up at 3. He complains about everything, that boy.

We drank a bit, smoked a little dope... retired to bed at half past four. I think I fell asleep at around 5.30. Because of the largactil/dope/alcohol/oxycontin mixture I slept for ages, didn't wake up until 1, and stayed in bed until 2. Mind you, when I left, Nick was still sleeping and Kate was feeling a tad uncomfortable. I suspect this is due to the copious amount he smoked, from the bucket bong he fashioned with one of Kate's mother's buckets. Mike snores like a motherfucker, little bitch.

When I got home yesterday I went to bed and slept most of the afternoon, then all night until 1pm today. I have to admit that certain drugs did have an impact on the amount I slept last night. =p
3 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

what dreams are really made of. [31 Dec 2004|02:53pm]
[ music | belle & sebastian - roy walker ]

It's official: you guys have entered into my unconscious!

How do I know this?

Well, I had a dream featuring Kate, Myff and Anna...

I don't really remember the start, but this is what I do recall.

For some reason we were all on a stage with instruments, and the background of the stage kept changing, having things projected onto it. We wrote some songs together and performed them just by ourselves, and for some reason I was playing drums (probably because I can play drums), but I can't recall who was doing what else. I do remember that the music we wrote was actually quite good, and this seemed a signal to me that something was seriously off kilter.

Anyway, it came time for us to perform for an audience, and for some reason instead of us performing, we were all supposed to SIT in the audience and watch the stage change. Like I can't describe how the backdrop looked, but it was like... liquid television, and it was beautiful.

This guy I used to know in high school, Matt Silovic*, was there, and he was trying to sit between Kate and I in the audience, and for some reason, Myff was sitting off by herself, closer to the stage (Kate and I were off to the back, on the side) and Anna had disappeared.

We tried to convince Myff to sing -- I mean, none of us were very proficient at our part of performing -- but she refused, and threw a bit of a tantrum.

At this point, Kate disappeared too, and I had the sense that she was extremely depressed. Matt followed me to Kate's house, and Kate was in her room, cutting, and she was about to try and kill herself when we intervened. We took her back to the theatre, to sit in the audience with Myff and Anna (who had reappeared, but wasn't saying anything), but she still seemed on the verge of really hurting herself, and I was really scared. It was really ominous -- we kept trying to stop Kate from cutting and from trying to kill herself, but we seemed really ineffectual.

The stage got stuck on one background, and it looked like an abstract painting... the kind that gets described as a triumph of colour and texture rather than actually looking like something in particular... like say, a Rothko. It was pretty, and sort of golden. It reminded me of the CD cover for Soundgarden's Down On The Upside.

Anyway, the dream ended with all of us sitting in the audience, instruments on stage, with Myff refusing to sing, and Kate wanting to hurt herself, and Anna saying nothing... and me having no real concept of how I was.

The End.

*= Matt Silovic is forever remembered in my mind for the fact that, after living in Queensland for 18 months, I came back to Melbourne and my childhood best friend, Julia, called him, and when she put me on the phone, he said, "so, dina, still a slut?" (I was 15.) I remember him taunting me quite a bit throughout year 7 and 8.


Furthermore, I had my centrelink assessment today for DSP. I had a panic attack in the waiting area, and one of the staff (a cutely tubby Asian lady) at the reception came over because I'd been waiting for a long time and she saw I was freaking out (psychomotor agitation, grinding my teeth, hyperventilating AND rocking -- and none of it put on). She gave me a glass of water, patted me on the shoulder, and then went and told the assessor that I was both waiting, and having a panic attack. The assessor was a weird guy. His name was David Lane -- which makes me think of both John Lane from Albert Road, and David -- and he spoke strangely and had the hugest toupee I've ever seen... it seemed combed from the back, rather than the front or the side... and it was really thick. He spoke strangely -- he had an Australian accent but it was still difficult to understand him, he sort of mumbled, but in a really strong voice. He barely moved his lips to speak and I wondered if he could have been a ventriloquist. His lips were really thick too, and protruded like he was suffering from a neurological disorder. I was incredulous because he could barely seem to articulate his words.

He asked me what I plan to do, and I told him about Nursing, and he spent 20 minutes lecturing me on how he thought it would be too stressful for me... it was totally weird. He told me how he used to be a psychiatrist -- he intuited that I wanted to be a psych nurse -- and that it was way too stressful for him, and told me perhaps I shouldn't do it... but then kept backtracking and saying maybe I could handle it, maybe I couldn't. Then he told me I should study teaching -- I revealed I DID study teaching, but that it was scary for me. He proceeded to try and convince me that maybe I should go and try again, especially with my English degree.

He vaguely mentioned my Dysthymia and PTSD about four times... but kept going back to Nursing, asking the difference between a Div 1 and Div 2 and whether they were the same as Registered vs Enrolled... and I explained like three times, wondering what it had to do with whether I was fit to work full-time... he kept insisting that it was really stressful...

The only questions he asked me about my mental health were: "is therapy helping? does it feel like it's working?" I replied, "yes, but I still have a long way to go." and "Are you staying away from drugs and alcohol?" to which I replied, "yes, but I have had a few lapses." (Another lie.) I explained the ARCH/D&A;/one-on-one system... explained I was on newstart and that looking for work would interfere with therapy, especially when I have 16 contact hours a week.

He also told me that working in psychiatry and medicine really informed him that his own problems were nothing, and so made him unsympathetic when his wife complained about things, and that he often thought she was a hypochondriac when she complained... I was like, nodding and smiling thinking, "WTF?"

The tubby Asian lady came in to tell him his next appointment was there -- he hadn't closed the door, for a start -- and so he finished up, though he couldn't seem to stop himself from talking about nursing and psychiatry, by telling me that he was going to say I should be on DSP, and he's going to write I have problems with all the things usually associated with depression. He said it's by no means definite that I'll get the DSP, but he will do his best.

I left, thinking, "WHAT A WEIRD, SCARY MAN."

3 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

[30 Dec 2004|12:18pm]
Had outing with Kate, Myff and Nick. It was alright. Saw Team America: World Police. Liked the songs.

Smoked a whole lot with Nick while waiting for trains.

It was weird. Nick and I sort of sat in silence for a long time on the train together, making half-hearted random comments here and there.

Then Eleanor rang him, and started abusing him, and he started yelling at her back, and then he hung up on her, and then people on the train started cheering him on. Everyone on the train openly listened to him yelling at her, and he had to get off at Blackburn right after he got off the phone, so he and I didn't have a chance to process what I accidentally heard.

I could hear her talking, she was yelling so loud. =p

Worried about Myff and Kate.

Myff began to withdraw right after the movie finished and it reached fever pitch by the time we left her on the train at Richmond. :(
Kate was doing fake-happy and it made me worry about her actual state of mind.

Change of topic, EDIT at 3.09PM.
If I make a list of all the things I think about doing, post-nursing diploma, it looks like this:

Program: Graduate Certificate in Arts (Creative Writing), University of Melbourne
Writing Extended Fiction
Principles of Editing and Publishing
Reading Sexuality

Program: Graduate Certificate in Arts (Gender Studies), University of Melbourne
A History of Sexualities
Sex, Gender and Power: An Introduction
Philosophy of Feminism
Love, Family and Sexuality

Program: Psychiatric Nursing, Swinburne University
Psychiatric Nursing, 78 nominal hours plus 40 hours teaching rounds

Program: Acute Care Nursing, Swinburne University
Acute Care Nursing, 78 nominal hours plus 40 hours teaching rounds

Program: Certificate IV in Mental Health Work (Non-clinical)
Compulsory Units
CHCMH1B Orientation to mental health work
CHCCS9A Provide support services to clients
CHCMH4B Provide non-clinical services to people with mental health issues
CHCCOM3C Utilise specialist communication skills to build strong relationships
CHCCS301A Work within a legal and ethical framework
CHCOHS401A Implement and monitor OHS policies and procedures for a workplace
CHCCS402 Respond holistically to client issues
CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
CHCNET4A Work with other services
CHCCS403A Provide brief intervention
CHCCS501A Assess and respond to individuals at risk of self-harm or suicide

Program: Graduate Diploma in Psychology, University of Melbourne
All of-
512-120 Introductory Experimental Psychology 1
512-121 Introductory Social, Developmental and Clinical Psychology 1
512-220 Quantitative Methods for Psychology 2
512-221 Developmental Psychology 2
512-222 Behavioural Neuroscience 2
512-223 Personality and Social Psychology 2
512-224 Cognitive Psychology 2
512-320 Research Methods 3
512-324 Introduction to Psychological Disorders 3

And one of -
512-322 Industrial/Organisational Psychology 3
512-330 Human Psychophysiology 3
512-335 Advanced Cognition 3
512-345 Environmental Psychology 3
512-350 Brain, Cognition and Behaviour 3
512-360 Personality and Social Psychology 3
512-370 Cognitive and Neuropsychological Development 3
512-380 Personal and Social Development 3
512-395 Introduction to Mathematical Psychology 3

My interests are: nursing, writing, psychology, gender/women's studies. so far that's it. =p
2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

All About Phillip Island [28 Dec 2004|08:46pm]

Besides the Penguin Parade, I figure we should spend our two-and-a-half days at beaches...?
1 clichéd statement // grab your pink bits

[28 Dec 2004|06:11pm]
I went shopping to purchase clothing with my vouchers, during the Big Boxing Day Sale. For the $250 in Eastland vouchers, I got:

-A dress, reduced from $179.95 to $49.95
-Two skirts, reduced from $99.95 each to $59.95 each
-A top - reduced from $89.95 to $29.95
-a pair of shoes, reduced from $89.95 to $49.95

I think I might wear the dress out tomorrow night, when we see Team America at the Jam Factory, depending on the weather. Of course this means I have to shave my legs. Erg.


Ew, 20 and showers. Maybe I'll wear pants.
2 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

Nursing stuff. [27 Dec 2004|08:21pm]
I just booked in my First Aid course with St John's Ambulance... the course runs from 8.30-4.30 on the 13th and 14th of January. Kate, in case you're wondering, the Red Cross course and the St John Ambulance courses are called either Intermediate First Aid or Senior First Aid rather than "Level 2", but they are equivalent to Level 2. They don't have any prerequisites but they do run from around 14-16 hours, so make sure you pick the right one.

I'm trying to do my police check but I'm not sure if I have to do the "Police and Fingerprint Records Search" that is $114.50, or the "National Name Check" which is $27.60.

I want to go get my immunisations done, too, but I'm not sure which ones I need. :|

Kate, do you know the answer to either of those questions?

Getting excited.

Also, Kate, do you want to go to Career Dressing next week sometime? Maybe Tuesday? or Thursday? I don't know if they're open on weekends but I'm assuming they are not. I can't WAIT to get my nursing uniform, haha.

I have my assessment for DSP with Centrelink on Friday. :| Ominous music plays.
7 clichéd statements // grab your pink bits

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