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pretty enough for Mike Stivic

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brain dump [Feb. 4th, 2005|02:55 pm]
[mood swing | smug]
[it's all noise |Squirrel Nut Zippers, Trou Maquac]

status )

Not that you’ll see this any time soon, but congrats [info]pity!

Link2 notes in red ink|what?

grr arg [Jan. 31st, 2005|04:13 pm]
[mood swing | annoyed]
[it's all noise |library beeping]

Due to sick computers and other technical shite, I've been offline and likely will be for the foreseeable future, except for sporatic library access. Any emails sent to the waywardgaze address will be found eventually, including any beta work I've promised (I'm lookin at you, unwiring can keep me from nagging!). Keep me up on things if you can; I miss you guys!

Link3 notes in red ink|what?

morbid and creepifying, i got no problem with [Jan. 28th, 2005|02:59 pm]
[mood swing | recumbent]

Dig this: technically, I'm a housewife. )

random fannish )

Link4 notes in red ink|what?

i ate the chicken [Jan. 27th, 2005|07:54 pm]
[mood swing | chipper]
[it's all noise |Back in Love Again, LTD]

Rabbit-hole Day!

Good news: my Iron Chef episode (against Masaharu Morimoto, he's so dreamy) is taping on Friday, and a little bird told me the surprise ingredient is Lipton Cup-a-Soup! I'm so gonna rock the block. Wish me luck!

Oh, also, just heard yesterday that my last cookbook, 365 Ways To Point at the Take-Out Menus When the Bastards Demand to be Fed, is going to have a second paperback run. Gramma (TV's Julia Child) would be so proud.

On another topic, I'm sulking to a ridiculous amount that I can't get House here and it's not popular enough to be available on any of the many legal outlets for downloading. But, given it's a quality scripted show on Fox, maybe it's better if I don't get any more attached.

Link9 notes in red ink|what?

"a guy like willy wonka walks in..." [Jan. 25th, 2005|10:55 pm]
[mood swing | bored]
[it's all noise |discussion of johnny depp's being teh sex]

Today's big adventure: Belfast, all by myself. )

Link4 notes in red ink|what?

Token public entry [Jan. 24th, 2005|04:35 pm]
[mood swing | yeah.]

Still alive. Shiny new ring. Job interview in Belfast tomorrow.


Link5 notes in red ink|what?

to quote [info]sarahmarvelous... [Jan. 19th, 2005|02:27 pm]
[mood swing | excited]
[it's all noise |wind rattling the roof]

rings )

Link4 notes in red ink|what?

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