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[29 Apr 2007|02:16pm]


Featuring Ex-members of Search the city, Writing the fiction, Glib
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the Low Hello - indie pop... and more. - 4 shows in may [28 Apr 2007|01:18am]

we (the Low Hello) have 4 shows coming up in may... we'd love to see you at one of them. support good creative music in detroit and lansing!

5/4: Painted Lady (Hamtramck) with the Looms and Racoon

5/5: 8pm - $5 - all ages; Replay Entertainment Exchange, Lansing (The Low Hello, jenn's apartment, more soon!)

5/18: Mac’s Bar (Lansing, Michigan) with El Boxeo, Syscrusher, Natural Monuments, and Wildcatting. 18+, Doors at 9:00 PM

5/31: Corktown Tavern (Detroit) with Beaten By Yuri, Bellflur, Deleted Scenes
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Tomorrow Night [26 Apr 2007|08:55pm]

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the Elbow Room, I can't believe someone stole the bubble machine! [26 Apr 2007|09:59am]

Tonight as always is MoFo Karaoke...
This is one of our busiest nights... Come out and see why...
On Stage Guitar hero from 9pm-Karaoke
Check it out in Real Detroit:

MoFo Karaoke - thousands of songs (some custom made), cool ass lights, audio and video monitors, smoke and Bubble machine!

Friday 4/27
Mandatory cover $6/$8 - Rock-a-billy night
Cash O'Reilly - Rockabilly with an edgy punk attitude
Desolation Angels - Uhm, rockabilly, I mean it is Rockabilly night... right? Theses guys lean a lil country
Gas For Less - Ryan Racine (Remember Lucky Haskins and Mogue Doyle?) evokes the spirit of Hank...

Sat 4/28 - $8 - 2pm All Ages Matinee
The Power Grind Experiment
7 Grindcore bands order is random...
Minus 9, Maxx Rebo, My Friend Rudra, The Severnaya Complex, The Yellow Sign, Rejiiem and Human Wick effect

Followed by:
Eugene and Rusty - Eclectic amalgam of eccentric euphonic aficionados disport this decadent establishment of nefarious repute
Mr. Gnome - Like the white stripes if they were more attractive, more talented, from Cleveland and not a garage band...
Camerata - Indie rock fare reminicant of aloha
Hullabaloo - noone wears a pork pie like Terry... Starts at 10pm so they can have an hour...

Coming soon:
Guitar hero Tournament, Mighty Narwhale, The Return of the Vespas, Vic Ruggerio (from the Slackers), Mike Boyd, the NeerDoWells, Punk rock all ages matinee show, Captured by robots, Sabbath tribute band, Coke Dick Motorcycle Awesome and tons more...
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How To Draw STAR WARS Preview on YouTube! [25 Apr 2007|03:02pm]

There seemed to be a glitch with my post yesterday- trying to embed the YouTube file directly here... Not sure why it didn't work... So Let me try this again- linking directly to the page... :)

There's a brand new 2 minute preview of the How To Draw STAR WARS video series on YouTube, hosted by yours truly!

And you can see it right now, by clicking HERE!

Have a wonderful day! :)
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How To Draw STAR WARS Preview on YouTube! [24 Apr 2007|03:39pm]

Here's a quick 2 minute look at the How To Draw STAR WARS video series I've been working on... :)

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make an existential change and create a band [20 Apr 2007|03:29am]

''>  check us out too!
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This week @ the Elbow room [19 Apr 2007|01:29pm]

On the art side of things, as of yesterday the bar is wearing the photographic works of Nathaniel Shannon... From Graves to Goatwhore his diverse, dramatic images create an appropriate backdrop to a great week of music...

Tonight as always is MoFo Karaoke...
This is quickly turning out to be one of our busiest nights...
On Stage Guitar hero from 9pm-Karaoke
Check it out in Real Detroit:

MoFo Karaoke - thousands of songs (some custom made), cool ass lights, audio and video monitors, smoke and Bubble machine!
Also featuring our "Rockin' Swap Meet"

The Betamales - MCTrashpedal's band...
Annie Palmer - sweet voiced ypsilantian sings songs of love or lack thereof
American Mars - ethereal detroit americana
The Dreadful Yawns - A Lou Reed rehab relapse reeling around raunchy rock riffs and reefer

Johnny No Stars - The Emo System of a Down
Sik Sik nation - Rock Farmers from beyond the void
the Hotness - Mullets Fucking rock!
the Decks - Happy ass garage, with chicks!

Need Based Paint - traditional folk side project of Dardanelles singer Brooks Thomas
Emily Bate - Jazzy tales of sex, indecision and indiscretion.
Tiger Saw - Massachusetts musical collective specializing in slow jams, soul, samba, stomps and everything in between.

Tuesday is Club Fit - Indie Rock Dance Party
DJs: Ayron Michael Nelson & Louis P

Todd Deatheridge - Brilliant catchy singer songwriter who would like some more monitors please...
Timothy Monger - Great Lakes sideburns enthusiast goes solo.
Bone Orchard revival - The Swamp Laden evolution of Ann Arbors favorite band the Moodie Veto

Coming soon:
Rock-a-billy night, Guitar hero Tournament, Mighty Narwhale, Eugene and Rusty, The Return of the Vespas, Vic Ruggerio (from the Slackers), Mike Boyd, the NeerDoWells, Punk rock all ages matinee show, Sabbath tribute band, Coke Dick Motorcycle Awesome and tons more...
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Free Show at SVSU Campus! Wensday April 25! Check it out! [18 Apr 2007|07:31pm]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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two awesome shows this week [18 Apr 2007|09:28am]


If you are interested in coming on the 22nd, respond to this post and I will get you tickets which are $2 cheaper in advance.
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chinesehappy show in Lansing on sunday [14 Apr 2007|07:24pm]

[ music | Tiger Army ]

Sunday is a good day for a show.

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The Elbow Room, Damon's Milkin it... [12 Apr 2007|10:46am]

Its a sad day today, Kurt Vonnegut died...
Come mourn his death by singing for him at karaoke tonight...
Tonight as always is MoFo Karaoke...
This is quickly turning out to be one of our busiest nights...
On Stage Guitar hero from 9pm-Karaoke
MoFo Karaoke - thousands of songs (some custom made), cool ass lights, audio and video monitors, smoke and Bubble machine!

Porchsleeper - Drunken Alt Country
Chris Bathgate - Acoustic awesome with loops...
the New Green - All Star Beatles influenced pop
Real lunch - Indie pop with strong melodies and hooks

Damon's 2nd annual Birthday party, there will be a sign up sheet for bands who want preferential booking treatment.

The Royal Affairs - Garagey punky high-energy awesome
Freer - Loungecore
The Jealous Type - A solid wall of dynamic sound
JBoozer - The worlds drunkest one man band opens and probably closes the night...
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Eat, Drink, Watch, Listen - $3! [11 Apr 2007|01:08pm]
Come out and see four great bands, and enjoy the complimentary meat and veggie bbq. your $3 donation helps the touring band get back to san francisco.

Charlie Slick
They're Dead

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How To Do a Pin-Up Painting... [10 Apr 2007|02:00pm]

From time to time, I get asked questions about the process of working with models to do some of my pin up work.

This was filmed a couple years back, but is still pretty close to how the scenario works out. :)

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the Low Hello - show tonight, Saturday @ Jacoby's [07 Apr 2007|02:14am]

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Elbow room.... Jesus loves Klesmer! [06 Apr 2007|10:11am]

This weekend is damn interesting and eclectic...

Lord of the Yum Yum - One man and a loop pedal...
Patrick Elkins - Quirky folk jams
CARJACK!!! - One man and robots...
The Debt - two men and a sequencer

The Ne'erDoWells - Rockin it Old style with a new edge... and way too fancy lights.
Chrome Mali - Return of the rock
2Roads2Mexico - Dustin (Bartender boy) emoriffic...
The Ultrasounds - Closest thing to psychadelic Mod rock we've got...

Sunday -
Daniel Kahn and The Painted Bird -  Michigan expatriate returns with a mix of klezmer, radical Yiddish song, political cabaret and punk folk.
Matt Jones - an angel's voice and the devil's business.
Susan Fawcett - petoskey's own folk princess

Anyway as always links are @
RSS feed:

Coming soon:
Next week is my birthday show so all you guys in bands better come out or youre never playing here again...
Just Kidding.... ?
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advance notice [03 Apr 2007|12:53am]
No flyers yet, but here's some advance notice of a few sweet shows coming up in April in Ann Arbor:

NOMO + Odu Afrobeat Orchestra, plus Biakoye and dj munk
at the NEUTRAL ZONE, 310 E. Washington, Ann Arbor
Doors at 7 pm, $8 students / $10 general

Sysrusher, The Novel Citizen, and more TBA
at the NEUTRAL ZONE, 310 E. Washington, Ann Arbor
Doors at 7 pm, $5

Mason Proper, The Architects, and more
at the NEUTRAL ZONE, 310 E. Washington, Ann Arbor
Doors at 7 pm, $5 w. high school ID / $7 without

also, if you like hardcore, Bringing Down Broadway and a bunch of bands are playing at the Neutral Zone on Friday. And on Friday April 13 a bunch more hardcore bands are playing there. if you care about that sort of thing, you can surely find some information about it elsewhere on the internet.
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web design wanted [02 Apr 2007|07:20pm]
hey people. i'm in a band and we need a website. i also could use an update to the website i currently use to promote shows i book and my studio. knowledge of PHP or some other scripting language required, so as to build a backend that would allow band members to update the site without html knowledge. a touch of flash knowledge would be nice too for the band's site, but not neccesary. the site will be content driven, so you needn't be a real fancy-pants artist type. contact me via e-mail about our budget.
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Show Friday [02 Apr 2007|12:10pm]
hey folks. i see brandon z has his promotional machine in full gear, so i figured i'd
better get on the ball or be left in the dust. there's another great show happening
friday in the metro detroit area. and it's only $6 for four bands!

Sea of Japan
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Friday: Midwest Indiepoprockfolktacular (all ages!) [01 Apr 2007|11:45pm]


Read more... )
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