Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "fantasy".
423 matches:
- 1cons - Icons
- _everything_ - The World
- _mosaic_ - Mosaic MUSH
- _princessbride_ - The Princess Bride
- _wow_ - Wow
- a_girls_freedom - Drugs, girls, & boys...all in the same mix.
- about_poetry - Poetry Prose: Writing About Poetry
- abstractthought - Abstract Thought
- actiongrrls - Action Grrls
- adopt_me - Homeless Icons
- adulternatives - Adulternatives
- advent - Advent: Xenogears&Xenosaga
- after_celebrity - After Celebrity
- aiwl_island - The Isle of AIWL
- alfandria - Alt.Fan.Dragons
- alinandval - Al and Val Community
- altvampyres - alt.vampyres
- amaicha - Aki's writing
- amybrownart - Fans of Amy Brown
- anagnosts - The Anagnostic Readers
- analplay - Anal Play
- angelicrealm - The Realm of Angels
- animanga - The Anime and Manga Fan
- anime_junction - Anime Artwork Junction
- arcology - The World of Nexus
- arisia - Arisia Con
- artandsoul - Art and Soul
- artattack - Art Attack
- artistrealm - Artist Realm
- ashes_to_dust - Ashes To Dust Poetry and Writing Community
- ashirion - Ashirion: The Broken Sphere MUX
- ashlander - Ashland/PixieLand members
- askpoly - Ask Poly
- asoiaf - A Song of Ice and Fire
- assignments - writing exercises
- authors - Voices of Truth
- autumn_fate - Aki no Unmei
- balamb_garden - Balamb Garden
- beeing - indescribable being
- berandom - Are you in?
- between_worlds - Between Worlds
- betweenrealms - Between Realms
- bibliophily - readers and writers
- biker_garage - Bikez
- blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
- blueboar - The Blue Boar Tavern
- book_claims - Claim your book!
- book_reviews - Book_Reviews
- book_worm - Book Worm
- bookcircle - Book Circle: The Book-Trading Community
- booknerds - Tanky & Jet's Nerdy Book Society
- bookquestions - Book facts and niggles
- books - Readers
- bookswapping - LJ Bookswapping Community
- booktraders - Book Traders
- boromirlovers - Boromir Fans
- bostongamers - The Bostongamers LJ Community
- botm - Book of the Month
- boundinstripes - creatures bound in stripes
- bowspirit - Bowspirit's Aim Newsblurb Archive
- brainsoap - Brain Soap
- brutal_honesty - tell me your secrets
- bscf - The Brandeis Weirdo Coalition
- bunnygirls - I'm somebunny... are you?
- bxsci_freaks - Bronx Science Freaks
- carons_crossing - Carons Crossing: original fic from Djinanna
- celticmyths - Celtic Myths
- chaoticmux - Chaotic MUX
- charlesdelint - Charles de Lint fans
- charlieweasley - Charlie Weasley, Inc.
- chinoandjay - The PT Cruiser
- chubby_faeries - Chubby Faeries
- cibola - A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.
- city_of_forever - City of Forever
- cityshar - The City of Shar
- claim_a_movie - Claim Your Favorite Movie!
- cocoapepper - Sonam & Shagun
- coldshower - Reality Check
- compassrose - The Compass Rose: A Nobilis Online Campaign
- con_central - Fantasy/Sci-Fi Convention Central
- conclave - Imagination
- cosplay - Cosplay
- crackhaussanta - Sucking For Jesus
- creativebrain - Creative Brain -- Dual Cosplay
- crinos_pit - Big Crinos
- critique_corner - Critique Corner
- culture_review - Culture Review
- da_house - build a fantasy house
- damnfreaks - Damn you, freaks! God damn you all... to hell!
- darkelves - The Drow
- darkest__days - Darkest Days
- darkthreads - DarkThreads - Gothic Sewing Circle
- deepsoul - Leaf Webs - Short Stories
- derumi_poetics - derumi's writings and rhymes
- devonshi - The Writer
- discuss_writing - the writers discussion group
- discworld - Pratchett Fans
- djinanna_recs - Djinanna's Fanfic Revue
- dracophilia - The Dracophiliac
- dragonblade - dragonblade
- dragonlancefans - The World of Krynn
- dragonlancerpg - DRAGONLANCE RPG
- dream_escape - Dream Escape
- dream_stories - Fictional Stories Inspired By Dreams
- dreamforme - Dare To Dream
- dreamindigital - poets and dreamers
- ds_limted - Explorations In Creativity
- dungeon_masters - world-builders
- eastsideanime - Eastside Anime Community
- eat_at_elronds - Fan Council of Elrond
- electrical_ink - electrical ink sparks
- elfwood - Elfwood
- elfwoodplugs - Elfwood Plugs
- elfwoodpnw - Elfwood - Pacific Northwest
- elfwoodprojects - Elfwood Projects
- elfwoodrant - Disgruntled Elfwoodians
- elves - Edhel
- elysiuminfernos - elysium infernos
- emopoetsociety - .emo.poet.society.
- enchanted_elms - ...Enchanted Elms, Community for Romanticists...
- enchantedstevie - Stevie Nicks
- eon_rpg - Eon - Rollspelet
- epicfantasy - The Fantasy Genre
- epoch_larp - Epoch Larp
- eroticfantasies - Temptation
- ew_gothic - EW! Gothic
- exiles - Exiles: A Melanie Rawn Community
- exoticdancer - ~*ExoticDancer Community 4 Dancers By Dancers*~
- faeriefashion - Faerie Fashion! Wearable Faery Art!
- faerietales - Faerie Tales
- fantasy_lives - Fantasy_Lives
- fantasy_realm - Day Dreamers
- fantasy_ride - Former FR members
- fantasy_salad - To Be Announced
- fantasy_scifi - Fantasy and Sci Fi Art
- fantasysports - Fantasy sports
- feddyliau - feddyliau afon
- femalenudity - Nude Girls 4 Girls
- femmefan - Fangirls Unite
- ficforum - A place to write and critque others works
- fictional2012 - Fictional Journals
- fictionwriters - Fiction Writers' Community
- fightwithme - FanDominium...
- firestars - Wayside Inn
- forever_one - Forever One
- fowl_manor - Fowl Manor: An Artemis Fowl Books Community
- foxxiscommunity - The Foxxis
- foxyfata - Succulent Wild Girlie Group
- fragileunicorns - Fragile Unicorns
- freakplanet - Den of Freaks
- friends_of_josh - The Friends of Josh
- frivolity - Frivolous Debate
- ftm_undressed - tranny porn ftm style!
- ftt - faerie tale theatre
- ga_group - Blood Dolls news journal
- gagang - GothicAuctions GANG
- gallery_japan - Gallery Japan
- gamedog00 - gamedog00
- gayboi - GayBoi's
- geek_wars - Geek Wars
- geekclique - i'm not a loser, i just don't like you.
- girladvice - Girl Advice
- gormenghast - The Gormenghast Coterie
- goth_asheville - Gothic Asheville Community
- gothcafe - #gothcafe
- gothic_anime - ..: gothic anime :..
- gothic_art - marie
- gothicmecca - Gothic Mecca
- grdragnbackroom - The Green Dragon Back Room
- greatwarriors - Community
- greytower - Grey Tower
- gryphonguild - The Gryphon Guild
- guadsquadfilms - GuadSquad Filming
- handgestures - Jameeshialise
- hiddendesires - Hidden Desire
- high_elven - Quenya
- huntersofshadow - Die Schattenjäger
- i_had_a_dream - I had a dream: Poetry
- iceandfire - A Song of Ice and Fire
- icongallery - The Place To Share Icons
- ifiction - Short Interactive Fiction
- ifuldrin - Tarnished Armor
- ilovefiremen - sexybabydoll
- imagine_fantasy - Imagine
- imperfectsouls - Imperfect Souls
- in_a_dream - In A Dream
- in_limine - personae in limine
- incubuscomic - Incubus - Online Fantasy Comic
- infernallybound - Mikaiten
- inkrowd - InKrowd
- inky_knight - Loyal Knights of the Inkwell
- inner_square - The Inner Square
- ins0mnie - ins0mnie
- ioca - Independent Online Comic Artists
- iron_tupperware - those who worship anything
- iwish - I Wish
- janusarwyth - Janus Arwyth
- jasonstories - The Mumblings Of Jason Andreas
- jaxgothhardcore - Hardcore Jacksonville Goth Industrial
- just_connected - The Connected Community
- just_write - The Writing on the Wall
- jvallstars - We Stalk JVA
- keeg - geek
- kfmt - Kung-Fu Mystery Theater
- kinkykitties - Kinky Kitties
- kissandcaress - Merry Gentry Fans
- ks_mogoths - Kansas/Missouri Goths
- la_la_land - Recollection of Dreams/Nightmares
- lain_fans - experience the wired.
- larp_shop_talk - LARP Shop Talk
- larpers - LARPers
- legacyofordiun - The Legacy of Ordiun
- legolasofmrkwd - Legolas Greenleaf
- lilywater - Lilywater
- lit_fic - Forgotten Scrolls
- litcrit - Literary Criticism
- litopia - Litopia Writers Group
- ljdnd - Dungeons and Dragons
- ljsextoys - Live Journal Sex Toy Users!
- ljsmithfans - LJS Fans
- london_geeks - The most splendid order of London Geeks
- lordoftherings - Lord of the Rings
- lotr_dreams - The Dreaming Theatre
- lotr_whorehouse - The Middle Earth Whore House
- lunacon - Lunacon
- lunatic_cafe - The Lunatic Cafe
- lunatics_r_us - The Lunatic Fringe
- magic_book - The_Magic_Book
- magickandtarot - magickandtarot
- magicpuddle - The Spirit's Tongue
- malin_ambar - Malin Ambar [Golden World]
- maryellengober - Fans of Mary E. Gober
- masksofdrama - The Masks of Drama: A Theatrical Community
- meeperites - The Meeperites
- merging_lane - Merging Lane
- mermaid_lagoon - Livejournal mermaids
- mermaidncentaur - Kismet
- michiruka - \\ sea and WiND&;
- misanthropickin - misanthropickin
- misfits_inc - misfits
- missioncontrol - Mission Control
- mithearsidhe - Jaya's Writing Journal
- mnsf - Minnesota Science Fiction and Fantasy
- mnstf - Minnesota Science Fiction Society (Minn-StF)
- monchat - The Lovers
- morrowind - Morrowind
- moviewatchers - Movie Watchers
- msbado - Discussing Literature
- mst3k - The Community That Wouldn't Die
- mu_rpers - MU* RPers
- muppets - Fans Of The Muppets
- musec_box - The Musec Box
- myalterego - Curious Confessions
- mystickal_poet - Poetic Justice
- mythicals - Mythical creatures
- mzb - Marion Zimmer Bradley fans
- nanomojo - National Novel-writing Month Journalers
- necronomiphiles - Lovecraftian Horrors
- negamii - Negamii Productions
- neko_notes - Rose's Muses
- netnavi - Phantasy Style Unlimited
- never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
- neverwheres - Lots of elsewheres to be
- newenglandfurs - New England Furs
- night_stars - Night Stars
- nightrunner - luck in the shadows
- nobilis - Nobilis Roleplaying Game
- nothing_void - Drenched in Black, They Weave...
- nyc_bookswap - NYC Coffee & Book Nook
- obsessandposses - Obsession and Possession
- obsidianroserpg - KmSM RPG
- oddness - alter ego
- odyssey5 - The Odyssey 5 Community
- on_hands - on_hands
- opal_beefaroni - Antique Photo Trading Community
- orangetinted - Everything looks better under orange tinted lights
- originallibrary - The Originals Library
- otherworld - Otherworld RPG
- ourworldrpg - Our World RPG
- pagesinthesands - Apocalyse Sometime or Another
- paintbynumbers - pAInt yOUr sElf EstEEm by nUmbErs
- parryhotter - The Twisted Harry Potter Fan
- past_secrets - Past Secrets
- pastthehorizon - Past the Horizon
- pennsic_war - Pennsic War
- phalyn - The Phalyn (Dark Bards)
- philly_goth - Philadelphia Goth
- pick_yer_poison - Not another claim community
- pinzandneedlez - pinz and needlez
- plastic_hell - Shiny Plastic Hell
- pleasepublishme - Aspiring Writers' Support Group
- poetry_heaven - Hëãvêñlÿ Thõúght
- polytriaduk - Poly Triad UK
- princess_amber - Princess Amber of Agondria
- projectakon - Project: A-Kon!
- projectfiction - Project Fiction
- psychoanalysis - Fun With Therapy
- pure_addiction - fetish.factory
- randland - RandLand
- randomnotes - Random Notes
- rescue_art - Rescue Art
- retardville - what
- reves_mouilles - wet dreams
- rimonah - Rimonah
- rosenovel - Beyond the Veil
- rosewiththorns - Rose with Thorns
- rphogwarts - We live our fantasys through roleplaying journals
- satyrs_lounge - The Satyrs Lounge
- sca_garb - SCA Garb
- sci_femmes - Female Science Fiction Fans
- scifi_freaks - SF&FF
- scifisisters - Sci-Fi Sisters
- sdfetish - San Diego Fetish and BDSM Community
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- sdmbfiction - Doper Fiction Exchange
- seaofinsanity - Sea of Insanity
- sector_5 - Sector 5: Bar & Grill
- serialain - Serial Experiments Lain
- severusbound - Severus Bound
- sex_notes - Scenes of a Daddy and His Princess
- sfwriters - Science Fiction Writers
- shadowrun - Shadowrun
- shifters - Shifters Journal - M.Tary and J.Strocel
- shivae - Shivae Studios
- shoe_fetish - hot for shoes
- silentshadows - Within*the*Shadows*of*Silence
- silmarillion - The Silmarillion
- silverquills - Silver Quills
- sinners_cafe - The Sinners Cafe
- skewer - Reading While Using One's Brain!
- slashersanon - Slash Reviewers Anonymous
- slashwriters - Slash Writers Weekly
- slashy - Fantasy boy Slash
- smartchildren - Smart Children
- snuffaluff - Immortal Labyrinth
- soapvt - Society of Anthropomorphics at Virginia Tech
- soulbonding - soulbonding
- souless_village - Area 51
- spacedragon - SpaceDragon Readers
- spankedbyrociel - Rociel Spanked Me
- sparring - The LJ Sparring Jive
- squaresoft - SquareSoft R Us
- starwars_ru - STARWARS_RU
- starzie - starzie (mysticgal)
- stasheff - stasheff
- stealthisbook - read me
- storm_chaser - Tarnished images
- story_realm - Story Realm
- story_unending - story_unending
- storyvault - The Vault Of Tales
- stripperfiend - Stripper Assessment Task Force
- stylized - we are stylized _ bored with the everyday
- submergence - underwater, dreaming
- suchaloser_ - scott moffatt community
- sugarquill - The Sugar Quill LiveJournal Auxiliary
- sunsmoonsstars - Celestial Spirituality
- support_morax - WE SUPPORT MORAXIAN
- swansongs - #swansongs
- sweet_serenity - A Weakness For Words
- swordoftruth - Your life is yours alone... rise up and live it!
- talespinners - Authors of Fictional Stories
- tammyclub - Official! Tamora Pierce Roleplaying and Fan Club
- technicon - Technicon
- temporal_rift - temporal_rift
- tepper_fans - Fans of Sheri S. Tepper
- terrianovel - Terria
- textrp - Writing RolePlayers
- tfoth - Steelsings
- the_omni - The Omni
- theartistsway - The Artist's Way
- theauthority - The Authority
- thebestrpplace - The Role Player's
- theblackmarket - The Black Market
- thecarnival - Carnival of Strangers
- thechosen - The Heralds of Valdemar
- thecircle - The Silver Circle of Rhydin
- theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
- thedarkcorner - The Dark Corner
- thedeadzone - The Dead Zone
- thefantastic - The Fantastic
- themagog - Magogology
- thequestionclub - The Question Club
- thequilt - The Quilt
- theroyalty - The Royalty
- thiefofalways - k.
- tolkien - John Ronald Reuel
- tomorrowlands - LJ
- tortall - Tortall
- tpp - The Potter Prophet Staff
- translumination - The Fluorescent Community
- tres_bien - A little less conversation ...
- true_dreamers - __dream
- truebrucefan - True Bruce Campbell Fans!
- trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
- tunapride - tuna sistahs
- twinniecorp - Twinnie Corporation
- universalgovt - The Universal Parliament
- vampirefans - vampire fans
- vlarps_suck - Vampire Larps Suck
- vtsffc - Science Fiction and Fantasy Club at Virginia Tech
- wanasa - WaNaSa
- wanderwords - wanderwords
- wargs - W.A.R.G.S.
- wasted_dreams - >Zerstoerten Traeume<
- wc3 - Warcraft III Community
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- whileaway - Whileaway
- winespring - The Winespring Inn
- wishlist - *i wish*
- wolfrunners - Wolfrunners
- woodlandechoes - Songs From The Wood
- workingtitle - Working Title
- wrimoshare - Nanowrimo!
- writers_guild - The Writer's Guild: aspiring authors' workshop
- writers_haven - Write a Story
- writersworkshop - Creative Writer's Workshop
- wyvern - The #Wyverns_Library Project
- wyverns - [Wyvern's Library] Moderator's Choice
- wyverns_library - Wyvern's Library
- x_galadriel_x - The Lady of Lorien
- xxfriendsxx - Sex Files
- yue64 - A New Beginning
- zoela - An Imaginary Universe
Interested users
The following users are interested in fantasy. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
484 matches:
- 42 - Jason
- ablia - Ablia
- ace - Ace
- acidmoon - acidmoon
- adamsniche - Adam
- adasca - Kimi
- adelwolf - Jor
- adpaz - Giddy Gerdie and her Glamrous Gams
- aeristerra - Aeristerra
- aesalon - stan the russian geeky punk rock man
- ahatfulofhollow - Toys'R'Us Kid
- akage - RedKing
- akihikio - Akihikio
- aleriel - Aleriel
- alina - Alina
- alinnia - Alinnia/Taunia
- althune - althune
- amalthea - Kim
- amberskye - Karla's
- andragon - Andromeda Dragon
- andyharper - fandangle
- angeleyes - }}i{{ ~angela~ }}i{{
- angelfsh - MysticBlue
- angelicdestiny - angelicdestiny
- angelofsilence - Angel
- animejo - Intergalactic Hussy
- animlcrackers - Marty
- antisocial - Anti-Blank
- arctures - Jeff
- arete - Arete
- arithon - Task Resolution Mechanic
- aryx - The Digital Shutterbug
- ashleigh - Blossom
- asilvahalo - come to heaven, silva halo
- asmodeous - Asmodeous
- astrocreep - Joey Kerstanoff
- athenais - Athénäis de Rochechouart
- aubzie - Kip Bugessing
- aurora - oy with the poodles already
- autumn_eyes - Till Human Voices Wake Us
- autumnlaughing - Kat
- avon - Avon
- axiem - Axiem Terre-jen
- ayashi - Valkyrie
- azazyll - Riedel
- b3rnd - Bernd
- baggas - Baggas
- bajema - Bethalynne
- bansidhe - Bansidhe Stormcrow
- bantrobel - Rhiobhan
- bat__girl - Juri Kyu
- bearblue - Bearblue
- beccalynn - RebeccaLynn
- beracjade - Papa Tango
- blu - Bluish
- br00se - Br00se
- brann - BranN
- briseis - Briseis
- brynna - Just Another Expatriated Zulu
- burgundy - burgundy
- butterfly - Butterfly
- butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
- buzzybea - Bea
- byzantium - Byzantium/ Dave
- cac2372 - Carol
- cacophany - Everybody Else's Girl
- caheli - Caheli
- cain1k - Neil
- caldena - Caldena
- cantara - Cantara
- canuckgirl - Clearly Canadian
- captain_jester - Matt
- carlen - Carlen
- catnel - That Lazy Artist Person
- cato - all i am is the words.
- chabela - Chabela
- chameleon613 - Ryan
- chiahead - LazyBlue
- chimera_13 - The Moose
- chiquitar - Chiquita Rosita
- chrisp - christopher
- christina - Christina
- cloud - Katherine
- cmorrigu - Cernunnos Morrigu
- coke - Chris
- colours - Colours
- coolbeans - Jessica Angel
- coolgal050 - Megan
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- cos - Cos
- cossima - YourObtSrvt
- crakor - Matt Carver
- crazyfeline - C.D. Lawrence
- cremlian - Scott Johnson
- crescent - Crescent
- cryingchild - Rob
- cuzgoatsrkool - Heather
- cyberfrog - Jenny
- cyka - Cyka
- cypher - ./life/reviewed/
- daemoniacus - Theresa
- damara - Dara
- damienroc - K. Jeffery Petersen
- dankitti - dankitti
- darien2160 - Darien
- darius - Darius Bacon
- darke - Alexander Darke
- darkfear - Russ
- davedowns - Dave
- davema - David Ma
- davethebrave - Dave the Brave
- david - God
- dawnlightz - Julie
- daydream - Wendi
- deadpoet - deadpoet
- deathfirefly - jerper
- debby - Musclebob Buffpants
- delilarei - Reina
- devina - Don't look now, but...
- dexx - DexX
- di - Di
- dibzva - Dibzva
- divinemissb - Betse
- doc - Doc
- doctre - The Man from the Police Box
- donovan_love - Donovan Love
- downinflames - DarkLament
- dracomiss - Puanani
- dragonbane - Rich
- dragondiva - dragondiva
- dragoneerl - Tyrant Lizard King
- dragonkat - Katrina
- dragonoflife - The Dragon of Life
- drvnstar - Not the Star you knew
- eefje - Eefje
- eiffel65 - eiffel 65
- ej - Erica J.
- elf - elessara
- elph - waterdancer
- eol - Sigbjørn Lund Olsen
- erikadoor - Erika Door
- erndog - Kevin Simpson
- evil - Running Out of Fuse...
- evilestprincess - Mandy
- evyltemptryss - EvylTemptryss
- f_l_a - Fallen_Lesbian_Angel
- faeriefatum - Faeriefatum
- faeriewhispers - OrangeJasmine
- faetal - Miseriee
- fallenangel - Jackie
- fallingphoenix - ki'dra
- felinasm - Felina SilverMoon
- filialuna - Pandora Rose
- fireeyes - fireEyes - the worry factory
- firelegend - Firelegend
- fiver00 - Jared
- flashfire - James
- fluffy - stranger
- fool_in_spirit - Pietro
- forseti - Forseti
- fractured - f r a c t u r e d
- frank62281 - Frank
- frosty - Frosty
- fuschia - Drowned Girl Fuschia
- fyre - Mr. Snizzleworth
- gallyndur - Gallyndur
- gambit - Cajun Quinn
- geekchick - Tangled up in blue
- geekgrrl - :o)
- gekko - Fear the Cute Ones
- ghost_ - Waking Dead
- girly - *
- glitterdemon - subliminally inept
- goat - Lizzy Goat
- goldberry - Goldberry
- greeklady - Jenani
- greg - gregish [郝冠名]
- gucky - A.C. Peterson
- hadaverde - Faye Green
- hallie - hallie
- hamdog - Forrest "Hamdog" Gump
- harmast - Miss Manners
- highone - HighOne
- hilarykay - Hilary
- holomos - Holomos
- hopeless - ♡ Renèe ♡
- hysterium - Hysterium
- icicle - .·:*¨¨* :·.Carisa.·:*¨¨* :·.
- idoru - [shauna]
- ifurita - Ravi
- indigo - fabric pirate-goddess thing
- insomniel - Princess Tracy
- irridia - Ken.
- jace - Kiran Jonnalagadda
- jadedmuse - Cerise
- jaebird - Gummi Worm
- javamental - JavaElemental
- jax - Jackie
- jaywalk - Jayson
- jazzfish - Tucker
- jeni - /dev/chyk
- jennylee - I like cheese
- jeremiah - Jeremy
- jetstream - Geoffrey (Jetstream) Walter
- jfusion - Joe Fusion
- jnoxenet - Jewel Noxenet
- jokeshart - JokersHart
- jon4009 - Jon Grant
- joriel - Joriel
- jspelbring - Jon Spelbring
- jude - 22-year-old Existential Crisis on Wheels
- judestar - My own worst enemy..
- juliet37 - Juliet
- juujinkan - Juujinkan
- k4r3n - K4r3n
- kamalloy - Kate Malloy
- karawynn - karawynn
- karren - Sidhe
- katen - Katherine Nabity
- katgolightly - katgolightly
- kayeanne15 - Kate
- kayin - The Nethack Samurai
- kelfa - Kelfa Panew
- kellygrape - Kelly Anne
- keric - The Hamster O' DOOM
- keshara - Fireweaver
- kessie - Ria
- kestrel - Mandy
- khariyah - Oracle
- killshimself - X
- kleopackedra - Kleo~PackEd~ra
- koani - Koani
- krow - Brian "Krow" Aker
- ktnb - Living in the Sweet Hereafter
- ladybast - mahasoor
- ladyoftheocean - Mia
- layn - Laynie
- ldy - She's got a lemon, and she's not afraid to use it
- leahdawn - Leah
- leanan - Leanan Catastro-Fae
- lefin1 - Duane
- legolas - Legolas
- lesleyx - lesley or cassie blake from night world
- lian - Lian
- lillquim - Seed of Satan
- lilmorbid - Lilmorbid
- lina - Lina
- linseykathleen - The Lins-E-Nator
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- literaltruth - Iain
- littledeath - Little Death
- littlegirl - not-so-shy violet
- llawred - Llawred
- lokii - Forgive me Father, for I am Sin...
- lori - Lori
- lostartist - scott
- luminosity - Luminosity
- lurichan - Amber
- lurker - Devin
- lyssrose - uber-geek chick
- m00nbaby - M00nB@by
- macropixi - Pixi
- majestic - Majestic Angel
- maleficence - Maleficence
- maltor - John Banker
- maryeve - *
- mathewg - Mathew
- matuas - Matuas
- mawychick - Mawy
- maxerg - Calamity Annie
- mazarian - Mazarian
- medlir - Rick
- meester_gone - Brian
- melancholia - ~Psyche~
- melodysk - Bitch Queen from Hell
- mentalguy - MenTaLguY
- merrily - Merrily
- midnight - midnight
- migoto - Migoto
- mikkali - One
- miltendimitri - Tainted Dreams
- minerva - minerva
- misscookiecrumb - little killjoy
- miyu - Lilith
- mokie - mokie
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- mongo - Ratanak Lun
- moonbeam - ~*ashley*~
- moondog - Your Own Personal Jesus
- moonshine - ryan
- moosegrl42 - Elly
- moraxian - Moraxian Agrianopoulis
- morbidart - Morbid Art
- morlock - Dueling Wits
- mrmike - Mike
- mrpuzuzu - Neil
- multifacetsflux - L. Jewell
- murky - that kit girl
- mystra - Lorie
- n5iln - Stranger in a strange mind
- nalidolly - Annalisa
- namaste21 - Namaste
- nameless - Nameless
- nanali - Leilani
- nancymccoyhicks - *Bing bing BING* Just Bouncing Off Wall's
- nani - Nani
- nentikobe - Nentikobe
- nephthys - nephthys
- neptune - Chilaou
- neville - Neville Longbottom
- ngb2k - Norbert
- nichi - nichi
- nidoking - Nidoking
- nomilomi - Nomi Jade
- nooz17 - cold.
- nuala - Dreaming Girl
- number42 - Dan Traut
- nutshell - I'm Just A Girl
- nynaeve80 - Akilah Williams
- ojuice - Brad
- olias - Thom
- over - nicky
- oz - Oz
- patricks - Patrick
- paulcurtis - PaulCurtis
- peneli - Alien Booknose Peneli
- pier777 - Pier777
- piman - Joe Wreschnig
- pixichik - Lia
- platypus - el diablo robotico
- plur - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect
- pnh - Patrick Nielsen Hayden
- poeticdragon - Claire Fox
- psychohosebeast - Jason
- pug - Pug
- purplecleo - Jenevieve
- purpleprimate - Purple Primate
- putchar - putchar
- queensuzy - Suzy
- quest - Quest
- quietkarma - Simple Male
- quipper - Little Miss Gun to a Knife Fight
- radu - Radu Valteros
- ragdoll - Ill Tempered Sea Bass
- raindragon - The Unworthy
- rainwolf - Rainwolf
- raion - Raion Wilson
- randomzen - Random Zen
- ranilop - $upeRmaLe
- rare - Sean
- rdream - urdream
- reality - .'. Reality Bliss Angel .'.
- rebequa - Re'bequa
- redglasses - James Johnson
- rhicat - Rhiannon
- ripley - Nate ripley
- rubeus - Rubeus
- rynumber3 - Ryanne Thomas
- salinthos - The Guardian of Hope
- sarahemm - SarahEmm
- sargeabernathy - Sarge Abernathy
- sariah - sariah
- sasori - Sasori
- satyr - The Wild Satyr
- saurid - Ryu Kurai
- scotts - Scott S.
- sdn - sdn
- seadragon1066 - Wanderer
- seang77 - seang77
- seaofsin - Manda
- seraphsong - Amelia
- serena81 - Serena
- shadowdream - ShadowDream
- shadowrose - Michelle
- shadowsong - shadowsong
- shannonrc - omgwtfpwned4tehwin
- shardsofsilver - delusions of candor
- sharoane - My life is an exercise in inertia
- sheehan - Scott Sheehan
- sherrasama - Ha'ou Shogun Sherra
- shingkhor - Shing K.
- silentnights - -=SilentNights=-
- silveroak - SilverOak
- siren_noda - Siren
- sixshadows - sixshadows
- skar - Christopher S'Kar
- skobo - Skobo
- sleeplessddt - Ask.
- sleepytreedrago - SleepyTreeDragon
- slmssc - Willow Slmssc
- smallflower - Laura
- smurfysmiles - Toothpaste
- snapdragon908 - Ali
- sns - _-ArchAngel-_
- solitary - Jessica
- sorcha - Sorcha ní gCeallagháin
- sorchawench - The Monster Under Your Bed
- soulstorage - Lisolette
- spadix - Aly
- spectre - Spectre
- speedball - Kurt Onstad
- spudgirl - Xanne
- sqrfruit - Kate
- stonetable - Adam Israel
- stormcrowley - Insomnia with a smile
- stormdragon2 - Stormdragon2
- stryder - Is something b0rked????
- sturm - [n]
- sunspot - Tobias Reynolds
- suraklin - Suraklin
- sweetcharity - charité
- sylph - The whispers inside my head
- sylvan - Silly Satyr
- sylvie - somesylvie
- syrius - A World Away...
- taerin - taerin
- talmanes - Jess Hart
- tarlia - cheap shots girl
- tashari - Tashari
- tenketsu - Matt
- tennille - Miss Neilly
- tenshi - Tenshi
- terimom - Teri
- tharian - Tharian Shadeson
- tharyn - listless dreamer
- thehangedman - The Hanged Man
- thenike - Jim
- theronin - The Ronin
- thetbear - The One and Only T-Bear
- thomascovenant - ThomasCovenant
- thoth - Joshua
- thumbeline - Two cats in a handbasket
- tiegra - Tiegra
- tifa - Tifa { ♥ } Lockheart
- tigerphoenix - Darkness
- timepiece - timepiece
- timorene - Archmage Nat
- tinjuko - Phillip
- tk7602 - Trooper TK-7602, aka "brian"
- tobi - innocence redefined
- tom - Fuckface
- tommyx - Tommy
- topher - Christopher Cashell
- tragikrabbit - ? z ?
- twilightsm - Twilightsm
- two46oh1 - David
- twopence - Laura
- txkink - TXKink
- unseelie - Richard's Web Persona
- usagi - Usagi
- utopia - owen
- veil - Daughter of the Dreaming
- vettybird - Vetty
- viruz - Ian
- voice - Blue Scaly Reptile
- vwl - The Boss to Surpass Big Boss Himself
- vyxn - The Devil's Advocate
- warder - Timothy Davis
- weirdbard - Weirdbard
- wendyshea - Wendy
- werewolf - the carrier of wounds
- weswilson - Wes Wilson
- whispergrrl - whispergrrl
- wiccakid - Mel Mush
- williamfuqua - William Fuqua
- willow - amRy
- wily - evilKAT
- wolfcat - Ky
- wolfdreamer - Danny
- wolve02 - Jess
- wordsmith9 - Zwielicht Farfalla
- wulfmadchen - Molly
- wyndwyck - Wyndwyck
- xghettochyldx - miss conception
- xmystique - Allison
- yuki - yuki
- zahra - Zahra
- zeblith - Jake / Kiyoshi / Aquilino
- zgambitx - z
- zhaneel - Zhaneel Gryphon
- zippy_the_eel - A penguin, raised by eels
- zombie_bites - zombie_bites
- zooi - Hijinks Ahead
- zuma - Zuma