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Young Pups - Episode 3
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Commentary Episode 3 is my personal favorite. By this time, we had gotten the hang of shooting, and the new editing equipment drastically improved the quality of the show. Throw in some good scripts, and you end up with a pretty good show. I'm quite proud of this one, and if you're only going to watch one episode, watch this one.

Gimp Boys

In our customary gimpy intro, Ryan and Ed introduce the show. I sense some tension between Ryan and Ed. Ryan is none too happy with Ed's acting ability, and Ed is upset with technical mistakes in the show.

You know, like when that cup moved three feet across the table between those two shots... Man I can't believe we let that one slide.
Interview With a Young Pup

Raj interviews the rest of the Young Pups, who get a chance to relax and be themselves. This skit occurs throughout the show.

In the first segment, Raj "interviews" Ed, who can only make unintelligible noises. He then calls Ryan out, who is preoccupied with cleaning his gun. When Chase comes on, Ed can't help dancing, and Ryan is not pleased. In the second segment, Ed's body is removed, and Hanh is interviewed. She's a little insecure in front of the camera and all... Finally, Bob is interviewed, and gets a chance to finally stop acting and use his normal voice, which sounds a lot like Wacko Warner. Comedy ensues. In the final segment, we all have a surprise for Raj.

Dr. Science 2

Dr. Science returns with his second show. Today we learn about Entropy. While teaching the children, Dr. Science experiences a mental breakdown... or is it a revelation? And comedy and death ensues.

By far the most frightening of the three Dr. Science appearances.
Purple Stuff

A parody of the old Sunny Delight commercials. Although legally classified by the FDA as a barbiturate, Purple Stuff actually contains thousands of vitamins and mineral ores your body craves.

Excellent paintbrush graphics are by Ed. Also, listen for the Lol song, sung by me and Ed. How many subliminable phrases can you make out?

Action Figure Theatre

This episode: The Enterprise vs. The Aliens Who Have To Vomit On Themselves To Keep Their Skin Moist. The crew of the Enterprise are badly in need of some R&R when they come upon a new species with a quite disgusting quirk.

Great vomiting effects! Plus, our first use of 3D computer graphics. I rendered them myself... If Bob had done them, they would have looked a lot better...

Low-Budget Super Dude
The UH Student Video Network was in a rebuilding phase when we started doing our show. Big Roy Jackson, one of the first students to work on rebuilding the organization had left behind a script that had never been produced. We snatched it up and committed to tape Low-Budget Super Dude. This episode is The Cola Wars, part one of two, continued in Episode 4.

The Young Pups do not endorse the use of psychotropic substances. Well, the rest of them don't, anyway...
Deader Boy
Is that boy knocked out cold? Cold my ass... he's dead. We just love having fun at the expense of others. Especially when they're dead.
Pi Song
Written by Ed Walsh. Chronicles the friendship of a man and an irrational number.

Lyrics include the first 52 digits of Pi.
Dr. Science Reprise
Dr. Science returns with Johnny in tow and resumes his mission to rid the world of Entropy.

Johnny and Dr. Science commandeer a rocket, and head into outer space. A good time is had by all on the ship, until Dr. Science runs into some old friends.

Ed Walsh on Episode 3

Wow, it's Young Pups 3: The Quickening! I have to agree with my bearded adversary, Ryan Olson, that this is where we hit our stride. Along with the new equipment and our experiences on the first two shows, we (or at least I) brought a selfishness to this show. I was determined to focus on Young Pups, rather than try to help every other show in the studio.

The intro skit has some pretty funny insults delivered with frightening grimaces of pain or psychosis. The 'Interview Skit' was ok, nothing special....except for the ending. We've always hated Raj.

'Dr. Science 2' was very fun to do. A little slow in parts, but nice and disturbing. Man, I had hair! By the way, if you're wondering why the next episode of Dr. Science is always going to be about the Doppler Effect, it's because I did a Doppler Effect experiment in high school. I stuck my French Horn out the window of my friend's Fiero, while my other friend stood on the side of the road and video taped us while we drove by. No joke.

The 'Purple Stuff' skit is great - I did the animation with MS Paint. The mascot of the Purple Stuff product is Purple Gyakui which means the Purple Traitorous Mind. PG has since left Global Chemicals, the makers of Purple Stuff, and is working as the mascot of He can now be seen waving to Gimpysoft site visitors with his shriveled arm and peg leg and smiling his gold-toothed smile. The subliminal lyrics to the music in this skit say "Lol lol lol" for awhile then change to "Kill your sister, kill your teacher, kill your brother, for Purple Stuff! Deal with the devil, deal with the devil..." Nice and demented.

I also like the Action Figure Theatre skit: 'Star Trek vs The Aliens Who Have to Vomit to Keep Their Skin Moist'. I'd made jokes about Star Trek aliens for years. They're always so nice and clean and human looking. I wanted to see something gross on Star Trek for once! Thus, this skit. BTW, the eye flying off was an outtake we decided to keep. Originally, the aliens were going to be upsidedown chins, but it wouldn't have fit the camera shot well. The vomit is yogurt and food coloring, I think. Bob did a great job with all the voices!

'LSD' was fun, but we didn't write the script, so there's no gore or blood...or is there? 'Deader Boy' was a very fun skit to write. Watch for the surprise ending that you won't see coming!

The 'Dr. Science Reprise' was so fun to shoot. We did this at the Johnson Space Center, where Raj was working at the time. It was so funny to be shooting there in front of the rocket when the tram full of tourists drove by. The inside shots were in a full-sized model of a future spaceship, I think. The dancing we did was to no music at all - we were just going to put some in later. At the time we had never even heard 'Bullet with Butterfly Wings' by the Smashing Pumpkins, but when that song came out, we realized it was perfect for this scene.

Finally, 'The Pi Song' is the YP contribution I'm most proud of. The lyrics incorporate the numbers of pi. I like how at first it's subtle (Three [3] days ago / I made a point [.] / To give us one [1] more chance / For [4] old time's sake), then later as the character is going insane, he spouts off phone numbers and random numbers which spell out more digits of pi. Also, it's got great puppetry by Raj - such range!

If you liked this, be sure to check out Young Pups 4: The Salad Days.

Raj Choudhary on Episode 3

Interview with a Young Pup was my first real exposure to fake blood - at least having fake blood spewing on to me. Beating the crap out of Raj was so much fun, I had to join in.

Pi was a unique experience. Who would ever have thought that wearing panty hose on your arms could be so much fun? And here I thought they were just for my legs.

A note on taping at Johnson Space Center: We taped these segments during the same summer as the release of Apollo 13. When the tour tram happened by and saw some guys in lab coats with a video camera, I guess they thought they had the chance to see something being made. Now that the Episodes are on the Internet courtesy of Ryan, I guess they were right. Also, the chamber that we used for the interior of the rocket ship is now on display at JSC as a plant growth chamber to be used as part of the proposed lunar base. My boss at the time wondered how I managed to get footprints all over the interior.