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hungry |
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weezer - undone the sweater song :) |
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*YoU* 1.FULL name: chelsey lorraine H-H 2.nicknames: yelly, chels, chel, chels chels, chels bels, chel nel, chi chi, ci ci, lovemuffin, cutie, shelly, mellow yellow, and a lot more!!! 3.city and state born in: Turtle creek Pa 4.state you live in now: Oh 5.birthdate: Novemeber 3 6.astrological sign: Scorpio duh 7.school: PARMA!!! :) G0 redmen! 8.hobbies: ahhh pretty much anything fun and crazy! 9.sports that you play/enjoy: softball, cheerleading, football, soccer, basketball and track with nikki! <33 10.height: ummm 5'0 11.weight: 100 12.shoe size: 8 13.right or lefty: righty
*What....* 1. What do you think of the way you look?: could be worse.. 2. What do you think about your attitude?: could be better.. 3. What do you think about life after death?: i dont like to think about it 4. What do you think about karma?: umm sure? lol i duno 5. What do you think about love?: people our age are not mature enough to experence that type of emotion 6. What do you think about fate?: its out there 7. What do you think about your self?: i could be better, and sometimes i get angry too easily but hey i cant really help it. 8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?: fuck whateveryone else thinks. but hey i always think that. 9. What would you give your life for?: my family and SOME friends 10. What do you think about your first love?: it was antonio. and um i dont really think it was love but some people do but whatever, i miss him so much ;'( 11. What do you think about the first person that loved you?: it was proolly antonio. i miss him so much :'( 12. What are you scared of?: chucky and being alone forever and going to hell :( 13. What was the saddest moment of your life so far?: ahh way to many to recal.. umm prolly when they cancled the play i was the lead role in. 14. What would life be without friends?: well it would suck 15. Without family?: it would suck
*The Dream Side of You* 1.Do you dream a lot at night?: yeah 2.Do you dream in black and white, or color?: color 3.Do you remember any of your dreams?: yah! LOL 4.Where is your dream make out spot?: umm a bathtub.. ;) lol everyone who knos 5.What is your dream kiss like?: ahh its great :] 6.What is your dream job?: sitting on my ass raking in 100000000 dollars a second ;) 7.Where is your dream house?: in New York 8.Where is your dream vacation?: France<333 or Croatia<33 9.Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?: kinda
**DoN't Be AfRaId To DrEaM.? ThE bEsT tHiNgS cOmE tO yOu WhEn YoU dReAm!**
*Family* 1.Parents names: kim and jerry 2.Do you live with both of them?: yep 3.Any siblings? If so, names and ages: jessica 24 4.Do you get along with your siblings?: yep 5.Do you get along with your parents?: yep
*Do you...* 1.Do you write in a journal or diary?: yep 2.Do you keep an organizer?: yep 3.Do you believe in love at first sight?: kinda 4.Do you believe that every person has one soul mate: NO!!!!!!!! 5.Do you believe in god?: YES!!!!!!!!!!! 6.Do you believe in everyone (even the beyond helpless)?: sorta 7.Do you believe in having a good education?: hell yeah 8.Do you believe in horoscopes?: yeah sometimes 9.Do you believe in yourself?: more than anything else i think. 10.Do you shower daily?: yeah lol im not smelly ass crotch fish bitch! lol 11.Do you like this survey so far?: no! 12.Do you like the person that sent you this?: i got it off a site 13.Do you cry easily?: not anymore but sometimes for no reason 14.Do you believe in Heaven?: yeha 15.Do you believe in hell?: yeah 16.Do you believe in reincarnation?: Uh no
*Favorites* 1.favorite day of the week: friday!! theres usually a party to go to 2.favorite ice-cream: neopolitan :) me and tonios ice cream!!! 3.favorite movies: cruel intentions and virgins suicides 4.favorite actors: ryan phillippe 5.favorite actresses: reese witherspoon 6.favorite quote: its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. 7.favorite songs: in too deep by sum41 and nice and slow by usher! god this song reminds me so much of seventh grade! i miss seventh grade so fucking much!! 8.favorite music groups: comix!! johnnys band<3 umm sum41 linkin park gc 3eb blink 311 nfg MXPX!!! 9.favorite music singers: ahh i dono? YOUR MOM!!! 10.favorite holiday: x mas 11.favorite season: winter 12.favorite colors: pink and blueeeeee 13.favorite flowers: white roses 14.favorite book: life in the fat lane and jays journal 15.favorite school subject: history
*When you hear ___ you think of..* 1.Baseball: bat 2.Jeff: hurt :'( ahhhh make me all sad now! I MISS FUCKING SEVENTH GRADE! TAKE ME BACK TO FUCKING SEVENTH GRADE!! 3.Dog: baby 4.Warm apple pie: fucking.. 5.Socks: pink! 6.Fish: krissy.. LOL 7.Nail: s? 8.Amanda: stealing 9.Swimming: hannah 10.Bologna: eww 11.Giant Eagle: pa 12.A nun: skool 13.The # 69: andy! lol 14.School: parma
*Friendships* 1.Who is your overall~* top of the line~* best friend?: i have more than one but i guess lacy :) 2.Who is your 2nd best friend?: nina 3.Who is your 3rd best friend?: ashley 4.Who is your 4th best friend?: bridgette 5.If there are anymore, you can list them here: sarah liz nikki kayla
WHICH OF YOUR FRIENDS... 6.Is the funniest: andy!!! 7.Do you tell your dreams to: andy and ashley 8.Do you tell your fears to: ashley ;] 9.Do you go to for advice: ashley and bridgette and nina 10.Have you dreamt about: jason and me and ashley and andy in a bathtub lol 11.Knows everything about you: hmm lacy or kayla def 12.Do you tell your secrets to: kayla ashley bridgette andy even tho he usually tells, allison, nina, tara, carly 13.Is the most shy: tara 14.Is the loudest : carly!!! 15.Can't you live without: KAYLA!!!!!!!! 16.Is the most trendy: like i care.... pshhh 17.Can be the most annoying: ha easy!!! ...... 18.Lives the farthest away from you: jason and lacy 19.Lives closest to you: kayla 20.Are you most like: kayla<33
21.What do you look for in a friend?: trust and honesty and understanding
*Relationships* 1.boyfriend/girlfriend's name: ahh dont got one 2.crush: for me to know thanks. 3.where does that special someone live?: in parma 4.things you like in the opposite sex: everything ;] ;] esp happy trails! lol ashley 5.when was your first kiss: umm when i was 13 at friendlys with vic 6.are you a virgin: yep 7.the most romantic thing anyone has done for you was: bought me flowers on valentines day or told me they loved meeee 8.which is more important- personality or looks?: personality 9.first boyfriend/girlfriend: alex
*Creative Q's* 1.If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?: walk on the moon because not many people have done it and i dont wanna go on the sun and die lol. 2.What color do you think best describes you and why?: lavender because its low key color ;) 3.If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing: eating or napping or reading.. prolly reading 4.Would you ever share you heart completely with someone else? If yes- who~* if no- why not?: yes to any of my close friends, prolly onli like 4 tho 5.Which sense could you not live without, and why?:? sight because i need to see!! 6.Have you ever written on a mirror? If so what did you write?: yeah, phone numbers, so and so is a skank, umm i love whoever and a buncha other crap, kayla and chelsey bff 7.If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?: i wouldnt have worn what i wore to school today 8.Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed indoors?: cozy bed 9.What is the most beautiful thing in the world?: love <3 10.Name one person whose changed your life for the better: my mom 11.What can someone do to you that would turn you on fully- physically or mentally- or both?:? ah.. lol.. purr in my ear and umm rub(?) my leg... 12.If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?: to all my friends i love them and to everyone i love them and i was sorry for everything,. and god i love you. 13.What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood your in?: thinking about *HIM* 14.If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?: gwen S from no doubt cuz shes awsome!!! 15.And finally, what makes you you?: i have a lot of values a lot of people my age dont even think about, i think before i speak usually, i have a sence of what im usally doing, im confident, im me!!!
im hungry im going to eat..