| Thursday, the 7th of April, 2005 |
7:50 pm - i'm so awful
| | Tuesday, the 5th of April, 2005 |
2:52 pm - other unrelated tidbit
2:22 pm - one of those f-ing days
So I got myself on a bit of a normal sleeping schedule sometime last week, but it all went to hell on Saturday night. For some reason, it seemed like a grrrrreat idea to bring some Korean guys I didn't know over to Michelle's apartment at 2am. All things considered and the time-change taken into account, I didn't roll home until 7am. Man, though, was I ever laughing to myself throughout the whole night. I mean, I've surprised my friends with beer and cartoons and stuff like that before, but never with foreign people. That's a new one. Yeah, of course I was completely wasted. You mean that was obvious?
Anyhow, now one of the Korean guys is in love with me and hey, he's cute... but can we say stalker? I can. That's about all I've been saying for the last couple days - and saying it in a low, sort of hissy tone that does only a little to demonstrate how very, very irritated I am. The guy's constantly sending me text messages, leaving me voice mails, begging me to hang out and making pretty bold declarations of his feelings. I'm a little very annoyed now. I don't know why I ever even deal with people, because they're all crazy and the craziest ones just looooooove me.
In other unrelated news, I didn't sleep at all last night. I have nearly all my work for this week done, though. Whoopie. Sometimes I think sleep is majorly over-rated. I mean, who needs it? Except for me, that is. Oops :/ Now all the caffeine I drank to keep me going through my work is making my tummy hurt. Oops. Oddly enough, some guy gave me the once-over look while I was working, even though I didn't even bother to brush my hair before I left the house. He must like that natural "I look like ass" look. Of course, I walked into a wall right after he did it, so you can all rest assured that it's business as usual over here.
I've also decided to join the ranks of the fully medicated people. I mean, my needing them is nothing new, but my realization of just how badly I need them is new.
My mother's computer is groaning loudly enough to wake the dead. At least that explains the zombies in the kitchen.
17 zeebas eaten eat a zeeba
| | Friday, the 1st of April, 2005 |
5:00 pm
Hey! Before I forget, happy birthday, edanya! :) I never remember birthdays, so this is a big feat here.
I bought a Furuta Inuyasha figure yesterday. I couldn't believe they had them in the store, but there they were. In unopened boxes and everything, so you could have that great element of surprise. Well, at least it's great as long as you don't end up with the agony of "Oh, shit! I spent $10 on something I already have!" I figured the odds were on my side, though - since I only had one already. I was kind of hoping for Sesshoumaru or Kagome, since they look cool in pictures... and not really wanting Inuyasha (not one of my favourite characters, oddly enough) or Miroku (love him to pieces but the figure looked a bit retarded in the pics I'd seen). I got Miroku, which was both disappointing and cool at first (disappointing for the "retarded Miroku" element and cool for the "my favourite character!" element). Then I pulled him out and it became absolutely baffling to me. I mean, my Kikyou Furuta figure came in eight parts. Eight of them. Three separate soul collectors, her bottom half, her top half, her head, the base and a pole to stick up her butt to attach her to the base. I don't know. Maybe it's some voodoo precaution they took, because they were worried she might start sending people to hell in transit or something? I don't know. At any rate, Miroku came in two pieces: Miroku... and the base. Wow. The most amusing part is the instructions sheet. Kikyou's instruction diagrams were super complex, with this piece going in here at this angle and this other similar-looking, but different, piece going in over here at this angle... and Miroku's instructions seem to consist of, 'Insert figure in base. Use this empty space on the diagram to doodle in while you have a celebratory beer. Good job!' Anyhow, once I stopped laughing at Miroku's "Even someone with an IQ of 2 could put me together!" stylings, I noticed that Furuta Miroku is actually not retarded-looking at all. He's just pictured that way. (ba-dum-bum!clash) So now I'm super happy he's the one I got, because if I'd known he didn't look like a reject from Planet Dweeb in his Furuta, I would've wanted him the most. Even better, when I position my Furutas just so, Miroku can grab Kikyou's breast. I know, that's totally out of canon... but damn, is it ever funny. Especially since Miroku's posed in mid-Kazaana action, so there's this whole "HUZZAH!!! BREAST!!!" action-packed look about the groping. Hilarious.
Really. Maybe I need to get out more or something, because I don't know if I should find these little pieces of plastic this amusing.
And no, I don't have any April Fools' jokes for you all. I wish I did, but I'm just not that clever ;)
current mood: amused
11 zeebas eaten eat a zeeba
| | Tuesday, the 29th of March, 2005 |
12:07 pm
| | Monday, the 28th of March, 2005 |
5:52 am
| | Sunday, the 27th of March, 2005 |
8:58 am
| | Saturday, the 26th of March, 2005 |
12:27 am
| | Saturday, the 19th of March, 2005 |
11:52 am
Today was really tiring.
I feel sad, because Sarah and Britney are complete bitches. They told everyone I have an STD, just because I slept with both of their boyfriends on Saturday night.
I'm so hardcore. Me and Buzz went to the mall today, and I stole a whole heap of stuff. I got a Good Charlotte CD, a couple of DVDs and some new boots. Buzz got caught, but he fought his way out, and then we stole some lady's car and smashed it into a phone booth.
I am making this journal friends only because I don't want the world to read what I'm writing, even though I'm posting it on the internet.
Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's ten thousand photographs of my cat.
I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this thought - sharing your life with strangers on the internet is the cheapest form of therapy available. Leave a comment and tell me I'm beautiful.
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I'm going to sleep now. Yes, at noon. What do you mean, that's weird?
current mood: huh?
9 zeebas eaten eat a zeeba
9:04 am
6:30 am - woot! makin' a movie...
| | Friday, the 11th of March, 2005 |
1:15 pm
| | Wednesday, the 2nd of March, 2005 |
2:09 pm - random interesting observation
| | Friday, the 25th of February, 2005 |
2:00 pm
Okay, this is so true, it's not even funny. I mean, it is funny... but you know what I mean. Although he needs to add one in there for all the idiots waving their lit cigarettes around like they're fucking glowsticks. *hate*
( a quiz )
eat a zeeba
12:38 pm
| | Tuesday, the 22nd of February, 2005 |
9:38 am
| | Monday, the 14th of February, 2005 |
6:29 pm
| | Tuesday, the 8th of February, 2005 |
1:24 am
So Tim bought this "magic eight ball" style Yoda today. It's pretty sweet. You turn him on and he goes, "Sense the force in my left hand..." I gotta remember that one the next time I'm at the bar and want to pick up some guy. Anyway, so he tells you to sense his forceful handliness and then you're supposed to ask him questions and squeeze his hand again and he gives you some priceless answer or another, such as: "Yes, I feel the answer is." and "No. Come to pass, this will not." and "Always in motion, the force is. Difficult to see, the answer is." Which is great, because it was really foggy today and every time we asked him questions like, "Is Shari going to drive into that street lamp because she's still laughing about sensing the force in Yoda's hand?" we got that answer about things being difficult to see. And dammit, that street lamp was difficult to see!
The best was when, after playing with Yoda for an hour or so and getting lots of duplicate answers, we were suddenly treated to this gem:
"Hehehe... Tickled me, you have."
That's right, kids. Coming soon to a toy store near you - "Tickle Me Yoda". Sense the force in his giggles.
18 zeebas eaten eat a zeeba
| | Thursday, the 3rd of February, 2005 |
2:29 am
| | Tuesday, the 25th of January, 2005 |
7:20 pm
| | Monday, the 17th of January, 2005 |
3:14 pm
Alright... So I have these here menthol lozenges, right? Right. I'm looking right at them, so that damn well better be right - or I'm hallucinating. Anyhow, so I have these lozenges... and they're expired. They're the only lozenges we've got, though, so I'm sucking on one, anyhow. But what I wanna know is... what, exactly, is "expired" about these? I mean, they taste the same, they're helping my sore throat, and they're clearing up some of my congestion. So what is wrong with these lozenges that should make them be "expired"?
My only obvious assumption now has to be that these things are killing me slowly.
Update: Apparently, sucking on "expired" lozenges makes good things happen, like He-Man and maybe She-Ra coming out on DVD eventually. Wheeeeeee!
2 zeebas eaten eat a zeeba
1:04 pm
From Snopes.com: In January 2005, a 100-pound woman became the first person to win the Denny's Beer Barrel Pub challenge when 19-year-old Kate Stelnick of Princeton, New Jersey, downed a six-pound Denny's "96er" hamburger and five pounds of fixins' in 2 hours and 54 minutes, just shy of the three-hour time limit. For her trouble, Ms. Stelnick got a special certificate, a T-shirt, and other prizes, as well as having her tab for the $23.95 burger picked up by the house.
Okay... Now THAT'S cool. I wish it got more publicity, because it strikes a blow for underweight people everywhere. Tee hee! "Go eat a cookie" my $%&#in' ass. If I was a millionaire, I'd send her $1,000 just because she rocks.
8 zeebas eaten eat a zeeba
| | Sunday, the 16th of January, 2005 |
11:27 pm
6:35 am - i'm not addicted to the internet like I thought I was... just LJ.
| | Thursday, the 13th of January, 2005 |
5:30 am - holy crap.