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Utah Music Scene

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All Ages Venues [03 Feb 2005|03:11pm]

Hey Guys! What are the best all ages venues in the Provo/SLC area?
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[03 Feb 2005|10:07am]
Something to do in Salt Lake City
Feb. 15th HelloGoodbye ,Hidden In Plain View, A Thorn For Every Heart, and Punchline at the Lo-Fi Cafe. This will sell out so get your tickets early
Hidden In Plain View

Check them out at www.purevolume.com/hiddeninplainview

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Muse Music [03 Feb 2005|10:21pm]

[ mood | rockin' out ]
[ music | Rx Bandits ]

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[30 Jan 2005|03:10pm]

Sunday, January 30th, 2005
Violet Run CD Release Party
with Redemption, Muses of Bedlam, and Spork
@ the Urban Lounge, 241 S. 500 East, SLC
private club 21+, $5, 9pm
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Muse Music (2/1-2/5) [30 Jan 2005|05:01pm]

[ mood | dancing ]
[ music | The Call ]

Great shows (as always) at Muse this coming week:

Tuesday 2/1 - Open-Mic Acoustic Night.

Wednesday 2/2 - Debut of Muse "Blues Jam"

Thursday 2/3 - (piano-rock) The Dan Dunn Band with Declaration and more

Friday 2/4 - (alt-rock) Winston McCoy, The New Jacks, and Zero to Nothing

Saturday 2/5 - Lewis (formerly from Provo, but now visiting from CA), with Virgil Cane (CA rock) and more

**All these shows are cheap, but if you want to get up to half off the door price, bring in some used CDs/Vinyls and get store credit towards more CDs, Vinyls, or Shows!

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serving jobs [29 Jan 2005|02:55pm]

hey everyone..
i'm moving (back) to salt lake city in a couple of weeks and i just wanted some information. it's my understanding that one cannot serve alcohol unless one is 21 years old. i just turned twenty and i'm going to need a good job with fast cash (aka waiting tables.) i have a lot of waiting experience out-of-state, and have been serving alcohol and pouring wine longer than a lot of kids have been drinking it (well, not really, but a long time.)
but anyway, i was wondering if restaurants will hire underage servers and just not let them run the drinks (leaving that for a cocktail waitress or something similar) or if all servers have to be 21+ *in case* somebody does order a margarita (for restaurants that do serve alcohol).

if the latter is the case, i'll have to settle for serving at a non-alcoholic restaurant or hosting/bussing. :P i'll be living near downtown and the university (about 4th S. 7th E.) any suggestions? anyplace hiring??

thanks :)

X-posted [info]801, [info]slclj, if this post is out of place, mods may delete.
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[29 Jan 2005|04:07pm]


listen to the ecard!

Listen to Hidden In Plain View!
seriously kids, be cool check out their new cd. it wont disappoint <3
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[29 Jan 2005|12:45pm]

so who has a couch, rugs, silverware, platesbowlsetc., kitchen supplies or any other household items they'd like to give me for free or very little money???

it would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

let me know.
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[27 Jan 2005|04:33pm]

hey april second and third string cheese incident is playin two free shows at canyons which is huge...cause i mean free cheese, so yeah good way to get warmed up for festie season. be well....

p.s. where is the good music at in utah???? and why do kids cry at shows??? isnt music fun??? isnt punk dead????
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[26 Jan 2005|10:53am]

hey, just joined. If youre in the South Jordan area.(Salt lake Valley) then check out Glory Lasts a Day.
they are metal, and fantastic.
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For those of you who care about animals at all.... [27 Jan 2005|02:02am]

[ mood | sad ]

please show your support...go this sunday.



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[26 Jan 2005|10:03pm]

[ mood | lonely ]

Will somebody be my friend??

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You Wanna See Erasure? (x-posted) [26 Jan 2005|11:24am]

We need your help! We (MODified) has put in an offer to the band known as Erasure. This offer would be to get them (Erasure) here in Utah, May 28th at Kingsbury Hall. You see they (Erasure) don’t think that Utah would sell enough tickets to make it worth their time. They (Erasure) are dead wrong……however the dead part will have to wait until after the show. So what we need is anyone and everyone who would like to see Erasure play here in Utah to voice their voice on the Erasure Info Web Site aka EIS.

So if you are interested here’s what to do:

Go to: Erasureinfo.com
- Register
- Follow the Simple steps to confirm your registration
- Then return to the site and click on Forum
- Then click Erasure Gigs, Tours & Related Events
- Then click Campaign For Tour Stop In Utah
*Note: Ignore the MODified's Erasure Update....we accidentally created a topic that didn't need to be created.
- Then click the latest page (probably 11 or 12 by the time you get this email)
- Then click Post Reply and there you go.
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AMORY (ex - senses fail, ex - rydia) [26 Jan 2005|02:06am]

Amory recently recorded a 5 song EP, “Where are you going, Where have you been?” with friend and producer John Naclerio at Nada Recording Studios.(Midtown, Steel Train, Senses Fail, My Chemical Romance, Brand New...)

Listen to Amory on Purevolume!

Join the Amory LiveJournal Community by clicking here!

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Great Shows at Muse Music [26 Jan 2005|12:02am]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Ben Folds ]

Ok, guys. I'll apologize for the long post, but hope you all don't mind. 

I got an email last night that told me I'm the new mod. of this group, so a little intro:

I'm Allyson, I work at Muse Music's new record store, so stop in sometime (149 N. University Ave, Provo) if you want to check out tons of vinyls, used CDs, or just chill with me.

<center> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- </center>

Anyway, if anyone is looking for some amazing shows this week, there are a ton at Muse Music (151 North University Avenue, Provo Utah).

WED (1/26) "January Acoustic Showcase.” Two amazing acoustic touring artists headlining the show. 
NJ Alt-Country singer/songwriter Geoff Baker along with local favorite Cary Judd (in town from Wyo.) 
Expect a large crowd. Get there early!!  (8pm/ $5)
  (Check out www.geoff-baker.com and www.caryjudd.com)
THURS (1/27)  (Alt-indie-rock) The Powerless with others TBA (check hotline # for updates) 
Come check out one of the best bands in Provo featuring one of the best vocalists around. (8pm/$4 or $5) * 
*Nathanial's Endeavors from CA cancelled
FRI (1/28) A Huge SKA show featuring Utah's premiere ska band 2 1/2 White Guys along with Sauce, 
The Upstarts, and Radical Millhouse.These guys are some of my favorite local ska bands; they're amazing.
If that isn't enough incentive, come to hang out with me, because I'll be there too!.(8pm/ $5) 
 SAT (1/29)  (Alt-roots rock) PALOMINO "CD Release" w/ special guests Jerrytown and 
The Galaxy of Heartbreak.  As you should know by now Palomino was formerly Brinton Jones 
and are respected as one of the very best bands in Utah! ! Joining Brinton and the boys will be 
respected local recluse Jerrytown performing their 1st full band show in almost 2yrs and of course local 
honky-tonk sensation The Galaxy of Heartbreak (formerly The Temple of Language...). DON'T MISS 
THIS CONCERT!!! and get there early to guarantee admission. (8pm/ $5) 

(Check out: www.palominocentral.com)

<center> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- </center>

Bring in used CDs to Muse's new record store (2 doors North at 149 N. University Ave) and get credit good for more CDs and Vinyls, or up to half off shows at Muse!

9 comments|post comment

I NEED YOUR HELP [23 Jan 2005|10:53pm]


this is eddie from never is a promise we are hardcoreish band from indianapolis in, we were supposed to be playing salt lake city on feb 11th and our show fell through. we will be on tour are we are trying not to have gaps, i was hoping maybe one of you could help us out or maybe hook us up w/ a person who could. here a link to us ... www.purevolume.com/neverisapromiseus ... we could really use the help and honestly we just want to play more then anything no matter how big or small the show is.

thanks for your time
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Provo Music Community [22 Jan 2005|06:09pm]

[ mood | rockin' out ]
[ music | Blue Meanies ]

I just joined this community, but it's really great to know that lots of people are out there trying to spread the word about the local bands.

Since most of this music deals with SLC shows, I've also started a community about the local music in Provo (there's some good stuff, promise). If you're interested hearing what shows are coming to the area (there's some great ones at Muse soon)please join.

In the meantime, enjoy the scene.

Allyson the Rad

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Provo Music Community [22 Jan 2005|06:09pm]

[ mood | rockin' out ]
[ music | Blue Meanies ]

I just joined this community, but it's really great to know that lots of people are out there trying to spread the word about the local bands.

Since most of this music deals with SLC shows, I've also started a community about the local music in Provo (there's some good stuff, promise). If you're interested hearing what shows are coming to the area (there's some great ones at Muse soon)please join.

In the meantime, enjoy the scene.


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hey! [22 Jan 2005|11:01am]

Everyone on this board is awesome! We just joined, and we're glad to see how many rockstars we got out there listening to local stuff. Make sure you check out our websites where you can download some free songs, http://www.rocketsandcars.com and http://www.myspace.com/rocketsandcars.

Keep it real,
Rockets and Cars
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