Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
10:39 pm
Friday, November 5th, 2004
1:01 am
ok so watching the election totally registered this one for me...glad it did for others too.
indirect source: redhen
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Friday, October 29th, 2004
11:55 pm
7:53 am
ekk its almost halloween. i still need to finish my costume and its two versions. i'm sitting in my pjs right now and the wind comming in is actually 'chilly'....as in 50s...for arizona. its rather exciting. i'm going to break out a sweater today i think. however if anyone sees me in down in arizona...except if i'm in super northern arizona...because put me out of my misery before i need to return to ny.
alright shower and then off to class.
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Monday, October 25th, 2004
3:17 pm
so currently i'm working on a paper comparing the greywater policy of arizona and california for my water policy final paper. i orig. selected arizona because...well that is where i live currently...and cali because cira 2006 that is where i plan on living (oh san diego <3). while doing this paper i found a huge ironic hole in my choices....the most progressive and 'model' greywater policy in existance in the usa is arizona. seriously we rock. not that its going to make me want to stay and live in az for the rest of my life (at least not until cali drops off/floats away and we have a coastal area)...but it now will honestly get more of a second look from me...because i'd really like to end up in a water reclaim/greywater department/firm. i get so excited over seeing stormwater run down the streets...yea thats a rather dorky confession. but i'm ok with that. i fit some of the professional steriotypes what can i say?! anyways i just felt the urge to gloat about my state's greywater policy. heh. yea anyways........
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Thursday, October 21st, 2004
7:36 pm
so i couldnt remember what day le tigre was playing in tempe and i went on the site to look it. its the 12th which is a friday so that rocks. i also found out the opening act(s). i thought it was just lesbians on extacy, who i honestly dont know that well but everyone raves about. then i saw the other opening act. willpower!!!! <3 how much does that rock? i saw him...will from imerial teen at homo-a-go-go and it was one of those super awesome surprizes. the lil syncronized dance that night was just so fun i could have kept going all night. i so have my fingers crossed he does a similar show. i can't decide who i'm more excited for...le tigre (whose new album i'll have to try and hear before the show) or willpower. oh and the tickets are $15! <3
co and ca are totally playing at the same thearter on the 7th but its a monday and i cant reason doing that on a monday night. though it would be fun and i'm sure totally prime for scenester watching. alright i'm going to bathe tabby and then do a lil foodshopping and then homework.
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Wednesday, October 20th, 2004
10:45 pm
this was tonight's sunset
tucson you're beautiful. so what if you sprawl a bit...you've got not just a water reclaim program but a whole f-ing department...you've got perfect weather (except june and august)...you've got my hydro/water resources engineering program which is top notch...you've got super cute adobe houses...yea i'm really happy with this decission. this is perfect right now.
note: photo nicked from the tucson lj community.
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Sunday, October 17th, 2004
12:33 pm
so i just searched my name to see if i could pull my hwr contact info up. even better i got the ballston spa sports record page. on which i found the 4 x 1600 relay still hasn't been broken and myself, liz, erin and kate still have the record we set in 1999. oh my. the fastest 3000 time on the other hand...yea no.
now to shower and do work and errands! the seminar went well despite being super long i did end up having alot of fun. new mexico pretty much looks like arizona. i did get to see 'real' trees and the rio grande though.
<3 **azalea
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Saturday, October 9th, 2004
12:54 pm
Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
5:29 pm
sudden changes in my weight make my body seem so foreign.
prior to graduation in the stress of getting together my capstone project i pretty much didnt eat. i'd returned to nearly the size i entered college at...roughly 110 lbs. post graudation, early during the summer i had a rather tramatic/dramatic breakup with my girlfriend of nearly 2 years. i don't tend to eat when i'm upset so honestly i should have been fine. just this time i was utterly inactive. and my mother pretty much tried to perk me up with junk food. 10 pounds later i ended the summer. i've lost around 5 so i'm closer to 115 not but still when i gain weight it all tends to go to one place...my boobs. i've 5'2" and now over a c cup. they are f-ing huge. they don't feel like my own. i wore this tanktop which the last time i wore was on gradation...a pretty bannana republic low black one that ties in the font in a little bow. i didn't realize until campus exactly how diffrent it looks of me now. i spent most of the day with a fleese over me when i could bare the heat otherwise i just tried to bear it. it just really made me feel so uncomfortable and icky. i need to do some clothing shopping and get some new shirts that are a bit looser to accomidate. that and get myself more active. getting <3 my bike <3 fixed would be a good start.
alright i need to go drive and find tucson water because i'm interviewing there tomorrow...i already am working for sahra now but maddock/woodard still think its worth my time to interview...i agree. they would be a good connection to have and i think i would like to work for them eventually as a summer job or something of the sorts.
xo **azalea, top heavy
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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
10:04 pm
Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
9:40 pm
so its offical....i'm going as eve for halloween. its hard finding more skin showing costumes than some of the ones i've already pulled and i don't want to result to repeating. halloween is so my favorite holliday and has been since i was little.
so eve...beige bra/'boy short' panties, plastic grape vines, plastic grape leaves and bunches, a snake and an apple. ta da. i also need to get my self tan by then. spend some quality time by my pool to even out my color again...my legs are still shades lighter. for the day after halloween...day of the dead...i think i'm going to wear my white 50's tea length princess dress, white heals, black gloves, some kinda black tule for a wrap and dark eye makeup. two days to dress up! wee! <3
thats way in advance. i should get back to working on my damn paper. boo hiss. i so procrastinated today. its rather sad. i just didn't feel like doing any real work. i didn't clean that much either. but tabby does have a new collar and tag and i have groceries. tabby's collar is lavandar with a big red heart charm that reads her name and my number. the machine wasn't great and didn't have many symbols because what i wanted to tag to say was 'tabee <3' but they didn't have the < or 3. boo hiss. it still looks cute as hell. i need to send new pictures to john. and send him my new number.
alright work work work.
current music: ladytron---flicking your switch
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Thursday, September 30th, 2004
5:36 pm
.lydia lydia comes around.
tangental: so i have the new butchies album...it is good however f-ing short. 1974 is still my fav but this one is catchy as fuck too. 1974 makes me think of driving though virgina and south carolina...especially the traintracks in virgina (remember watching it for hours kel because there was oh so much to do in roenoke). when i saw there was a song called lydia i was rather excited. i do want a kid or kids someday...most likely not from my body due to my shitty-ass repo track which i was told 3 years ago that i had maybe 10 years let on. i share a. jolie's view that every child i would have is one that is already born nd living without a family...so addoption it is. anyways lydia is so my fav. girl name. lydia avery lastname.
otherwise: tabby is clawing my flipflops again. she is nuts. i come in and take them off and flip them over for her to attack. i totally have a 'pet name' for her now...with oreo his pet name is 'kittanya' (pronounced kit-tan-ya...a variation on kitten i guess. i can't remember how i came up with that one)....so i couldnt call tabby that. tabby is a tabby (nice job john with the name) and so she is all stripped...like a bee. thus tabby is my 'honey beeeee' or 'baby beeeee'. its perfect. and when i home she meows so much and waits to jump into my lap. so cute. she also pokes me in the morrning...not cute. she did that today at f-ing 6 am.
i got up early to meet prof. woodard for a meeting at an ngo that is getting involved in the urban water reclaim project i'm on. its pretty damn awesome. i really hope i can stay on this project next term...the only reason things might change is if maddock puts his claim on me (he is my primary advisor). i ended up getting to geology late but that wasnt huge. jen had saved me a seat. we ended up having lunch after...i so needed a break from worrying about subsurface hydro...so we got pita pit (ha crazy no?!) and chatted under palm trees for a good hour and a half. i need to email woodard and confirm i'm on the roster for the sahra confrence in a few weeks in new mexico. i just got my new cubicle...letter l...right next to jen and diagnal from laura. candice's is one row over. my computer should be set up by tomorrow. maybe i'll decorate then. on the topic of subsurface hydro i think i did pretty well on the exam...i actually smiled when i handed it in. i felt like i really knew what i was doing. hopefully i actually did. heh. i got my geo exam back. i was ahead of the curve but not anything great. b range. jen totally did amazing. god damn bio majors actually being able to memorize all that trivia. i was doing problems last night with juli, jhulio and anne and jhulio was giving me crap for being able to do this super complex k(equ) problem but not knowing a simple soil conversion equation by memory. i'm all about the application. the formula you can always look up thanks.
tonight i'm going to the outdoor movie downtown with mamta. tomorrow night i head to phoenix to see a certain boy (note to self: go try on outfits for friday). i have alot of random errands to do but am just happy to have the hydro exam done so i can move on with my week. <3 today ended up being better than i thought.
xo **azalea
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Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
10:13 pm
god how did people f-ing do research without the net. really?!
yesterday i spent like 2 hours in the science and engineering library running around trying to pull together all the journals i needed that supported an article woodard wants me to work on refuting. the library didn't have half the journals let alone the most recent ones bound. so i was trying to get the librarian to help me and she just wasnt pleasant. the schools electronic journal systems is a bitch to use vs. su's system and i was just getting nowhere. i walked out with one article in hand.
tonight i figure...what the hell...google it. i now have all but f-ing one. eat that science and engineering library. i didn't print them yet only because some are 40 page papers and i love my printer a lil too much for that.
poor tabby stuck her nose it in while i was printing one page or two of refrence and got a suprize with a paper coming out on her. aww.
so yes...<3 internet <3 xo **azalea
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Monday, September 27th, 2004
7:15 pm
i know i've said it before. you either click instantly with me or not. if not most likely you won't have a second chance to prove me contrary unless you really push and i cave. jen and i met up tonight to study geo for a few hours...which amounted to about 1/2 hour of geo and hours of us just chatting and giving eachother shit. the first time we hung out...with the other hydro girlies...after our orientation at 'no anchovies' for pizza and beer i totally got an awesome vibe from her. we didn't even really know eachother and we're just going back and forth and entertaining the entire table. weeks later i still think she f-ing rocks. despite not being a productive work partner...mostly because its geo and its a deficiency so we're so taking it pass/fail and it won't effect our masters transcripts. among the interesting things i learned about her tonight a rather random piece of trivia amuses me the most...she is a taurus. i've never really had that many lil taurus kids in my life before and i'm loving it. i honestly thought she was a scorpio...they usually suck me in the fastest. so yea its just exciting to have someone fun like that right down the road from me. thats all i wanted to write about. now i really should study geo and pull some articles/fill out paper work for my r.a. position*.
xo **azalea
*i got hired on by woodard to do work on urban water reclaim in tucson...particularly this project involving rooftop harvesting into cisterns. <3 greywater <3
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11:44 am
i thought this was rather amusing. i really don't have well matched interests with many people on my friends list...however i am the only one who has such things as antique bottle collecting listed...guess that one is my fault.
( list )
alright back to reviewing. i'm going to be on campus late doing even more reviewing for my geology midterm...ohhh memorization. wee.
xo **azalea
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Sunday, September 26th, 2004
10:31 pm
tangentals from a girl with no attention span today
i just ate nearly a whole box of rasberries and i think my stomach isn't going to forgive me for awhile...i couldn't help it though. they are so delightful.
one of my random favorite things is everytime my cat stares at me to just bust out dancing like a total electro-clash scenester...exactly how i wouldn't have the guts to just goof off and dance like that in a club. i think she appriciates it...her eyes get all huge.
i finally cleaned my floor today. my vacume needs to get here so i can do my rug. its driving me nuts.
i was doing a programing assignment with a girlie in my major tonight and i went out to take a phone call and when i came back one of the phd grad students was at my computer looking over what i'd written. he was like 'you're an amazing programer. its so clean.' i was flattered. i would have been more flattered if i wasnt writing the f-ing program in excel.
stacy-jane is getting a cat scan tomorrow for this odd tummor that just formed on the inside of her nose totally blocking up one side. ekkk. she is going to report back to me when its over.
i got to talk to miss kelly today who i called earlier today after having the scarriest dream. it was totally like the end of titanic...where we were for some reason stuck out at sea and she dround. i couldnt save her for some reason and could only watch as she slipped under the water. kelly has the total snow white complection and in the dream i just remember how white her skin got. it was the most vivid dream i've had in months. i woke up at like 2am totally freaked out and making myself resist the urge to call her and just confirm she was ok. i cuddled my poor cat to death before i calmed down and went back to sleep. needless to say we talked and she is good. <3
i'm trying to write a movie review for a zine which i promised i would do. i havent realized how long it has been since i've free writen more than a few lines. 4 years of an engineering program has wrecked me. everything feels so dry and to the point. its like i have two writing modes...lj rambles or professional reports. bla.
alright speaking of rambles...enough.
xo **azalea
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3:56 pm
Saturday, September 25th, 2004
11:06 pm
so my day... ...forgetting it was yon kippur. my mom called me but i was bad and didn't call back because i was running around and thus missed the reminder. so once again. i didn't realize it till i was out at the bar with mamta and she mentioned her friend dana who was coming was waiting till her bf got home to break fast. i was just like 'oh fuck'. eh oh well. i get points for almost trying. i don't keep judiasm as my religion but i respect it as being a cultural heritage and feel like i need to do something with it. missing the high holy holiday...yea not good. ...i talked to miss julia j today!!! she is in love with la and her school out there and i'm so happy because i was totally the person being like 'what the fuck are you staying in new york for...come west!!!'. and she said it was the push she needed to finally do it. so yes. she and i are spending thanksgiving together. i'm going out there. we're having f-ing thanksgiving on the beach with freshly done peticures (<3) eat that new york!!! ...since the hike/ostridge fondling got cancled jen and i went food shopping together...yea trader joes trips...and then after we did that we dropped our groceries off at our homes (she carried mine in for me <3)and then sat about my appartment chatting before we finally stopped chatting enough to organize and go to 4th ave to get tea and walk around. we went to this yummy place i'd never tried before and had tea and backlava. perfect. she busted on me for being a dork and i busted on her for being a hippie. this kinda back and forth reminds me alot of when i met stef and she use to spend her time trying to pin me but also would tease me. regardless those kind of friendship are fun...my face always feels sore from laughing when we hangout. we clicked pretty instantly when we started talking. anyways she was sickly so she opted to go home vs. hit the poetry reading with mamta and i. ...mamta, her friend dana, and i went to the 'white trash' poetry reading at club congress. okie it was f-ing hysterical. some pieces were so off color i really couldnt put down my lil p.c. wall and just laugh...it was a 'oh my god they just said -that-'block...but it was really good. i was thinking while i was there that there was another poetry reading i would have rather been at but i still enjoyed the one i was really at. mamta got crafty and made me a cute magnet of miss monroe. very sweet. we chatted a bit after the show but it was totally her bed time so we parted ways. when i'm 28 if i go to bed before 11 on the weekend kick me please. ...i came back to a routy 'you left me home all day!!!!' tabitha. i ran around the apartment after her for awhile. now she is sleeping. i ate a super late dinner and now have to do a few dishes. i think i might actually go to bed early...heh...because i've got a 9am review session for subsurface hydro. wee. it should be really good though.
alright thats it. ta da. xo **azalea
ps. i'm looking forward to next weekend times a million. <3
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1:20 am
i had a delightful night out....first i went out with the hwr girlies for drinks to celebrate their fluids (i've got that one in the bag from my b.s. degree) exam being over and also it being friday but i also got to celebrate getting picked up as fully funded before i was supost to be...maddock usually won't pick you up until second semester but woodard offered me a position so i get to move to sahara (marshall building) and have a cubicle with all my girlie and get to work on this awesome water reclaim project. greywater all the way. oui. i hadn't eaten since lunch and was totally feeling the effect of an embarassingly few number of beers. it was sad. i remember my rugby days where it was like 5 beers before i felt anything. not so much now. after that i met up with rusty to hit the lesbian shorts film fest. we met up with his group of adorable friends there. after that we hit the dinner for a snack and then a drop by party stop. then david, rusty and i came back to my place and chatted and now here i am....getting ready for bed because i am -sooo- tired. ugg. tomorrows plans got reschedule because candices friends grandmother died and then friend really wanted candice to be there at the funeral with her...and you can't say no to that. so we're going to move plans...also cooler weather would be nicer for hiking. so tomorrow will be more lo-key....food shopping with jen and then we're going to find something to do...explore tucson or something. in the evening i'm going to this 'white trash' themed poetry event with mamta. maybe get in some quality time with my kitty. right now though its quality sleep time.
xo **azalea
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