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[Jan. 22nd, 2004|10:41 am]
from [info]idontevencare

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[Jan. 11th, 2004|10:35 pm]
On my way to an early grave I stopped some where along the way
In hopes to learn my name
We all have lives that we must leave some are great and some are weak
I'm somewhere in between

I used to think the world was round until I filled my head with sound
And pictures of a place where I was good and wrong was right
And nothing kept me up at night except the songs we made

We all have lives that we must leave some are great and some are weak
I'm somewhere in between
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[Jan. 8th, 2004|09:14 pm]
i like penguins.

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sensefield broke up. [Jan. 7th, 2004|11:18 am]
sensefield broke up.

Fun Never Ends

back then
we wished that we were older
waiting for the summer
everything was new, when everything was fun
she would come over and slip into the water
i wonder if she knew that she was the one, everybody wanted,
every night she haunted us in our dreams then you wake up all alone

all's fair in love and war, til it feels like you're dying alone
Tears turn to waterfalls but I I'd taste tears over nothing at all

now, we wish that we were younger
that feeling of the hunger, to want to try everything and anything we want
frustration and the anger, never thinking of the danger or how we'd make it through
never thinking someone won't

all's fair in love and war, til it feels like you're dying alone
tears turn to waterfalls but I'd taste tears over nothing at all

the fun never ends
fun never ends,
the fun never ends
til you bury a friend, til you bury a friend, til you bury a friend

now, we wish that we were younger
that feeling of the hunger, to want to try everything and anything we want
frustration and the anger, never thinking of the danger,
or how we'd make it through
never thinking someone won't

all's fair in love and war, til it feels like you're dying alone
tears turn to waterfalls but I'd taste tears over nothing at all

fun never ends ... fun never ends ... fun never ends
til you bury a friend, bury a friend, bury a friend
til you bury a friend, bury a friend, bury a friend
til you bury a friend, bury a friend, bury a friend

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[Jan. 1st, 2004|08:52 pm]
so this is the new year.
and i don't feel any different.
the clanking of crystal
explosions off in the distance (in the distance).

so this is the new year
and I have no resolutions
for selfl assigned penance
for problems with easy solutions

so everybody put your best suit or dress on
let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once
lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
as thirty dialogues bleed into one

i wish the world was flat like the old days
then i could travel just by folding a map
no more airplanes, or speedtrains, or freeways
there'd be no distance that can hold us back.

there'd be no distance that could hold us back (x2)

so this is the new year (x4)
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ultimo post do ano / last post of the year [Dec. 30th, 2003|09:21 am]
[music |braid - the new nathan detroits]

nineteen ninety eight looked great on
plain white paper on the fiftieth plane to champaign
but to tell you the truth
if i had a chance to kill it
i'd pick it up and take it and shake it and
kiss it to death
there's something inside like a conscience
that says "you're painting floors while
your pals are renaming the stars
get up get up and go do what you started
if you want to be a martyr, try harder"

go my son have you grown?
go make a home
and put the kids in their beds

and i will talk about this year
if there was something to talk about
and you sell and you sell with your heart
so you can make a few bucks and lose a few friends
and this is the stuff that makes you
and it will be the same that breaks you
move on get on with your life
it's pointless to play if you don't get paid

why not go my son have you grown?
go make a home
and put the kids in their beds
the kid's in our heads
we've got a lot of great mistakes to make
we've got a lot of chances to take
so let's take our time and hurry

go my son has come home
i said no and made my own
and put the kids in their beds
the kid's in our heads
we've got a lot of people to fear this year
so addy if you want to be near
sing will to the wind and worry
oh addy do i love you
but god such things i have to do
addy do i want to hear you
but i just can't get through
addy do i miss you
these dreams i sing when i
kiss you

oh addy do i love you
but got such things i have to do
ady do i want to hold you
but anyone may do
addy do i miss you
these dreams i sing when i'm

introducing the new nathan detroits.

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[Dec. 28th, 2003|01:18 am]
"irony of life"

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[Dec. 24th, 2003|01:21 am]
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unix means i'm better than you...
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[Dec. 22nd, 2003|11:28 pm]
[music |frommonumenttomasses sharpshooter]

record of the week.

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nerd [Dec. 19th, 2003|11:01 pm]
[mood |nerdy]
[music |elliot smith]

o meu dia:

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[Dec. 18th, 2003|09:28 pm]
[music |macguyver na tv.]

2.6.0 is out.


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[Dec. 14th, 2003|07:39 pm]
one of the best online surveys ever.

Atreyu vs. Zao: zao
Daughters vs. Charles Bronson: hahahahhahahha i'd sai charles bronson but i listen more to daughters
Sparta vs. Billy Talent: sparta
Every Time I Die vs. Give Up The Ghost: give up the ghost! i don't care
The Mars Volta vs. I Hate Myself: not even close, now the mars volta, a year ago it would be i hate myself.
Alexisonfire vs. Underoath: i don't care
The Blood Brothers vs. Cirlce Takes The Square: blood brothers
The Bled vs. pg. 99: pg99, who are the others?
Saetia vs. Holy Molar: this is a hard one, saetia has cooler reputation and holy molar has cooler band members. saetia.
Q and not U vs. These Arms Are Snakes: q and not u
The Postal Service vs. The Faint: postal service
Arab on Radar vs. Melt Banana: melt banana any day.
36 Crazy Fists vs. Glassjaw: 36 shouldn't exist. glassjaw.
Modest Mouse vs. Armor For Sleep: modest mouse, who's the other band
Brand New vs. Saves The Day: brand new. btw, saves the day should die.

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[Dec. 10th, 2003|10:57 am]
indie prick
you are either a record nerd or not a scenester at
all. you are the coolest of the bunch. bravo,

what type of lame scenester are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i bring the mosh. pitchforkmedia \m/
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[Dec. 6th, 2003|11:16 pm]
[music |explosions in the sky]

the earth is not a cold dead place.

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[Nov. 30th, 2003|09:28 pm]
[music |b&s;]

lembranças dos anos 80:
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[Nov. 26th, 2003|11:01 pm]
[music |anniversary]

ontem fui a x-wife e liars e foi bonito.
x-wife e' giro mas repetitivo e a voz do gajo começa a ser irritante.
reparei que o dj era bue cromito pq passou coisas boas como hot hot heat, sleater kinney e erase errata (nao e' para fracos).
liars foi a loucura, gostei muito mesmo, so' tocaram coisas do album novo e ninguem tava a espera e ficaram todos a apanhar do ar porque nao tem nada a haver.
bazei logo a seguir. fim.

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[Nov. 23rd, 2003|09:15 pm]
i've been busy lately with my college projects.
i was supposed to go to a friends show yesterday but i missed it. i haven't been at shows lately because most of the bands suck and i'm not in the mood but this time i really 'should' have gone and it just didn't mean anything.
did i completely end my "hardcore-show" phase?
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[Nov. 16th, 2003|01:38 am]
visto que tenho um livejournal e que este e' raramente utilizado decidi tirar uns minutos desta madrugada para fazer uma entrada.

sobre a minha vida. a minha vida vai relativamente "normal", os projectos vao começar, nao ha vontade nem tempo para sair e outras porcarias do genero.
comprei os bilhetes para mars volta e liars no outro dia quando fui ver 20inch burial e recordar uma quantidade demasiado grande de pessoal que nao via a meses. amanha e' as good as dead e acho que vou faltar para ver o babylon5 e ouvir musica em casa, preciso mesmo de tirar uns dias.
tive na sexta as 19 o teste de ASA que foi chato como todos os testes sao na minha linda faculdade.

tirando isso tenho bebido demasiada coca-cola e tentado tirar mp3 engraçados como sempre.

quero ir ao cinema ver alguns filmes, o que estou mais interessado agora de ver e' o elephant.

decidi arranjar um programa de news-agregator, para quem nao sabe o que e', ele pega em varios sites e blogs e organiza a informacao com resumos e links no mesmo programa. da jeito, ja tenho 24 feeds la metidos.

os meus feeds:
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esta tao mau tempo la fora que ha umas arvores caidas e eu começo a pensar que tenho de ir dormir. a pouco fiquei sem electricidade 3x ate parecia que estava no fim do mundo.

tenho tentado tirar tempo para ler, costumo levar sempre um livro no comboio assim consigo manter a leitura em dia, agora que nao tenho livros novos voltei a ler o inforescravos do douglas coupland que sempre da para rir das situacoes e ficar envergonhado que se consegue percebes as piadas mais geeks.

desejo a todos um resto de bom inverno e muito cafe. cheers.

feito a partir duma foto antiga de the icarus complex ao vivo

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[Nov. 15th, 2003|03:00 am]
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
- Voltaire (1694-1778)

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[Nov. 12th, 2003|10:37 am]
A State Law Would Pin the T-Word on Animal-Rights and Eco Protesters


" ... Activist groups fear that lawful dissent, such as demonstrations, letter-writing campaigns, and leafleting, might fall into any one of those categories, particularly the catchall phrase "other means." The bill also seeks to prohibit people from gathering photographic or videotaped evidence of illegal or harmful activities, effectively shutting down the camcorders and other tools used by 21st-century protesters ..."
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