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§ unspoken thoughts §

[19 Jan 2004|04:38pm]
you're dean.  you're the supportive boyfriend that every girl wants. and now you're crushed because the girl of your dreams has dumped you for some sleezebag?  what are you to do?  wi
you're dean! you're the perfect boyfriend that
every girl wants. you found the girl of your
dreams, but unfortunately she dumped you for
someone completely opposite of you. you'll do
anything to win her back. she made you have a
future, and you know shes the one for you!!!!

which gilmore girls character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

haha.. am amused. i am SO not dean. dean is a whiner. dean towers over me. dean is picture-perfect. but most of all, dean is a GUY.

all that talk abt Everwood during malay.. and now i'm missing gilmore.. waa:(

§ unspoken thoughts §

[17 Jan 2004|09:40pm]
thought drama was funNY today. all the bloopers like 'butik MUrah" and other stuff those pple managed to come up w..tsk tsk. nar and i laughED like crazy in the av room.
hmm cikgu's and the directors' comments for the first run-through were too kind, too kind.

stepped into orchard road for the first time in a while. it was so packed with misfits! glad i got company on the way home:)

am gonna harass my brother on how he styles his gravity-defying hair! den i can experiment w sarah n robiah. hohoho.yay cant wait for the 23rd 0.o

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

sunday [26 Oct 2003|10:32am]
it seems the only reason i went for the last day of tuition class was to use their computers. deprived!

anddd my tuition tchr has discovered my lj address. *dies* i'll probably NOT update this blog anymore. hur hur. possible 'friends-only' entries are under way.

watched white oleander and taxi3 on rental vcds.. i like! french movies are so out of this world. (yamakasi!wasabi!amelie!) i'm thinking of a french movie marathon.. anyone interested?

LOL faiz is playing games. funnyyy. and he didnt bother switching off th overhead projector so it's big screen entertainment!

i've been hogging this computer far too long. i think somebody wants to use it.

p/s: a fair warning to Mr Danny: STAY AWAY (from my blog)OR I WILL HURT YOU.

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

151003 [15 Oct 2003|07:17am]
eeks i had a WEIRD dream. shant say much abt it except that aaron aziz was in it so it cant be good rite? eew.

today's farewell assembly .. walked into the classroom and it still had that horrible exam atmosphere.. so i asked pam whether there was an exam today and she said yes and i freaked out(!)

going to do some service learning today.. and i have madrasah exams on thurs.. and i just found out yesterday.. how wonderful. oh muchos gracias naf for the stuffed-crust pizza.

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

a maths paper fried my brain cells [08 Oct 2003|06:28pm]
not good, not good.

and somebody walked out half-way thru the paper. fed-up. 0.0

thanks cikgu for the sweater. ahakz.

4 more papers. andden good riddance. bleurghhh.

exams make me sick.

§ unspoken thoughts §

2 guys, a girl and a pizza place. [12 Sep 2003|11:18pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | cheerful rock music:) ]

i love this song;)

It's All Been Done
Barenaked Ladies

I met you before the fall of Rome
And I begged you to let me take you home
You were wrong, I was right
You said goodbye, I said goodnight

It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before

I knew you before the west was won
And I heard you say the past
was much more fun
You go your way, I go mine
But I'll see you next time

It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before

And if I put my fingers here, and if I say
"I love you, dear"
And if I play the same three chords,
Will you just yawn and say

It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before

Alone and bored on a thirtieth-century night
Will I see you on The Price Is Right?
Will I cry? Will I smile?
As you run down the aisle?

It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before

oh and i'm in love with comedies too:D minus all the boring sex jokes. hm there's a debate about jess going on in the gilmore community.

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

[08 Sep 2003|09:44pm]
made notes for bio today.. i'm almost at the point of giving up bcos there's just too much to summarise.. maybe i shud consider just highlighting chunks of information and pray(very hard) tt it'll stick to my brain.

The internet is acting all sloth-like.

and my brother is being edgy. edgyedgyedgy. sheesh. it's like his pms-ing or something. which is~ physically impossible seeing he's a guy and all.

and francesca! where on earth are yu. not picking up phone, not online, not anywhere. how are we supposed to meet yu tmr?! if by chance yu receive my psychic messages pls reply asap.

okay. i cant believe i did what i just did. aah!

*screams and hides under the pillows*

§ unspoken thoughts §

050903 [05 Sep 2003|10:50pm]
life is pretty interesting nowadays.

like how i thot i did okay in the lit test until i realised dat i had used the phrase "sleazy prostitute" in my analysis. and it was an animal poem:Þ

and how my bio tchr said this today- "If you had no tears, your eyes would dry up like raisins." imagine. shrivelled-up vision.

tofu blood anyone?

hm the new lj look is nice.

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

040903 [04 Sep 2003|05:28pm]
[ mood | repetitive ]
[ music | sleeping child~ ]

hehehe we tricked francesca into buying anatolia ice-cream today. u know tt turkish restaurant where the ice-cream man amuses yu by playing hard to get;) she was sO suspicious of us. and the ice-cream man knew wad we were up to so he was smirking and we were smirking and it was all so side-splitting:D

today was a fantastic day.
; came early to school
; had to give a speech during malay and it didnt suck:)
; saw edison chen on the projector screen
; actually understood the a maths lesson
; free period bcos there was no lit lesson
; neoprints

yay. pidato was alright. i seriously thought i was gonna freak. and say the wrong things. but nO. naf said i sounded sweet. ugh. that was so not my intention. and cikgu was nice today. even postponed our summary test[altho i personally feel dat it wud hav been better if she had cancelled it altogether]. she said the second round of pidatos were good.

during recess alps played dat edison chen mtv which ironically contained no music watsoeva. hm cantonese is quite fascinating. been seeing a lot of dat guy nowadays. and the other day they played this shinhwa video or something and the members of this korean boyband were so enthralled with each other. it was some dare show and they had to kiss each other. eep. was so appalled.

anyway i have a feeling tmr is going to be an awful day. good things never last. there's a lit unseen poetry test! sigh.
oh btw ili ur shawshank redemption is still w me bcos i checked the due date and it's tmr so i shall return it dutifully after readin it yah.

- - - - - - -

A: do you listen to Michael Learns to Rock? they have really nice songs..
B: oh.. did you know that they've since changed their band name?
A: really? to what?
B: Michael Knows How to Rock.
A: ...

go ahead laugh. ha ha. yes we are still capable of producing lame jokes when the exams are so near. so really, lighten up:)

§ unspoken thoughts §

[04 Sep 2003|12:55pm]
does anyone have an lj code to spare?:D


§ unspoken thoughts §

[03 Sep 2003|09:14pm]
yesterday it rained. crazily. was soaked to the skin even though there was an umbrella over my head. shared it w liy. we were wondering why some people were inching away from the road andden it hit us. literally. this taxi conveniently sped by and in the process splashed icy, cold water on us. not that it made a difference since we were already so wet and all. but still.


oh played contact rugby for pe today. sO fun:D 'tackled' celine and nadiah. 3 touchdowns haha. but one was offside and the other wasnt counted but aNyway..

hm am probably gonna do a maths classwork now. i dont understand permutations and commutations.

§ unspoken thoughts §

All things will die. [31 Aug 2003|07:40pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

All Things will Die
by Lord Alfred Tennyson

Clearly the blue river chimes in its flowing
Under my eye;
Warmly and broadly the south winds are blowing
Over the sky.
One after another the white clouds are fleeting;
Every heart this May morning in joyance is beating
Full merrily;
Yet all things must die.
The stream will cease to flow;
The wind will cease to blow;
The clouds will cease to fleet;
The heart will cease to beat;
For all things must die.
All things must die.
Spring will come never more.
O, vanity!
Death waits at the door.
See! our friends are all forsaking
The wine and the merrymaking.
We are call’d-we must go.
Laid low, very low,
In the dark we must lie.
The merry glees are still;
The voice of the bird
Shall no more be heard,
Nor the wind on the hill.
O, misery!
Hark! death is calling
While I speak to ye,
The jaw is falling,
The red cheek paling,
The strong limbs failing;
Ice with the warm blood mixing;
The eyeballs fixing.
Nine times goes the passing bell:
Ye merry souls, farewell.
The old earth
Had a birth,
As all men know,
Long ago.
And the old earth must die.
So let the warm winds range,
And the blue wave beat the shore;
For even and morn
Ye will never see
Thro’ eternity.
All things were born.
Ye will come never more,
For all things must die.

yes lit tchr chose this poem we presented to be part of the Death/Wars compilation of poems we're doing next yr:D i like how the poet describes death.. very intriguing.

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

"supposedly" significant events that happened today [25 Aug 2003|09:16pm]
1. Mr Ho discussing Hamtaro(the cutesy hamster cartoon) during PHYSICS. *smacks forehead*
2. Ain calling cikgu 'ustazah' by mistake. lol
3. Getting all nervous before the french presentation(and in the process screwing it up)
4. History test that never seemed like one because it felt too unreal
5. Cikgu in a good mood

one thing that's been driving me nuts nowadays:
1 screeching of chairs against the floor every. single. waking. moment. that. i. am. in. school.


auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

230803 [24 Aug 2003|12:04am]
finished household chores(hurray). now my brother wont complain. not like he does much ard the house anyway. shh.

am dreading monday: french orals presentation and history test. not prepared for both. why is it so hard to find a decent photo of Sophie Marceau? sheesh. and Stalin and Lenin are confusing me.

came early to school to do the UN project. actually, i was half an hour late:p how ironic. anyway arrived at the library welcomed by celine's warm smile. lol. realised that they weren't doing anything related to the project; library was closed and so were the computer labs. so we trudged on towards our classroom but projector wasnt working very well so we borrowed 307's. spent. er. 3.5 hours staring at the screen and editing the essay. cant really remember much that went on except that we didnt have much fun>.< was drooling at amanda's KFC coupons. left at one but there wasnt time for lunch anyway so went for dikir.

cikgu gave an interesting speech. andden it was naf's turn. she's so funny lah. kept side-tracking. heh. so we ended early after singing Satria Perjuangan and Darah. Liy has such a nice voice:D

went to eat with nafliatiqahfaqy at cahaya-cum-rose garden. shirin left:( before that we saw some bands jamming at where? the bus stop. what a weird place to jam. but it was nice la. one of them was playing Radiohead's Creep which atiqah didnt like because the lead singer sounded like he was half-dying. but the actual song is like dat wad! bought cheese fries. 4 boxes! faqy finished two. wow. dunt know why i'm still surprised when i should have been used to this yrs ago. faqy always amazes me:D

andden we took the train home. supposedly. but got persuaded by naf to follow her to woodlands library to search for tigers. er. her UN project lah. saving the tigers. she went off with faqy to photocopy some pages and i was bored so i picked up the encyclopedia book on WHALES. quite interesting actually. might put down 'environmentalist' as one of my career choices. those two never came back so i smsed faqy but she had left her phone behind. and didnt switch it to silent mode. so there was this loud beep coming from her phone. received an evil stare. bleh. finally those two came back and we went home.


§ unspoken thoughts §

after-effects of UN project. [22 Aug 2003|11:06pm]
i seriously intend to save the ozone. no, really. i do.

§ unspoken thoughts §

second edition. lol. monsieur is not lame at all. [18 Aug 2003|11:43pm]
The oral presentation will last 3 minutes (5 minutes
MAXIMUM). After 5 minutes, I will interrupt you, don't
expect any pity from me!

Your cue card (yes, only ONE cue card!) should not
exceed 30 words. If your cue card has more than 30
words, I will clip the excess part, don't expect any
pity from me!

You are not supposed to read a text aloud, nor are you
supposed to read a text that was 100% memorized. All
that you are supposed to memorize is the point form of
your presentation. From that point form, you are
supposed to improvise. If your presentation has been
memorized word by word, I will know it. Worse: if the
text is an online translation of an English text you
downloaded from the internet, I WILL KNOW IT, don't
expect any pity from me!

Bring one or two pictures of the famous person your
presentation is about. It should be big enough to be
seen by the whole class. (Colour is not required). If
it's on thumbnail size, don't expect any pity from me!

Be prepared to speak LOUDLY and INTELLIGIBLY. If you
mumble and if your classmates at the back row are
unable to hear you, don't expect any pity from me!

If you have any questions, e-mail to my usual address.

§ unspoken thoughts §

instant noodles. [18 Aug 2003|11:04pm]
hahaaa.. sigh.

if only i had the power to stop time.

it's my worst enemy.

>i dont get the Montreal Protocol.

auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

twilight zone. [15 Aug 2003|10:09pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | faint- lp ]

am so sleepified. there are many things i should be doing right now but can't find the zest to. argh.

where are you?

got flag day tmr. shall practice putting on a really sincere, genuine smile on my face.

"Would you like to donate?"

bleh. and the shift starts at 8am. Who goes to orchard at 8 am in the morning? even the shops open 3 hrs later.

eh she disappeared. sigh.

history class was funny today. possible reason could be because i was high during the chem test. dont get me wrong. it was hard. i think all the rushing to finish the paper in time is sort of exciting, in a way. haha. adrenaline rush. i'll never seek to understand myself.


§ unspoken thoughts §

detached. [11 Aug 2003|10:09am]
monday blues. argh.

that Less Than Jake song keeps playing in my head.

She's gonna break soon.
Gonna break soon.
Gonna break soon.



auscultate thoughts + § unspoken thoughts §

205 outing & perbayu farewell! [09 Aug 2003|10:30pm]
yey two fun-filled days.

went out with ex-205 pple yesterday and yes they're still as fun to be with:) we went gallivanting to
1)Picnic @ Scotts

ate at Picnic and took pictures! obviously daphne was very bored. haha. den we went to paragon and took even more pictures under the GUCCI logo. did supposedly sophisticated poses and was kind of surprised the wonderful Gucci people didnt shoo us away. shall scan pics in soon!

went to cine to bowl. $6.50 for ONE game + shoes? daylight robbery! heh tetty bowled surprisingly well(after the mishap at malacca hahaa) and so did everyone else. yey:) andden after the game when we went to Heeren pple started disappearing. HMV was rather bleurgh bcos of the crowd. suffocating. escaped to CityLink but maybe that was a mistake bcos half of us stoned at some seats whilst the rest went to Tower Records. Was staring at the people passing by and commenting about them to stef. But all of a sudden had this feeling that THEY were staring at us. when the Tower Records pple returned they apologised briefly and shirin and ili went home whilst we stopped by Esplanade. took a picture of daph in my big sweater! haha so cute. and she was doing this i'm-so-innocent-but-really-not-i-cant-make-up-my-mind look.

and went home with her and naf. slept on the train. drained.

then todayyy. perbayu farewell. palawan beach. tanjak. performances.

our rather impromptu 'challenge' thing turned out to be quite eventful. mat tapereds! haha. am amused.

ate THREE different types of cake thanks to those who put in the effort and time:) and we sang a lot of boyband songs. naf punya kerja lah. haha. the sea breeze is nice. especially at that spot on the rocks facing the sea.

izinkan ku mencuri bayangan wajahmu
kau ilhamku

gonna miss the sec 4s.

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