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Tuesday, January 27th, 2004
9:28 pm
So all the plans are set and I'll be leaving Saturday morning at like 6 am. I spent the last 3 days couch potatoing too, which is awful, so now I'm extremely busy all week, trying to make sure I see all my friends and get all my important things taken care of (Pap on Thursday... scared)

I have a guilty pleasure song now. All music geeks have to have guilty pleasure MTV songs they enjoy even though they know they shouldn't. I'm addicted to that Outkast song now, the "Hey Ya" one. (Not the "I like the way you move" one, thank god.)Even though it's one of those awful love-sucks-just-stick-to-sex songs.It's more the video than the song, even. It's so hyper and green and... hyper. It's like a drug for me. I like the way he jumps around in his ridiculously tight pants, too. I also like how Much Music bleeps out "holler". Oh my god how scarring. Censorship is ridiculous. You can have very very nearly naked women grinding around but for gods sakes, don't say you want to make someone holler.

Also Today some guy said "Put it in your face" (as a comeback) and I laughed really hard.

current mood: energetic
current music: Outkast "Hey Ya"

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Wednesday, January 21st, 2004
3:51 pm
I don't feel guilty anymore. Dad is giving me a ton of stuff like pots and pans and dishes and stuff, so I can contribute more and not feel like a mooch. Yay!

I'll have to pay for Betsy though :/ Even though I shouldn't because my budget is really strapped, I'm going to anyways. I needs my Betsy. I would be very distraught without that guitar. Now I'm very glad I didn't get that dress or I wouldn't be able to afford Betsy at all and that would really suck.

Speaking of the dress, Vanessa sent me the photos of it. They didn't come out as well is it looked in real life but you get the picture.

... I was not having a good face or hair day. And why do half of my eyebrows always dissapear in photos of me?

Tasha is sick today. She's getting better but she spent all morning laying in a weak little puddle in the corner, not even moving when the dog harrassed her. She was breathing heavily and couldn't hold her head up. She's usually pretty lazy but not *that* lazy. I felt sorry for her because the dog was really hyper and bothering her, and I put her on the couch, where she's recouperating now. I was pretty worried all morning but she seems to be doing better. Phew. Probably just ate something bad.


current mood: accomplished

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Monday, January 19th, 2004
2:26 pm - Phew
I haven't even moved out yet and I'm getting a taste of the stress of money management. It's going to be very interesting in Vancouver. Vanessa is just overflowing with luck.... she has a job secured so she doesn't have to worry about that, she's got that 5000$ of fire insurance money, and her Dad is giving her 1000$ to buy her furniture. Then there's me, who is going to be sleeping on the floor and eating alot of crackers for the first month at least. Oh well, things could suck a lot more. [Almost] everyone has to struggle when they first move out on their own. It'll be my right of passage into adulthood. If I had all the resources Vanessa did, I probably wouldn't even want ot use them. It seems wrong to not have to struggle at least a little at the start.

I feel guilty too because Vanessa didn't sound too stoked that she'd have to buy all the furniture because I can't afford to buy anything. I spent my furniture money on a new pair of glasses (which I definitely needed anyway... haven't had these replaced in about 6 years) when she told me her Dad was buying all our furniture. But he's giving her 1000$ to buy furniture, just for herself. Oh well. My Mom has this little portable foam matress, and then Vanessa's Mom offered us this air matress, so if I stick both of those together I'm sure that'll be comfortable at least untill I can get myself a nice, used double bed. And I'm sure Vanessa will let me use her dishes. She offered to buy me a single matress but she didn't sound too excited about it and I feel really guilty. Also I decided I want a double bed so that I can have boys in it. I have priorities!! XD

I'll build character. And a strange part of me is looking forward to being like "Oh my back is so sore, I've been sleeping on the floor because I'm poor." Hehe.

The annoyingest part of all this though, is this particular dress. This is going to sound a little crazy (but maybe not unpredictable for me) but I sometimes... fantasize, about clothes. There are several peices of clothing that I have in my imagination that I wear in my daydreams and that I think about a lot. Anyways, one of these is a strapless black lace gown, with a long skirt and black frills on the hem. Yesterday I was out with Vanessa and we went to this clothing store downtown and they had a dress that was almost exactly like the one I always daydream in. I tried it on and it fit me perfectly and was really amazingly flattering and just even looked better on me than in the daydreams. Unfortunately the damn thing was 100$ and there's no way I can afford that. ;_; I keep thinking about it though. Last night I think I had a dream about it. Kind of ridiculous. It's not the kind of dress you can make, either, because it's strapless and it's quite difficult to do a strapless dress that will stay up, you have to either do alot of boning or fancy elastic work, both which are really beyond my level of sewing skill. Poo.

Vanessa took pictures of me in the dress when I tried it on, when she sends them to me I'll show you. It's soooo pretty!!! AHJFDKFDSHJKLFDSHJKLDSFA. I think I'm partially in love with it.

Also I hear that the pool hall I like the best is closing or selling to a new owner or something. That sucks. I'll be in Vancouver anyways.

current mood: envious
current music: "Jubilee" Hefner

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Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
9:09 pm - Too too pink
Today me and Vanessa played pool. I could play pool for the rest of my life. I still am completely and utterly awful but everyonce in a while I hit something well and therefore it's worth it. Today me and Vanessa played 7 games, and I won 3, but I only count one because the other ones I won because she sunk the 8 ball and that never seems like a real win.

I keep dreaming about regular things like playing pool and choosing what to wear in the morning. It's really annoying because I keep having a lot of deja-vu.

Right now I feel like having a hot bath and then being dried off by a giant furry purple monster, like in that Darkness video.

I cleaned my room! That's news worthy only if you'd have seen how bad it was before. Now I should start packing. I hate packing.

I don't feel very clever today

current mood: nerdy

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Monday, January 12th, 2004
10:41 am - No I haven't moved yet
Sorry for the absence. I've had an interesting week.

Vanessa's Dad was nice enough to send me and Vanessa to Vancouver for 3 days, to talk to employers (Apparently he never wanted us to go to get a job right away, just to talk to employers to see what the hiring is like in February) and if that went well, get an apartment.

We stayed in the downtown Vancouver Best Western (which was totally rad and we took full advantage of their penthouse jaccuzi, even though we didn't bring our bathing suits...) Vancouver is SO BEAUTIFUL. We spent most of the first night when we got there just staring out the window at all the tall buildings and the busy intersection, watching all the well dressed girls and boys walking around. (A lot of girls in Vancouver wear bright red tweed overcoats. Almost every third girl crossing the street wore one, it was crazy.)

When we went job searching, I was severely nervous, first of all because I hate job hunting and I knew I'd have to be more agressive than my usual approach of hand the cashier my resume and slink off. Secondly because in Kelowna, February is a horrible time to ask for a job. But apparently in Vancouver February is a secondary hiring season for a lot of businesses. The first place I went to was Starbucks, and the manager there said that early February was a usual hiring season for downtown businesses, especially starbucks, and gave me an application and suggested I make a ton of photocopies since there are 36 Starbucks in Downtown Vancouver and most of them will be hiring (and they don't share their resumes like they do here). So that was extremely encouraging. Retail was a bit mixed, half of the places said they don't usually hire until the spring but come back just incase, and the other half said they were hiring early February. American Eagle Outfitters and Le Chateau were both hiring, which made me happy because I love both of those stores. The manager at Le Chateau seemed very enthused about me and was talking about hiring me into a manager position o_0;;; Crazy. But awesome. The same thing happened at Mavi, although with less enthusiasm.

Vanessa had a great time. she's took 5 interviews in the one day, and 3 of them said she probably will have a job with them when she comes back. This one Salon, Bambu, said they'd probably hire her, and if she got the job and could keep it (They're really hard on their new employees, they train the crap out of them... she has to learn 12 new haircuts in 3 months) she would pretty much be set for life.... people from that Salon do work for the top local designers, magazines, everything. They made 1 million dollars in 2003. So she's really stoked about that place, and a little stressed because of the rigorous training.

The next day we went looking for a place to live. Vanessa's mom lives in this section of Downtown that is just... really crazily gorgeous. It's a residential area and really safe and quiet, and all the buildings are really old and brick and have ivy growing up them and everything is overgrown and green and beautiful. We saw 4 squirrels on our walk (and freaked out over each of them). I was worried because it was such a nice neighborhood, so pretty and quiet and safe, yet really close to downtown and Yaletown, I figured it would be crazily expensive. But it was actually not bad at all. We managed to find this really nice apartment for 775$ a month (Hot water bill payed for also which will be very appreciated), which was right within our budget. We filled out the applications and now all we have to do is some fax work/document signing and we are set to move in February 1st.

So. Vancouver is AWESOME. The second night, some friends of Vanessa's took us around town to show us all the stuff they thought we should see, including this crazy grocery store in the fancy district, where billionaires must do their groceries. Their fruit section was insane, I had no idea what most of the stuff in there even was. And they had absolutely every fine food from every place in the world imaginable. And the prices were outrageous of course. They had a jar of peaches, I'm serious, for 34.99. Those had better be really awesome kick-you-in-the-face peaches, I'm telling you. They looked pretty fancy. And their Deli had nicer food than the Milestones we ate at. All the Deli workers were dressed up like fancy french chefs. It was cute.

They also have SO MANY GUITARS. In Kelowna, if you want a guitar, you go to the music store and shell out 500$, or you go to the Pawn shop and chose from their selection of 3 electric guitars, all outreageously overpriced. But in Vancouver EVERY Pawn shop had at least 25 electric guitars in the front window, and ever block downtown had a music store, sometimes even a store dedicated only to guitars (HEAVEN) and their prices are so much better, I can't believe it. They had this tiny little teal electric there (perfect size for tiny me), brand new, for 200$. AND they had fenders, FENDERS, for as much as Kelowna sells crap brands for. I could not believe it. The guitar store I went to had this BEAUTIFUL fender strat, cream and white, that I almost died over (except it was left handed.)

And we went thrifting at like 7 PM. I love Vancouver....

So now I have a lot of crap to do over the next 3 weeks, I have to do a ton of chores, a ton of packing, I have to go get a Pap smear and a long prescription of Birth Control Pills because I really don't want to have to do that with some doctor I just met in Vancouver, And I have to see all my friends and a lot of them. Especially Jen and Andrea, we need to do some EXTREME HARDCORE hanging out, kids. But maybe not today because I am really really crappy feeling (have been ever since I got back from Vancouver... I blame it on my period)

EXCITED. Of course I am aware there are a lot of risks but I'm trying not to think about that. I have to do this. This is my big chance and I have to... grab it by the reigns... or something like that. Yeah. I know that if I fail, it will probably be from my own insecurity and not being confident enough to impress employers. So I'm trying to stay as optimistic and ambitious as I can be. It's not hard in Vancouver, though. Being in the city does something to me. All of the sudden my blood is just flowing with ambition and go-getterness. In Kelowna I feel like a mouse but in Vancouver I feel like a Tiger. A small tiger but still a tiger.

current mood: hopeful
current music: "Get up" Sleater-Kinney

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Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
2:26 pm - Ohhh man.
So yeah. Incase you missed the run of friends-only entries, What's going down is that Vanessa is getting more or less forced out of her house, and so she is moving to Vancouver ASAP, with or without me. I was sad because I thought "Okay, I have 0$ to my name right now, I'm really not in a position to move, CRAP. There goes that." And I REALLY want to go.

But! !!!. I talked to my Mom about it earlier this morning and she said she and Dad will give me 2000$ from their extreme savings account. I am so amazingly buzzing right now. So many really big feelings!

SO grateful to my parents, who are totally in debt right now and are really willing to take a risk with me and support me in this. I can't believe it. My Dad of course is all "This is a stupid idea" but he is letting Mom give me the money so I don't care. I cried I was so gratefull. I can't believe my Mom. That's so so so... just really friggin great of her.

Excited and really happy, of course, for the obvious reason of living in the CITY, and SOON.

Scared, because of the possibility of failing completely, not being able to find a job, and having to come back to Kelowna after squandering 1/3 of my parent's life savings.

Stressed, because Vanessa's Dad is trying to choreograph this whole thing and he has no idea what he is talking about. He has decided that we are going to go there for three days, hand out resumes, and then if we don't get hired anywhere that's that for Vancouver. Um. Does that sound *completely* ridiculous to any one else?

Sad, because I'm going to be leaving all my friends and family and pets behind ;_;. I will miss them! At least I'll see everyone at holidays. But you know. It's sad, when you have this friend base that you have relied on in some cases since you were 6 years old and you're up and leaving them all (except Vanessa obviously). :/

Unrelatedly happy, because I finally aced "The Librarian" by Hefner. I've been playing that song for 3 hours straight, every day, for the last 3 days. And now I can play it quite decently. I'm proud. and my fingers are stiff.

My good God. I don't know. Right now I'm just really hoping Vanessa's Dad lays off with the bizarre plans that will for SURE lead to failure, since it would take a MIRACLE to have a job secured in three days. You would have to give them the resume on the first day, have them see it in the same day and again in the same day call you for an interview on the second day, and then on the second day take the interview and that night, get a call saying you are hired and they want you to start in a week or two. That is crazy almost the whole way through. First of all, what are the chances that an employer is going ot call me the same night that I give them my resume? Secondly, employers almost always want you to begin work immediately, the next day, but I would have to say "sorry, I need to go back to Kelowna and pack up my things and move back here and find a place, before I can start working for you." to which they would almost certainly respond "Maybe let's just never mind."

current mood: overwhelmed
current music: "The Librarian" Hefner

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Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
11:59 am - As Promised:
Here is a photo of my Honey Bear:

He's so cute! But this morning, I left him on the vent to dry him off because he still was a bit damp from his bath and the dog got a hold of him and ate his nose off!! The nose was the best part, I love it when their noses are higher than their eyes. I'll buy a black pom pom and glue that on.

I love old teddies. I'll try to look up some source material and maybe some patterns so I can make some of my own old-fashioned teddies. The new ones are missing some sort of appeal. Their faces are too proportionate or something.

current mood: lazy

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Monday, December 29th, 2003
11:34 pm - itchy
I'm so amazingly itchy lately. Especially at night. No rashes or litle red bites or anything. I'm just mysteriously itchy, probably from dry skin or whatever. not that lotion helps at all.

I bought a few things downtown today, most namely a little, very old teddy bear. I love old teddies. The kind with the little felt tongues. He wears a red shirt that says "honey bear". He was pretty rough so I had to wash him up and sew him up and cut some stains out of his fur. I took a photo of him but I'm too lazy to upload it now. I'll show you later. For now, be assured he's very cute.

current mood: itchy

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Saturday, December 27th, 2003
5:18 pm - Oh yeah
I forgot to mention last night's show. I ended up going after a bit of interruption. On the way my wallet got stolen, which is crap because it had my christmas money in it, but at least they didn't take any of my cards so I don't have to replace them. But they took my pretty green apple coinpurse! It said "New York" on it and I felt like a city girl when I used it. I will miss you, little green apple shaped coinpurse. I guess I'll go back to using the crazy japanese living bread (Kogepan) coinpurse. Vanessa offered me her old Maralyn Monroe wallet but I don't like Maralyn Monroe (don't kill me)

Vanessa payed my way for me, thank goodness, because it was a really great show and I would have been very sad to miss it. Definitely worth it. Two of the best acts I've seen so far played, One who's name I didn't catch (His voice sounded kind of like Jack White!), and the other, "Autem", or something like that, who I had seen before but didn't remember them being that awesome. I must have been distracted the last time. The musicians in that band were incredible. I can't believe the speed and precision they played with. The guitarist in particular was AMAZING, I couldn't take my eyes of his fingers. He played so fast, but it sounded really beautiful (It didn't sound like "Look how fast I can play!" in other words) Apparently there's some confusion as to wether or not they have broken up, or are breaking up, or are not breaking up after all. I hope they don't, I want to see them again. Same with the guy who played before. Duffy Driediger, one of my other favourite local artists, played bass for him for a few songs. They kept smiling and giggling at eachother :D

There was also the hottest guy ever. Shows are regularly populated by pretty boys but this one physically hurt me. I'd noticed him before and been struck by him but haven't seen him around for a few months. Then there was this guy standing in front of me, and just by his back I was like "Damn!" (haha), and then he turned around and happened to be that guy again. I can't believe how pretty he is. It's really sad. I kept trying not to stare and be creepy (because he was right in front of me the entire time) but I don't think I was discreet enough. Too bad. That's the price you pay for being so damn pretty. [creepy stalker-ish girls]

current mood: lonely

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4:25 pm - CRAP
I don't have a good feeling about the interview. I have a feeling I crashed and burned. I think I was too negative. RARGH. I will be EXTREMELY suprised if I get a call back. Grrr.

I found out that Nike bought Converse, too. I feel slighted. Apparently they were having financial difficulties, actually went bankrupt in 2001, and then Nike decided to buy them, seeing as how they are gaining more popularity and Nike is really really desperate to get some "credibility". Nike has got to be one of the most asshole corrupt companies. I don't like having them associated with happy little chucks.

I suppose Chucks weren't happy little after they started using sweatshops in 2001, anyways.

Why does the whole world have to be so corrupt and greedy and evil? Can't I buy a nice pair of shoes without feeling guilty that some kids in China with 3 fingers and pneumonia got payed 14 cents to make the damn thing? I like thrifting and all but sometimes I just want to have something *new* and *classy*. Grr.

current mood: cynical

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Friday, December 26th, 2003
1:15 pm - Happy Boxing Day!
Christmas and Christmas Eve were very good. I made this cake that I am addicted to, and I got many lovely presents, including my very first pair of CONVERSE SNEAKERS! Yaaay~! I'm a real hipster now! I want to wear them 100% of the time so I can get them all ratty and worn in looking. They look kind of weird all new and pristine!

Tomorrow I have an interview at STARBUCKS. I'm super super nervous and excited. This would be my ideal place to work because it's 1) essentially a cafe (and I do love cafe work as long as it's devoid of completely psychotic boss) 2) It's a very short walk away 3) The people who work there are nice and 4) The music there is usually good. Or at least better than the radio.

Plus, Starbucks are everywhere, so it's a good thing to have experience with. No matter where I move in the future, Starbucks will be there. I don't know if they transfer employees like Value Village did, but if they do, then that would be really nice... I could have a job secured *before* I move!

Also, if you work there, you get to wear an apron instead of a big ugly red vest. I <3 aprons.

Anyways, I hope you all had very good holidays.

current mood: accomplished

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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003
8:56 pm - Merry christmas eve eve.
Today Jen and Vanessa came over and we had our own small version of christmas, complete with red wine and gift giving.

photos.... warning: contains balloon genitals. )

I'm finding it a bit hard to type. But I'm not really drunk, I onyl had two glasses of the wine wichich was a very swanky variety and tasted really radical. It was a very very fun night. Lots of fun. I wonder if Vanessa is actually going to give that phtoogeraph to her boss. Uh. Photograph.

current mood: happy
current music: Nothing because ym head hurts

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12:49 pm - Christmas Eve Eve!
Yay happy Christmas Eve Eve!

A little update on my post yesterday, if you want to see one of the actual billboards their putting up, go here. Wow. Just... wow.

Mars Volta is great background music. Yesterday I was listening to "Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt" while my sister was watching PotC and it sure made Jack seem awesomer/crazier. That spidery guitar riff could make anyone in any movie seem berserk, I think. Now she's playing Harvest Moon and I was listening to Drunkship of Lanterns and waiting for a giant robotic bear to run out of the barn or something. Exciting.

This is extremely pointless but kind of interesting and as long as I'm listening ot Mars Volta it will seem important and kind of devious.

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
(Got mine from [info]t_funk)
Read more... )

Ai, that took way too long. I need to take a shower and clean my room and try to get a hold of Andrea in time before I'm seeing Jen and Vanessa at 5 or 6ish. Presents!!!

current music: "Hard to Explain" The Strokes

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Monday, December 22nd, 2003
11:38 pm - Stupid Yanks
If you're a member of [info]feminist You'll have heard this already, but the states have decided to try and do something about the obesity epidemic. How do they do this? By putting up billboards telling fat people to stop being disgusting and lazy, and by making kids in high school take mandatory BMI index tests, and then sending notes home with children who are "at risk".

Yeah. Humiliate people. Because you know, nobody overweight has a problem with emotional overeating or anything.

If you want to do something SANE, why don't you illegalize fast food advertising to children for Christ's sakes? Is it crazy to anyone else that McDonalds consistantly advertises to small children, and that their mascots are big happy cartoons? Gee, what's with all the people growing up thinking hamburger=happy. Where do they get that idea?

The way I see it, if you can't advertise cigarettes to kids, you should not be allowed to advertise McMystery-Nuggets either.

I can't even believe that. Are they CRAZY? HALF of your voters are fat. Do you think they're going to be happy about being insulted? I don't understand people sometimes. The line between being cruel and giving constructive critisism and help is NOT that thin that a first-world, developed, educated government does not notice when they're trampling all over it.


current mood: aggravated
current music: "Oh Darling!" Sahara Hotnights

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11:04 pm
The church down the street has a big sign that reads "No Christ No Christmas". Well you're right, aren't you. Without Christ we'd be celebrating some boring holiday like Yule, where we would gather with our families and exchange gifts and have a big feast. Holy, boring.

Finally all of my christmas things are finished. All of my gifts are done, plans arranged. That's a good feeling, although I wasn't really particularly stressed about it before. I'm never that stressed over holidays. Very excited, though. Christmas eve eve tomorrow!

I don't know what ot write. I haven't left the house today, I mostly just finished my gifts and wrapped them and played guitar. So I have nothing interesting to report.

current mood: blank
current music: "Post Modern Girls" The Strokes w/ Regina Spektor

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Sunday, December 21st, 2003
4:44 pm - Weird night.
Today I made cookies, did the groceries, and learned the proper way to chop onions. With this huge knife that scares the crap out of me.

Last night I woke up with this horrible feeling of anxiety that I couldn't get rid of, that kept me awake. So I hugged my gigantic hippo and waited to feel better, but eventually I fell asleep anyways and woke up very sore but not scared. I wonder if something is bothering my subconsciously, or if I just had a bad dream. I tried going over things in my mind, that might be causing me to freak out, but none of them had any particular effect.

This happens to me sometimes (usually when I already know that I'm stressed out), but it usually translates into shiverring and severe nausea as well as anxiety. This time, I was shaking a bit, but there was no severe nausea. That was very appreciated. But I have no idea what might have made me have that little episode. First time I haven't been able to immiately go "Oh, I know it's just because I'm stressed out about X"

Must have been a bad dream?

Also I woke up face down, with my cat trying to crawl up my back and wake me up. That was cute/annoyng.

current mood: calm
current music: "I can't sleep at night" Deadly Snakes (Ironically)

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Saturday, December 20th, 2003
7:25 pm - I like lipstick now.
Things I like: (on me)
-the colour red
-Josh Reichmann (sorry.)
-Purring cat

Today I was a cleaning robot. Everything in the basement is vaccumed, dusted, swept, debacterialized, and organized. I was very very tired afterwards, and made the worst kraft dinner ever (too much cheese powder) and ate it all anyways.

Regina Spektor has a beautiful voice. I think I'll look up some of her music. It sounds sort of like a cross between Chan Marshall and Bjork, to me.

All this was very important, I know.

Oh yeah, and my Dad does not approve of me going to Toronto. Saw that coming.

Oh yeah also, Darren finally won and after listening to "Wu Tang Clan" too many times I've eventually come to like The French. I still wish he'd go back to Hefner and do all the lo-fi "The Librarian" type of stuff but, this will do.

I'm going to go watch Albert rolling down the hallway several times and then maybe I'll do some knitting. That's how awesome my Saturday nights are. I'm sure you're all jealous.

current mood: indifferent
current music: "Wu Tang Clan" The French

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Friday, December 19th, 2003
7:22 pm - Damnit
Mr. Seamstress hasn't called and I'm thinking he's probably not going to. I hate that. Employers should not get people's hopes up like that. I could have gone out partying tonite instead. Because I always party on friday night.

But in half an hour, the best of 2003 Wedge is going to be on. I'm excited. I'd tape it if it weren't that our VCR doesn't record. But I will be staying up to watch the midnight rerun. This is the best TV event of the year!!!

Today was really really lame.

current mood: annoyed

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Thursday, December 18th, 2003
10:12 pm - yay for christmas
I just discovered the awesomeness of The Strokes website. If I had a band and we had a website I'd want it to be like that. If you go there, make sure to hit "videos" and then "Albert on a chair" MARRY ME! Also be sure to look in the news section, and then at Richard or Robert or whoever's tour diary. Albert made a bloody mess of his guitar. That scares me, as an aspiring guitarist. And also seems strangely... awesome. He played his fingers RAW man! That's rock and roll. Or something.

Uhm. Christmas shopping was good. It was crowded but not that bad. Like I said I don't mind crowds. I got lost though. I can get lost anywhere. I can almost get lost in my own house. I think I have the worst sense of direction of anyone anywhere. But our mall is shapped like a big figure eight or something so I always end up back to the bus station eventually. Also it's really small, for a mall. There are no escalators! That's horrible. What conditions I have to endure. Whenever I go to the city I have to ride escalators a lot. They're exciting. Yes I am 20.

When I had just started dating Tony he asked me what certain feature about my body I was insecure about. I said nothing in particular, which was true at the time, but I think I've finally found that particular peice of myself to rue. It would be my back. It's just really bony. On the front of me, you can't really see ribs or anything like that, but you can sure see alot of bone happening on my back. So. Now if someone asks me that really inane question again I can answer it. ?

Tomorrow I am going to sit around and wait for Mr. Seamstress to call. Oh he'd better. Or I'll cry.

Andrea, one of these days, you should introduce me to your manager and I'll hand them a resume. I dont know what days you work though. But I really do need a job fast. If I don't get hired by January I won't be able to save 5000$! Noplace is hiring though, because I missed those two very important hiring weeks and january-may is the slow season. :/ I'm starting to get worried. I don't want to have to up and head out to Toronto with nothing! But I'll do it if it comes to that.

This song sounds like another song.

current mood: restless
current music: "I can't sleep at night" Deadly Snakes

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12:08 pm - Butter disease
My household is getting sick because of some bad butter. It was molding when we bought it, but we didn't notice since the mold was underneath the wrapper. I luckily didn't have any (I usually tend to use margarine since it spreads better and is made from vegetables) so I get to miss out on the throwing up/diarreah. Very grateful.

Today I'm going to do my christmas shopping. Mom gave me a bit of money in return for some chores, so I can buy them something instead of drawing them a picture or baking them cookies. XD I'm not 5 anymore and presents like that just aren't as sweet from a 20 year old daughter. I'll have to brace myself though, I'm sure the mall will be insanely busy. Oh well. Crowds don't really bother me that much. I have good tolerance of them. I usually don't notice the hustle and bustle until someone else points it out. I'm also like that with babies crying. I think it comes from working at VV. You learn to tune crowds and annoying children out and focus on what you're doing.

Yesterday I dropped by "World of Music" and swooned over their electric guitars. The cheapest one was 500$! Man. I wanted to see if they had anything super fancy and expensive, like a Fender Strat or something, but they didn't have anything like that. They were all from companies I'd never heard of before.

I also played a bass. It wasn't plugged in but it was awesome anyways. The strings were so heavy and felt so nice under my fingers... It was love!!! The cheapest bass there was also 500$ and a wretched wretched electric blue colour. I was actually suprised at how LIGHT the basses were, I was expecting it to be much heavier but it wasn't that much worse than an electris guitar. Maybe it's different when it's strapped to your shoulders.

current mood: lazy
current music: "Closed Casket" the Deadly Snakes

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