Jennifer ([info]nascargirl8_24) wrote in [info]loveandlust,
@ 2004-04-11 00:25:00
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Ok there is this guy that I have been sleeping with for like 4 months now. He says we are going out, but I don't think so. We have never did anything but have sex. I have been thinking that he has a real girlfriend that I don't know about. I met him online but we found out we go to the same college. He doesn't live here so it can be true. I never asked him and In kinda don't care cause I only want to have sex with him. I told him that too. He didn't really like that I said that, but its true. He acts like a jerk. The only reason I like him is because he is hot. How can I find out if he really has a gf and how can I stop lusting over him? What you think this guy really wants from me?

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2004-04-18 23:02 (link)
If you only want him as a sex toy, so to speak, then why do you care if he has a girlfriend. And if your scruples mean that much to you, all you have to do is ask. Simple as that. If he does have a girlfriend, then just leave him. If sex is all he really is to you, it won't be that hard, will it?

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2004-05-29 20:49 (link)
wOW...we have almost the exact same situation. In the end, I found out he was married. But I always told him I only liked him for the sex, but deep down I had feelings for him..even tho I wouldn't admit it.

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2004-05-30 01:52 (link)
That sucks! Well at least you made it clear to him even though you did like him.

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2004-06-21 19:28 (link)
come join [info]relationships_

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2004-09-13 16:41 (link)
Obviously u like him bc if u didnt then u wouldnt want to know if he has a gf, and u should check him out bf u let him get in ur pants, thats nasty u only have sex with him bc hes hot , hes using u for a FUCK BUDDY get with the picture. Try to go out and find someone ur interested in and ull forget about them. Youll have to ask his friends or go out and spy on him i duno what else to tell u . This guy ONLY WANTS SEX FROM YOU.

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