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New Hampshire Live

1/27/2004: Vietnam Vet Wins NH

In New Hampshire, it’s John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) by a length: Kerry Wins N.H. Primary, Boosts Momentum.

MANCHESTER, N.H. - John Kerry easily won New Hampshire’s primary Tuesday, overpowering Howard Dean and other Democratic rivals for a second-straight victory to establish the four-term senator as the party’s presidential front-runner.

“It’s an enormous victory, a huge turnaround,” Kerry told The Associated Press. “We were written off for months, and plugged on and showed people the determination we have to defeat President Bush.”

Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark were in a distant race for third as early returns trickled in from across the Granite State. Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut was fifth, his candidacy in peril.

Alas, Howard, we hardly knew ye.

replies: 63 comments
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#1   Thom  1/27/2004 06:26PM PST

Timaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

{brilliant comment brought to you by my 10-year old boy, inspired by the Dean screech, YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGH HHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}


#2   Thom  1/27/2004 06:27PM PST

Hey! And the boy's first first! {Not that I condone that sort of thing.)


#3   Rev. Jay  1/27/2004 06:27PM PST

A Veitnam vet that was one of the biggest anti-war people on his return; he actually testified before Congress about the matter (mostly lies it would seem). Should be interesting when he has to start explaining that.


#4   SoCalJustice  1/27/2004 06:27PM PST

Looking forward to Dean concession speech #2.

Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut was fifth, his candidacy in peril.

I noticed very few of us we're riding the wave of "Joementum."


#5   evariste  1/27/2004 06:31PM PST

SoCalJustice, LOL!!


#6   Targetpractice, Much Abu About Nothing  1/27/2004 06:31PM PST

Alright, let me get this outta the way:


Now that we're gotten the pre-emptive primal scream outta the way, it looks like I'm gonna lose the bet. I had Dean to win the nomination and then get his ass handed to him in Nov. Now it looks like John Kerry for the win, creating a much closer race in November than thought. Oh well, it's only $20.


#7   gymnast  1/27/2004 06:31PM PST

Oh I do so hope that Jane Fonda will be present at Kerry party this evening. She recognized his potential so early in his career.


#8   Model4  1/27/2004 06:31PM PST

Fire up those VCRs folks, maybe Dean will favor us with another performance for the ages. He's got a huge American flag as the backdrop for his speech, sort of like Patton. Hey, maybe he'll come out screaming wearing a helmet, a Dean/Dukakis two-fer. OK, not really. Do wonder though if he'll be on valium still like the last few days.

Speaking of which, Kerry's about to wheeze on about something or the other.


#9   Allah  1/27/2004 06:33PM PST

Ah, Senator Kerry. The man who hates war but never tires of reminding people about his participation in it.


#10   Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)  1/27/2004 06:34PM PST

Kerry is a weasely sh*t.

Veterans Should Politically Banish Kerry for Disgracing The Marine Corps Memorial

If I was forced to vote dhimmicrat, I'd pick Lieberman. As it is, Bush is getting my vote.


#11   RightIsRight  1/27/2004 06:37PM PST

Screw Kerry. Or his wife.

Is it me, or is she kinda cute for a weathered socialite? Or are her millions clouding my judgement?


#12   Targetpractice, Much Abu About Nothing  1/27/2004 06:38PM PST

Ah, but wait folks, we're forgetting. GWII was a war, while Vietnam was a police action. Expect that point to come up at least once in a future debate. Doesn't make much difference to the dead, but I doubt the average LLL voter will recognize the simple fact that war is war, declared or not.


#13   Joel  1/27/2004 06:39PM PST

Kerry at times can have gravitas. However his political background is Massachusetts liberal and I do not care for Yankee liberals. Nevertheless he is 100% improvement over Howard the Duck Dean. I wish Bush would start hitting back.


#14   Baldy  1/27/2004 06:40PM PST

When I was in elementary school, we would carve heads out of apples. They would dry & shrivel, and we would shellac them and make bodies & clothes for them.

I now know what Kerry reminds me of.


#15   JonathanD  1/27/2004 06:40PM PST

Off topic, a muslim girl claims a UK schoolteacher made nasty shoe related slurs about her faith then tugged off the girls hijab resulting in a scratch from a pin holding it on. sounds fishy to me as shoe related slurs aren't exactly standard English swearing.



#16   evariste  1/27/2004 06:41PM PST

Baldy, LOL!


#17   evariste  1/27/2004 06:42PM PST

JonathanD, interesting. Yeah, a British teacher is gonna compare Allah to her shoe...gimme a break!


#18   Julia the Horrible  1/27/2004 06:43PM PST

*cackles and licks lips*

I cant wait to see the losers come out and eat crow, cast their votes for the inevitable front runner.

Ah, but who will Hillary come out for?

Oh, it is so good to see the armies line up against one another.

Howard the Duck, dont worry, your wife wont have to serve as First Lady.

I love it.


#19   Model4  1/27/2004 06:43PM PST

Man, I'm glad I've got my own steaming cup of Columbian Joementum here right now. So much for "They control everything." Meanwhile, it looks like Dean's donor list is starting to go dry. Apparently they're selling matches for $100 bucks a pop at the Dean rally for the after-party. Hey, can't let that flag prop go to waste.

Will someone please sum up Kerry for me? All I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher:

Mwaw mhwah wop. Wop wumh wah wah...


#20   bobby  1/27/2004 06:44PM PST

#3 Rev Jay

Yeah, he testified before Congress but his performance was scripted. His speech was written by one of Robert Kennedy’s speechwriters and he was coached on the delivery.

For a full account of Kerry’s treachery see
this account.


#21   Guy Smilee  1/27/2004 06:49PM PST

I've got two words for John Kerry: "Michael" and "Dukakis".

Not enough? I've got two more: "Walter" and "Mondale".

--GS, where do I get my "Kerry, I guess" button?


#22   gymnast  1/27/2004 06:49PM PST

Well, it looks like the Democrats of New Hampster have voted and chosen a man that thinks that dyin' to live free is so not worth it. Come to think of it, all save one of the Democrat candidates agrees with him. A proud moment for the followers of Bertrand Russell and all New Hampsters.


#23   RightIsRight  1/27/2004 06:49PM PST


John Edwards just referred to Big Companies who pay NO taxes.

Which ones are they? The ones he raped with his frivolous lawsuits?


#24   Ugh...  1/27/2004 06:59PM PST

"Screw Kerry. Or his wife"

That Donks so ugly I would sc**w her with your D**k!

Is it my imagination, or have the Donks turned into the American version of hamas? They don't seem to have any platform other than 'HATE' for GeeDub. It don't seem like a very good platform. I'm voting for da Shrub!:)


#25   Model4  1/27/2004 06:59PM PST

#23 RightIsRight: Hey homey, you know the double-play that's coming up soon. The GOP is letting them run with this "special interest" bashing, while knowing full well they have a long laundy list of special interests the Dems are beholden to. And who's the senator up for re-election this year, whose wife is a Congressional lobbiest for Boeing (small mom-n-pop agro-collective, I think), who won't reveal her income figures? Who most likely had her fingers in the military leasing jets that the military could have had cheaper by buying them outright? Heheheheh.

#13 Joel: Patience sir. Bush knows every one of these candidates is toast except for one. No need burning up ammo until the nomination is nearly settled, best be busy looking presidential and doing things that matter. I think there's probably only 10% of people who'll vote that are paying any attention to all this right now, and 95% of those already sure of which party they'll be voting for.


#26   Paladin  1/27/2004 07:00PM PST

#13 Joel

Relax. The election is 10 months away. It's too early to get excited about anything right now, least of all Democratic candidates.


#27   Baldy  1/27/2004 07:04PM PST

#25 Model4 - Linda Daschle is an aero lobbyist, and the Dems/media is absessed with Ted Stevens and can't find room to mention it.


#28   Ed Moran:Abu Yes  1/27/2004 07:09PM PST

Well, this throws my strategy of voting in the primary of the party out of power, and selecting who I believe to be the best candidate for that party to vote for (eg, although I lean Republican, I voted for Tsongas in the Texas dhiimi primary in 1992, because although he was a liberal, he didn't radiate dishonesty like Clinton did to me even then), since one of the two halfway decent candidates, Gephardt is already out, and the other one, Lieberman looks hopeless, I may have to change the strategy.

I will have to vote for the moonbattiest dhimmi that has a chance for the nomination. No wasting votes on Kucinich. If Sharpton is in the top 4 by Texas, maybe him, otherwise, Dean.

As the Newsweek poll showed, the French looking John Kerry is the most electable of the dhimmis. Yet the man wants to dismantle the CIA, cut the military, and essentially surrender the WoT.

Therefore, it is my patriotic duty to try to throw a monkey-wrench, if I can, into the Marxist dhimmicrap party machine by helping ensure that the those who most embarrass the party, whether Dean or Sharpton, have full exposure in Boston at the convention.


#29   RightIsRight  1/27/2004 07:10PM PST

Who most likely had her fingers in the military leasing jets that the military could have had cheaper by buying them outright?

I too, am eagerly awaiting the outcome of that fiasco. Tommy the Commie, indeed. Four legs good, two legs better.


#30   Model4  1/27/2004 07:12PM PST

#28 Ed Moran:Abu Yes: Another strategy: Have the primaries drag on for as long as possible, because the opposition does a lot of the work for you when it comes to digging up dirt, it gives more opportunity for slip-ups and hard to defend statements, and it saps money from all contenders and their donors.


#31   Donna V.  1/27/2004 07:13PM PST

Well, I had hoped Dean would be the nominee, but although Kerry will be tougher to beat, I think that he will be beaten. Liberal Dems from Mass. haven't done real well in Presidential campaigns from 1980 onwards. And Kerry's left a long paper trail in the Senate; it'll be easy for Rove to nail him.

The candidate which really makes me nervous is Edwards. He's a good speaker, he's as slick as Billy Jeff, and a lot of people won't mind that he's a trial lawyer - they'll buy his guff about "standing up for the little people." Edwards also has a chance to pick up at least a Southern state or two - if Kerry had had a snowball's chance in hell in the South, he blew it by basically telling them to go to hell the other day.

What might put people off of Edwards is his looks. Yeah, he's cute if you like the Ken doll look, but he looks like he only recently started shaving. America is aging - will boomers vote for someone who looks like their kid brother - or their son?

Peggy Noonan wrote last week that Kerry looks like "a sad tree." Personally, I think of basset hounds, although I like basset hounds more than I like Kerry.


#32   RightIsRight  1/27/2004 07:19PM PST

Donna V.

BINGO. Peggy Noonan nailed it.

John Kerry reminds me of the living tree thingies in the LoTR movies. Damn, I knew that I saw him on the big screen somewhere.


#33   Baldy  1/27/2004 07:20PM PST

Live at Dean Headquarters:

Lying on the trailer-truck was the dead whale - underbelly exposed with a large elongated tear where the biological gaseous blowout took place.


#34   Gary Bruce  1/27/2004 07:29PM PST

This primaries will be in play through the spring--Dean actually improved his standing in NH, coming in a strong second, and has the money to keep campaigning. So the Dems will bleed for some time in public.

The other "candidates" will have to demonstrate viability after Feb. 3, when 7 states hold primaries. Although I do believe that the Very Reverend Al Sharpton will be sticking his face in the Demos faces through the nominating convention regardless of the actual results.


#35   Ed Moran:Abu Yes  1/27/2004 07:29PM PST

OT, New York City WSR-88D NexRad Doppler radar shows heavy snow band (with some sleet mixing in along the South Shore) approaching Nassau county. Snow fall rates, where not cut back by sleet, may reach 2" an hour.

Sleet may cut down accumulations NYC and LI to 6", but closer to a foot away from the immediate coast.

Up to Albany, flat lands 6 to 12", but along the east slopes of the Catskills/Adirondacks upslope enhancement could deliver localized 12-18" snows.

Northern edge of snow cuts off fairly sharply, such that Boston gets 6-8", southern New Hampshire gets 3-6", but southern MA just inland from the coast (which may see a mix with sleet) could see isolated amounts in excess of 16". ( Note to our British/Norwegian/Israeli/German/Canadia n readers, convert snow amounts to cm by multiplying by 2.54, or if you don't have a calculator (look at "Accesories" under your "Programs" menu ( go to "Start"), double the snow, then triple it, then take average.)

Bobby Flay is visiting a crawfish restaurant in El Campo, TX ( about halfway between Houston and Victoria) that catches its own crawfish in the marshes of El Campo.

Personally, I think Bobby Flay made a fool of himself on Iron Chef when he jumped up on the cutting table after his battle with Iron Chef Morimoto.

But our lease operator ("pumper"), in West Gueydan (Vermillion parish) tells me that crawfish season has already started. Of course, to me crawfish is just ok, I like it that it is a good excuse to drink adult BEvERages (note, I'm not drinking malty hoppy elixirs much, due to carbohydrate concerns, although I suppose I could drink a few lo-carb Miller Lite. Actually, I plan to support my favorite drivers, Dale Jr. and Rusty, by consuming a few Buds and Lite's (no fair weather fan me, Rusty sucked last year). I got me a Dale Jr. #8 DEI Budweiser Chevy Monte Carlo t-shirt at the 2000 race at TMS, and, lo and behold, Junior won his first Winston Cup race. Does he owe me? Maybe)

Mi'sposa isn't a beer drinker, which is too bad, but we did share a small glass of Red Infidel (Ste. Genevieve- from the highlands of the Llano estacado, no cheese-eating surrender monkey wine for me) with dinner tonight.


#36   Geepers  1/27/2004 07:32PM PST

John Kerry: Working hard for the people of Massachusetts.

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) has missed 63 (of 183) Senate votes, or a little more than a third of all votes. Some of the major legislative issues Kerry missed include AIDS funding, homeland security, education, and partial-birth abortion.


#37   Ed Moran:Abu Yes  1/27/2004 07:39PM PST


Best way to avoid an unpopular vote from being against you is to miss the vote, no?


#38   Ed Moran:Abu Yes  1/27/2004 07:43PM PST

heavy snow (with some sleet mixed in) has reached Copaigue, and will reach Babylon-Bay Shore metroplex momentarily.


#39   Donna V.  1/27/2004 07:45PM PST

Right is Right: Actually, I thought of those talking trees in "The Wizard of Oz" who throw apples at Dorothy, although they are really more angry, Dean-style trees than your depressed weeping willow Kerry types:-)

Geez, I suddenly don't feel that good and I CANNOT be sick tomorrow - I have a presentation to give. G'night, all.


#40   Yossarian  1/27/2004 07:47PM PST

John Kerry: the haughty, French-looking senator who by the way served in Vietnam.

Someone had to say it.


#41   Geepers  1/27/2004 07:59PM PST

Ed Moran (#37),


And say anything you want about Kucinich, he's never missed a vote. Gephardt missed 85%.


#42   He's Better Than Dean...  1/27/2004 08:37PM PST

This may be OT, but it's a GREAT read!


By Lowell Ponte | January 27, 2004


WILL COMMUNIST VIETNAM BE AMONG THE BIGGEST behind-the-scenes bankrollers of the Democratic National Convention this July 26-29 in Boston? It already has been, via a de facto intermediary, thanks to the Massachusetts boy and friend of Hanoi now likely to be nominated there as the Democrats’ presidential standard-bearer.

Senator John F. Kerry has a long political career, distinguished by his willingness to go farther Left in politics and lower for money than most other American politicians would dream of going. He has been largely unnoticed outside the liberal Northeast and the approving pages of leftist magazines and newspapers


#43   Spiny Norman  1/27/2004 08:51PM PST

#23 RightIsRight


John Edwards just referred to Big Companies who pay NO taxes.

Which ones are they? The ones he raped with his frivolous lawsuits?

John Edwards looks at Big Corporations (ooh, scary) the same way John Dillinger looked at banks: "cause that's where the money is."

Gotta love ambulance chasers.


#44   Alex F  1/27/2004 08:55PM PST

It's not over yet, people. The delegate count is still very close, so don't be writing Edwards or Dean off, yet.

Don't write anyone off, except maybe tin-foil hat wearing Kucinich and Sharpton.


#45   Free Speech Is Only For Uber-Libs  1/27/2004 08:57PM PST

#25 Model 4

ooo ooo I know that one. Mrs. Dash-hole.


#46   Free Speech Is Only For Uber-Libs  1/27/2004 09:02PM PST

#31 Donna V.

You're right. Kerry does look like a sad tree. Or that angry apple tree in the Wizard of OZ.


#47   anonymous  1/27/2004 09:15PM PST

the dems have taken a step away from insanity and a step towards the conventionally incorrect.

if kerry wins the office, be prepared to bow down to edicts passed from the monolith on the east river.


#48   Ol' Southern Boy  1/27/2004 09:28PM PST

#28 Ed moran

"As the Newsweek poll showed, the French looking John Kerry is the most electable of the dhimmis. Yet the man wants to dismantle the CIA, cut the military, and essentially surrender the WoT."

Well, of course he does! He represents the People's Republik of Massachussetts -- the last surviving member of the Warsaw Pact. Someone told me a little while back that Harvard still teaches classes on Marxist economics. Think "Berkeley East" and you get the picture.

What else would you expect from a state that keeps re-electing Ted Kennedy? (campaign motto: "Support Ted Kennedy -- A Blond in Every Pond!")

Massachussets -- so anal they once tried to institute stringent firearms transportation laws that were so draconian, they effectively barred the participants in the annual Lexington Minuteman-versus-Redcoats re-enactment from bringing their replica flintlocks. Can't have citizens carrying arms -- especially if they have the dreaded bayonet lug!

Kerry, yeah -- he really represents the common man.


#49   Big Digger  1/27/2004 10:36PM PST

#48 Ol' Southern Boy

I like the new slogan for Chappaquidick Ted Kennedy. I'll have to remember that.

You got the state's name wrong, though. It's the People's Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts. Also, it's not just Harvard. UMass in Amherst is known for its Marxist (read: bulls**t) "economics" courses, even today. I'm sure there are others that teach that excrement here as well.

"As the Newsweek poll showed, the French looking John Kerry is the most electable of the dhimmis. Yet the man wants to dismantle the CIA, cut the military, and essentially surrender the WoT."

How exactly does that differ from the other members of the weakest group of what was nine since the 1962 New York Mets? I don't recall hearing Leslie Clark or Johnny Edwards talk about ruthlessly fighting this war or killing the Islamofreakazoids. Do you?


#50   Idaho Slim  1/28/2004 12:08AM PST

Too bad Liberman and Gephart are the only two Dems that really believe in what they say and both of them are toast. Sad to see good men on the wrong side. In the Democrat world, good guys always finish last.

Vote for reality, VOTE Repubican


#51   firebrand  1/28/2004 12:19AM PST

Ol' Southern Boy-

Dukakis also passed a law that if a home invasion occurred the occupants would be in violation of a felony if they tried to defend themselves whether or not they owned firearms. It would have required the occupants to do everything possible to avoid or otherwise ignore the intruder even if that meant running barefoot outside of the dwelling in the freezing cold. The law was very quickly rescinded.

I suppose it's no coincidence that Dukakis is a professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.


#52   observer  1/28/2004 04:56AM PST

French looking?
Gore Vidal said that Kerry looked like Lincoln--after the assassination. That's even nastier, and from left field.

#49, Big Digger

Yeah, but I don't hear anything from Bush about "killing the Islamofreakazoids" either. It's still the TOP to him, and the Islamo....are just a few rotten apples in the barrel. He needs for Condi to summarize one of Lewis' books on Islam, or maybe read a Pipes column, or...


#53   observerabove  1/28/2004 04:57AM PST

ROP, not TOP


#54   Mississauga Matt  1/28/2004 05:40AM PST

I'm unfamiliar with U.S. politics, so perhaps someone can explain this to me:

How is it that both Dean and Kerry can both say without busting a gut laughing that they won't be beholden to special interests? And why is it that their noses didn't start growing when they said that?


#55   Joy  1/28/2004 05:43AM PST

Off topic, a muslim girl claims a UK schoolteacher made nasty shoe related slurs about her faith then tugged off the girls hijab resulting in a scratch from a pin holding it on. sounds fishy to me as shoe related slurs aren't exactly standard English swearing.

Does anyone remember Dieter--Mike Meyer's character from SNL? He used to insult people by saying "you are my shoe!" Perhaps the teacher [Miss can't make this stuff up!] is a fan??


#56   Judith windchill -46C (-51F)  1/28/2004 07:57AM PST

Lovely morning. BBC trounced in the Hutton Report. Dean loses. Almost makes up for the fact that my banana roze solid on the drive into work this morning.

Some Hutton gems:
"Whether or not that source was subsequently shown to be unreliable, the central allegation made by Andrew Gilligan in his BBC report was unfounded"

"Andrew Gilligan's report that Downing Street "probably knew" the 45-minute claim in its Iraq dossier was wrong was a grave allegation and attacked the integrity of the government and the Joint Intelligence Committee"

"Editorial system at BBC was defective in allowing Mr Gilligan's report to go to air without editors seeing a script"

"BBC management failed to make an examination of Mr Gilligan's notes of the interview with Dr Kelly"

"There was a defect in the BBC's management system relating to the way complaints were investigated"

"BBC governors failed to investigate Mr Gilligan's actions properly "


#57   Judith  1/28/2004 08:00AM PST

My banana FROZE not roze. (Fingers still numb from their death grip on the steering wheel due to cold, ice fog and slippery conditions. Must remember preview is my friend.)


#58   Jbad  1/28/2004 08:35AM PST

Probably shouldn't count Dean out yet (as much as I would like to)...remember Clinton didn't win Iowa or NH either.


#59   Ol' Southern Boy  1/28/2004 10:58AM PST

#49, Big Digger

I'm not implying the other Dhimmicratic candidates don't also feel that way. All I did was grab a few handy lines from a previous entry that were relevant to the point I wanted to make*. On the contrary, all of the dwarves (except maybe Lieberman) are dangerously naive on the issue of defending Western civilization.

*And the point I wanted to make was, "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy." Similarly, you can take Kerry out Massachusetts, but you can't take the America-hating, French-loving Socialist out of Kerry.


#60   Big Digger  1/29/2004 06:18AM PST

#59 Ol' Southern Boy

*And the point I wanted to make was, "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy." Similarly, you can take Kerry out (of) Massachusetts, but you can't take the America-hating, French-loving Socialist out of Kerry.

Good point.

#52 observer

Yeah, but I don't hear anything from Bush about "killing the Islamofreakazoids" either. It's still the TOP[sic] to him, and the Islamo....are just a few rotten apples in the barrel. He needs for Condi to summarize one of Lewis' books on Islam, or maybe read a Pipes column, or...

Well, you know you're not going to hear anything blunt and straightforward from any politician. I can say stuff like that because I have no constituency. When POTUS says ROP, does he mean Religion of Peace™ or does he mean my preferred description Religion of Piece©?

BTW, has a standard description for these orally flatulating buttheads been settled upon? Is it Islamofreak, Islamofreakozoid, Islamof**khead, Islamodickless, Islamofascist, Islamonazi, merely "scum that's better off dead", or something else?


#61   Marc  1/29/2004 06:54AM PST

I read on another forum that John Kerry summed up his Vietnam-era hate-America ethos in a book titled The New Soldier.

Can't find a reference to this on the net. Anyone ever read or heard of it?


#62   Baldy  1/31/2004 05:53AM PST

#61 Marc "The New Soldier" (Newsmax article)


#63   Marc  1/31/2004 07:26AM PST

Thanks...I will try to find this book. Looks like it won't be easy.


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US supports both national, UN inquiries on Timor bloodshed (AFP)


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Reports: Rosneft Acquires Key Yukos Unit (AP)

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Suicide Bomber Behind Bloodshed at Mosul Base (Reuters)

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Subdued Rumsfeld 'Truly Saddened' by Criticism (Reuters)

Russian State Firm Buys YUKOS Unit (Reuters)

Iraq Base Was Hit By Suicide Attack, U.S. General Says (

New Rules Issued for National Forests (

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 frank says:

Government is the Entertainment Division of the military-industrial complex. -- from the Real Frank Zappa Book

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