Sunday, July 4th, 2004
5:53 pm
Saturday, July 3rd, 2004
1:19 pm - Application
Heres the short that is required. Sorry in advance for the lack of pictures, I have to rebuild my webserver at home because it crashed. Not happening for at least a week due to time. After that there will be many pictures available.
( Read more... )
current mood: bored current music: none-at work
Friday, July 2nd, 2004
5:51 pm - Application
Monday, June 28th, 2004
4:49 am - me..
+.Matt +.15 +.Washington State +.Male +.girls sexually. but i think alot of bots are cute +.Ministry,Skinny Puppy,Black:Japan,Velvet Acid Christ,The Cure,Mindless Self Indulgence,Freezepop,NIN, +."the wall" , "natural born killers" , "the sleeper" , "vegas:fear and loathing" +. H.P. LoveCraft / edgar allen poe. +.what he did was wrong,but he is very interesting. +.I love Drugs +.Extacy put on my shoes +. the Ministry song "stigmata" and the band Front 242 +.Luckey Charmz +.its great especially on methamphetamines +.none (never applied) +.none +.the interestes seem to be up my ally. +.because i can make some very intersting entries. pictures..yet
current mood: bouncy current music: Skinny Puppy - "the pit"
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004
1:32 am
I finally got a pic, but it is pretty bad and blurry, but hey, it's a pic.
current mood: bouncy current music: Brand New- Guernica
Sunday, June 20th, 2004
12:04 pm
10:59 am - stamped
This community is dying! So I'm gonna post this link because it's amazing and entertaining. Enjoy:
Pencil Carving
12:26 pm
Thursday, June 17th, 2004
4:33 pm
i'm gonna start promoting again. who's still here?
2:34 pm
( I )
current mood: happy current music: Brand New- Magazines
1:14 am
I know I'm not a member at this moment, but I would like to become one. My only problem is I have yet to know how to use an LJ cut for my application. Some help please?
Thanks a lot.
current mood: creative current music: Brand New- Soco Amaretto Line
Wednesday, June 16th, 2004
8:21 pm - Application
Friday, June 11th, 2004
10:44 pm
I dyed my hair Monday...( PICTURES YAY! )
current mood: optimistic current music: Rolling Stones- Wild Horses
10:53 pm
Tuesday, June 8th, 2004
1:27 pm - byebye.
i am in way to many rating communities and just dont have the time anymore to stay active. <3
add me if you'd like. <3
current music: terror.
Saturday, June 5th, 2004
11:59 pm
2:09 pm
Where have I been? Oooh, dead. Well, acutally, I just didn't have my computer, so there ya go. So, now I'm back and planning on being active and all that good shit.
Just letting you all know.
( One for the road )
3:01 pm
1:11 pm - This is just sad.
12:28 pm - STAMPT all over Jana