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         February 26, 2025

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Welcome to the DAFKA website


 Welcome to the DAFKA website. We think you will find this site an informative and provocative tool in understanding what is actually going on at our US campuses and the American political climate that is so affected by them. 

One thing for all to understand: when it comes to those who would destroy the democratic state of Israel, or the democratic government of the United States and support its enemies thinking they are being objective, DAFKA pulls no punches.

Just as against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II, what former Mayor Giuliani said to the United Nations immediately after 9/11: 

“We’re right and they’re wrong".

It’s that simple. 

As the forces of despotism, anti-Semitism and those who would enslave the democratic people of the world try to create an aura of “intellectualism” and revisionist history on our campuses to foment the same kind of atmosphere that exists in their home countries of prejudice and non-tolerance and, yes, even racism,  DAFKA will be there to report the truth. Zionism is not racism. Ethnic Cleansing is the purview of the Arabs not the Israelis.

Human Rights are not practiced by those terror sponsoring countries and gangs of political thugs that make up the Islamic dictatorships of the Middle East. And International Law is not a catch phrase for criminals. The United Nations is composed of 70% dictatorships and its Human Rights Commission is headed by one of the most despotic regimes in the world. The United States did not make the Arab nations poor.

Israel is not a colony.  “Peace” has become a euphemism for destroying the only democratic state in that region and creating yet another Arab-Islamic Fascist State. 

Our campuses now are sounding boards for "academics" such as the late Edward Said, who even infiltrated other academic departments.  Such “professors” who toe the party line for the Arab political fascist machine pose as academics reasoning to support fascism and racism against Jews in the Middle East. It's just packaged nicer now and university administrators are glad to accept the Saudi and Arab League money that accompanies it.  No, there were never 2,000 Jews who didn’t go to work in the World Trade Center on 9/11 as expressed by one UC Berkeley professor—period. 500 Jews died along with many Muslims.  Such nonsense may play in Cairo and the halls of the Arab states’ universities, but they are intellectually bankrupt and the result of professionally prepared propaganda campaigns so successful back home now creeping their way into America and Europe. Our campuses have thus become outlets for professionally produced propaganda; as Edward Said says, “Facts no longer matter. Only opinions”. Well, DAFKA believes in facts and lies are lies, even if they are based on the opinions of those who would deceive in the classroom.

Yasser Arafat was a terrorist and murderer. Not a “freedom fighter”. He fought not for democracy and freedom but for Arab-Islamic hegemony over Israel; he fought for fascism. To intellectualize him as a diplomat and a leader (can you imagine? The Nobel Peace Prize!) was the worst nihilism that has led to the successes of false academics that are now infesting our institutions of higher learning.

And who pays for all this? Oh, yes, the European Union, fearful of 15 million Muslim immigrants and subject to oil bribery will willingly resort to the old staple of anti-Semitism and blaming the US, and even the turkeys in our own State Department to some degree as our website will show. But the real financier of it all is Saudi Arabia. And DAFKA will show you how.

America has lost its moral compass and sense of pride in fighting fascism as it did in World War II.  Our website will seek to re-instill this. And our campus programs will reveal the Truth through films of Arab TV and other media that cannot be denied because it is the Arab-Islamic fascist machine’s own materials. We will show you how that machine has trained and imported agents to our campuses to create the current situation and what you can do about it. We  will show you how they have allied themselves with leftists from the anti-globalization movement who have adopted anti-Semitism as a tool to get money and numbers from the Arab world behind their movement. 

We will tell you about Edward Abington, US State Department diplomat, who became Yasser Arafat’s chief propagandist in Washington for a 2.5 million dollar a year salary right after negotiating a multimillion dollar USAID American taxpayer funded giveaway to Arafat. An example of our State Department at work.

We will tell you how your tax dollars are being spent to shore up fascism in the Middle East instead of combating it.

And finally DAFKA will show how American PR companies and individuals have cashed in on the Arab fascist propaganda machine for MONEY. Qorvis Communications, Hill and Knowlton, Bannerman and Associates, and other American corporations paid by the Saudis to misinform the American public will at last be exposed. And we will tell our readers how to deal with them. At this writing, many Qorvis executives were forced to resign because of running a $675,000 ad in the Washington Post for the Saudis under the guise of an ecumenical "peace" group.

Is the situation really so bad? It’s worse. And our campuses are the primary target. Educating the next generation in made-up history is the long term goal in affecting American opinion to oppose and help dismantle a Jewish State. While President Bush goes after Islamic charity fronts in the United States who fund terrorism, he ignores an even greater danger on our campuses. Saudi grants and perks are filling our universities with professors from the Middle East who are more attuned to tales of blood libel by Jews and against US democracy than academic inquiry. And American youth without a strong knowledge of US history are prime to propagandize to their cause against Israel. And why not? It worked back home. Why not export it here?.

There is much to read and see and much to add to our site over coming weeks. We think you will find this site enlightening.

Please visit us often.

--The editors