Interests: | 129: 0ld sk3wl, aleister crowley, anime, art, astrology, bed, big k soda, bitching, blondie, bltc, blue velvet, breaks, cars, cheese, church of the subgenius, conspiracy, david lynch, decoder, dinobots, discordianism, driving around aimlessly, drum and bass, dryer lint, dub plate pressure, ducks, dvds, egyptology, electronica, emotional torment, enlightenment, eurotrash, evil, eye of ra, fallout, fat bottomed girls, fear, flux, fly honayz, functional insanity, funk, george carlin, glasses, guns, hooliganism, hot dogs on friday, hunter s thompson, irvine welsh, je ne sais quoi, juice, led zeppelin, lemurs, lust, mad max beyond thunderdome, metaphysics, mixtapes, mmorpgs, morrissey, mp3s, music, neurochemistry, new order, ninjas, nocturnal emissions, nukes, oldies, omghothot, omgwtf, opp, oral sex, over the counter stimulants, pain, pc games, pet shop boys, photography, pisces, pop psychology, pr0n, premature exaggeration, psychedelia, pulp, quantum physics, radiohead, raves, robert crumb, rolling, rules of thumb, samurai, sarcasm, self-destruction, sex, shrooms, sifl n olly, sighing wistfully, smashing pumpkins, sniggity snacks, stephen king, stuff, suicidal tendencies, synaethesia, synchronicities, tactile sensations, taking tests, tantra, tarantino, tarot, technical itch, telepathy, the beatles, the cure, the doors, the misfits, the ramones, the smiths, the sundays, trance, twin peaks, underworld, unf, urban decay, urban legends, water, ween, weightlifting, whining, winning the lottery, wistfully sighing, woodchuck cider, ww2, zen. [Modify yours] |