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Dueling Wits

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... [Feb. 7th, 2005|12:16 am]
[Current Mood | disappointed]

can someone please tell me at what point i turned into an asshole?

nevermind - i don't think i want to know....


so its been a while... [Feb. 5th, 2005|11:12 pm]
[Current Mood | tired]

but i think i've had my first day long mirgaine since two years ago. this whole not remembering to eat thing isn't really the big problem, its the whole not getting hunrgy thing. i actually don't get hungry. my stomach barely grumbles, and i don't feel the actual *need* to eat.if you ever hear me say "i'm hungry, i need to eat" that isn't me saying "i feel hungry, maybe i should eat so i don't get sick" this means either a) i just rememeberd the last time i ate was yesturday. b) it is the time of eating, and i make myself eat around this time everyday. or c) i actually AM sick from not eating (which would be an educated guess) and i need to digest soemthing quickly before i fall down a fligth of stairs.

i really hate having to eat.

so today i rememebered i kick ass at bowling - after about 5 or 7 years of not touching a bowling ball i hit a 133 and beat this guy who had *his own ball and bag*. the only problem is the motions of throwing the ball kind of almost wrecked my shoulder. didn't care tho - i just poped it back in as per usual.

i really don't know where i was trying to go with this...cause i'm ass tired and my brain isn't really "on" right now. ok - back to bed for me.

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[Feb. 4th, 2005|07:00 pm]
 <Match> you shouldve seen the confused look on her face
<Match> it's like we dropped her in the middle of china and asked her to find a mr. chang

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hehehe... [Feb. 4th, 2005|06:02 pm]
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seems interesting [Feb. 2nd, 2005|06:59 pm]
[Current Mood | crappy]

 Fun Meme
If you read this,
even if i don't speak to you often,
post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad,
just so long as it happened.

Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you....

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will someone make me an icon out of this? [Feb. 2nd, 2005|08:18 am]
i'll give you a nice shiney nickel...

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now THATS some good ranting [Feb. 1st, 2005|08:37 am]
Check it out.
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o...k.... [Jan. 25th, 2005|08:27 am]
this is kinda wierd... )
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what we're gonig to have to go through... [Jan. 25th, 2005|08:13 am]
[Current Mood | sore]

yeesh... i still wish we could just elope. but then not as many nifty presents... bah.

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something i should rememeber... [Jan. 24th, 2005|11:09 pm]
[Current Mood |sick]

there is *no* safe time to make out with a sick girlfriend. even when she is 90% better. cause i will *always* get fucking sick.

i'm going to go guzzle some OJ now.

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everyone else seems to be doing it... [Jan. 24th, 2005|10:27 pm]
[Current Mood | sick]

Frosh In High School Meme )

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i stoled this [Jan. 23rd, 2005|10:52 pm]
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commerical break... [Jan. 23rd, 2005|10:00 pm]
Johnny Carson has passed away. i swear he was the corniest funny guy i've ever seen...and jay leno can't hold a candle to him.

lets hope theres a tennis court wherever hes going...i bet he'll be lost without the game.

For [info]ididmytime [Jan. 23rd, 2005|09:47 pm]
[Current Mood | accomplished]

a rant on George Bush

we all know hes an idiot. we all know that he focuses on just a few things(war, terror, money) and can only focus ont hose few things at a time. we can't spread ourselves too thin, can we dubya? we cant think about the AIDS epidemic in africa, the over population in china and japan, we can'tthink about people starving in our own streets, but eah - we can worry about people starting terrorist cells in the middle east because of what we fucked up a few years ago.

but lets look at the sly bush. the scheming one. because for one, i think that he and whoever his handlers are are a group of sly sumbitches.

the whole country is *still* gripped and divided. the people of this land have a stake driven through the middle of them, and it all started a eyar into his *first* term. think about that. hes kept us going and going and going...hes kept the country from actually thinking things through, hes kept the public at large form actually getting him out of office...and his party basically controls all three areas of govt. the white house, congress(i don't care what kindof fight the dems can put up, they are all douches and dumbasses anyways) and the courts. and why? cause he is playing on ours fears, he is makingt hings bigger than they should be, and his spin machine is INSANE. have youe ver seen what happens after they fuck up? all the seinor officials go on tv, radio, whatever theyc an, and shout and shout until they drown out all opposition....WHILE, by the by, making the opposition sound like idiots. this is the way to actually *run* a country. held by a precious few, the power to move mountains is under their control. and the worst part is, everyone is fighting to take it back. but they aren't fighting together.

lets look at the democrats - they held power for years, had a good run in the 90s held the senete for a good while... remember the 60s? early...not late...they had JFK. i mean damn! he was cool! butt hey got divided. they have no proper leader ship, they all attack different issues, and they don't act like a unified force. the rebublicans have played that out to include the whole country...some are worried about the war, some are worried about social security, some are worried about spending and the budget...and who is the figure head? mr bush. with his snide delivery of speeches, his way of slipping past points of interest by waving a flag in our faces...i swear - it has to be an act. he has to be smarter than he looks, he can't just be a dumbass that stumbled his way into power. and let me say this on a seperate line so everyone can hear me:

Dick Cheney isn't totally in charge, nor is he the devil.

he is a creepy old man...sorry...he is a creepy evil old man who looks like he is telling bush what to do...i be in actuality hes there just to give advice, and mr. bush has many things under his hat.

yeah...he looks like a momma's boy, a little kid playing a cowboy playing a president...but i cna't shae the feeling that this is all going way too well - that this is way too well thought out for ANYONE to let an idiot in on it. they can't depend on him fucking up - this seems way too clock work. so obviously i end with this...

all hail the empire. i can't wait to see my first light saber.


this rant was brought to you by [info]ididmytime, and evil politics. Evil Politics - hundereds of years of screwing over the general public, still the same smooth flavor. mm mm thats good back stabbin'.

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For [info]masteradept [Jan. 23rd, 2005|09:31 pm]
a rant on Non Bathing Gamers

as long as there have been people grouped together, there have been people who don't bath. its a law somewhere...probably alabama or someplace. and as long as there have been outcasts of society, there have been a further outcast group... so we arrive at our friend, our foe, our annoying friend who doesn't pay for the pizza along with everyone else... the stinky gamer(or Roleplius gamorum odiferous). this is a sad case, because we have boxes within boxes. within the stinky gamer contingent we have the stinkified gamer, the non-deoderant using gamer, and at its worst...*shudder* the "au naturale" gamer. fun fact - all gamers have built in defenses against larger, stronger attackers,(such as the nerd gamer's ability to lull his enemies into a deep sleep by recalling inane facts about tree sap) but this particular gamer keeps all living beings away in his(or her) belief that you don't need to wash. at all. but i digress.

gamers need to wash. this isn't somehting that only i beleive, but somehting that the world over has come to accept. gamer conventions have become hotbeds of disgust and filth, and not just because they have porn stars there for some explicable reason.

the normal gamer doesn't know what to do with girls. this is a fact. porn star girls should really just burst their little minds.

in thinking on this subject for a while, i have come to this conclusion: unwashed gamers come from three known factors.

1. Nuture many gamers are little nerds that do well in school. many of these also have cool parents that generally think...well they are doing so well, we'll let them not bath every night since they don't like it so much, or they think they should leave the kid be. the little gamerling isn't doing any drugs, messing around with girls, or getting into trouble(little known to them the reason is they don't have any social skills) so they let the unbathedness slide.
2. Social Standing many gamers are on the outs with the rest of society, so why follow the rules of the masses? if you don't like...water lets say...then fuck it. be as stinky as you want to be, and it won't matter since everyone thinks your a freak anyways.
3. Social Contact gamers do have friends. and they rpobably stink too. a whole lot. so what happens when people are aorund people who stink, who always stink, and they've never known anyhting but? yeah you guessed it - a one way tript o gas maskvill for the rest of us.


thank you.

this rant has been brought to you buy [info]masteradept, and readers like you.
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a meme of my own devising! [Jan. 23rd, 2005|02:43 am]
[Current Mood | exhausted]

The Rant Meme

1. Comment with any subject that you would like me to rant on, with possible swearing involved. any subject - i don't even have to agree with it.
2. watch my journal for your rant.
3. post this in your own journal, so that you may rant for others.

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[Jan. 22nd, 2005|01:39 pm]
to everyone reading this who worked at Abt Associates (AKA Fuckheads Intl.)

do you have your W-2s yet?
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[Jan. 21st, 2005|11:23 pm]
oh my fucking shit god its cold. jesus christ my water froze in my car after only like 4 hours.
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new nigerian spam letter! [Jan. 20th, 2005|11:00 pm]
Now complete with good spelling AND better explaination of the money!! )
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two things. [Jan. 20th, 2005|08:42 am]
[Current Mood | aggravated]

one - i found out what the quarter thing is about...thanks to vixen and some googling. the merrick mint took some state coins and plated them with 24k gold. so someone must have bought a set of quarters, then sold them or just plain used them cause they were stupid, and put it into circulation. now it is mine.

two - i've been having patience problems lately. its become worse now - people or things that have stressed me out have almost made me lash out...i really don't like it, and i'm going to try to work on not hurting any annoying members at work today, but just tread lightly around me for a few days, ok?

that is all.

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