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Jun. 7th, 2004 @ 06:09 pm

$40 for Lollapalooza tickets for ONE DAY!!!!!!!!! That is so not worth it for the three bands I want to see. Geez. Here I was expecting it to be around $25!

It would probably be packed with obnoxious teenagers anyway. Argh. :-X
Mood: annoyed
Music: Sarge - The End of July

Jun. 7th, 2004 @ 03:51 pm
oxrandyyxo's LJ stalker is mix_a_lot!
mix_a_lot is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com


I forgot to mention in my earlier post that Melissa, Joyce (Melissa's younger sister) and I saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on Saturday night. We all came to the conclusion that it was bad, very very bad. It seemed almost as if they made up the majority of the movie. I wonder if the director/screenwriter ever read the book. I am also curious as to whether or not JK had any important part in the making of the movie. Perhaps she made sure it was terrible so people would read the book lol. But yes, it was so bad that it wasn't even funny (like Van Helsing). It's sad that not even the core characters (Harry, Ron and Hermione) acted as they did in the book. Oh well. I guess I will just wait for the fourth movie (to suck).

Jun. 7th, 2004 @ 12:54 pm
This weekend was sooo nice :) It's kind of weird how I came back from Pgh last weekend and was really depressed, but I'm in the complete opposite mood right now.

Melissa's party was a tad awkward, but I got to see people I haven't seen in forever, namely Steph, Derek, and Jen! yay!

Last night after the party, Melissa and I ate lots of ice cream and watched "Love Actually". The movie was not good, but not bad... it was.. interesting.

Anyhoo, this weekend was excellent and I can't wait to go back (in a week and a half lol)!

Nicole is coming tonight so I have to go clean (after a nap, of course)
Mood: content

Jun. 4th, 2004 @ 06:50 pm
Today was a good day :) We finished all of our shipment at work, my mom bought me a fun chair from the Pottery Barn Teen catalogue, and I found out that I got a spot in a seminar at school that I was really hoping for. So yay!!

Nicole saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban yesterday and called me to tell me how terrible it was. I'm still going to see it, but at least now I know not to get my hopes up haha. That really sucks though, because PoA is my favorite book of the series and she said they completely ruined it. This is why, when adapting books to movies, they should actually FOLLOW the book instead of simply making the movie a showcase for really bad CGI. I've ranted about this before... but it begs repeating: CGI IS BAD! CGI CHARACTERS ARE VERY VERY VERY BAD. Unless you are going to CGI an entire movie (such as 'Finding Nemo'), DON'T BOTHER.

So overall today was a good day! Tomorrow I go to work and then leave for Pittsburgh... again lol! Yay!
Mood: bouncy

Jun. 2nd, 2004 @ 06:04 pm
AOL sucks! I had a moment of stupidity and downloaded AOL 9.0 SE and now it freezes after 5 mins of use lol.

I have a summer reading assignment! I have to read "Cold Mountain" by Charles Frazier. Has anyone read it? It seems to be very boring. I really have no interest in the civil war whatsoever. I really want to avoid watching the movie because... well, most movies based on books really suck.

Anyway, nothing else to report.
Mood: sleepy

Jun. 1st, 2004 @ 02:33 pm
We didn't really sell any copies of Anna Karenina today which is VERY surprising. Usually after Oprah announces her new book we get a ton of people asking for it. Maybe people are discouraged by the length of the book :-/ It's kinda weird how my entire opinion of the book club has changed. I really think it's great that Oprah is getting people to read.. and read GOOD books. It's awesome that she has the power to inspire people to expand their horizons.

I got my monthly gift card today and bought the new David Sedaris book "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" (which is HILARIOUS so far... I read some every chance I got at work), season 1 of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", and "Anna Karenina" because I would really hate to have to keep signing it out in two week increments for the rest of the summer lol. I've been reading it for 2 weeks and am only on book 2, chapter 15 (out of book 8, chapter 30something).

I went out to my car to find a note stuck on the windshield from someone. The note said "you're cute" (yay, finally someone that has written me a note that knows the difference between YOU'RE and YOUR) and had an email address lol. I'm assuming it is from one of the people that was working in the mall early this morning (not sure what exactly was going on, but there were lots of young abercrombie-employee-looking people going in to the mall as I was walking in to Borders. Weird. This is the second time in my life I have gotten a "you're cute" note and I kind of wish people could be more creative, but beggars can't be choosers. I'm not sure if I will email the person, but then again that's just me being dumb and picky (as well as a scaredy-cat).

It's kind of weird that this happened after this weekend and the unsettling of my mind because of the presence of ONE person. Argh. But I should focus on the fact that this weekend was fun (because we did have fun) instead of focusing on things that were beyond my control.

Anyhoo I need food.
Mood: confused

May. 31st, 2004 @ 08:25 pm
I just got the "we don't understand why you want to move out" lecture.

I feel like being incredibly selfish and just leaving. Getting in my car and going somewhere for the rest of the summer.

Don't understand? Sure you don't.

I've had enough of this ride, I'd like to get off.
Mood: blah

May. 31st, 2004 @ 04:50 pm
I've spent my entire day wallowing. It's been rainy and gross all day and I just could not get my mood up.

Oprah is about to announce that her new book club book is Anna Karenina. Creepy lol. We opened a box last week that was labeled "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE JUNE 1ST" and it turned out to be full of Oprah's new book club selection lol. ;) So of course everyone was making fun of me because I have been reading Anna Karenina.. apparently I am Oprah's bitch. Whatever.

Back to wallowing and eating icecream.

May. 30th, 2004 @ 10:01 pm
Tabi's wedding was most excellent! We had lots of fun dancing like we were in some cheesey 60's mod musical. I didn't really get to hang out with everyone except at the wedding which kinda sucked, but I knew that going into it.

The most surprising thing about the wedding was the presence of a person whom I haven't seen in 5 years, and that I really could have lived without seeing. It's not that I don't like this person (in fact it's the complete opposite), it's more so that it brought up really uncomfortable things that I haven't felt the need to deal with yet. Perhaps more on that later.

and here I will ramble on about my thoughts this weekend )
Mood: blank

May. 27th, 2004 @ 04:07 pm
Yay for new icons!

For those of you that don't know, this is the scariest looking man on earth, Abu Hamza al-Masri!

Where are the Fab 5 when we need them?
Mood: amused

May. 27th, 2004 @ 03:48 pm
I shouldn't be annoyed by this because I am really not surprised. There's a guy who is suing the Atkins company because the diet clogged his arteries. HELLO?!?!?!?! Are you really that stupid? Of COURSE it clogged your arteries! You dumb shit. What is with these people on this diet that they think that the book is the new bible? Atkins is not good for you, regardless of what bullshit answer anyone can come up with.. when you eat that much meat and protein and crap it's obviously going to cause you serious medical problems. I think the dude that is suing should just... argh. People like this make me want to scream. You weren't forced to be on this diet, you chose to be on the diet therefor you must accept responsibility for whatever the diet may do to you. 1...2....3....4....5.. okay, better now.

In other news I found something to wear to the wedding AND I was granted admission to the University of Maryland College Park! I won't be going there, but it's always nice to feel wanted. I still haven't heard from UMBC about orientation. I sent in my stuff 3 weeks ago. Hmm. I'll give it one more week and then I will call them.

Anyhoo, I have stuff to do before tomorrow. I really MUST get in touch with Kirstin because if I don't I will have nowhere to stay lol.
Mood: aggravated

May. 25th, 2004 @ 10:07 pm
Whenever I have to buy clothes for an event or the like is when I feel the worst about myself. Yuck. I went to the mall with Sarah and Josh and just couldn't find anything. I wasn't really in the mood to buy anything, I guess. On the way back to Sarah & Josh's the rain was REALLY REALLY BAD so I decided to hang out for a little while. We ended up watching American Idol (I feel sooooo dirty) and hating Fantasia or whatever her name is. What a stupid fucking show. :-X

Anyway, so we decided to be on a mission to get the cute chubby girl to win. We called the number 10934029735982754 times. lol!

Other than that nothing is really going on. I am sitting here waiting to hear from Kirstin.

I still have to buy clothes. Maybe I can buy a new body while I'm at it.
Mood: blah

May. 25th, 2004 @ 02:45 pm
The Iraqi abuse scandal has gotten out of hand. I can honestly see the reasoning behind every argument out there. Part of my thinks "who cares" and the other part of me is completely disgusted. Maybe it's just because I don't get it. I, personally, don't see the purpose of all of this insanity. It sounds very naive and stupid to say it, but why does this always have to be so difficult? What is wrong with people? We, as a race, are self-destructing. Sometimes it would be nicer if whatever divine or evolutionary force created us would have just made us mindless drones unable to think for ourselves. It is so frustrating! We are maiming the Iraqis for torturing each other because of a series of events that are have now spun out of control.

It would be really nice to be able to blame someone for it. It's just not that easy. This 9/11 inquiry is a waste of money and time. This is the situation we find ourselves in and what needs to be done is to come to a conclusion that will not only solve the current problem, but not cause problems further down the line. I can't say whether this war is over greed or morality... no one can except the people who are making the decisions. I'm sick of people making the assumptions and running with them as if they are fact. I, obviously, do not have the answers and it makes me mad. I always overanalyze everything until I come up with an answer or, at the very least, an explanation. I am at a loss for either. It makes sense only in that it makes no sense.

But I suppose this is life. People have been pondering these same questions since the beginning of time. The worst part about it is that there really is no hope. I know that sounds cynical, but it seems to be getting more and more true. I wish I could believe in G.W.'s God. He continuously talks about hope and how it still exists. Unfortunately I don't have that luxury and I'm becomming bitter.

BAH! I apologize for the negativity, but this is on my mind at the moment.
Mood: cynical

May. 24th, 2004 @ 11:24 pm
I just watched the G.W.Bush press conference on CSPAN and they are now airing public reactions. Every person that is supporting the president has blamed the media in some way. They claim that the mass media calls Bush a liar etc. Well, I don't really watch the news much (because it makes me angry), but I have never seen any news program on which Bush was called a liar. At least come up with a good excuse for supporting him and not blaming the media for its portrayal of him. I mean, these are probably the same people that got a thrill out of watching the media bash Clinton. Give me a break!

Besides, everyone knows that Bush is not the problem. The people that control him are the problem. Maybe we need a coup! I'm all for a coup.

It's actually kind of funny to listen to this program and hear the rednecks try to form complete sentences. Drunken rambling about protecting their families from the evil towelheads that will come to the US and eat their children.

I'm sorry, I really don't see how fighting in this war is protecting America. If one more military person tells me that I will scream. Protecting my freedoms? From who? Perhaps you should be protecting me from my own government.

May. 24th, 2004 @ 01:47 pm
Dialogue from Seinfeld, updated to reflect an incident which occurred earlier today:

Jerry: What's the matter with you?

Me: Nothing, except that a CICADA flew in to my GIANT FREAK HEAD.


I was sitting in front of Arundel Mills mall, waiting for my sister to arrive (we meet for lunch on Mondays) and as I was sitting on a bench a cicada came from nowhere and flew directly in to my head. The cicada fell to the ground and wiggled around before dying. Wow. lol.

I'm not sure if they are getting bolder or something.. but today the cicadas are EVERYWHERE! They are like little kamikaze alien bugs!

Anyway, I'm off to visit Julie armed with presents! YAY!
Mood: dorky

May. 23rd, 2004 @ 03:41 pm
Quote of the day:

(in reference to Toby Keith's song 'Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue')

"When actually, the American way would be to make the boot really cool and then sell it to you"

I don't remember who said it, but it was just on VH1 where they are talking about the most awesomely bad songs ever.
Mood: amused

May. 23rd, 2004 @ 03:26 pm
Oh my god.

There is a show on public access right now on which three black men are talking about how the "white image of jesus" is really satan. It's a bit scary, if you ask me. In order to prove their argument, they are jumping through the bible reading verses. That's the great thing about the bible... you can read it any way you want and come up with whatever you want.


I am addicted to Unreal Tournament 2004. I downloaded the demo yesterday and I cannot stop playing it! I've never played a video game over the internet with others and I am finding that it is much more fun that single player stuff.

I suppose I should get away from the computer for a little while because my eyes hurt.

May. 22nd, 2004 @ 02:31 pm
An excerpt from David Sedaris's new book 'Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim'.

Hilarious! I can't wait for that book to come out!

Work was pretty uneventful today.

Next week is Tabi's wedding and I have yet to find anything to wear! Hopefully I will be at a table with people I know, because if not I will be sooooooooo uncomfortable. Would it be rude to bring a book?

Anyhoo... perhaps it's time to take a nap or read or something.

Oh yes, I must also mention that THE CICADAS ARE DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could the noise they make BE any louder? Not even the tree frogs make this much noise!
Mood: crazy

May. 21st, 2004 @ 09:49 pm

'Anna Karenina' is going well. The beginning was really not fun, but now that things are really HAPPENING, it is quite enjoyable.

Today after work I watched 'Iris', the movie about Iris Murdoch starring Judi Dench. I think that movie was made simply to depress because I felt like crying throughout the entire movie. Yikes.

Anyhoo, I am VERY tired and need to go to bed.
Mood: tired

Suit!May. 18th, 2004 @ 09:58 pm
Who wants to give me $276 for this awesome suit? I am now officially freaking out over what to wear to Tabi's wedding! ARGH!

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