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User:trashcan17 (1445507) trashcan17
Location:Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Interests:85: 80's music, advertising, all about eve, archaeology, band promotion, batfink, black lace, black rose, blyth power, bon jovi, buffy, cambridge, camden, catatonia, chocolate, cider, coloursound, david eddings, dead men walking, east anglia, everfink, garfield, gene loves jezebel, gigs, goth, goth clubs, hedgehogs, heritage railways, highlander, history, humpff family, industrial revolution, ipswich, ipswich town fc, latex, laughtons, levellers, llandudno, london, lord of the rings, marillion, mesh, mike peters, model railways, music, netgoth, new model army, norwich, oysterband, photography, pvc, quiz machines, quizes, railways, real ale, robert rankin, rubber, runrig, sawdoctors, scotland, sheffgoths, sheffield, slimelight, suffolk, swarf, tad williams, terry pratchett, the alarm, the dev, the media, the mission, the simpsons, the stray cats, time team, travel, u2, vodka, walking, wayne hussey, wgw, whitby, wine gums, wob, writing, x files. [Modify yours]
People132:_gh0st_, _madame_x, actionreplay, agent_lottie, alexmatt, alienfox, amworld, andromeda_x, angryangeltoo, arachne, ashe_black, asw909, audreygurrrll, baby_metal, bexylu, blaadyblah, blackhalo1, blackstar69, blue_jez, carmillavoiez, cdpurplelady, childhoods_hour, clarabelle66, claycarnac, clephan, coracaskia, corpsie, countb, d00mw0lf, daevas, deadsunflower, diamantequeen, dj_jozafeen, dj_zuki, dolldelerium, druisilla, duster340, ebonyraine, ebwy, electra27000, empale, faerieevenstar, faerierhona, gashinryu, gemlins, gerry000, gigib, gipsy_queen, glenndm, goffstar, gothgrr, gothstevek, greap, gwengothelf, happygoff, hyzenflay, ickle_yuki, incantrix_uk, jestermarc, jezebel_z, jozafeen, kaz_pixie, kissycat1000, kittyfaerie, kuang, laconizein, lexie09, liz_lowlife, loopee_lu, loopyliz, loucifer_, marymortis, mickmercer, middyblue, mini_goth, minigoth, missorgazmo, mistresshayley, mistressmalaise, mofette, morbidstar, moth_boy, mz_clandestine, needler, olethros, penguin_worship, persian_goddess, phoenixstarfyre, poggs, princesssulky, psycho_smurf, puddingcat, pvcdiva, rachelesque, rainbowskye, random_haze, robinbloke, rosetheconfused, sarah_mum, sexy_sophia, shadowdance, sheepthief, sheridanwilde, silverfiligree, silverixnay, soozie, spookyzo, stephmog, suebeedoo, sunflowerinrain, sushidog, sweetcyanide, tanurai, tar0r, teqkiller, the_nelson, thegreatgonzo, thegriefqueen, thepurplegoth, toxicpixie, trashcan17, uv_pink_fluff, vagabonds, vampgirl, vampness, velvetfox, westyburger, wevil, wiccabird, widereddragon, wolf_shadow, zenmeisterin
Communities26:80s_music, _gwar_, alt_norwich, batfinkers, bibliogoth, blondegoths, camdentown, camgothcalling, chainsonvelvet, essex_goths, fiddypee, newmodelarmy, niceboots, oldgoths, pvcgirls, rbkisses, shefgoth, swarfeager, the_newwave_80s, u2, uk_goffs, uk_goths, ukbands, ukrepresent, wgw, whitby
Friend of:108: _gh0st_, _madame_x, actionreplay, agent_lottie, alexmatt, alienfox, amworld, andromeda_x, arachne, ashe_black, asw909, audreygurrrll, baby_metal, bexylu, blaadyblah, blackhalo1, blue_jez, carmillavoiez, childhoods_hour, clarabelle66, claycarnac, coracaskia, corpsie, countb, d00mw0lf, daevas, deadsunflower, diamantequeen, dj_jozafeen, dj_zuki, dolldelerium, duster340, ebonyraine, ebwy, electra27000, empale, faerieevenstar, faerierhona, gashinryu, gemlins, gerry000, gipsy_queen, glenndm, goffstar, gothgrr, gothstevek, greap, gwengothelf, happygoff, hyzenflay, ickle_yuki, incantrix_uk, jestermarc, jezebel_z, jozafeen, kittyfaerie, kuang, laconizein, lexie09, liz_lowlife, loopee_lu, loopyliz, mickmercer, middyblue, mini_goth, minigoth, missorgazmo, mofette, morbidstar, moth_boy, mz_clandestine, needler, penguin_worship, persian_goddess, poggs, psycho_smurf, puddingcat, pvcdiva, rachelesque, rainbowskye, rosetheconfused, sheridanwilde, silverfiligree, silverixnay, soozie, stephmog, suebeedoo, sunflowerinrain, sushidog, sweetcyanide, tanurai, tar0r, teqkiller, thegreatgonzo, thegriefqueen, thepurplegoth, toxicpixie, trashcan17, uv_pink_fluff, vagabonds, vampgirl, vampness, westyburger, wevil, wiccabird, widereddragon, wolf_shadow, zenmeisterin
Member of:23: 80s_music, _gwar_, alt_norwich, batfinkers, blondegoths, camdentown, camgothcalling, chainsonvelvet, essex_goths, fiddypee, niceboots, oldgoths, pvcgirls, rbkisses, shefgoth, swarfeager, the_newwave_80s, u2, uk_goffs, uk_goths, ukbands, ukrepresent, whitby
Account type:Free Account

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