.·:*¨Razor¨*:·..·:*¨Dreams¨*:·. [entries|friends|calendar]

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[16 Jun 2004|12:38pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | clutch.careful w/that mic ]

pics from last night..

perfect lines )

8 | Say What?

The introduction [15 Jun 2004|09:36pm]

[ mood | mehh ]
[ music | none ]

01. Whats your name? Amanda
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 16, 12-15, and colorado
03. Form of SI?: cutting, biting, burning, scratching, pulling hair, interference with healing, snapping rubber bands on my wrists (leaves cool arse bruises), all that good stuff
04. Why do you SI?: usually i do when i'm mad or sad cause it gets rid of those feelings and makes me feel better
05. When was your first time? What did you use? september 19. the very first time was a saftey pin
06. Where do you most often SI? used to be my arms, now it's my hips
07. What do you use? razors i stole from the bio room. if not available i have other things.
08. Do you hide it? yes and it surprisingly works very well
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? no cause i do it in my bathroom
10. Anyone know? Want them to? lots of people (stupid bitch that can't keep secrets). and a few cause they do it, too, so we can talk about it
11. Eating Disorders? rumors of it. i don't eat a lot just cause i'm not ever hungry. i've only tried to throw up a few times. didn't work cause i didn't have anything in me.
12. Mental Disorders? none diagnosed
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? i'd ask about it. some of the stuff on this survey. when, why, etc.
14. Thank you for filling this out no prob

Say What?

[15 Jun 2004|11:07pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]

01. Whats your name? Mandy
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 18, January 22nd 1986, Gloucester,NJ
03. Form of SI?: Cutting,Burning,Hair Pulling,Anything.
04. Why do you SI?: I don't really know..It's been so long. Just basically,to inflict physical pain,to hide the emotional pain
05. When was your first time? What did you use? god..umm...abt 4 yrs ago..exacto knife
06. Where do you most often SI? wrists,arms,stomach,legs,neck,ankle
07. What do you use? anything i can get my hands on
08. Do you hide it? sometimes i try to
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? not really
10. Anyone know? haha..like everyone
11. Eating Disorders? i tried to stop eating and succeded 3 months
12. Mental Disorders? Depression/Borderline Personality Disorder
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? I just would talk to her,I don't want her to end up like me. A suicidal depressed lunatic.There's other ways,don't get sucked in.
14.last time cut? 2 hours ago
15.where,and how many cuts? thighs-57 on each thigh,arms-one on right,9 on left.Stomach,32.
16.care to share? I'll post pics.later. Maybe.

Say What?

[15 Jun 2004|01:32pm]

01. Whats your name? Ashleigh
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 16, 8-26, + Minnesota
03. Form of SI?: Cutting, burning, erasing... etc
04. Why do you SI?: Gives me a clean feeling
05. When was your first time? What did you use? First time was when I was about 6, and I just took a kitchen knife and sliced my arm...
06. Where do you most often SI? Arms, legs, ribcage, neck, back... anywhere
07. What do you use? Anything with a somewhat sharp edge.
08. Do you hide it? For a few hours
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? Sometimes
10. Anyone know? Want them to? Yep, and I don't really care
11. Eating Disorders? Anorexia
12. Mental Disorders? Depression
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? I cry... \:
14. Thank you for filling this out ^,^
Say What?

newbie [15 Jun 2004|02:16am]

[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Marilyn Manson-Dope Show ]

01. Whats your name? katy
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 14, july 23rd 1989, naples
03. Form of SI?: emotional teardowns, cutting with pencils, pens, nails, my nails, and just about any sharp object i could find
04. Why do you SI?: because i hate myself and i deserve to die
05. When was your first time? What did you use? february 2003, knives
06. Where do you most often SI? wrists and my mind
07. What do you use? anything i can get my hands on and emotional cut downs
08. Do you hide it? sometimes i try to
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? most the time
10. Anyone know? Want them to? my best friend is the only person who knows
11. Eating Disorders? i tried to stop eating and succeded 3 months
12. Mental Disorders? uh...i like to beat myself up on the inside
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? i have and i freaked out because it was at a time that i didn't si and i didn't want anyone else to turn out like me so i didn't want her to

Say What?

newbie [15 Jun 2004|02:15am]

[ mood | semi-depressed ]
[ music | metallica (i dunno...it's on t.v. and i didn't catch title) ]

01. Whats your name? Caitie
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 14, march 20th 1990, florida
03. Form of SI?: cutting, biting, slapping
04. Why do you SI?: depression, i'm fat ugly, stupid....
05. When was your first time? What did you use? around september a razor blade from a razor
06. Where do you most often SI? bottom of forearms...wrists
07. What do you use? razor blades from razors not used to shave with
08. Do you hide it? yes....i try to very well
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? yes....but it's always on
10. Anyone know? Want them to? yes....katy....no....i like to hide it
11. Eating Disorders? close to anorexic until 2 friends forced me to eat 2 huge slices of pizza...tried bulemia but there was nothing to throw up on both tries
12. Mental Disorders?
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? uh.....i'd ask why and ask to see them...wanting to know how deep.....
14. Thank you for filling this out ^,^

Say What?

[14 Jun 2004|10:51pm]

[ music | dashboard confessional ]


01. Whats your name?  Sara
02. Age, Birthday, and Local?  14 - january 19- california
03. Form of SI?: cutting
04. Why do you SI?: to lessen the emotional pain, and turn it into physical
05. When was your first time? What did you use? January 19, 200l. I woke up and it was my 11th birthday, i woke up and went into my parents room and said hi to my mom.. she started yelling for no good reason tellin me she wished i was never born. I went in to the bathroom went into her makeup bag and took her little scissors thingys and used that.
06. Where do you most often SI?  mostly anywhere on either arm, and soemtimes my stomach
07. What do you use? razorblades, scissors, whatever i can find at the moment when i need it
08. Do you hide it? depends on where i am.
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? sometimes.
10. Anyone know? Want them to?well i guess everyone knows since the teacher saw it in the lockerroom and told the counselor who told my teachers and parents, and eventually the whole school found out somehow.. =/
11. Eating Disorders? I was bulemic and still sorta am, but they stuck me inside the mental hospital for that too and now i have to take medicine for that.
12. Mental Disorders?  yes.
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? both my best friends do it, one of them found out about it through me and then started, and the other one has been doing it about as long as me.
14. Thank you for filling this out ^,^  you're welcome ma'am

Say What?

[14 Jun 2004|11:16pm]

When I cut I don't feel anything either.I use to use a blade from a razor that I broke with a hammer.It wass small and flimsy but it fut deeper than my boxcutter.The other night I took the razor and broke it in half.I threw it away....I still have the urge to cut when I'm upset but I fight it like a smoker ya know.I stop to let my arm heel.All my cuts are under my many bracelets.I hide it.I don't want anyone to know because I'm scared they'll either 1) tell my Mom 2) tell alot of people and the world will think I'm more of a freak then they already do and 3) it's weird but I'm scared and try and help me.I don't want people to care about me and I don't want them to help me.I can do that myself....
Say What?

[14 Jun 2004|08:21pm]

[ mood | creative ]

lovemychucks )

right leg scars

Say What?

[14 Jun 2004|05:20pm]


01. Whats your name?

02. Age, Birthday, and Local?
15 / 13.09. / germany

03. Form of SI?:

04. Why do you SI?:
just a little help for my mind

05. When was your first time? What did you use?
october (i think it was the 9th) 2002, razorblade

06. Where do you most often SI?
inside & outside left & right arm

07. What do you use?

08. Do you hide it?
mh, no

09. Do you listen to music while you SI?
no, i look tv (sometimes)

10. Anyone know? Want them to?
everybody who knows me

11. Eating Disorders?

12. Mental Disorders?
"just" cutting

13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend?
mh i would feel disappointed and guilty...

14. Thank you for filling this out ^,^
Say What?

[14 Jun 2004|02:03am]



Say What?

[14 Jun 2004|01:19am]

Ive really been working on quitting for a while now. I promised my best friend I would after a very emotional night, and so far its been two months. I have scars from last year that are almost faded and are lower on my leg. I was wondering if anyone had tried using the tatoo cover up stuff. I would love to be able to wear skirts this summer. So does it work?
Say What?

[13 Jun 2004|10:17pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | These walls, Trapt ]

Nicotine Addict
Pill Popping

With a depressed father
And a Workaholic mother
Always caught up
In their own dammed lives
To give i shit
But now thats over
But perhaps next time
They wont make the same mistake
But i doubt it
Maybe thats why i am the way i am
Because of you

Nicotine Addict
Pill Popping

Please post comments

1 | Say What?

[13 Jun 2004|10:09pm]

Tomorrow night, at 9 p.m. on Lifetime, there's a movie on called Painful Secrets. and its about a girl that hurts herself. just thought I'd post it if anyone was interested, I know I'll be watching it..
4 | Say What?

[12 Jun 2004|09:19pm]

[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | soil.can you heal me ]

Hello. I'm new here... well, heres my survey..

01. Whats your name? Erin
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 17, August 9th, Ohio
03. Form of SI?: cutting, sometimes burning or hitting myself
04. Why do you SI?: its my coping mechanism...and my addiction, I can get depressed, sad, suicidal for no reason and just have to hurt myself to get rid of those feelings
05. When was your first time? What did you use? my first time was over 4 years ago.. I used a gilette razorblade
06. Where do you most often SI? my arms and thighs
07. What do you use? razorblades, I usually use those bic/gilette blades you get out of those plastic shavers
08. Do you hide it? yes
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? not always
10. Anyone know? Want them to? yes and no
11. Eating Disorders? n/a
12. Mental Disorders? -shrugs- I've never been to a doctor or anything to find that out
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? ..this has happened.. I was worried she could end up like me. I talked with her about it, and she doesnt do it anymore
14. Thank you for filling this out ^,^

3 | Say What?

[11 Jun 2004|09:29pm]

Im new here is my thing )
1 | Say What?

[10 Jun 2004|02:50pm]

i think i'm finally getting the help i need, jed is great and is willing help me, it's always been hard for me to open up to people, becuz i'm always afriad i'm going to lose them.....but jed promised i wasn't gonna lose him.,,,, and i think i'm finally ready to take that chance

4 | Say What?

[10 Jun 2004|12:43am]

01. Whats your name? Brittany
02. Age, Birthday, and Local? 13, Jan. 18, London, Ky.
03. Form of SI?: Cutting
04. Why do you SI?: In my opinion it makes things better
05. When was your first time? What did you use? my first time was in the 6th grade. and i was in school and all i could find was a really sharp pencil.
06. Where do you most often SI? in my room
07. What do you use? razors whatever i can find
08. Do you hide it? do my best do
09. Do you listen to music while you SI? sometimes
10. Anyone know? Want them to? no, no
11. Eating Disorders? no
12. Mental Disorders? yeah.
13. What would you do if you found cuts on your best friend? i dont really have a best friend, but if i did i wouldn't really care
14. Thank you for filling this out ^,^
Say What?

*rubs leg* [07 Jun 2004|06:10pm]

[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | ... x silence x ... ]

Owie... I went to see Harry Potter on Friday. Well, we were going to go to the six thirty showing, but when we got there, it was already sold out. So we bought tickets for the seven thirty showing instead. On our way out to the car in the parking lot, I was just playing around and chasing Kevin. I went to go kick him really hard and he lifted up his knee to protect himself.


I was down on the pavement holding my leg for dear life. Jesus, that hurt. Now my leg's been hurting ever since. I can walk on it, it just hurts alot.

Ugghh... Hubert told me Saturday night that he wanted to sort of be my boyfriend while I'm here in Illinois visiting with my mother. I can't do that! I'm with Derek! Oye... the funny thing is, before I moved to Florida, I had the hugest crush on Hubert. Now he likes me and I can't be with him. Not that I don't love being with Derek. It's just weird timing.

Yeah, I spent Saturday night at Tiffany's. She doesn't deserve her boyfriend, Billy. He's kinda stupid but he's a really really nice guy, and she hits him and degrades him all the time about shit. It isn't right.

But anywho... I'm stayin this Saturday night at Bobbay's!!!! It's Liz's 18th birfday and they want me to spend the day with them. Then Saturday, they're having a sort of slumber party thing with a bunch of friends, and they want me to come. Whoo!


x Jae x

Say What?

[06 Jun 2004|06:36pm]

hi everybody!
4 | Say What?

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