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STAMPED! [22 Jun 2004|10:51pm]
[info]eliteljers please join it, it's new, kthnxbye.
<33caren. oh btw, my new username is [info]niggawhaat

[18 Jun 2004|01:37pm]

join [info]kidxhomicide

The New Foamy Cartoon!!!! [18 Jun 2004|12:31am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | typing sounds ]

 The New Cartoon of My Lord And Master...............Foamy!*jazz hands*

y0- all the cool kids do it [16 Jun 2004|10:30pm]

[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | detachment kit - spider ]

actually, if you were going to join any other community but wedont__care, it should totally be [info]hips_like_fuck because it even sounds better than these other lame communities. thats it.

1 broke your|

[16 Jun 2004|02:46pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | ugly cassanova ]

bye bye community.

me myself and i [16 Jun 2004|10:56am]


application )

9 broke your|

STAMPED. [16 Jun 2004|12:48am]


JOIN [info]x_irresistible

it's my new community that i just started today and it's growing fast! come join!

Happy Tree Friends - Episodes!!!!!! [13 Jun 2004|05:54pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "Is This Love" By: Terra Skye ]

My New Look!!!! [12 Jun 2004|06:01pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | "Alone" By: Lasgo ]

 This 3 pics of me is um when I started to grow my hair.  Heehee ^_^

My hair obviously longer here! Heehee ^o^
My New Look.......Aren't You In Suspense.......Click This Already!!!! )

stamped---------------->bored [10 Jun 2004|04:13pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | nmh ]

Read more... )

i am stamped. i am active! [10 Jun 2004|02:10pm]

[ music | murder by death ]

i went to the beach! )
4 broke your|

new<3 [08 Jun 2004|04:52pm]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Hit me with your best shot- pat benetar ]

well you’re a real tough cookie with a long history… )

18 broke your|

Long thing....rant? [07 Jun 2004|06:38am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "I Turn To You" By: Mel C ]

Marriage is love.
I guess I might aswell support this...ugh...I'm not really big on the marriage thing, I just think that most people are supporting it because they hate Bush and they want to piss him off for doing it. I hate Bush personally from the start of his presidency, I mean...I'm a fucken Democrat!! I dont' like republicans at all, their ideas on abortion and other shit...ugh, anyways, i'm putting this here because so many of my friends support this and well i support them, i just dont' support the gay marriage, or any marriage at that, we shouldnt' involve the government with a religious right. Marriage started out as a religious right and passage for a higher platform for love, and now you see that you have fill out forms for marriage with the state and government, what happened to the good ol' days when you could just get married and not worry about what taxes you have pay when you are married? Or when there wasn't the problem with having the rights to bury your loved one?....It is just a screwed up democracy, America really fucked up on electing Bush, it should of been Gore that lead in the first place...Now we just have to hope for the chance that Kerry, and hopefully he wins, can lead us into the new America, and for my nephews and nieces. *sigh* it seems like I'm talking a lot about this subject, I'm not used to talking about this that much, mostly because people automatically stop talking to me when they hear I am against any kind of marriage. Anyways, I'll update right now what happened to me yesterday and today I guess...BYEZ AND MUAHZ

APP. [06 Jun 2004|06:48pm]

oh say you say you say oh say you say you say oh say you say you say )
13 broke your|

[05 Jun 2004|10:39pm]



you all should add this to your friends list. it's like a livejournal ebay. anyone is allowed to post and try to sell their things :) no rating or other bs is involved.

Application. [03 Jun 2004|04:19pm]


Oh my tounges the only muscle in my body that works harder then my heart.. )

13 broke your|

stamped... bored [03 Jun 2004|02:13pm]

Its the simple things, the beauties like flowers, friends and smiles that really matter in life...
flowers )
You know what amuses me? People that are all like "best friends! blah blah blah" to your face and turn all these stories of you guys hanging out to them showing up at your house to fight you... ahahahahhaa. yea... that amuses me...A LOT. let's keep it goin guys.
friends )
3 broke your|

[02 Jun 2004|09:29pm]

Check out [info]word_i_am_hard and see if you're up for it!

[01 Jun 2004|09:10am]

okay so to get this community going the next 10 people who post a picture in getoff_myscreen you audomatically get in.. no need to post bad pictures, Also once in you can post whatever you want as long as it is decent. (remember to promote)

[31 May 2004|08:17pm]
[ music | The Supremes ]

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