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May 2005
My first drawing in a long time.. I hate drawing hands.. so tomorrow will be a banner day.. 0600 wake 0720 - meet with first sargeant to see if i will be punished.. probably. 0830 - hopefully get back home to sleep a little 1300 - interview with the Graphic Design section, here on base. 1400 - Study hour before work 1500 - work I really hope I get a good recommendation for this new job tomorrow! I would be doing something I really like, working maybe normal hours, maybe even around "normal" people! i just cant stand the flightline anymore |
Did you know that Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime, is also responsible for the voices of tons on other recognizable shows. Particularly, Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, the narrator from Voltron and several others! its like Hollywood was a really really small world back then.. not that it isnt now. |
Rice Rice baby.. So Ane Rice is doing a new book on Jesus' early years.. that should be pretty interesting! I only know of her work from a couple books I have read of the Vampire series, but I hope she's NOT planning on writing the same way. I just dont think the ambigous sexuality and erotic language use would be... appropriate for the time, setting, and character she has chosen to focus on. We'll see. |
ok, so i guess im a bit of a collector now.. |
So long and thanks for all the fish.. so i watched Hitchhiker's Guide tonight.. Nice try. It could have been so much better, if they had stuck to the original material, instead of stripping it of so many of the best lines, the best jokes instead of these stripped down version of them.. its like changing the punchline of a joke to something shorter, because you are running outta time. Its a bad solution! Either get mor time, or dont tell the joke at all! In this case, i suppose its nice that the jokes were told, but uinfortunate that they were told well, having had all the humor sucked out from it. In the meantime, I bought an XBOX on ebay tonight.. yay for me! good deal huh? |
i didnt even know XXX didnt have Vin Diesel in it, Ice Cube? no wonder it did for crap.. i cant be the only who didnt know that, right? glad H2G2 did was well as it did, despite how different people are saying it is.. I'm getting the movie tonight, and should be able to watch it tonight too i suppose.. woulda liked to see it in the theaters, but oh well..its just not happening, darn british pound! |
i've got so many viruses right now its silly! firefox dont work... Poo |
reposted from my comment in hazeqeren's journal like I said, its from a long time ago.. I was a kid when I lived in the Philippines, and she [Carmen Cuneta] was huge then, her and Gaby.. or something, her husband at the time. So I can tell you almost everytihng I remember in nothin flat! (spelling will be bad!) Tito, Vic and Joey Eat Bulaga School Bukool Voltron Jeepneys Tricycles Manila ice cream factory i went to as a school field trip Footloose bars in Angeles City Riles ng Tren (train tracks.. in Angeles City where the outdoor BBQ stands were, my grandmother having one of the top stands! Girls walking around selling "bomba" San Miguel Beer poo poo water (what i called the nasty green brown water in the gutters) banana spiders coconut milk eating off bamboo leaves with my hands ube halo halo with jack fruit, condensed milk, ube, and these weird beans my pet goat 'Billie' Clark Air Force base typhoon tropical rainstorms hurricanes mosquitos and by the way, here is the the song I know.. turns out I only knew the chorus really. And I dont know who this Regine girl is.. a movie to a song i also recall.. |
girls.. wait, I think its more like, Girls?! yeah.. thats it. but we'll never know |
A new Pope gets elected or chosen or whatever and NOBODY even mentions it in their LJ?! Geez people, way to have the pulse of the world! anyways, i just found out yesterday, but I have an excuse... I'm in England and I dont watch "live" TV or listen ot the radio. I just happened to see it on Yahoo. hmm, from a young 58 at elected peaceful, somewhat open, polish pope to a 78 yr old at election, conservative, hardline,by most accounts not open minded, german pope whose previous duty was head of what was previously known as the Holy Inquisition, but now is called the Department of Doctrinal teachings or something like that... let me just say, O Holy Crap... well, it might not be that bad. I mean, compared to the United States and our unofficial Pope, President Bush and his "conservative"-ness, and how the world is shaping up... we wont have to worry too much longer about the state of the world, cuz it'll all be over in like, a couple years. Armageddon almost seems sweet in coming.. |
new addition to my family.. yea, I've never been exactly a "collector" but I was doing my usual web searchin for stuff, and I ran across this new Optimus Prime toy. ( new obsession? ) |
Fight nights.. so I dont know quite how its gotten as big as it has, but something kinda fun has happened. a couple weeks ago, a couple guys I know were messin around cuz one of them had karate fighting gear in his trunk a late night/early morning after work. I taped it, right there in front of my doorwayt. we took it to work to the next day and showed it, and then a couple guys wanted to join in. so last week, we got together again in more open space, with equipment in tow and camera in hand, (but not mine tho, so i dont have any footage). Had a couple good matches that night, I even had a go at someone and we knocked each other around a bit (no tape, it sucks!). Tonight we had even more people show up to our lil friday night flightline fight-night, and a guy even brought his wooden swords, a homemade Bo Staff, and nunchucks! I gotta say this was my best fight so far, but still no video, sorry all. Maybe next time.. or maybe i'll just keep the evidence scarce since then at least I can keep the idea alive in my head that I'm good! but by most people's accounts, I took him, and he did actually quit, i guess I out-winded him. (not from body blows, we do mostly just head shots, tho he was taking me to the body, and I didnt know we were going there.. but a change of strategy and I had him on the run! It's true tho, just like Brad and Ed Noron said in Fight Club, once you start fighting, you start to think about people in tterms of whether you can take em or not.. I'm not talking about in general life or anything, but amongst each other, size each other up, make matchups, fights we'd like to see, give each other tips, work on strategy, technique, etc. its kinda weird, fun, and mostly...WE AINT GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO!! well, there's drinking.. but thats not really my bag baby, and *I* wouldnt box and drink.. cuz thats dumb. if there was an accident, and we goto the hospital and we got alcohol in our system, uh oh.. alcohol related incident=alcohol dependency program or something... nah, i dont need that crap. So c'mon.. bring it! who wants some? I want aziandude and jamba.. its on. |
Night Watch this looks really good too.. i love these types of movies.. but i cant tell if this is actually gonna be in Russian or not? who cares.. i like subtitles too! |
Hitchhiker's Guide, bad trip? *SPOILERS LIKE CRAZY* dont read if you dont wanna know whats in/not in the new film coming out. I only read the first page, and then stopped, because I wanna give it a fair shot, and not be completely biased against it, since I was already skeptical. I mean its Disney first of all, second of all it has GREAT visuals, which means they spent a lot of time and money on that, which could hint at not spending a lot on focusing on the STORY! which... I think we all can agree, is what makes the book so great, the dialog, not what you actually see. I mean even in the 80's BBC tv mini-series, its a classic because it held pretty well to the books and the radio versions, not because it had the greatest graphics. Not to take away from the great animations that accompanied the Guide voice overs.. anyways.. here's the link for those interested.. and I mean, its REALLY detailed |
what are YOU watching? I think I'm gonna start doing what I call my "Torrents of the Day", if you have bittorrent, then you can check out a torrent that I recently found interesting, or most likely, have downloaded and loved. Today's torrents of the day: Journey - Full concert in Japan Legend of the Drunken Master also, I just watched Riverdance- The New Show.. it was AMAZING! they didnt just have the irish dance, which I think is incredible, but aslo tap set to jazz, flamenco dancing-type tap, feature of violin vs. sax, oh so many things.. it was great. if you are interested, ask me about where i got that at.. |
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