LiveJournal for Daniele.
Tuesday, August 19th, 2003 |
Isn't it nice when your friends blow you off? but then again I am such a pushover, and people blow me off all the time, I should expect it by now. Especially when your so-called friend said she will see you when she is town, but yet does not see you and still manages to pop over at the pizzeria and see your boyfriend and all your other friends, but not you. yeah makes me feel like the biggest piece of shit that ever lived. In case this person might be reading this entry you know who you are. So, instead monday night i hung out with tuck and stayed at his place for the night, woke up the next day(To Tuck kissing my neck ever so delicately, mmmmmm) and went to my first day at my new job at movie plex, oooohhhh yeaaaa.....So that was a fun day to work from 11:00 till 6:00. I WAS SO BORED!!!!! But oh well, i was getting paid for just about doing nothing. yay! So yep, now i must be off to sleep for tucks party on tuesday where hopefully I can not be to hung over to work wednesday...but we will see......hehe... |
Sunday, August 17th, 2003 |
The job hunt is now offically over, i got a mother fuckin job! Hells fuckin yea! Fuck, I can't stop swearing I am so happy. I am going to be working at movieplex cinema, a movie place if you did not get the idea of what it was. I am soooo excited. I will be working with interesting people and will be having fun at my job. Hell, i am just happy i got a job now and will not be so bored. YaYaYaYaYaY!!!! The boss, who's name is Bob asked me if I wanted a lot of hours and I told him yes I do. and he asked me if i wanted the job and I am like "oh yes I do." so I gots it. Now I have the best job and the best man a girl could ever want. Everything is going my way. and now my mom and dad are getting along so everything is going my waaaaayyy! Life is good as a of right now. and today hopefully i will see my home girl and big sister janet, who i adore and miss ever so much, so hopefully she will get at me and we will see each other. Well now i must be off to get rid of someof this energy. Holla! | ||||||||
Saturday, August 16th, 2003 |
"Happy Birthday to my mother, she is like no other, when i ask for something she melts like buttah, oh what would I do without my dear mother?" Yeah, so right now it' my moms b-day and i know she needs me more then ever, so i decided not to go to k-rock at 12:30 am, i know, i am a bitch, but hey my family needs me and I know now that my dad is leaving she nees me more then ever. So right now I am bored, and decided to do this cute survey thingy... 1. Name?: Daniele 2. If you were going to be the opposite sex, what would your name have been?: Adrein (Go figure, my bros name.) 3. Age?: 18 4. How old do you look?: I got told 22 recently by this sweet girl at tullys. 5. What's the last song you sang?: "are you happy now" Michelle Branch 6. What did you do yesterday?: chilled about around my house for the day, the power went off, so i went into town to see what the deal was and then hung out with tuck. 7. Today?: Woke up with tuck next to me *sigh* went home and cleaned my room from top to bottom, went to mo-vegas to get stool and went to wal-mart with her and saw tuck. 8. What are your plans for the weekend?: To be totally lazy and be there for my momma. 9. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?:Closer 10. Sexiest thing about the opposite sex?: eyes 11. Do you sing in the shower?: Oh hells yeah! 12. When is the last time you cried?: I think a couple of days ago. 14. Are you in love with anyone right now and they have no idea?: Nope. 15. Have you ever said I love you to someone and meant it?: Yeah, definitley, i know, shallow huh? 16. Does anything on your body itch right now?: my leg 17. What color is the carpet in your bedroom?: a tanish colorish 18. Have you ever had a member of the opposite sex in your bedroom?: ummm, yeah...dur... 19. Who is the sexiest woman alive?: Besides Janet Laduca, (hahha had to say it janet) umm Angelina Jolie. 20. If your house was on fire and you could only save one item what would you save?: my cell phone 21. Who was your first best friend?: Stacie Benson 22. Who is the next person you'll buy a b-day gift for?: My momma! 23. Whats your fave number?: 54 and or 7 24. Have you ever gotten detention?: Yeah, it was bullshit, i skipped one friggin class. 25. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?: Wisconsin, people are so damn nice there! 26. What's your favourite animal?: Wolves 27. Do you like playing truth or dare?: Meh, sometimes when it's not stupid. 28 How many times a week do you bathe?: I hate bathing in my own filth. I'll take showers thank you. PLus i cannt bathe cause i have my tattoo. 29 Perfect Wedding Song?: "The story of my life" 30. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: meh, sort of? 31. A crush?: Oh of course yeah, I have been crushing on this one for a while. 32. Who is the person that knows the most about you?: Cassie, or Stool, either or. 33. What's your deepest darkest secret?: Like I'm gonna say. 34. Funniest Joke you ever heard?: Can't remember? 35. Saddest movie?: Forest Gump 36. Scariest movie?: hrm...edward scissor hands...come on now he has daggers for hands, that is pretty damn scary. 37: Last movie you saw in the theatre?: League of extrodnary gentlemen 38. When's the last time you rode a bike?:not since i was 14, for reason i will not go into. 39. Who is the last person who asked for your digits?: hmmm, probably tuck. (teehee) 40. What's it like outside?: dark and scary. 41. What is the first thing you do in the morning?: say to myself "Damn I'm still here?!?" 42. Last concert you went to?: 13 steps to nowhere count? 43. Next concert you are going to?: Probably Charlie Daniels at the state fair, hell yeah. 44. Have you ever had sex?: Is my name not Daniele M. Brodeur? 45. Do you know how to wash clothes?:Yep, cause i don't want my dad washing my thongs thank you very much. 46. Do you have any piercings?: just one on both ears. 47. What do you wear to work?: Nothing!!! Ha, cause I don't work now. 48. Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?: yes, it's a dancer thing. 49. Food you couldn't live without?: cupcakes...mmmmmmmmm.... 50. Do you own handcuffs?: Yes, they are glow in the dark ones too. ha! 51. Do you like your friends?: yea, why not. THOUGHTS PROVOKERS 1. In a kill or be killed situation what would you do if the person you would have to kill was a commpletely innocent stranger?: Trick question eh? 2. Would you like to change your sexual orientation in ANY way?: nope. I really like boys!! =) 3. In a perfect world, money and success and all that stuff aside, what would really be your dream job that you would just LOVE to do with your life?: A famous actress on broadway doin' my thang of singing, dancing and acting. Ya know! 4. What's the youngest age you would get with if it was completely consensual?: Ummmm 17? 5. What's the oldest age you would get with if it was completely consensual (factors like money aside)?: This completely depends on the person...if we love eachother, then it doesn't matter what so ever.! 6. Would you raise the above answer FOR money/power/etc.?: maybe...i'll have to think about this one.. 7. If for whatever reason it was completely impossible to be part of the religion you are currently in (including atheism and agnosticism) what religion would you then choose?: I would be a buddhist. 8. What's the longest book you have ever read?: Dr. Suess. (haha!) 9. Do you think that the study of history should be mandatory for all?: as much as I hate it, I do believe people can learn not to reapeat their previous mistakes in history (however, this doesn't always work out...I'm sure Bush studies history and look where it got him!) 10. If the country you live in right now was changed suddenly into an absolute monarchy and you were made King or Queen do you think you would do a good job?: I was born royalty baby, what you talkin 'bout? SOME MORE BORING STUFF 1.Natural or Artificial?: afrtifical. 2.Do you wash your hands right after you pet an animal?: Yeah, if the animal stinks really bad. 3.Does your lotion have mineral oil in it? (If it does, you are harming your skin): Oh shit. For real? That's a lie. meh, whatever. 4.Do you ever think about the starving people in the world?: yes especially when i am eating and start feeling full. I just say "Oh man I gotta eat for that little skinny girl who needs food so bad she eats mud." cruel, i know, but true. 5.When you were little and didn't want to finish your food, did your parents say "Think of all the starving people in China!"?: No cause they knew i was thinking it. 6.Do you know the meaning of your name?: "My god is my judge" whatever the fuck tht means. 7.Do you know what a "chakra" is?: Chalk for a blackboard perhaps? 8.What are the colors of the rainbow, in order?: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet 9.Do you have premonitions regularly?: not regularly..? 10.Do you think that research on animals can be extrapolated to humans?: Hell, it's both unnatural. 11.Do you like pale skin or a dark tan?: Dark skin, cause it looks so healthy... 12.Are you wearing fingernail polish?: no, man i should go paint my nails. 13.Do you have any dimples?: only when i smile in a certain way... 14.Do you feel more mature compared to others your age or immature compared to them?: much more mature than them (lets see how many people I have pissed off with this statement..hehe) |
Friday, August 15th, 2003 |
Well, I finally invested some of my money and bought what stool(Stool is Stephanie in case you did not know.) calls a "cork board" so i will be possibly getting another one for college too so i can post up pictures and have memories of home with me. Even though I am not like my home lately because of mom and dad, but i am trying to face reality and know that some things happen for a reason. Man, it's so rough, thank god i have Tuck helping me out and being there for me because i would probably go crazy. but also i think i am falling for him, and he says the same about me. in front of everyone though last night he kept putting his arms around me, holding my hand, kissing my forhead in front of everyone!!! It was awesome because no guy has done that in a while to me. Tuck and i were talking about nyc and i will never forget what he said to me it went a little like this... "Daniele, I am thinking it's a huge possibilty we may get serious, and i want you to know that i am not gonna stand in the way of you wanting to go to nyc. i may get attached to you, and it will be hard for me to see you go, and if i ask you to stay, I'm sorry. but i may never do that. all i am saying is don't stay go. I want you to go because it's what you want and what makes you happy and that is what i want to see, is you happy." I thought i was going to cry. he is so amazing, he just makes me smile so much. I never thought anything like this may happen to me, but i happy he steped into my life when he did. perfect timing of when i need someone the most. Is'nt funny how things all turn out in the end? |
Wednesday, August 13th, 2003 |
Wow! It's amazing how things can just go down hill all in one week. My parents are spilting up. Yes, i know. How easily i can just come out with it. but i knew it was gonna happen. ever since i was 8 years old i think they fell out of love with each other. It's sad, but true. i always knew they were gonna break up, and i just did not think it would be now. i thought maybe when steve was in college it was gonna happen. jesus, it's really not sinking in yet because my dad and my mom have always worked things out and have been here for me everyday of my life since i was born. but now things changed. my brother adrien basically disowned my dad as a father and will have nothing to do with him. Thank god i have the most amazing friends helping me through this, cassie, stephanie, tuck, janet. they are awesome. tuck said next week he's throwing a big bash and we are both gonna drink a lot. go beer for beer. this should be interesting. I miss Cassie though, even though she is coming back this weekend, she will not be back the weekend after that and the weekend after that and will have classes all day and will not be coming home. it's gonna be hard. it feels like i am losing everyone because everyone is leaving next week too. What am i gonna do when i move to nyc and not have anyone, not even Tuck, Stephanie, LJ, danny, tara, mikey, or vinny. it's gonna be hard. It feels like i am going to be on the opposite side of the earth. how fuckin sad is this. OK i am going to stop now cause i am just depressing myself. | ||||||||
Sunday, August 10th, 2003 |
Well, as of late. I have been having major guy trouble. not cool. i just know i am going to get my heart broken. cause that is how it always is. Danny, I can't figure him out at all. I went to his house on friday night and had an "amazing" time as some of my friends know. and then saturday at the block part mo-ville had he acted weird and distant. waste of my fuckin time. I saw Mikey there, the guy i am sort of seeing off and on who is best friends with danny. i thought mikey was gonna say something to danny, but i took mike aside and asked him, and he said he was scared i was gonna say something to danny, hell no i would not! Later at my friend Shauns party, where some people seemed to drive up to danny was there and he still acted weird, he flirted with every girl there at the party except me. so what the fuck ever. I was pissed. but when said i was gonna leave he grabbed me and was like "not so fast" so i stayed a little bit longer then left. Mikey got a ride home with me too, and we talked about danny...and the one thing mikey said to me which got to me is "Man Daniele, you must really like Danny a lot huh?" and the fact is, i do and i am falling for him. as much as he is an asshole to me, i am falling for him. not good. i can't figure him out and never will. thank god i have cassie to help me sort things out, but god damnit she is leaving tuesday and i am going to miss her soooooooo much. =****( But then again there is always brian who is so sweeeeet to me. and then there is steve, the gorgous dream guy who slipped away from me. which is sad. I think i just need time, time to myself to figure shit out. I just wish guys were not so involved in my life. grrrrrrrrr... |
Friday, August 8th, 2003 |
Oh man! Well, i got my tattoo today actually. it's rather nice. I like it. It hurt like a bitch though.I was glad to have cassie here with me since she has already gone through it. It was an awakward feeling. and I did not like it. Cassies looks like it hurt worse cause it was on her back in between her shoulder blades. Ow! I held her hand the two hours she sat there. She did not even cry. I think she is amazing strong girl and that is why she is my best friend. I came home later and told my mom about cassies tatto nd how i wanted one (even though I already got one) my mo looked at me and said "No , you are going into theatre and it is looked down greatly when you have a tattoo (Not true) and as long as you live under my roof no, you don't play the medical bills, and with your luck it would get infected!" but, well, i already it, no way she can do anything about it now. Parents and there "inforcing" rules. Ha! What a crock. | ||||||||
Wednesday, August 6th, 2003 |
So I have just realized I have been neglecting my journal. Not cool. I just have been so busy this summer with everything. and all the crazy things I have done. I have gone through so much shit in just these past couple of months it's un friggin real. I had an actual boyfriend, for a week. WOW! and then he broke up saying he was "Busy" come to find out the real truth is he didn't like the fact i was hanging with this guy Danny, who has a rep of being a "loser" but I think he is an amazing person who is just misunderstood. Lately I just have been hanging out with a whole crew of Danny and mine friends. They all really like me, but when I was seeing danny, danny got mad if all the guys from the crew gave me too much attention. I just wished he could have known how much i cared for him. because now we don't talk. for reasons i will not go into. I just miss him and think about him a lot. Mike, one of his good friends told me to forget about him, but it's not that easy when I knew and danny knew we were connected in so many ways. It's sad. In other news, today i may be getting my tattoo, yay!!!! it will be a canadian maple leaf, which should be cool considering I am canadian. ha! so we will see if I get it today. I will leave you at that. |
Wednesday, June 18th, 2003 |
neglecting my journal.
She's so cool... |
Tuesday, May 6th, 2003 |
wow! life has been shit lately. between everett being a complete liar and people rubbing it in my face, I don't know whose ass to kick first. but I have offically decided that everett is a loser and I never EVER want to be with him again. and even if I do talk to him, I won't fall back into the hole. College applications and figuring out where the hell I am going to go is stressful, let alone passing classes. jesus my life is insane. at least I get more hours at work though, yay! work is bad, but work means more hours, more hours means more money which makes daniele happy. speaking of work I have to go to work right now!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! |
Wednesday, April 9th, 2003 |
wow! today I was told by people that I was pretty...and it made me feel....well pretty! Although lately I have been depressed and it sucks. seriously. I don't what is wrong with me, but when people kjoke around with me, I don't take the joke cause I can't. It's weird. I need to get back to my happy self or something but I just can't. Why is it I always go through so many guys? It's not that I am boy crazy. I just can't make up my mind on anyone. I am just looking for another everett and no guy has been able to fill that spot. I have a weird thing made up in my head that is is all in the kiss, and no guy has been able to kiss like everett and take my breath away. he is so amazing and and I am still in love with him....why? |
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003 |
well now that the show is over I have all this friggin time on my hands. So now I work, tan, work, go to dance, party, work. it's crazy. and I miss Brian. but I will see him next year and most likely at some campus hill partys...I still have a crush on James, and sometimes we talk about pointless stuff on AIM...and here for your enjoyment...some of my pointlessness JameS31RocK: i am full black ODanieleMarieO: of course you are. JameS31RocK: yes ODanieleMarieO: James....... JameS31RocK: yess.... ODanieleMarieO: when you get out of the marines wanna live in NYC with me? ODanieleMarieO: hehehe JameS31RocK: thast would be four years away JameS31RocK: they station my ass right out of boot camp JameS31RocK: but yeah NYC is the shit ODanieleMarieO: yeah ODanieleMarieO: but you can still live with me, and the 3 other roomates I will have, along with a pony and a st bernard I will be living with JameS31RocK: yes JameS31RocK: i look foward to it ODanieleMarieO: you should JameS31RocK: i would never stop having fun in nyc JameS31RocK: fcuking hustle the black guys at basketballl like on white men cant jump ODanieleMarieO: I know, nor would I, I would bring my pony evereywhere with me. JameS31RocK: your pony JameS31RocK: lol ODanieleMarieO: lol, they would hustle your ass too ODanieleMarieO: you can;t jump james. JameS31RocK: i cant jump ODanieleMarieO: I know. ODanieleMarieO: you told me. ODanieleMarieO: and I said you can;t JameS31RocK: i hope u jokin ODanieleMarieO: no I am serious. ODanieleMarieO: lol JameS31RocK: i will have to show u my dunking in the summer ODanieleMarieO: my pony will kick your ass in basketball JameS31RocK: i am crazy but in the winter i gain weight and cant jump JameS31RocK: lol ODanieleMarieO: he is badass as when it comes to tossing around the ball Yeah. we are pretty stupid. he is such a little boy though sometimes. it's cute. |
Friday, March 28th, 2003 |
So today Mat told me I had the cutest feet he has ever seen! How nice is that?! Even though one two is growing under the other and this summer I have to have that one broken and reset. (Ouch!) Well, I miss the musical...a whole lot...I miss Brian to.....nothing ever did happen between us...which is ashame, but hey he is going to suny for 3 more years so ya never know! Ever since the musical people are calling me superstar at school, on campus, everywhere. It's a good feeling. but also embarressing. but I miss the appluase. I wish the show could have ran for longer. but oh well what can you do? Next year I am looking at going to Suny, or AMDA, if I do not get into AMDA, I will go to mo-ville. hehehe...All my friends are going there. so that will rock hard core. I am chillin with Janet tonight because she is the only one staying at apartment 1. So I am staying with her so she does not feel lonely. So now I must get shit together to do so. |
Wednesday, March 19th, 2003 |
Last night rehersal was awesome! I got to smoke my two cigarettes and id not get caught. (Since my mom is in the show with me all I can't really smoke in frint of her even though I am 18!) I only smoke when I am really stressed ou and lately I am sTrEsSeD out!!!!! Hanns smoked with me too. He's so sweet. and overall an interesting guy. We could not keep our hands off each other last night. He kept grabing my hips. my waist , my hands, evereything! and I have to admit I did the same. Hanns is a great guy really wonderful, but he is not what you would expect me to date at all. he is about the same height as me, semi cute, nice smile. he tends to wear these gothicy like clothes. It fits him well though. I think I am devolping a crush...I don't know. I like some many people it's crazy. I can never make up my mind! I am so far behind in school....will I ever be able to catch up in time to grauduate. grrrrr.....I am to scared to talk to my teachers. I am such a little wuss when it comes to things like that.How will I ever get through college? mrrrrrr.... Callen actually put me in her away message, this is the 2nd time. I am so happy! No body ever leaves me on their away message....except for the dancer girls who I LOVE!!! MUAH! ODanieleMarieO Your sleeping at this time of night? This is too early for you. Is this really Callen Golden leaving an away message like that? You have GOT to be kidding me. The earth must be flat. JonnyJewGod: your sleeping already=-O guess I can't go to bed early tonight:-P leave it darlin I'm around;-) Cal, never sleeps on time. she always goes to bed at 1:00 am, so if she is in bed before 10 something is definitley wrong... [img]// |
Tuesday, March 18th, 2003 |
Damn that song is sooo catchy I love the donnas! Well, I just tried to call shawn, no answer...fine if he wants to run away like a liuttle pussy go ahead..what a stupid fuck. he is so out of my life right now. Goldberg and I have been talking a lot lately...he is so hot. although we do not have intelligent conversations at least we are talking....jonathan goldberg is from suny, he is the goalie for the hockey team...he hails from nyc, his family is RICH! Goldberg and I were supposed to hook up a looong time a ago, but I guess he liked me a lot and got freaked out and ran away like a little school girl. argh! I cannot win with boys. I will make him like me again without running away this time..hehehe... I don't understand myself sometimes..Mike really likes me, but I am scared. I do not want a relationship.I don't know if I am that interested in him. I AM SO FUCKING CONFUSED!!! Lately Stephanie and I have been getting to be good good friends, but people don't want is to be. Mostly Stephs old friends are saying that I am a moron and I am just a huge drama queen and she should not be hanging out with me. WTF? What did I ever do to those people. I don't know..serioiusly who lit their tampons on fire. I thought they were my ok friends, but whateva...ever since I broke up with everett, people are coming out about not being my true friend. I just am so pissed off at them all. How self centered can you be? 'Oh your not cool anymore cause your not with everett and I was just pretending to be while you were with him and now your not so I hate you' how middle school can you get? Senoir Ball is coming up...*yawn* who am I going to take? My mom wants me to take this guy from suny, Hanns he is this really sweet boy who I come to with all my problems. he's so cute and sweet. but he is dropping out soon, so I rather doubt that. I already have my gown all picked out and everyhing. it's from charlotte russe, so beautiful and it looks good on me too. I have to find a picture of that and I will post it too... I cannot believe I wrote in my journal twice in one day. |
Jesus...I have not been in here for a while. Good God! Oh well...lately I have been having boy troubles...along with getting ready for the show Cabaret. It does have something to do with the show. Well, I met this guy Mike at a club, he's in the amry, really nice guy. We left the lub together with what I thought was going to be one night stand but turned into something different. He wants a reltionship. We have gone out several times after that, but grrrr...he's fallen for me and I am pissed off cause I did not want that to happen. Mike is great and everything but there are some things that could become problems...he might be deployed to Iraq, he's black, and he lives 2 hours away. It really would not work. In the show Cabaret the leading guy Brian, who plays Cliff I have a serious crush on...he is so hot...italian, catholic,paartier just like me. He is a fantastic kisser too. I do not want a boyfriend or anything like that. Just someone I can talk to and.....stuff....haha..he's so hot. if I get a picture of us together I will surely post it.He's just overall amazing. I met a new techie for the show who has gone to suny for a loooong time. His name is Adam, but everyone calls him Doobey. He's really sweet. He thinks I am the new suny hottie. It's great. he really boosts my ego. I think he is trying to fix Brian and I up together because Doobey's friend was throwing a kegger last night and Doobey said Brian was going and I should come along. I was like "No, I'm getting sick, I just really can't do it right now." it was the truth but I so despartly wanted to go. I am really missing the campus hill apartment 1 girlies (The girls I party with when I go up to campus hill) they are great and I love them. I should get in touch with them soon. 2 more days till opening night...ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Maddness!!!! |
Wednesday, February 26th, 2003 |
WOw! Rehersa; was so fantastic last night! Brian and I got to hold each othr and kiss each other a lot on stage. It was so hot. We were a little shy about it in the beginning and we kept laughing. but he did not make it uncomfortable for me at all. I am totally comfortable with him. He's not a jerk about anything. He's so hot, so nice and funny. It's like having a boyfriend on stage but with less responsibilty. cause I know as soon as I walk out the doors of the theatre, we are no longer together. Well, Shawn and I are talking now. He's so great. It's to bad he lives so far away. but we will be together soon I am sure of it. He is looking at coming up here in april during a little bit of break. He will most likely come up here on good Friday. so that should be cool. Then to return the favor I will go down to Florida this summer and see him. His family is so rich. They have their own theatre room with about 300 DvDs, a inground pool, a sauna, and a whole screened in area. I know I will feel like I am being spoiled if I stay with him. but it should be great. Right now Shawn and I are not together, we are just friends and him and I discussed that if we were to like make out with someone else or fool around with them, that it would be ok. Just as long as there was no girlfriend boyfriend shit. and I really do not want a boyfriend right now. Which is really good. He feels the same on the subject. We agree on a lot of stuff. We are so perfect for each other. I cannot wait till the day I am in his arms. *sigh* |
Tuesday, February 25th, 2003 |
So recently it looks like my mom no longer has a job anymore cause she said fuck to my exboyfriends new girlfriend Racheal. Racheal went to the office on monday and reported it with everett and now it looks like my mom does not have a job anymore at the school. How dare those mother fuckers do that. Everett has no right either. I have enough shit on them to ruin them. Such as harressing phone calls, harresing IM's, e-mails, etc.So my mom and I were discussing and we could launch a full out investigation. I don't know if I want to go through with it because I don't want shit to start out in school, but seriously fuck it. I am going to do it. It's my senior year. Since my mom lost her job I can't go to dance classes anymore and I can't go to competition, same with my brother. I do work and shit, but my mom helps me out because she wants me to spend a little bit of the money I work for on myself. Which I am thankful for she is a great mother. Even though my mom can be a crazy bitch sometimes. She is the only mother I'll ever have, the only mother I'll ever know. I love her and that's all there is to it. I worry about her because losing her job is going to crush her. I just know I have to take all I can to make sure she is happy. Or happy for just those 5 minutes I talk to her. I have to figure out a way to make more money. It looks like I am not going to get that tattoo when I turn 18 which sucks, but I need to do what makes me happy too. and that's singing and dancing. So I am going to try to start fully paying for my classes. I just need to keep putting myself in check for the sake of my mom and myself. |
Monday, February 24th, 2003 |
WOW! People are dickheads! SOME people should just learn to fucking shut their mouths. My personal statement! haha! Mike is so weird. First he was interested in me, then last night he IMed me and said "You know we're friends right?" I was like "Yeah, but I thought we could be more." then he was like "Well, um I am kind of involved with someone." WTF? How can you get involved with someone in just 3 days? Oh well. I am over it. Whateva! I am sort of interested in Marty, my old co worker, he looks like Angel off of Buffy the vampire hot! but I do not want to be his girlfriend, I just want to make out with him or something. AHHHHHHHH!!!! I am such a hooker! haha not really! but hey he is hot and stuff, and I am almost 18 I want to have fun and who says I can't? I am single. It's not slutty. It's not like I am kissing one guy one day and then another the next. I met this one guy though from hot or not, it's kind of silly, I did it as a joke, but I met the most interesting person who lives near me. His name is Dan he goes to a suny school. Just a couple of hours away from me. He is so hot. and nice. So Dan if you reading this, HI! MUAH! hehehe I get to go to rehersal tonight for the musical, cabaret. one thing about being a sexy lead is I get to kiss the leading guy as much as I want and touch him however I want. Brian who is playing Cliff does not mind. He is hot too! I am so glad he is not an ugly Cliff cause that would have sucked! He is great kisser too. so soft and gentle. any girl who would be with him is lucky. To get kissed like that everyday and have that special feeling run through their body, god I would envy them. and no I do not have a crush on Brian. Ok...maybe a little one. So what? It would never happen! I can just dream. Ta ta for now! |
Saturday, November 23rd, 2002 |
So last night was the opening of the musical "Grease" how exciting. Well, eveything went perfectly how it was suposed to be. I got a lot of congrat after the show. I only wish I got a lot of congrats as Kalie did (sheplayed Rizzo) but whatever. It's only a highschool show. Tonigt is the cast party , I hope I do not do anything naughty with Andrew or something. Jordan told me that there may be an after after cast party at Lilys and that the (Better) people were invited. Which I guess Iam one of the Better people, since he told me. There is a jacuzzi,a play room and everything at Lily's. I just hope I do not fuck up like I always do and mess up things between everett and I again....Thank god we got back together when we did so it would not be awkward for us at te Nelly concert. (Which ROCKED!!!) Lately I have been thinking aout Shawn and how much I miss him. I want to talk to him or something. He;s such a great guy. only he did not live in florida. I'm so hyper! For now I hav to go! Cause I'm sweaten till my clothes come off!!! |
LiveJournal for Daniele.