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*KISS* - Atlanta's biggest rock dance party

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[21 Jun 2004|04:29pm]

Tell me you love me... no really... really you do.

I'm buying the drinks from 11:30pm to 12:30am at DSC on Fridays now.

Walk up the the bar... and order all the PBR you can possibly suck down in one hour and put it on my tab. I'm not just another DJ... I'm a host... and this is my way of welcoming you into my party.

Let's tally up the score:

FREE entry
FREE beer
4am closing time
The best music in Atlanta
Anyone can have a shot at dj'ing assuming their music doesnt suck

See you Friday...

Decatur Social Club
@Azul on the square in Downtown Decatur
4am last call
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[16 Jun 2004|03:10pm]

FREE SHOW!!! DOORS OPEN AT 10PM FOR THIS SHOW and dont close till 4 AM!

This Friday we've teamed up with our friends from Goodnight Records to bring you a band, The Young Vulgarians all the way from Philly. I did some research after I was asked to host the show... and this live review from a show in Delaware sold me on it...

I saw these guys last month at the Logan Memorial Presbyterian in Audobon NJ...and they ATE MY FACE. Apart from that, their singer is a total madman, in a good way. He was wearing this weird orange suit and as soon as he came on he started consuming whole packets of sugar. His antics included hawking loogies on the floor, frankenstein-walking through the audience, picking up the mike stand and swinging it like an instrument of death, lying on the ground while wailing gibberish about being in an institution as a child, singing with the microphone stuffed in his mouth while crouched in the fetal position on a speaker stack, and (this was the crowning finish of one of their songs) crawling through the audience back onto the stage and tunneling behind the drumkit, where he stayed, in the fetal position, for about five minutes. I was laughing so hard i was crying.

I'm hearing them classified as artpunk... Duran Duran meets Xiu Xiu.

How much does this show cost... not a single penny. Why? Because we here at DSC love each and every one of you... (except for those we hate)... and we think that the best shows are even better free. So take your 5 dollars and spend it on a few (yes... at DSC 5 dollars will get you a FEW drinks). And as usual make sure you get me to buy you a drink too.

Decatur Social Club
Azul on the square in downtown Decatur
4am last call
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[07 Jun 2004|05:10pm]

The first meeting of the Decatur Social Club ... to now be referred to as the DSC... went wonderfully. The crowd turned out exactly as I had hoped... mature and incredibly friendly. I think most people were introduced to each other... or took the initiative themselves to introduce themselves to strangers. I can even remember how many drinks I bought people... I think just about anyone I talked to got a drink on me. Rene and Jennifer Trezza both did a great job as dj's for the night... I ended up doing more talking than drinking overall if that says anything about the crowd (I rarely leave my post as dj'ing to talk but there were a lot of great people present).

At 4am... there were still a good number of us hanging around waiting to sober up. When I left at 4:30am... there were still people milling about outside on the deck. A sampling of music played by me...

Mogwai - 2 rights make 1 wrong
Juno - Leave a clean camp and a dead fire
Nuetral Milk Hotel - Ghost
I Love You But I've Chosen The Darkness - When you go out
Tripping Daisy - Waited a light year
Snowden - Don't Worry Be Happy (unreleased slow and somber remake)
Bis - The end is tomorrow
The Wrens - .... uh I can't remember the name...
The Walkmen - Little House Of Savages
Death From Above - Dead Womb
The Shins - New Slang

... thats all I can remember... definately not in any order. Everyone I talked to at the end of the night said that they found the night much more enjoyable than *KISS* for various reasons... so if you're sick of stagnation... you may be pleasantly surprised.

Decatur Social Club
@Azul (on the square in Downtown Decatur)
4am last call
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[03 Jun 2004|04:23pm]

This Friday is the first Decatur Social Club...

I started this night to get back to doing more of what I had originally intended on over a year ago. So... in case you hadn't heard the details yet... read on.

21+ ... We've been shooting for a crowd with a median age of 24... I'm 28... and damnit I'd like a few friends somewhere near my age.

4am last call. Need I say more. That's 1.5 hours more fun for you.

It's FREE. All night... no catches. Combine that with 2.00 tall boys... and the fact that I buy people drinks constantly throughout the night... well... you do the math.

Music... Rene and I will be running the spectrum. The night is to be more of an ecclectic social event. Rock, Indie, Glam, Punk, etc will all be represented regardless of tempo or dancability. Of course... I get drunk... and you'll end up shaking your ass for an hour or two. So... don't expect to be staring at your shoes all night. Make enough good requests... and earn a guest dj spot... and I'll buy you a drink.

Someplace new... honestly this is the most exciting part. New bar, new circle, *gasp* even some new people. Azul is right on the square in Downtown Decatur... adjacent to Raging Burrito. We've got a great outdoor patio... and a very intimate club. Those of you who asked for a more intimate environment from *KISS* are going to get it with DSC. Oh and we've got sofa's, plush seating areas surrounding the bar... We're going for quality over quantity. ... and ... well ... we just like excuses to rub up against people.

Decatur Social Club
Every Friday
@ Azul ... on the square in Downtown Decatur
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Synthesizer For RENT x-post [31 May 2004|08:38pm]

Yeah yeah...sorry for the x-post.


Korg MICROKORG synthesizer. A fantastic piece of synthesizer technology, great for live and studio use.

So here's the deal:

I need to rent this out. Anyone want it? Make me an offer. Any price, any time period. Includes everything you need. Will deliver to Atlanta area for right person/price. I'm feelin' pretty loose right pop me an email:

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[26 May 2004|04:55pm]

Decatur Social Club

Keeping with the Social Club theme... you can come to expect a few things from the new night that you don't see too often.

First... I have a rather nice discretionary bar tab at my disposal every night. I'm a firm believer in giving back a little to the people who give to you. If you come up and request songs from me that I like... I'm going to buy you a beer. If you're new... and I notice you... I'm probably gonna buy you a beer. If you look thirsty... and I've got room left on my tab... I'm probably going to buy you a beer. You may not get selected for a beer every night... but just know... that someone is out there looking out for you and your thirst and eventually your number is gonna come up.

Next... virtually anyone can be a dj at Decatur Social Club. Some nights I get really tired of dj'ing. Sometimes... just sometimes... I actually want to talk to people. So, here's the deal. If you request enough good songs from me... or brandish a wallet of awesome cd's... or a crate of great records... I'll let you guest dj. Maybe for 10 mintues... maybe for 2 hours. As long as I like (and the crowd likes) what you're playing... you can dj. You don't have to have ever dj'd before... so long as you can handle the very basics of fading from one song to a next. The rule is though... no bitching... no drama. If I don't like what you play and decide to jump back on after 10 minutes... don't take it personal. In the end, I really want to have someone get on and blow my hair back... I want to have someone get on and start playing... and give me a reason to stay out from behind the tables for the rest of the night.

So... there's a few things you can look forward to at the DSC.

Decatur Social Club
Fridays starting June 4th
11-4am !!!
@ Azul
141 Sycamore St. ... on the square in downtown Decatur

2 dollar PBR Tallboys, drink specials, yadda yadda yadda
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[19 May 2004|08:07pm]

On Friday, June 4th you are invited to the inaugural meeting of the

Decatur Social Club
between the hours of 11pm and 4am and thereafter you are invited back every Friday.

That's right people... 4 AM... with a 4 am last call. We here at *KISS* Rock Parties are VERY pleased to bring you the reincarnation of our Friday night debauchery. Things are changing a bit and oh are they changing for the better. We've decided to resettle in the alcohol and nightlife friendly city limits of Decatur, Georgia. Our new venue, Azul (located on the square in downtown decatur) provides us with a very intimate environment (and a great outdoor deck) to get you guys a lot closer and most of all social. We will also be changing our format to 21+ for a number of reasons... mainly every venue I wanted required it. Don't worry... *KISS* will resurface from time to time with 18+ events. The music at the Decatur Social Club will vary much more than previously known at *KISS*... asses will surely shake periodically through out the night... however it's not going to be our main focus. Simply put we're going to play whatever we feel like playing... and whatever you want to hear too regardless if you can dance to it or not. In fact... if I like your requests enough... after a few... I'll even let you dj for a bit.

The Decatur Social Club is brought to you by *KISS* Rock Parties with support from Criminal Records and Goodnight Records

Decatur Social Club
Fridays starting June 4th
11-4am !!!
@ Azul
141 Sycamore St. ... on the square in downtown Decatur

2 dollar PBR Tallboys, drink specials, yadda yadda yadda
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[19 May 2004|02:38pm]

Coming very soon... a new night from *KISS* Rock Parties

You guys get a little information leak before the official announcement tonight...

virgin venue
4am last call and closing time
cheap drinks
free entry
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[13 May 2004|01:31pm]

Ok... here's an odd question for all of the girls in this community.

What size do you wear when wearing little boys briefs? They're being used as merchandise... so don't get any wrong ideas about my motives. = )

I've just got to get an idea of what the avg size is.
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[14 Apr 2004|09:11pm]

OK... so... appologies for the rather unexpected disappearance of both *KISS* and myself (Preston). After returning from SXSW I made a very hasty decision to change the focus of *KISS*... and then shortly after contracted a form of Hepatitis. OK... so I'm being a bit dramatic. I'm not going to die... but I am very sick and will be for another 3-4 weeks according to the doctors. Don't worry... I'm not contagious... and I don't have the deadly/std version of Hepatitis... they think I got it as a biproduct of mono or something. So here's the deal:

*KISS* is now special events only and we'll be moving between venues depending on the event. From now on the venue will suit the event. If I'm doing a formal, it'll be at Masquerade. If I'm doing bands, it'll be somewhere like The Drunken Unicorn/MJQ. I've also got some surprise virgin venues in mind as well.

I've got some amazing events in the works as soon as I'm better. I may be announcing the first of these events very soon.

However, for right now *KISS* is on sick leave... because I can barely stay out of bed for more than an hour or two at a time.

I'd like to thank everyone that helped to make *KISS* one of the most amazing rock nights in the city. Here it goes let's see how bad my memory is...

Jordan... my brother spent countless hours our in parking lots flyering. If you wondered who was behind the wallpaper flyering technique at GSU... this was the mastermind. A flyer Sniper of sorts. Jordan was the one who would yell at me constantly if I played an anthem and always pushed me to fight the easy road of stagnation.

Mikey for driving my drunk ass to and from *KISS*, fetching drinks, and hitting play when a song would run out while I was trying to piss outside at Lenny's.

DJ's Rene, Brian Parris, Dylan, Jennifer, Brian Glick, Leslie, Adam Darby, and Brooke and Kasey.

My girls - Tiffany, Kristen, Jenn, Katie, and Elizabeth ... you guys were there every week and were usually the first and last dancing... thanks.

Chrissie for blowing up 8,000 balloons and throwing streamers all over for The Black Heart Ball and then being left off the guest list because I am a dumbass and forgot to put you and everyone else who helped on.

Heidi for getting up, entertaining Mount Sims, taking pictures, and usually getting so drunk I was afraid to let you near the dj booth. = ) MUAH.

Echo Lounge, Lenny's, and Masquerade for giving us a home.

Thanks to each and everyone of you who came and drank and danced your asses off with us. You made the last year the best year of my entire life.

This summer we won't be doing as many events as you're used to from *KISS*, but they're going to be bigger and better.


*KISS* Rock Parties
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[24 Mar 2004|07:07pm]

Regarding the future of *KISS*
... a long but necessary read.

So... here I am approaching the one year anniversary of *KISS*. A year ago *KISS* debuted at The Echo Lounge to a whopping 20 people. Thinking back on all the incredible nights we've had a *KISS* and considering how big we've grown... I really miss aspects of the night then. So, it's gotten me seriously thinking about the current state of *KISS* and where it's going. Here's the heart of the matter...

There are god knows how many other "rock parties" in Atlanta... and every damn one of them is a clone of the next. I never wanted *KISS* to become -just another rock night-, but I can't avoid the fact that it is. It's my own fault. As *KISS* grew in size... I took less risks with music selections because of the fickle crowds. I couldn't bear to watch people run off the floor when I played something new... so I gave the crowd what they wanted. Well... I'm fucking sick of it. I would honestly rather run the night into the ground trying to break off from the other nights and really do something great than just keep feeding the masses from a stagnant pool of music.

So, here's the deal. The music played at *KISS* is going to go through a much needed overhaul. We're going to start pushing a lot of new bands... and really good rock you should be dancing to. I'm going to start playing a lot of the bands you guys have listed on your favorites list... but never dance to. For the love of God... our scene considers themselves the musical elite... yet they only dance to music suited for mainstream buckhead types?!?! Fuck that... it's over. *KISS* will either be the flagship of everything an indie rock night is supposed or it will be a test of this scene's worth.

I love this night more than anything... it's one of my greatest accomplishments... and I have a lot of you to thank for so many great nights. I just think that we can do a lot better.

This week at *KISS* the following will be played during the peak hours... the following weeks will continuously rotate in quality tracks that haven't been played 8,000 times. This is a fucking indie night folks and god damnit it's going to act like one from now on:

Franz Ferdinand
International Noise Conspiracy
I Love You But I've Chosen the Darkness
Death From Above
The Washdown
Har Mar Superstar
Paradise Boys
Moving Units
The Hives
The French Kicks
Chicks on Speed
The Walkmen
Death Cab For Cutie
The Strokes
Radio 4
The Chameleons
Tripping Daisy
The Lemonheads
Les Savy Fav
Cat Power
Tahiti 80

*KISS* is FREE for 21+ all night long... and offering the cheapest alcohol in the city. $2 PBR and $3.50 mixed drinks
For 18+ *KISS* is 2 dollars before midnight... 5 dollars after

If the Atlanta scene is not up for supporting and dancing to new music... I would rather cancel the night than continue to be like everyone else. In that event *KISS* will surface for special events only. It's time to show what you're made of now.

*KISS* Rock Parties
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Cheap drinks... free entry tonight... [19 Mar 2004|06:10pm]

Well... I finally got The Masquerade to break
their drink prices. Here's what we've got for you
on Fridays:

2 dollar PBR
3.50 mixed drinks
and Jager shot specials all night.

Oh... and it's free all night for 21+...
... and since I'm in Austin, Texas and really
drunk right now... I'm making it 2 bucks for the
under 21 people.

Rene and Dylan will be rocking your asses tonight
while I'm away.

Better sound
Better music
Cheaper Drinks
and Cheaper Door

Get on it...

*KISS* Rock Parties
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[18 Mar 2004|03:59am]

Well folks, it's 3am and I am fucking trashed here in Austin, Tx. I'm out here for SXSW... the indie rock convention that happens every year. It's a bit overwhelming at times... with 1200 bands performing over 5 days. I've met so many bands I can't wait to bring to Atlanta. However... before I go into a long drunken ramble... let me get this out of the way.


Dylan and Rene will be rocking out this week while I finish up my vacation. In the event I die of alcohol poisoning... I bequeath the night to them.

This week we're offering the following special to welcome you all back from spring break. Here's the deal...

21+ ... FREE all night.

18+ ... 2 dollars all night.

So... welcome back home... now get that ass shaking out there for us. I've got a lot of things in mind over the coming months... some wicked special events are in the works.

Ok... the room is spinning... and I've got some conference meetings to hit at 10am... so it's time for me to crash. I'll see you all soon enough.

- Preston

*KISS* Rock Parties
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[11 Mar 2004|07:42pm]

If any of you want to go out tonight to make up for no *KISS* tomorrow... come to the drunken unicorn @ mjq tonight. It's 18+ and Dylan, Jamal, Brian Paris, and myself well be playing all night.
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[11 Mar 2004|12:07pm]


Well we're nearing *KISS*'s one year anniversary... and I realized this week... I haven't been on vacation in a year. Not a week has gone by where I wasn't worrying about *KISS* and how it was going to go. Then, I see all of my friends on Spring Break... and realize that most people are on vacation this week... and well... damnit I decided to put *KISS* on vacation as well. I'm making a run for New Orleans and satisfying my gambling addiction. Then I'm off to SXSW in Austin, Texas. *KISS* will return next Friday... March 19th.

If any of you want to throw a massive house party tomorrow night and have it be sponsored by *KISS*... I'll send out a message to our masses and direct them all to your party. I'm sorry to all of those who had plans to come to *KISS* this weekend... but distance makes the heart grow fonder... we'll see you all next week!!


*KISS* Rock Parties
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[04 Mar 2004|06:02pm]

*KISS* Rock Parties FREE-FOR-ALL

This Friday everyone gets in FREE before 11:30pm.

$2 for 21+ after 11:30pm
$5 for 18+ after 11:30pm

Playlist entering rotation

1. The Sounds - Dance With Me
2. Junior Senior - Hey Junior, Hey Senior
3. Mount Sims - Good Service
4. The Strokes - Meet Me In The Bathroom
5. The Walkmen - The Rat
6. The Pixies - Bone Machine
7. Joy Division vs Missy Elliott - Love Will Get Your Freak On
8. Cat Power - He War
9. Snowden - Kill The Power
10. The Rapture - Love Is All
11. Xiu Xiu - Apistat Comander
12. Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland 1945
13. The Stills - Yesterday Never Tomorrows
14. Nirvana - Lounge Act
15. The Posies - Solar Sister
16. The Thermals - Brace and Break
17. Les Savy Fav - Reprobates Resume
18. Metric - Succexy
19. Broken Social Scene - Stars and Sons
20. Beck - Pressure Zone

New pictures from last week should be posted on

ALSO... we've got a forum up on to handle discussions of all things going on. So sign up for a free account and get on it.

*KISS* Rock Parties
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[02 Mar 2004|05:37pm]

Friday April 2, 2004

*KISS* Rock Parties presents the second of our formal series:

The Black and White Ball
... to celebrate our 1 year anniversary

details to come.

For pictures from The Black Heart Ball and all things related to *KISS* visit
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Just to let you all know [21 Feb 2004|04:24pm]

In case you don't know *KISS* has a website:

Also, it has a gallery - so if you are looking for pictures from *KISS* events you can find them there. If you have pictures that you would like to see posted then email them to me (heidi) at the following - please don't spam me..else I will find you and kick your ass. email address

Pics from last night will be up by tonight.

The end.
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[21 Feb 2004|12:16pm]

i cant believe i missed last night. you were all missed. just means we gotta dance it up ever harder next time.
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