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Below is user information for Daniel~Amethyst Eyes. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:amadeos_daniel (485439) amadeos_daniel
The Beautiful Boy of Armand
Crazy Drunk Danny Boy
Name:Daniel~Amethyst Eyes
Location:California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status xDaniel Molloy32 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:~~First/original Daniel Molloy LJ user~~

I'm from San Francisco, and wherever I wish to roam. I never stay in one place too long. I used to be a journalist, and a collector of lives and people, anything I could get my hands on. Until I met a gentleman one night. He changed my life, when he told me his story. Once I could get to where I was, to snoop around some. A beautiful Angel found me instead, and hunted me down for 12 long years. I had fallen in love with this Angel, as he changed me in some good ways, my bad ways, he couldn't seem to change. Until that fateful night, he had to change it for himself. That is when I was born to darkness. My beautiful Angel of the night, Angel of death, I am now his eternally...his beautiful boy...

Memories:1 entry
Interests:136: akasha, androgyny, angels, anne rice vampire chronicles, armand, armand/daniel, art, bach, baroque, beaches, beethoven, blood, blood letting, bloodlust, bondage, books, botticelli, boys, cairo, california, candlelight, candles, cars, cemetaries, cherubs, churches, classical literature, classical music, clubs, computers, countrysides, dark, darkness, deserts, designer accessories, designer wear, destroying things, destruction, destructive, drinking blood, dvds, egypt, emerging, florence, florida, flying, france, full moon nights, gemstones, gold, greece, hiding, hollywood, humor, immortal, immortality, immortals, italy, jewelery, jrr tolkien, khayman, killing, laptops, leather, legolas, lestat, lestat/louis, libraries, lord of the rings, louis, louisiana, lurking, mael, maharet, malls, marius, mekare, men, miami, michaelangelo, mortals, movie stars, movies, mozart, museums, my maker, my master, mysteries, mysterious, mystery, new orleans, night, oceans, opera, operas, orlando bloom, paintings, pandora, paris, platinum, queen of the damned, reading, renaissance, reporters, research, return of the king, rome, san francisco, santino, satin, satin sheets, secrets, sex, shopping, silk, silk sheets, silver, stephen king, stuart townsend, surviving, tampa, the caribbean, the dark gift, the florida keys, the mediterranean, the moon, the night island, the two towers, thorne, tolkien, traveling, treasures, true crime, velvet, writing, yachts. [Modify yours]
People26:_vampire_marius, _vampirearmand_, ancientimmortal, bleu_chat, bratprince_ldl, chibiakki, darkranger, gab_delioncourt, jess_reeves, jumi, legolasgreenlef, lion_queen, littleflower1, louis_dpdl, mysticsfyre, oceanswhisper, perfectdevil, sapphyra00, scorpio_dreamer, themadviolinist, typhali_hawke, unprodicalgirl, unworthymessiah, vamp_die, vampclaudia, xxakashaxx
Account type:Free Account

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