Saturday, August 10th, 2002
12:00 am - Just when he thought he was ready for another BIG post...
...he realizes it's 12 o'clock and that he only has 5 hours of sleep until he hasta wake up to go to work.
Aint that the way?
Well, a quickie then...
I've still got that tentative "Whenever they need me" job at Edge FX, but there's a couple of people there now that are working to get me a regular gig. As it is, I'm working there tomorrow. Cool stuff.
In other (short) news, I recently was handed the key's to QUITE a car in the land of Lyran Tal (metaphorically speaking). Basically, I may be taking over the reigns of a character/region I've always wanted to play/control. So I've done ALL the research for it... ALL the reading... Sent out ALL the "Educate meee!" emails...
And everyone I need to talk to is at Gen Con...
::proceeds to bang head on table::
I've got some cool ideas, too.
Anyway... Bedtime for Bonzo.
~ Joey
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| Thursday, August 1st, 2002
11:38 am - I'm hoooooo-ooooome...
S'funny... I've been here for a while... And I've got plenty of stuff to write about in LJ. So much, in fact, that I have NO idea where to start...
So, since I don't have much time online as it is, I'll save my Adventures in the Valley for a later date and instead put up a review of my new favorite album (which I still don't own yet... and it hurts).
Some of you may recognize this from the CWT message boards:
I hate Remix Albums...
...but daymn.
I mean, really... daymn.
For those of you uninitiated, I'm speaking of the newest, long-awaited release from Linkin Park, "Reanimated". It's a remix album, yes...
But this isn't just ANY remix album. This is an album filled with new music and new lyrics added on to their previous hits.
This includes all the songs from their Hybrid Theory album, plus the Christmas song they did for KROQ ("My December") and a song from their original demo EP (back when the actual name of the band was Hybrid Theory). Each song is a far cry from its original rendition. Some have the hip-hop end more prominent, while others boast intense industrial/techno sounds. Jonothan Davis jumps in to contribute his voice to the new White Zombie-esque rendition of "One Step Closer" and the final track is an epic, sweeping orchestral version of "Crawling" that slowly grows into an all encompassing rock track.
Oh yeah, and Aaron Lewis harmonizes with Chester on the chorus.
The compilation of all 20 tracks would make Trent Reznor proud, with songs blending flawlessly into each other and soft instrumental tracks littered throughout that will make even the movie score -- "Gladiator/Fellowship" -- fans drool.
The album also comes with some computerized special features, including a kickass CGI music video for their "Points of Authority" remix. (If you thought it was fight music before..? Whoo...)
Y'know what I love about Linkin Park? They don't write rock songs... They don't write hip-hop songs... They don't write techno songs...
They create music. They continually strive to push the art form forward, and now they've reinvented the Remix Album, turning it into something worth owning.
They create music because they love music, and anyone else who loves music will love what they have to contribute.
Linkin Park: Reanimation
~ Joey
current music: MY
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| Friday, June 7th, 2002
10:47 pm - "God created liquor to keep the Irish from conquering the world."
Wrapping things up before the move.
Rainbow Six has yet AGAIN been replaced by a fantasy book. I finally bought the paperback of American Gods and I do NOT want to wait until I finish the gimungous Clancy before reading it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Strike- The song with that line "...never the enemy I ain't never gonna DIZZIIIEEEE!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The computer comes down tonight, so this'll be my last entry before the Big Move.
Umm... Y'know, I thought I'd have alot to say... But I don't.
So... See y'all on the other side. ^_^
~ Joey
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6:28 am - One more thing...
"Atomic Twister" actually sounds really frikkin cool...
How pathetic is that?
~ Joey
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6:19 am - (m) ...little anarchist piece'a sh...
I feel like being interactive before I hit the sack...
So, all of you out there... Everyone on my Friend List...
^_^ Jump up and down.
~ Joey (if you *really* love me, you'll do it)
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4:28 am - Two Brainfarts in one night! Call Guiness...
...and ask him how to spell his fuckin' name!
Anyway... The brainfarts.
First, ask me about my flight on Sunday...
"My flight is at, like... the ass-crack of dawn, though. So everybody'll probly be at work or asleep while I'm flying away from the sun."
Next, ask me about the long wait at the airport...
"Good thing I'll have a Tom Clancy on me... Those books are like mini-dictionaries with no short term memory."
I'm still trying to figure out that last one... ::headshake::
~ Joey-clese
current music: Gone Away- Cold
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| Thursday, June 6th, 2002
3:34 am - All began one cold winter night...
I was chatting with the C lady earlier tonight and I ended up telling her the story of how Chael and I met. I realized that this is a story I've yet to post up on LJ, so I decided now's better than ever! ^_^
Ladies and gentlemen... The beginning of an era:
Me: ^_^ She was playing Oldie, I was playing Elfy. Oldie wandered into the tavern and started up a spontaneous game of riddles (the things this girl comes up with on the fly... ::disbelieving headshake::). So, while the characters play the game, Chael and I start up a loose chat in IMs... Only, at the time, I think she's a man.
Me: A gay... man.
C: .............................
C: Obviously that misunderstanding was corrected eventually.
C: Either that or you have a really open mind. ;)
Me: ....Well, see... I was still new to the world of online RP... So, it hadn't occured to me that people would cross-play genders. =P But, Chael wasn't *trying* to seem like a male, so she (he) just came off like a very feminine man!
C: I think that was your own bias working in there.
Me: ::laughing:: Well yeah! I hadn't yet grasped the idea of men playing female characters and women playing male characters. ^_^ So, I just figured "Male character... Its a guy!" -- Anyway, we got along and I figured "Hey, this guy's pretty cool, I think we may become friends!" So, after, like... three days of believing her to be a *him*....... *He* refers to himself as a "total valley girl" in a random IM chat... I pause.
C: ::eyebrows waggle::
Me: I stare at that line for a minute or so... And then decide to play it like I knew all along. ^_^
C: Smooooth.
Me: Another couple'a days after that, I'd developed a crush on her. ::laughs:: But how's that for the opening line of a story to tell your friends? "I met my girlfriend while she was a guy."
I sure use alotta "^_^" faces when I'm chatting, don't I...
~ Joey
current music: She Loves Me Not- Papa Roach (LOVE this song)
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12:56 am - ::cracks up::
14 I act like I'm 14. This test was brought to you by James - Part of the David and James phenomenon. Take it here.
In other words... I act like I did one year before I got my first girlfriend... And six months before people in general started to like me...
::ookyspooky voice:: Has the world changed..? Or just me..?
~ Joe Cool
current music: The Middle- Jimmy Eat World
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12:17 am - ::snicker::
I am 73% worshipable! And you? Find out!
S'just cuz I didn't kill the dude. ^_^
~ Joey
current music: Epiphany- Staind (WHY DON'T I OWN THIS ALBUM YET???)
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| Tuesday, June 4th, 2002
5:28 am - Return of the Philosophical Brainfart...
"Well, if'n y'wanna talk about it, just to vent, or anything, my ear's like a popular No-Tell Motel. The door's always open."
Just... don't ask.
~ Jo--*ssnnnnoooorrrrrrre*
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2:42 am - (m) Elfy doesn't brag...
2:14 am - Not quite... But close enough...
| Monday, June 3rd, 2002
4:46 pm - Good holy shit on a pogo stick!!!
It's finally begun to sink in...
In ::checks the calendar:: SIX days... I will be MOVING to LIVE in CALIFORNIA!
::claps his hands over his cheeks a la Home Alone:: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I mean... I mean, I will be packing up my room... My BELONGINGS... into BOXES... And little by little shipping them out to my NEW HOME. In CALIFORNIA.
It starts...
~ Joey
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| Sunday, June 2nd, 2002
8:10 pm - And just like that...
...Spidey is ussurped... And Daredevil's reign begins. ^_^
Thanks to the irreplaceable Chael-Belle for my new default icon.
Now, maybe I'll be able to make that Taz Write pic non-transparent!
~ Joey (the man with a significant amount of fear)
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6:37 pm - "Oh, you feel da need to shoo'..? Well go ahead an' shoo' den..."
Y'ever feel the need to get into a really good fist fight?
I mean, not like one'a those "single punch grazes the forehead and then they roll around and wrestle for two minutes" kinda fist fights, either...
I'm talking a dead-ass, knuckle to jaw, knock down, drag out, thrown through windows, dropped on coffee tables, beaten by antique chairs... FIST fight. The kind you see in bad Burt Reynolds movies.
I've always wanted to get into one of those fist fights. Where a guy runs at me with a tack hammer and I kick him in the kneecaps, spin kick the hammer out of his hand, then do a quick twelve-punch combo, sending him flying backwards over a cheap couch.
And then, when it's all done, all I have is a strategically placed shallow cut on the side of my face, making me look haggared, yet rugged... A heroic injury. Second only to the well-loved "hero's limp." You know the one... Where I get attacked by a metal pipe, slammed in the stomach, banged on the head, and then sent flying -- ...always flying... -- by a pipe to the face, back through a weak wooden wall... And then all the damage I've taken accumulates into a single, pethetic-yet-inspirational limp. Sometimes that limp will jump from one leg to the other, but it's always to my advantage... for example, if my right side is facing my opponent, and the only conceivable way to knock him out is by side-kicking him into a large metal statue with a conveniently placed long, sharp spike pointed toward my opponent's back, the limp will leave my right leg and go to my left, allowing me the chance I need to end the fight.
I love a good fist fight.
::contented sigh::
Anyway... Anyone up for a spar..?
~ Joe Blow
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| Saturday, June 1st, 2002
11:52 pm - Hunh...
I just got this inexplicable surge of loneliness.
Not "home alone, bored with no one to talk to" loneliness... And not "alone in the world, detached from everything, somebody hug me before I crack" loneliness either.
Of course... I'm not really sure what other kinds of loneliness there *is* in the world. Spiritual loneliness..? That falls under category B. Relationship loneliness..? Hell, that can fit into BOTH categories depending on the situation... But it's not that either.
What is it...
Maybe it's not loneliness at all..? It's got the same *feeling* as loneliness... The same vibe. But it's not *quite* what it seems...
I'm not unhappy! That's what feels off about it. Loneliness is just one form of unhappiness, and I'm not unhappy... Not in the least! Actually, I'm in a pretty good mood. A little bored, maybe... But boredom's never caused me to feel lonely before, so I don't really consider that a factor.
Well... whatever it was... ::laughs:: I done thunk it into submission.
Ahhh, the power of introspection.
A'right, nothing more to see here, go about yer business.
~ Joey
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| Friday, May 31st, 2002
11:49 pm - Funny thing is... All the funny answers WERE my answers...
| Thursday, May 30th, 2002
| Monday, May 27th, 2002
10:37 pm - I kill me!
Y'ever just write or say something that you found really, really funny..? I mean... That just totally cracked you up, and you were SO proud for thinking up this unbelievably hilarious comment..?
Me neither.
BUT, I came close in the tavern last night... here's a few highlights:
Elfy: ::Frowning slightly, he casts a glance down the bar... then casts a look toward the tables... There's something in the air tonight... He can practically smell it... It's like a hovering fog over the entire room::
Elfy: ::...Pick up lines...::
Elfy: ::...As a cold shiver runs down his back, his dinner is finally set before him and he slides from his stool, lifting the plate from the bar::
Elfy: ::Tis safer at the settees, than here, where hormones are high and the single are legion::
Elfy: ...Cloosidian Bacon.
Fate: ::okay, she turns back::
Elfy: ::Shaking his head disdainfully:: (m) Why can't they just call it ham...
Fate: ::and looks up at him::
Fate: ::quiet:: ....You need a hobby.
Elfy: ::Picking up his thought mid-sentence:: (q) ...the *dumbest* names..!
Elfy: Axechucker probably named them...
::grinny:: Most of you probly don't get the jokes, but I just hadda post 'em.
~ Joey
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12:54 am - Amendment:
And then Pop and I drove four hours back, banging our heads to NIN.
::grinny:: My father likes the Nine Inch Nails. DOUBLE boo ya.
~ Joe
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