Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "poems".
414 matches:
- 100poems - 100 Poems, 100 Days
- 1962 - The Girl Upstairs
- 2k2_sex_journal - jon&kristina
- 5seven5 - pseudohaiku
- __quotexwhore - __QxW
- _flashxthexsky_ - :negativexcapes:
- _friends_ - _//Friends\\_
- _ljfriends_ - _ljfriends_
- _trigger_happy_ - Self Injury Community
- _words_ - 1 0 0 0 Words
- a_leaf_falls - little i
- aardvarknscribe - Aardvark 'N' Scribe, scribble
- about_poetry - Poetry Prose: Writing About Poetry
- absentmindedart - . : ART of the ABSENT MiNDED : .
- acting_haven - Kaya Davenport
- akatelektisch - aufruf des gesamten
- alivenproud - Making an Impact through the beauty of words
- allergyfaery - * digital help line *
- andrewspixie - Aly
- animenmangafan - Anime & Manga Fans
- anne_frank - The First Anne Frank Community
- anthropophobia - Literary Reviews/Commentaries
- anti_liars - liars intolerant
- antipop_ - Antipop_
- art_form - Art_form
- art_journal - Art Inside Art
- artconspiracy - Art Conspiracy
- artifex_ - Artifex
- artistic_sin - Midnight Deviants
- artisticenigma - ♥ life is love or the lack thereof ♥
- artistrealm - Artist Realm
- artists_haven - inspiration
- artofallkinds - Art Of All Kinds
- artsywarehouse - Artcreators Warehouse
- atheneum - The Atheneum
- authors - Voices of Truth
- authors_haven - Alyssa Trumane
- badkittenclub - Bad Kitten Club
- badlyrics - songs written by people who shouldn't write songs
- badpoetry - bad poetry
- badwriters - Extremely Horrible Writers
- barbiegirls - b a r b i e g i r l s
- bardsfantasy - Aspiring Authors
- bardstongue - BardsTongue
- bargainhunt - The Duke
- bellsnfootfalls - lipglossarsonists
- best_friendz2 - Best Friends - Dana and Nisha
- bgm_moods - Black Gate Moods
- bloodstain - Blood Stain
- bluedaffodils - Poems and Stuff
- book_of_forms - The Handbook of Poetic Forms
- book_reviews - Book_Reviews
- book_worm - Book Worm
- books - Readers
- books_r_us - Bibliophiles Unite!
- bookshare - A community for reading junkies
- boredom_strikes - Insanely Bored?
- boring_people - Anybody & Me
- bournvita - BOURNVITA
- brainsoap - Brain Soap
- breathingwords - An active working poetry community...
- broken_girl - Broken Girl
- broken_mind - Life never did come with a guarantee
- broken_pencil - The Glittering Fragments of Our Imaginations
- burningfield - The Burning Fields
- bydivinewrite - the Celtic Cross Collective
- cacophonia - a free writing community
- caffeine_diary - writing. talent. beauty. coffee.
- catharticasylum - catharticasylum
- celebaelin - The City of Celebaelin
- cheeseofangst - The Cheese of Angst and other poems.....
- claim_a_writer - Writer Claims
- classic_poetry - The finer things in life
- community_poem - The poem sharing community
- craft_monsters - craft monsters
- crayon_codex - Cerulean <(_((_CRAYON_((_() writing on the wall
- creative_minds - [Creative Minds]
- creative_words - The anti-teenybopper
- creativegirls - for creative girls
- creativityunite - Uniting Creativity
- critique_corner - Critique Corner
- cutiequoties - °♥Cutie Quoties♥°
- cuttersselfharm - Cutters and Self Harmers
- cuttingimage - CuttingImage
- dark_poetry - Dark_Poetry
- darklingpoems - Darkling Poems
- david_dickinson - Bobby Dazzlers !
- dazeofanew - Daze Of Anew
- deadly_kisses - All there is, Is Empty
- dearbeaver - lawnmower puppy
- deathtoyourpoem - Every poem can use friendly advice. Or UNfriendly
- depressive_art - Art from the heart and soul
- derangedrabbit - The Nellington Brigade
- derumi_poetics - derumi's writings and rhymes
- devonshi - The Writer
- die_by_my_tune - My Tranquility
- dps_fans - Dead Poets Society
- dpsociety - a dead poets society
- dragons_emotion - Dragons Emotion
- dream_escape - Dream Escape
- dream_visions - Art & Words inspired by the Dreamworld
- dreamers_haven - Dreamer's Haven
- dreamindigital - poets and dreamers
- dressedinyellow - went upstairs to kiss her fellow
- dua_sekhmet - Children of Sekhmet
- egotisticemo - Abstract Emo
- emokiddies - emotion
- emopoetsociety - .emo.poet.society.
- emoscene - ♪ Emo ★Kids★ Unite ♪
- empty_notebooks - nothing sadder than a poet without words
- empty_thoughts - forgotten
- emptyday - Empty Day Poets' Journal
- eroticpoetry - Erotic Poetry
- etherintomatter - Ether Into Matter
- express_this - This is me with the words on the tip of my tongue
- faeries - Faeries
- fantasy_realm - Day Dreamers
- feministbkworms - Feminist Texts Discovered
- fillerupdates - Filler
- flamescythe -
- followersoflife - Followers Of Life
- for_art_sake - For Art Sake
- fragileunicorns - Fragile Unicorns
- fraternity - The Fraternity
- free_write - Free_Write
- freed_verses - Freed.Verses.
- freedom_express - freedom_express
- freewriters - freewrites, dreams, memories...
- fresh_ink - Ode
- frivolity - Frivolous Debate
- fyrepoetry - Fyre's Poetry
- gallery_unique - Gallery Unique
- gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
- get_it_out - Write Something!
- get_ur_rocksoff - AdultStoryTime
- glamourbombs - Glamour Bombs
- globalrequiem - Global Requiem
- godisprochoice - GodIsProChoice
- gothicmecca - Gothic Mecca
- gothicpoetry - Blackened Memories
- gray_glitter - gray glitter
- green_dragon - LotR Artists' Community
- greynotgray - I am Art
- guildofthequill - The Guild Of The Quill
- gurlirawk - The Devils Little Messangers
- haikuchallenge - Haiku Challenge
- haikudom - Haikudom
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- handgestures - Jameeshialise
- haphazardpoetry - unintentional poems
- happy_feminists - The Equality Fighters
- haunted_by_hyr - Haunted by Hyr
- hazydayz - ::: .h.a.z.y.d.a.y.z.:::
- heartonpaper - this is your [heart on paper]
- hidingbehindyou - _lost
- homeproject - HOME PROJECT
- honoringthemuse - Honoring the Muse
- humaraaks - Humara Aks
- humblewords - The Voice
- hummm - Writer
- i_had_a_dream - I had a dream: Poetry
- i_recommend - share the amazing experiences
- i_remember_when - I Remember When...
- indiepoetry - here is my heart
- ink_blot - ink blot
- inmybigdreams - it's the sparkle in your eyes
- inmyworldtonite - Ranting Rainbow
- intouchi - poetry of life
- islam - To Submit
- its_all_gravy - x. its all gravy .x
- j_a_z_z - JazZ's Lounge
- jairynswritings - Jairyn's Writings
- jasonstories - The Mumblings Of Jason Andreas
- jerseyrocksocks - NJ
- jewishbookclub - Jewish Book Club
- jjannex - Writers Wanted & Welcome
- julie_fan_land - dandy, julie dandy
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- junkart - junkart
- just_to_write - Because we all love to write
- justalilblog - JustALilBlog Community
- katell_keineg - The Katell Keineg Community
- kuhais - 5-3-5
- letmewrite - Let us write, and no one gets hurt..
- librarylovers - Library Lovers
- limericks - write a bit with rhymes and wit
- lingerlyrics - Lynger....Lyrics
- literally_evil - Literati Hotties
- litkids - Literary Kids
- litopia - Litopia Writers Group
- litterashore - Litter Ashore
- live2write - The Rejection Slip
- livepoetsociety - The Society of Live and Blooming Poets
- ljdreams - lj nightmares and dreamscapes
- ljrandomness - A community about random stuff
- lordsunladymoon - Light on Love
- losers_of_lj - People who love LJ that much...
- lost_poetry - Lost Poetry
- lostexcerpts - Home for Lost Excerpts
- lotr_art - LotR ART
- lotus_eaters - lotus eaters
- love_is - let me count the ways
- love_writting - Literature based on Love
- loveforever - Ben And Halie
- lovemeback - Love is real.
- loversofpoetry - Poetry's LOVERS!
- luv_quotez - _+Sweet things
- lx_arena - Literary eXpatriates Challenge Arena of DOOOM!!!
- lyric_creations - Maximum Exposure
- lyricjunkie - sweet, sweet lyrics
- lyricollective - VPL - visible poetic licence
- lyricwriters - Lyric Writers
- mad_ravings - ranters and ravers
- magicpuddle - The Spirit's Tongue
- magnetwords - magnetic poetry
- makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
- mamadada - Scratch This To Reveal A Secret Message
- memorable_lyric - HAVE A FAV SONG OR VERSE! POST IT HERE.....
- methodinmadness - Method in the madness
- minxbot - minxbot
- modernday_poets - Modern Day Poets
- mollyzen - The Molly Zenobia LiveJournal Community
- morallybankrupt - Pathetic Rejects Society
- moretolifethan - we see
- mountain - For those who enjoy reaching the top
- must_be_poets - must be poets
- naturesbeauty - Art and Poetry Celebrating the Beauty of Nature
- never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
- nickcavesseeds - down for your soul
- nickdrake - nick drake
- ninja_x_crew - Ninja Crew
- nobodys_toys - nobodys_toys
- nopretties - No Pretties
- not_plagiarism - inspired by you
- notdrowning - Not Drowning: Floating
- notevenanhour - Pretentious Bitches Literary Circle
- numenwriters - A place for writers to share their muses
- obsessivefanfic - Obsessive Fanfiction Not Otherwise Specified
- oddities - Oddities
- onehundredwords - 100 words
- openexpressions - Expressions
- openhartsurgery - Open Heart Surgery
- openmic - Open Mic
- oregonsingles - Oregon Singles
- otherspawn - the Lierre fanclub
- pabloneruda - Pablo Neruda
- padfoot_forever - PF
- parachute_x - yesterday, yesteryear
- passiondust - Foxy Little Pimpette
- patheticpoets - the pathetic poets society on livejournal
- perniciouswispr - Pernicious Whisper
- phenomenalwomen - Phenomenal Women
- pic_n_poem - where pictures and poems unite
- pink_as_sin - Jackie Susann
- plastictears - Anna
- plathpoetry - Sylvia Plath
- pleasepublishme - Aspiring Writers' Support Group
- poem_a_day - A Poem a Day
- poems - Poetry Reading
- poemsrus - Poetry for the dubley named
- poesies - poésies community
- poetic - Poetic
- poetic_clicks - Julie
- poetic_dreams - ~*~PoeTic DrEaMs~*~
- poetic_quickies - Poetic Quickie
- poetic_rains - Poetry
- poetica - SorceryNet #Poetica
- poeticdrips - Poetic//Drips
- poeticsforum - poetics forum
- poetry_progress - Poetry in progress
- poetry_workshop - Poetry Workshop
- poetrychallenge - Poetry Challenge Community
- poetrycritic - Poetry Critic
- poetryforms - Poetry Forms
- poetrylovers - Poetry lovers of the world unite
- poetrynotebook - The Poetry Notebook
- poetryslamming - We judge your poetry! HARSHLY!
- poetrywriters - PoetryWriters
- poets_corner - A corner for lost literature
- poetsnrhymes - Poetics and Raps
- poetssociety - Poets Society
- pomespennyeach - pomes.penny.each
- pomtree - The Poem Tree - Everything the Body Needs!
- pookaplayground - Phooka's Playground
- portlandpoetry - Portland Poet
- practice_poetry - Practicing Poetry
- prose_run_mad - Poetry
- queerpoets - Queer Poets
- quotecontest - Guess That Quote
- quotes4life - Tips and Quotes for Life
- quotez - the quote community
- ragingromance - Raging Romantics
- rainystarmoon - Rain Lovers
- random_blab - !| RANDOM |!
- random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
- random_posts - r a n d o m posts
- randompoems - buried in the mind of a poet
- rawly_pained - the burning lust.
- realfolkblues - Where the good times never start...
- recycledthought - Recycled Thoughts
- red_headed_slut - Beautiful Red Headed Vixens
- rejectedpoets - Rejected Poets
- rejects_galore - Get Rejected? Join Here
- retardville - what
- rod_mckuen - Rod McKuen Community
- same_oh - same-oh!
- sancorazon - Stories From The City Of San Corazon
- sapphos_muse - of Sapphic Persausion
- sarenity - sarenity
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- schrijfsels - dutch stories, poems, columns etc
- scribequill - Scribe and Quill
- self_mutilation - Self-Harm Support
- serart - Love In Art
- severed_stars - Blame the Stars
- share_all - share_all
- shastaroman - Stoopid
- she_rah - Poetry
- short_stories - the storie community
- showmehowufeel - Won't you hurt me today?
- silence_within - The Silence Within
- silent_poems - The darkish, quiet, never told poetic words
- singles - Singles
- sinners_cafe - The Sinners Cafe
- sirenstears - poetry
- sisterspeak - Sister Speak Collective
- sloppyfirsts - sloppy firsts
- smartchildren - Smart Children
- snarky_haiku - Snarky Haiku
- someonehelpme - Writers Block
- something_vauge - that feeling you get
- somuch2learn - Learning...
- songs_you_chose - soundtracks of our lives
- songwriting101 - Songwriting 101
- soyoungsosad - young & depressed
- spiralpoets - Poetry of the Mad
- sports_sonnets - Literature and sports collide!
- squeal - gwen is hot
- starvingartists - Open Mic Night
- staticfield - staticfield
- stealingbeauty - .:Stealing Beauty:.
- stealthisbook - read me
- stonedpoetscafe - The Stoned Poet Cafe
- subimmaculate - Subversive_Sexiness
- sunsmoonsstars - Celestial Spirituality
- swingcreative - GLBT Art
- sylvia_plath - Sylvia Plath Community
- tattoo_me - tattoo_me
- td_and_i_of_us - The Thoughts, Delusions and Idolatry of Us
- teddybearcorset - Deliberately Random
- texas_poets - Texas Poets
- thailainthestyx - ReverseWritersBlock
- the_corner - The Artroom Corner
- the_inkwell - the inkwell
- the_lonelies - Better Company Than The Voices In My Head
- the_story - The Story
- the_wicked_kids - Here for you and them
- the_writers - The Writers
- thedaily - The Daily Post
- thedarkisrising - The Light
- thedarkunder - The Art Booth
- thefreaks - thefreaks
- theguildnd - TheGuildND
- thepencilstance - Writers From All Walks Of Life
- thepinkhotel - the pink hotel
- thepoetrycritic - blatantly honest
- thetreatise - thetreatise
- thewritersclass - The Writers' Class
- theysaid - They Said
- things - it's all ood
- thispoetsays - Lost Poet Society
- those_darn_kids - those darn kids
- tinybooks - Tiny Books Community
- todaysquote - TodaysQuote
- tonidaisyhopper - The Domain
- tornuppages - TornUpPages
- true_empaths - Feelers, Healers, Sealers
- true_insomniacs - True Insomniacs
- tunapride - tuna sistahs
- two_word_poetry - Creating Poetry
- uberauthors - Uberauthors
- unblock_me - unblock me
- unsentletters - Unsent Letters
- urbanprincesses - ::...Urban Princesses....::
- vintage_poetry - Pre-WWII Poetry <3
- wanasa - WaNaSa
- war_poetry - Poems Inspired By War & Conflict
- wax_lyrical - Wax Lyrical
- wax_tears - Wax Tears
- waxaesthetic - creatively clustered minds..
- weamnotpsycho - We Am Not Psycho
- weird_words - Collection of Weird Words
- weltonacademy - carpe diem!
- werock - We are Better than You
- wesmellrealbad - :]
- what_is_beauty - What is beautiful?
- why_cut - Why_Do_We_Cut?
- wild_kingdom - Wild Kingdom
- wingnuts - Interlochen writing majors
- wishingpoet - the work of poetry
- word_life - word life
- worddistillery - Word Distillery
- wordsofsolitude - ..Are The Best I've Ever Had...
- workingtitle - Working Title
- writeandshare - The Write And Share Community
- writerly - creative writerly
- writers_digest - Aspiring Writer
- writing_5150 - Writers
- writingpoetry - This pen and paper
- writtenemotions - WRiTTEN EMOTi0NS
- xdream_worldx - Sweet Dreamz
- xt3rc - «~°xT©°~»
- y_o_i_n_k - Unique Words
- zinescene - zineophobia
Interested users
The following users are interested in poems. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
453 matches:
- 4everugly - Lydia
- _allstar_ - allstar
- _anus - --- \\ - Lost in the Motion.
- abberantsanity - Angela
- acelta - Katie
- acidagain - Puppy doG
- acidtree - Petey
- agentry - Adam Gentry, Verbal Legerdemain
- alleypat - Texas Scribbler
- alliee - allie
- alunmillard - \An`a*mor"pho*sis\
- amariana - Amariana
- ame - Ame
- amorphous - Claudia
- amythyst - Crystal
- angelbeth - Girl without a cause.....
- angeleclipse15 - Megan
- angelflame - CuteVampyre
- anonymous_fairy - kim
- anoxia - Heather
- anubis - Sean Raines
- apoorexcuse - ian
- aprilfool - chris
- artmindedgirl - artmindedgirl
- arturo105 - Aaron105
- astrasoul7 - Astra
- atarisgod - M a t t
- attitude - Heidi
- audrabud - Audra~Bud
- babar - david
- babypunk_girl - Sexy Bunny
- banana - J
- bansidhe - Bansidhe Stormcrow
- batboy1 - Chris
- beatniklew - beatnik lew
- beautyfiend - Jubb
- bedofroses - Lily of the Valley
- ben4bulls - Ben
- berry_macokiner - Cory
- blackcloud - Dreamer
- blackrainbow - .Black.Rainbow.
- blackrosegarden - Kelly
- blah - blah
- blairoptional - Blair Lockedbox
- bleedingheart - Greg
- bleu92 - Amy
- blink_lu - Blink Lu
- bluej5 - Jayla
- bluelolypop - ~Kyna~
- boarderchic2284 - I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
- bobbijean - Roberta Jean
- bofis - Billy the Bubble Boy
- bondj1051 - Enigma
- bostondave - Dave, part-time Ruler of the Universe
- brandijean - Brandi
- brando1727 - ..:***Shiny Happy Boy***::..
- breannakou - DawnDark Fandaria
- brooksie - Brooke
- bubblesxoxo - Meredith
- buffyz927 - Jess
- butabi - Keith
- butterflysxy - Sarah Lorraine
- butterflywing - Bullet
- c00kiem0nster - halfsunk
- caityk - Caitlin (Irish-Gaelic for "pure" & "pretty-eyed")
- callastini - Callastini
- candyrot - jaded tulip
- cantara - Cantara
- cappy_qt7 - (*it's the MOST wonderful time of the year*)
- catiegurl - Katy Rose
- celestialslence - Karla
- ch - Charlie Hotel
- charisma - She Ran Hard
- chaz - *Chaz*
- chesire - Chesire Feline
- chibiluv - Somebody
- chibinekochan - Neko
- chipaholic - Tasha
- chrissymae - ChrissyMae
- chronicles - »» º Pixels of the Mind º ««
- claire715 - Claire
- coffeeandcigars - who needs sleep?
- colleenduke - monochrome
- confuzedlilgurl - ☆ R i z z ☆
- coolgurl - TheO AkA, JeNNiBeaN
- coondog - SPAM
- cornflakegirl1 - Helena Handbasket
- courtp13 - ? courtney
- crazy_butterfly - Brandi
- crazy_talk23 - Michelle
- crescent - Crescent
- cutelilduck - cutelilduck
- cyborg200 - Duncan Smith
- cynthia989 - *Cynthia*
- dangel - DA, the Lemon Peppah Fiend
- darkangelofevil - evil
- darker_dreams - No one of note
- darkfear - Russ
- darkman - {I} see what you are
- darkmoonpixi - Lilly
- dawning - g.i. apo ♥
- dawnlightz - Julie
- dazed - Jamie
- deadwieght - Cynical Mind
- dean_r - Dean Rivers
- deathmaggot - Death Maggot
- dekha - D'raj'Diary!!
- delectableluv - JeZzI
- deranged - vioLet
- devilinside - MilkBoy
- devilmelie - Melie
- dirtrascal - Dirty Rascal
- dirtyrapture - Li (a.k.a Boo-Boo)
- displaced - kiran
- divacarebear - DreAm.giRl,drEam.on
- dmarnerou - Demetra
- dorene - Dorene
- drabapathy - Amy the Bore
- dragonflychey - another catastrophic success
- drakonessa - Drakonessa
- draven_ftw - draven_ftw
- dreamcloudca - *Claire*
- dreamincolor - skylyre
- dreamking - The Lesser Beast 665 1/2
- dreamtime - dormito ab inferi
- driftwood - hardcore bean
- driscoll79 - Brian
- duramu - Duramu Otoko
- duskenexistence - Lady Donnovan Of Banshire
- edgexprincess - Miss Stephie Pookins
- ediacara - ediacara
- eilliastardust - Allie
- eldiablo - Katie
- elfdmn - Just a guy.
- eschroder - Elanor Schroder
- etherqueen - ~desperate*~*koibito~
- everbaby - Lisa
- fadingbluestar - The girl behind the glass
- fadingvisions - *quiet on the raging sea*
- faereinfer - Dreamless Again
- faithfull1 - Nikki
- fakereality - Shay
- fallenangel1502 - Annie
- fallsoftly - silent tear
- ferg - Fergy.
- fiowerangei - Kristin
- firegoddess - Lauren
- firrle - Andrew
- flesymetahi - Alex
- flirtyblonde200 - Vickie
- fool_in_spirit - Pietro
- foxer - foxer
- frozentruth - Frozen Truth
- fspeed13 - Speed
- fuego - Bad Star
- fufu - Fouz
- fuzzybunny - Rachel
- gawain69 - Squire Thomas
- geist000 - Schlafengeist
- georgi - Dreamers fly in the sugar sky
- glennardo - glennardo
- goddess21401 - deviant spark
- goethiswrought - Pax's Misc Writing
- goober17_69 - Mike
- gsd - Sean
- guyfox - Ty
- gyzzdark - Gyzzdark Fandaria
- halocy - jem
- halonin - Fayga
- hazi - Hazi
- hazicam - Hazi
- heatherfeather3 - heather
- hellsbytch - ~~*Missi*~~
- hobbesc - Xavier Macleod
- hottiechika5 - Kelly
- hward18 - Heidi
- iamthegreatest - Chris Schrader
- icetears - Luna the Christmas Ninja
- iceypinkbubbles - Miss Muffin Queen
- impactcat - Teri
- inchcafe - She
- indigopoet - Brianna
- infernofrost - Shawn The Rex
- infin - infin
- iris_reed - j reed
- italianprincess - Her Royal Highness, The Queen of the Ring
- jacylane - the unnamed
- jaded_purity - ~ 夏子 ~ (なつこ)
- janasch - idioteque
- jdogg122 - JeNnIfEr*
- jeanlou629 - Jeanna
- jemm - every breath is a needle to my heart
- jmorbadu - Jesse Morbadu
- joeykeating - Little*Joey
- jothicer - spawn
- jozabad - Jozabad
- justgoto - Justgoto
- kalelia - Kalelia
- kat_rin - Razor Addict
- kevikenobi - Kevi Kenobi
- kevm - Kev
- kewidoll - just a girl
- killshimself - X
- kisstherain - The Dancer of the Dirges
- kitee - Kitee
- kittiemeow205 - Emanny
- kmbino - KeLL::BeLL
- konekochan - k-chan
- koomaster - Koo-Sempai
- kornchickalana - *Sparkle and Fade*
- krisanne - hell's no place for an angel
- kristi - Kristi MacDonald
- kroo - Katy-Roo
- ktethepikashoe - Bloodstains of compassion
- kupcake55 - Jessica
- kylene - The ONE. The ONLY. The -- oops, it's just Kylene.
- ladman - Incurable Romanticist
- lady_of_the_sea - Celebrindal
- ladyaltona - Xenia
- lain - I mean nothing to you
- langdon334 - Dani
- legato - Emily Moon
- lemonbox - Chisaii Kaji
- leonardnimoy - Leonard Nimoy
- licoricelaces - A warison shrill
- lilbabyangel - º*`¤`±å®ä`¤`*º
- lilcow - Squiggle
- lilmisshugnkiss - Amanda
- lilsexxy - Alena
- lily - Lili
- lindsayj - Lindsay
- lissar - Amanda
- lissyroo - -Lissa-
- littleangel - Sarah
- lolathehated - the attention WHORE
- lonelyangel831 - LonelyBrokenAngel
- lonelystar - Star
- lookits420 - JiGgA WhAt?
- loopy4spacey - Mrs. Petersen/Spacey
- lordmooch - Lord Mooch
- lostrune - Laura
- lovablerach6 - Rachel
- lovecortez_99 - Mr. Smith
- lovepink - LovePink
- lovesuicide - BleedingRomantic
- luckypunk420 - Ashley
- lunali - Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, or Raphael
- lurker - Devin
- lushious - Sweety
- lustingblood - lustingblood
- luvstarsmoons - LuvStarsMoons
- m00nbaby - M00nB@by
- madigrals - Charlie
- maeluh - MaeLuh
- magbeth - Maggie
- magdalena2543 - Fallen_Angel666
- mahavira - mahavira
- malus - Malus
- marehet - Marehet
- mattboroson - Matthew Boroson
- mattdsy - Matt
- maudlin - maudlin
- meadow - mEaDoW - jEy
- meark - mark
- melodicangel - ~Mistress Victoria~
- melon1997 - melon
- mentallyconfusd - Krystal
- mercilessraven - Marian K. Welty
- mercovah - mercovah
- midnyght__tears - Ravno
- midnytezshadow - Shell
- mihrage - Mihrage Willhauck
- mistress_evil - hated and destroyed
- mizdiva - Stephanie
- mobiscuits - Moby
- mondracon - Mondracon
- monigram - - a little bit of monica -
- montipanpizza - Mont-eye
- moongoddess - Saha
- moonmama - Fuzzy Bunny-Elf
- moosical - lil-miss-moo
- morf - Morf Chrysallis
- mrrowiezz - B r a n d i
- murasaki_tsuki - Violet Moon
- musidora - absinthe
- mustanggrl16 - Lexi
- myillusionz - illusionz
- mysteriousgirl - Tabitha
- mystic_rose - Dream Myst
- nautaiupiter - Nauta Iupiter
- neech - * nichole *
- nentwined - quasi random
- neptune7280 - mae
- neverenoughtime - Becca
- newjerseyash - Ash
- nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
- nightkitten - Kalika
- nonuhmus - Anonymous
- notmyink - notmyink
- nuni - Nuni
- ode - Ode
- open - Dave
- otherme - kristin
- ox0downtown0xo - Chelle
- pastrywiz - Simone
- petof_ldylynn - pet
- phats - Phat Dina
- phoenixelement - Phoenix
- phoenixfyr - Enigma
- pimpcess - That One Chick
- pinkfuzziekinz - BrAnDi
- pinksneakers - Emily
- poeticdragon - Claire Fox
- poetmadeofangst - poet made of angst
- poisonedkandy - Esoteric
- poisonedtarot - Empathy
- poisonivy420 - §inful Dawl
- poundpup - chibigiggles
- prevailedloss - brandon
- princesssausy - Marie Tracey
- psychopoetms - PsychoPoet
- pundit - Jai Maharaj
- purple - Stacie
- purpleperson - Colleenie Beanie
- quilling - Alix
- rachael - Rachael
- raindaisy - -insert sarcasm here-
- raindrop136 - Jessica Deprez
- rainpoet - xbrandonx
- rainydays - Anonymous Attraction
- raven82 - Raven
- rawkstar04 - sooper dork
- raymond - Ray Creighton
- recrea33 - 8 or so bees in my bonnet
- rhhandella - rhhandella
- rhondak - RHONDAK
- richie - Richie
- romantic - nicole
- rosemary1877 - tit
- roseofblack - Down The Drain
- rymer - Glen
- sajego - Sara
- samziz - Samantha
- sanatae - Dacey
- sandman_a16 - AJ Berenato
- sandrine - Claudia
- sarah_ohara - Sarah
- sarahbee - Sarah-Bee
- sarie - Sarie
- sarukiara - Saru Kiara Monogh
- savestheday - Nut Punchs Daily
- scorpius_98 - boring guy
- seanpatrick - Sean Patrick
- seawindstar - Sea Wind Star
- selenya - Selenya
- sexydeath - Deadly kissZ
- shadowrose - Michelle
- sherripretends - Living Receiver
- shubhada_shetty - sans
- sickkitty69 - Eman
- sidd1605 - Sidd
- silent_dancer - E
- silkything - Dance of the Little Swans
- silver7210 - Vicki
- silversolitaire - Silver
- simpleman - SimpleMan
- simplyevil - Shannon
- sjcarpediem - Stephi ステフィー
- slipknotslut - jackie
- smiley_4_eva - dragonchic
- sonjaduck - the cat wit the .45 caliber claws
- sorcha - Sorcha ní gCeallagháin
- space_alien - p!nKy
- spaceless - in the right measure
- sparkly_eyed - Dawn
- spunkeebabe421 - huh?...ohh,... K-Hole.....
- ssshiverstacey - stacey
- stacebabe - stacee
- star_traveler - star_traveler
- starkitty3 - Kat
- starshocker - Allsta
- stoneroses - © RöĉĶвö†ģíRL
- strawberry3 - :: R.e.g.r.e.t.f.u.l.l.y . Y.o.u.r.s ::
- suenos - L.Elena
- suicideanyone - Alicia
- summerangel - Every Moment is another Chance
- sunset_jen - Jen
- sunseteyes - I am Shannon
- superdeluxe - Waiting on the road
- suu - suu
- suziannabean - everyman's Hero
- sweetdasha - -*- da$ha -*-
- sweetmarie - sweetmarie
- sweetnikkycandy - NIkki's Journal
- sweetsblonde4 - Nay
- sweetyt - o0 sweetyT 0o
- sxzaygrl - Darcy
- sydelle - East Coast Angel
- sylvester - Sarah
- technodyke - Evil Lesbian Media Whore
- teenagecliche - KaKe
- teentwink - Rachel
- tennille - Miss Neilly
- thatoneguy - Deluded Id
- the311goddess - 311 Goddess
- thefireman - Kevin
- thelady - TheLady
- thelovebug - The Love Bug
- themorningstar - Mary Joyce
- themyst - Patrick G,The Myst
- thisgrl - Monica
- thumbalena - Thumbalena
- ti - tara
- tigerentchen - Tigerentchen
- timskarnage - karn
- tinjuko - Phillip
- tinner_852 - Kori Eutzy
- tj27 - People Like Yhoo Need to Choke on Something
- tluv707 - Luv Dreams
- tommarowsashes - Candace
- twiliterose - Dawn
- twynkle - twynkle
- uknowuwantme - Othercyde
- uneeklilmama - La Una y Solamente..Sheena
- uniqueone - uniqueone
- varda - Varda
- vilemiasma - The Great Panjandrum
- violincello - Violin N Cello
- virgostar - Roxy
- vkornstarx - Rachel
- vladtheinhaler - vladtheinhaler
- vuelo - L.Elena
- w84turner - BIGDOG
- wendyshea - Wendy
- wheelchair - H. Wheelchairlio Forenez
- whispergrrl - whispergrrl
- wikkidree - The hot & spicy, the naughty & nicey
- wildgurl - Me'Chelle
- willows_scroll - When autumn died.
- wolfylady - Lady Fuchsia
- wordsmith9 - Zwielicht Farfalla
- worn_denim - Chromatophobia
- xkayla - ~@!@#&@! kayla
- xxsuper_punkxx - Julie
- yaten_kou - Night Star
- youseemesmile - poo
- ysmemorial - Yayoi n Senichi
- yummie - ♥ lady pearl ♥
- zenmech - e-x-p-e-r-i-m-i-n-t
- zeva - taimhyr
- zigreat - Catherine ZiGreat
- zooi - Hijinks Ahead
- zuppylover - Annie