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User:bigal (33921) bigal
Location:Long Beach, Mississippi, United States
AOL IM:AIM status F00TBALL7 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:I’m from a little town in Mississippi surrounded by bigger towns. it ain't much, but it's home. These days, I’m a student at the University of Southern Mississippi, I’m a senior in Software Engineering Technology. I have an extreme love for football... talk to me alot and it will eventually become apparent.. I’m a networking geek these days, always in search of something new to mess with and figure out

humm former football player workin on computers... can you say walking oxymoron?

Sarcasm is on of the best ways to get a point across.

You’ve got to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at others

"That's Funny Right there i dont care who ya are"
-Larry The Cable Guy

"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity"
-Bullet-Tooth Tony
Memories:26 entries
Interests:144: 8-bit theatre, 80s, adagio, adult swim, aim, al bundy, anne rice, aqua teen hunger force, atari, baseball, bassett hounds, batman, beavis and butt-head, big o, boredom, butters, cable modems, carolina panthers, cartman, ccna, ccnp, cell phones, cisco, colin quinn, college, comics, computer networking, computers, deer hunting, dell, disturbed, dogs, doom, dr. weird, duke nukem, dvds, eminem, fargate, fat-kins diet, fenrir, ff11, ffo, ffxi, firewalls, flint, foamy, football, ford escape, funny movies, g. i. joe, g.i. joe, galka, galkan, gamecube, george carlin, get smart, go-bots, godzilla, gundam wing, half-life, harry potter, hattiesburg, horror movies, illwillpress, in the bleachers, internet, iron man, james bond, kazaa, kenny, kid rock, korn, kyle, larry the cable guy, life, linkin park, linux, livejournal, long beach, megaman, metallica, metroid, mgccc, mississippi coast, movies, mp3s, my car, naps, napster, nascar, nes, nightwish, p2p, perk, perkinston, pit crew, playonline, quake, red alert, ron white, routers, samus aran, scarface, scary movies, scooby doo, scottish terriers, scuba, scuba diving, seti@home, sleeping, snes, snuba, soilwork, south park, spider-man, spy hunter, stan, stargate, steve, superman, switches, terry tate, the big o, the far side, the man show, the punisher, thundercats, timmay, tough crowd, transformers, trillian, tulsa talons, tux, unreal, usm, voltron, weightlifting, wi-fi, winamp, wireless, wolfenstein, yahoo, yahoo!, ziggy. [Modify yours]
People39:angelw_outwings, aurorax3, bigsteve, blueracer, circlek, czircon, el_beets, fireflypkb, gothonprozac, guppygrrl, hermajesty, i_am_aj, isuppose, jamminjj, jax_girl_babs, jimb0, kid_kaos, kingcrimson, kittenfc, lafingod, lilacpearl, littlepinkcanoe, lizadru, loserface, mask0fsalt, miahh, noleafclover_25, nsgidget, oliverseal, pjammer, raptor9183, sami_jane, shoppingqueen, sparkychixsd, spaz2crzy4u, speeddemondave, the5yeardecline, thevision, thinker_de_hol
Communities32:aquateenhforce, athf, bush_rocks, cartoonnetwork, certification, cntoonami, comedy_central, finalfantasy11, gi_joe, gundam_wing, hattiesburgms, it_professional, lj_maintenance, ljwin32_sema, logic_forum, lttp, mississippi, mwc_fans, news, nintendopower, paidmembers, pcgeeks, sports_debate, strdymrngcrtns, telecomindustry, the_man_journal, thebigo, trilliantalk, vanadiel, views, war_driving, wardrivers
Account type:Free Account

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