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[03 Mar 2005|01:02am]
sometimes i don't know what to do.

[05 Jan 2005|12:31am]
if i told you my life was falling apart, would you believe me?
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[23 Jul 2004|09:34pm]

Yesterday, I surpassed 500 kilometres on the Vespa. I think I'm really going out of my way to find any possible excuse to ride it.
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[10 Jul 2004|12:53am]
What sounds like a lawnmower and can hit 70kph going downhill? Well, this, actually.

I've put 68 kilometres on it since picking it up today at 4:30, and I'm expecting at least the same tomorrow. I could very well ride this all weekend. Except I don't have a proper lock for it yet, (its on order) so I'm afraid it won't be in the parking lot tomorrow. I'm probably just being paranoid, however.
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[22 Jun 2004|04:58am]
We're home, after ~20 hours on a bus. Will post later.
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[07 Jun 2004|08:52pm]
For the first time in weeks, there is dead silence in Calgary.
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[04 Jun 2004|02:44am]
An open letter to the Calgary Flames and their supporters:

  I want my neighbourhood back. My calm, peaceable, respectful neighbourhood. No more helicopters; no more sirens; no more yelling.


An open letter to the 80,000-100,000 people expected on the 'Red Mile' on Saturday,

  Please see above.

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[15 May 2004|08:20pm]
I went to Wendy's for dinner. They were playing 'Faith of the Heart' (worst Trek theme song ever) over the place's in-store music system. I took that as a sign to pick up a six pack of beer and watch a six pack of 'Star Trek: Enterprise' episodes. You can imagine the result.

This is why Sammy shouldn't leave me alone for a week at a time. Heh.
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hang myself for treason [13 May 2004|02:04pm]
so, uh, i got a job.

i'm home. i'm bored. i'm listening to the 13th floor elevators.
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postcards from the sea [11 May 2004|09:59pm]
now the blows been softened since the ocean is our coffin

florida, meet austin. austin, florida.

kat+dave, thanks for the pictures!
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[20 Apr 2004|12:56am]
so, when the flames make it to the finals for the fdirst time in twelf years, 17th avenure riots. but i've been drnking for reasons other than hocke so whatever.
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[19 Apr 2004|08:59pm]
As of 1 this afternoon, I am officially finished school until September.
I don't really know what to do with all this sudden free time.
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telegraph/telegram [14 Apr 2004|05:09pm]


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[23 Mar 2004|08:22pm]
Four weeks until the end of the semester.

We've basically spent the last two weeks working on final projects (5) for each of the four classes. Things have been going pretty smoothly, overall, but everything is about to stack up pretty heavy as deadlines near— I have at least three major milemarkers to pass this week, and I don't think it's going to happen. But, yeah, everything otherwise has been going pretty well—I just haven't been online much, or home much, lately.

Yeah. Anyways, so for my design theory course the final project was handed out about a week ago. Basically, design school projects are really vaguely formatted to leave you absolutely no hint as to where to go. This is obviously a good thing, because it allows some really happy accidents. But for this one they decided to throw a kink in. They've given us a starting point: a rather random word that we've drawn to thoroughly research and base this volume off. They're pretty abstract— things like capricious, heliograph, animism, borzoi, parturiency. Yeah, words like that. (I really wanted animism.) Anyways, yeah— my word...?

Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin carbunculus small coal, carbuncle, diminutive of carbon-, carbo charcoal, ember
1 a obsolete : any of several red precious stones b : the garnet cut cabochon
2 : a painful local purulent inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues with multiple openings for the discharge of pus and usually necrosis and sloughing of dead tissue.

I have to base my final, first year design project on the imagery of a festering, bloody open pus-wound. Damn!

Moral of the story? Don't take interior design— you might get something scary.

PS. I've also learned that spending weeks on end in front of a drafting table has forced absolutely all sense of grammar from my mind.
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[05 Mar 2004|02:20am]
2.20 am, three people left in studio (myself included...) Y. lives in residence, too. We are the hardcore of the hardcore.

Edit: 2.32 am, and it's just me. I am the hardcore of the hardcore.

I'm chock full of caffiene pills and The Postal Service. I'm actually feeling productive, if a little nervous, cold-sweaty, and irregular-heartbeat-ey.

Toronto people:
If you're lucky enough to be in Toronto right now during Canadian Music Week, here is some assorted information you may find interesting: [...]
March 5, The 360 - feel like some pop rock from the west? The bop-bop-boppy The Reverie Sound Revue kicks off the Boompa! Records showcase at 9: 50 PM sharp.
    — (From the CBC/ weekly email.)

RSR is amazing. In fact, In The New and Cascade are my favourite songs as of late.
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um, [29 Jan 2004|08:39am]


This Morning - Cloudy with sunny breaks
Temperature: -33°C
Wind chill: -45°C
Wind 15 km/h SE
POP: 30%

This Afternoon - Mainly cloudy
Temperature: -20°C
Wind chill: -29°C
Wind 15 km/h S
POP: 40%
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[12 Jan 2004|02:12am]

drafting all night. sleep all day.
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[04 Jan 2004|01:19pm]
Ugh, so uh—yeah. Hangover halo.

I learned that apparently when they say 'don't mix ulcers and alcohol—it irritates them,' they weren't lying.
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[03 Jan 2004|05:51pm]
Does anyone in town have a truck or van/know someone with a truck or a van who wants to help me move a drafting table? (Base: 3' wide x 2'3" deep x 3'4" high / Table: 6' x 4')

I'd be super appreciative!
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[03 Jan 2004|02:03pm]

I've just changed my keyboard to Dvorak. Twenty years touch-typing QWERTY, and this is definitely going to drive me crazy. School starts again on Monday, and I want to have the basics down, at least.

[info]alvy_singer, help!

Also: as I was finishing up posting this, Sam saw and exclaimed 'what the hell!' and 'what do you think you're doing!?' and called me names and other such things. She made me post the photo.
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