Monday, February 10th, 2003
1:06 pm
Hey, I bought a box of Celestial Seasonings Herb Tea Sampler. It is a North-American brand. Comes inside Sleepytime (chamomile with spearmint), Wild Berry Zinger, Lemon Zinger, Chamomile and Peppermint. I'm tasting Lemon Zinger right now, and it's an opaque and dark red broth, with a spicy lemon smell and flavor. I'm enjoying it. Usually Brasilian teas are clear and herbal, even maté, and English tea is bright and dark, Green tea is golden. I'm don't much fruit teas, are they all this kind of broth? (I'm using this word, broth, because it is so dark and opaque and a bit gross.) Next tea I'm going to buy is gonna be Twinings Jasmine Green Tea. And these are the only brands I know other than the brasilian ones Leão and Dr. Oetker.
P.S.: hortelã is the same of spearmint, not peppermint as I've said.
P.S.II: I miss you right now. It was so good talking to you. : )
(comment on this)
| Saturday, February 8th, 2003
6:29 pm
Is that episode of the guy that shoots someone in that Christmas party the last one? I've watched it, but then it wasn't possible to watch what happened on the next day.
[ Current Clothes ] shorts, no shirt, no shoes, no sock. almost half naked haha [ Current Taste] chocolate cookies [ Current Hair ] messy and dirty (2 days i don't wash it) [ Current Annoyance ] half-broken tower fan noises [ Current Smell] nothing/hot air [ Current thing I ought to be doing ] playing the violin [ Current Desktop Picture ] smashing pumpkins tonight tonight poster [ Current Favorite Group ] placebo, godspeed you black emperor, smashing pumpkins [ Current CD in CD Player] haendel suites [ Current Refreshment ] i don't get it hahah [ Current Worry ] felipe
LAST PERSON: [ You Touched ] mom [ You Talked to ] my brother [ You Hugged ] mom [ You Instant messaged ] i don't remember, three days i don't get on icq [ You Yelled At ] brother [ You Kissed ] on cheeks: mom; on the lips with and without tongue: F (elipe)
FAVOURITE: [ Food ] hamburguer, hot dog, i'm such an american :| [ Drink] tea, chocomilk, strawberry juice [ Color ] blue, black, silver, golden, red [ Album ] godspeed you black emperor - lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven [ Shoes] adidas [ Animal ] dogs, cats, turtles [ Movie ] bram stocker's dracula, waking life, blade runner, harry potter, lord of the rings [ Dance ] i don't dance haha, but my favoride dances i like to listen to are electrofunk, minuet and romenian dances [ Vegetable ] lettuce [ Fruit ] strawberries, cherries, banana [ Cartoon ] waking life! :P haha
ARE YOU: [ Understanding ] what? where? :O [ Open-minded ] not much [ Arrogant ] a bit at times [ Insecure ] a lot [ Interesting ] not much, i don't talk about all things [ Random ] sometimes [ Hungry ] not now too [ Friendly ] yeah, but i can be a pain in the arse too [ Smart ] depends on the difficulty of the things [ Moody ] a bit [ Childish ] yep [ Independent ] not at all [ Hard working ] not much. only on writing music [ Organized ] nope [ Healthy ] me neither [ Emotionally Stable ] i hope so [ Shy ] a bit [ Difficult ] what do you mean? :O [ Bored Easily ] yeah [ Thirsty] hum? i guess i am [ Responsible ] depends on, but i believe i am not [ Obsessed ] on music [ Angry ] depends too [ Sad ] yes sometimes [ Happy ] sometimes [ Hyper ] me neither [ Trusting ] i hope so, but i don't promise anything [ Talkative ] the same as you :)
(comment on this)
6:07 pm
Hello hello,
It is a nasty thing i forgot the password! :O But i laughed so hard when i saw it!
So we are back? Yeah we are. Let's put our hands out...
I wonder why those pictures below aren't working anymore. I don't remember them, it is a shame. But i like to remember when you banned that 70's guy and his stupid USA flag. Oh my brother, he went to Worldwide Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brasil, have you heard of it. It is the opposite to the Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He and two friends spent a week in there, sleeping in a camping. I doubt i would like it, i hate chemical bathroom or taking showers with people around me or eating microbiotic food (as he said he did ate). Last forum a french guy was arrested for destroying transgenic soya fields. And my brother saw a particularly exciting thing: after a parade, he was talking to his friends and then they saw smoke coming from somewhere. They turn and see a flaming flag, USA flag. Hahah. :P
I hate Zwan. They first album is nice, but it is a shame. Which would you pick up? Zwan or Silverchair? I answer: SC cause Diorama is such an evolution of their music. Mary Star of the Sea is the opposite, Billy Corgan regressed. Did you see Placebo is putting a new album out? Sleeping With Ghosts. So far i've heard this song, English Summer Rain, and it is GREAT. I fell in love with it and is much like Depeche Mode production of things, that i also love. I hope i'll buy this album as soon and it is released. Have you ever heard Gustav Mahler?
I don't mind if it's not friends only. But if you preffer i'm okay about it. :)
current music: Placebo - English Summer Rain
(comment on this)
1:49 pm - Have to spend the time between messaging and watching Felicity on this
| Friday, February 7th, 2003
8:11 pm - Because I am really tired of the others
So here I am again. No. Should check when we last updated this but it does feel like it's time to get back and be nonsense again. Yes, people are moving around. Tired of words somewhere else. I don't care if anyone reads this but I know at least one whom I care does and that's all.
How are you? Where have you been?
P.S. I suggest to make this friends only. Friends are us.
(3 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, January 10th, 2002
5:47 am
| you can be perceived as cold and cynical. your fascination with altering your image may be a sign of insecurity, but it may also show a desire for change and experimentation, especially with wigs and hair dye. you have a "no bullshit" attitude towards life. your talents are often overlooked in favor of your bandmates or colleagues, but fear not. your day will come.
which pumpkin are you? |
- Okay, about 50% of it is true :-)
(comment on this)
| Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
9:37 am
| My anthem is "Hand in my Pocket", by Alanis Morissette. I coined the phrase "It's all good." I can see a bright side to every dark point in life, since everything in life is a delicate balance of good and bad. I can be a little childish at times, but that's just part of the whole inner peace thing... Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE! |
- This is lovely. Everyone should go and take the test and tell me what their anthems are :-)
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, November 18th, 2001
11:42 pm
Translation, November 18, 2001 | 7:34 pm
Forced to go, literally. So i went on, full of hate. I'm tired. After had to walk around that school, completely lost in Piracicaba, until i found the central bus station, where i took a stupid bus went down spiraling thru the most impossible labyrinthic way to get to the shopping center, where i should meet my parents. Heat, headache, chestpain, sickness and very bad humor.
All of this kind of dissolved when that supercute boy, 18 to 20 years old i guess, looked at me. So suddenly and unbelievable that i looked at him too. 5 or 10 seconds gazing one another, eyes into eyes. So i got rid of my parents for a while, walking after around him. I'm so pathetic, doesn't matter, i saw him looking after me too. Many times we caught up gazing, and then we crossed walking by, he sent a smile, i could read on his lips some 'hi' thingy... that saved the day so far. I thought of writing down my telephone number on some piece of paper, do anything, and give it to him. But there was the fear of one of those two women were with him be his mother. Was beautiful. I don't know what to think. Amongst all that pain, i could love that boy i don't even know, and probably i will never see him again. My stoned heart is not that stoned at all; and i always get surprised.
So now some hatred hangover. And the sadness cause of the boy stuff. I wonder if i'm all that silly i'm sure i am. Also, i would like to know if i could handle much more than this. Or maybe i shouldn't, cause if i get to this, i'd be all brutalized already, and no, i don't want this.
current mood: sad
(comment on this)
| Saturday, November 3rd, 2001
2:10 pm
| Wednesday, October 31st, 2001
10:26 pm - Body modifications