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Friday, November 22nd, 2002

Time:4:18 pm.
Mood: drained.
After various events, deep conversations, and a large dose of sleep-deprivation, I had planned on doing a looooooooong contemplative entry...

But then I got distracted by the pretty quizzes... )
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Wednesday, November 20th, 2002

Time:3:21 am.
Mood: exhausted.
Oay, so the nap was a bad idea. Now I'm awake with nothing in particular to do...and I have to be up early (for me)...but it's for Thomas, so I'll do it and enjoy it.

As for taking care of the boredom...I decided to finally make a survey like I've been talking shit about for a's a friends list survey...

But it's late and I won't be able to finish it till prolly...Thursday or so...

I got the cleaning done that I said I'd do. Yay for being productive.

I wish I wasn't sleeping alone...
Comments: Feed me, Seymour.

Tuesday, November 19th, 2002

Time:6:09 pm.
Mood: lazy.
Music:"Photograph" Inspection 12.
So I took the inkblot test...

Corrinne, your unconscious mind is driven most by Love

Everyone has a desire to love. But your desire is rooted very deeply in your unconscious and affects many of the decisions you make in life — whether you are aware of it or not.

You have an energy about you that inspires people to experience their true feelings of love and act kindly towards others. In this way, you and your drive for loving relationships start a chain reaction of positive experiences.

The reason you are driven by love, may be because your unconscious is trying to avoid the opposite of love — hate. You, more than others, may be afraid of experiencing severe discord with others. That may, in turn, heavily influence your choices about relationships and the way you communicate your ideas, wants, and desires to others.

With such a strong orientation towards loving others, your relationships hold a very special place in your life. Your capacity to love may be greater than those around you, and therefore you may have more to give in relationships than your romantic partner does. Remember that this is a gift you have and one most others don't possess.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Love, there is much more to who you are at your core.

Hmm...interesting...pretty vague, but for what it is, I'd say it's on target...

And now for the the quiz that's scarily accurate. Freaks me out every time.

Your Existing Situation
Uneasy and insecure in the existing situation. Needs greater security and a more affectionate environment, or a situation imposing less physical strain.

Your Stress Sources
Acutely distressed by what appears as a hostile environment. Feels she is being subjected to intolerable pressure and driven against her will. Rebellious and resentful at what she considers unreasonable demands on her. but feels powerless to control the situation or protect herself in any way.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels listless, hemmed in, and anxious; considers that circumstances and forcing her to restrain her desires. Wants to avoid open conflict with others and to have peace and quiet.
Insists that her goals and realistic and sticks obstinately to them, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very exacting in the standards she applies to her choice of a partner.

Your Desired Objective
Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a situation of idealized harmony. Has an imperative need for tenderness and affection. Susceptible to anything esthetic.

Your Actual Problem
The tensions induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond her capabilities, or reserves of strength, have led to considerable anxiety and a sense of personal (but unadmitted) inadequacy. She attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as she desires them to be.

Your Actual Problem #2
Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on her resources. This feeling of powerlessness subjects her to agitation and acute distress. She attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as she desires them to be.


I should eb cleaning, but I've been fucking around ont eh computer all day, now, time to be productive...
Comments: Feed me, Seymour.

Monday, November 18th, 2002

Time:5:59 pm.
Mood: amused.
murphy59, unbeknownst to him, has provided Jen and I with a new stoner toy...

Bong Is Good For You.

I Was a Cooter Weakling.

Bet You Can't Eat Cooter.

A Different Kind Of Company. A Different Kind Of Cooter.

As you can see, the word "cooter" just doesn't get unfunny for Jen and I.

The Cooter That Eats Like A Meal.

And All Because The Lady Loves Cooter.

That's Handy, Harry! Stick It In The Cooter.

~pause~ Yup, still funny.

Please Don't Squeeze The Shlong.

You'll Look a Little Lovelier Each Day with Fabulous Pink Shlong.

~Jen and Corrinne rolling on the floor~ OH MY GAAAAAAAWD!

I Liked The Doggie Style So Much, I Bought The Company!

Don't Leave Home Without Wang.

Clunk Click, Every Fuck.

Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Mullet.

The Assbasket Of Paradise.

I'm a Secret Assbasket Drinker.

The Assbasket Bars Are On Me!

With A Name Like Assbasket, It Has To Be Good.

We'd like to thank Thomas for the idea of "assbasket".

Unzip a Cooter.

We had to go back

Fill It To The Rim With Cooter.

I'm sure no one enjoyed that like Jen and I did...but it was fun anyway...

A quiz for joo! )

I know you can't read the yellow anyway.

Thomas is here. Time to go.
Comments: 2 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Time:12:18 am.
Mood: drained.
Tomorrow starts the official go out and find a job bonanza.


So this weekend ranked amongst the...interesting.

Battle of the Bands was a skewed experience. Judges suck, Couchboy rules. Far Less won...which was passable. They're show was so comparatively low-energy that it was a disappointment in extreme. But I had a fuckin BALL. I rocked out madly and paraded an ingenius sign that Kate made:



The Couchboy Bitch Squad was in rare form. Especially the Hardcore Bitch herself. At some point we decided it would be a great idea to egg her on to moonsault off of a deck railing into a large to the police station...

She pulled it off impeccably, of course.

B-Burg to Champs for another Couchboy show where I smoked too many cigarettes and had some moments with Sarah about the super bitchiness of stupid cumbucket-whores...and the amazing lack of sense of stupid fucking cunts who need bats to the head.

Wow, that made me feel better.

Did I mention I hate dumb fucking whores?

So anyway, on to Saturday night and the 708 house in B-Burg for a hardcore show. The Harrowing was still badass as all hell, but apparently scrawny floppy puppy-eyed emo FUCKS don't like good music. They seemed to prefer the quasi-androgyny of their fellow neo-hippie pity-whores who bruise when you sneeze next to them.

So much for hardcore.

I really wish I could have stayed to see Bloodjinn, as I have yet to see them...but I finally got to meet the infamous Carter. Complete with beer can tossing...and gallavanting around Sheetz, whipping poor Thomas with Slim Jims, making obnoxious jokes and nearly losing all semblance of bladder control laughing myself retarded as Carter tried to order an MTO Cheeseburger with his forehead...truly an experience.

Combination of all factors at this point was making me that don't-let-Corrinne-near-any-breakables kind of way. Lack of communication resolved after me talking us into circles. Another experience.

Then back here where Jen smoked us all retarded in a way that only the Pot Guru/Hayzoos can...

This morning was a rude awakening and set the tone for anxiousness for both Thomas and I all day. And yet, we can still laugh together at the stupidity of the rest of the world.

And now we wrap the looooooooooooong weekend up with some quality cuddling. I have no idea how to close this entry with anything that does not sound fuck it. He is the greatest.
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Thursday, November 14th, 2002

Time:6:14 pm.
Mood: excited.
Music:Jen's on da phone.
I guess I'm not comfortable with being dependant on other people. Big shocker.

Jen said something to the effect of, "I'm living every kids dream...I get to ask 'What's for dinner?' but I get to make the rules." As long as I'm here, she has a personal cook and maid, which does go a long way towards making me feel better.

But I still need a damn job.

And I'm gonna do this, dammit.

Enough bitching. I know I sound whiney, but truth be told, I'm more deeply happy than I have been in along time. Just stressed.

Dude, Cassie showed me this link. It fuckin RULES.

I filled this survey out a long time ago..Jen did, did I decided to do it again when I saw Ang had.

1. Your living arrangements:
Right now I'm crashing on Jen's couch. I shall hopefully be back in the dorms next semester.

2. what book are you reading?
In the middle of re-reading Of Noble Birth, a skeezy romance. Always have The Tao Teh Ching handy...and about to start Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite for the five-billionth time.

3. What's on your mouse pad?
It's Jen''s red with a goomy gel wrist-thingy...

4. Your favorite board game:
I love Trivial Pursuit, Tri-Bond, Monopoly, and Clue....but the best will always be LIFE.

5. Your favorite magazine:
Maxim. Cosmo's second.

6a. Favorite smell:
Thomas, apple, pear, Plumeria, vanilla, coconut, fresh garlic, and my Mama baking.

6b. Least favorite smell:
Cat shit. Burned rice. Burning oil. Rotten vegetables.

7. Favorite sounds:
Spring rain, the ocean, and raging huge fuckin thunderstorms.

8. Worst feeling in the world?
Disappointing my loved ones.

9. What is the first thing you think of when you wakeup in the morning?
My nose itches...damn cat allergies.

10. Favorite color:
Burgundy, purple, red

11. How many rings before you answer the phone?
Two usually.

12. Name of future child?
Girls: Lilith Serene, Lydia Mirande, Chloe Allene
Boys: Kevin Michael, Karl Bradley, Tyler Damien
It also depends on who I marry, I guess. I want to stick with a lot of family names from both sides. I like traditions.

13. Most important things in life?
Family, friends, and love in general...self-worth (good one, Ang)...Integrity and honesty...being happy with yourself and your life.

14. Favorite foods?
You're in big trouble now. Peppers, onions, celery, cucumbers, porcupine meatballs, birdshit, jelly beans, crusty thick bread, thick-sliced bacon, co-jack cheese, sharp cheddar cheese, and most of all....PICKLES...dill...especially cocktail midgets.

15. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla,, dahling. Chocolate for a few days a month.

16.. Do you like to drive fast?
Hi, I'm Corrinne...have we met? YES. I have a lead foot...but I'm a paranoid driver, so I'm safe.

17. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Again, have we met? Anyone who knows me knows that I lug that ratty old stuffed dog, Frankie everywhere I sleep....I adore that thing...

18. or scary?
Lovelovelovelove em...they're amazingly beautiful...not to mention a total turn-on...

19a. what was your first car?
My Hoopty, which still sits lonely in front of my parent's house. Blue '90 Dodge Caravanminivan.

19b. Ultimate car?
2003 GMC Sierra extended cab...back with a purple racing stripe.

21. Favorite alcoholic drink
99 Apples and Cranberry Juice, 99 Berries and fruit punch, 99 Bananas and Tropical punch....are we seeing a pattern here? Oh, and Captain and Pepsi...and Jim and Jack...

22. What is your zodiac sign?
100% Gemini, baybeh.

23. Do you eat stems of broccoli?
I hate broccoli.

24. If you could have any job you wanted what would it be?
Rock star. Yesh, I am serious. Second dream job is teacher who makes a ton of money.

25. Ever been in love?
Yup. I am now.

26. Is the glass half empty or half full?
Depends on my mood, but usually half full.

27. favorite movie(s):
My Man Godfrey, The Thin Man (I LOVE WILLIAM POWELL), Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Adam's Rib, Harry Potter, Four Rooms, Sense and Sensability, French Kiss, Pump Up the Volume, The Matrix, Fifth Element, anything Kevin Smith...

28. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?
The words come out right, don't they?

29. what is under your bed?
It's a couch, so....dust bunnnies and ashtrays?

30. favorite number?

31. favorite sport to watch?
HOCKEY! I love hockey live!

32. Your favorite age so far in life?
21's workin out okay. I like it.

33. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
It wasn't sent, but I stole it from Ang. There, honestly are so many nice things to say...but I think the best thing about Ang is that anytime you need her, like REALLY NEED her, she'd drop everything for any one of her friends. That undying loyalty shtuff.

34. Name a person who you sent this to who is most likely to respond:
I'll bet Jen'll do it.

35. Name a person who is least likely to respond:
Almost everybody.

And now...


I'm gonna have to save the wrestling quizzes for another day.


Gonna go support Couchboy, Far Less, and the Harrowing.
Comments: 2 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Tuesday, November 12th, 2002

Time:5:47 pm.
Mood: mellow.
Music:On the Road With the SATs video....

Still technically in the process of moving out. Some of the more heavy equipment is still sitting in Becka's room. Oh well.

Thomas has been a complete angel. He's a living example of a breed I had previously thought to be extinct...a gentleman. No shit.

He was gone all weekend, as well as Jen. I had all my shit moved in by the time Jen went to ROH/CZW in Philly...and I found out Loren was coming down for a surprise visit.

We got fucked up all weekend and it was absolutely wonderful to have her here...especally on such a stressful weekend where my two main anchors down here were gone. We had some fun, but I feel like there were some serious dampers on the fun. Of course, they were in the form of several MALES. It woulda been killa if it was a normal weekend, but it was Family Weekend and THomas and Jen were gone for most of it.

We shall make it all up over the Thanksgiving Weekend, so it's all goooooooooood.

Emily's called a few times and left messages. I wish I could call her back. Afortunadamente, I am short quite a few things, the least of which is long distance. I need a job and food more than anything.

Especially food.

Ugh. What i wouldn't give to win the Lottery right now, dude.

Other than a few stressors, life has been very good lately. I have a roof over my head...Jen is wonderously wonderful...I got to see my Loren family is supportive...and things with Thomas are so good they feel surreal.

"I can't explain why I love you, and that's probably why I do."

Good one, Ellen.

I'm gonna go do some cleaning. I'll be around.
Comments: Feed me, Seymour.

Friday, November 8th, 2002

Time:2:56 am.
Mood: lonely.
Tomorrow's gonna suck. I have to get like a million sets of initials, check-out, sign out, then move out.

You ever have those days when you wake up and get out of the shower grinning? Every shirt looks okay on's behaving? Skin's nice? I woke up from my nap like that.

I realize more and more every day what a fucking girly dork I am in relationships.

Jen rules over this world and the next. ROH for her, moving in and taking care of cats for me.

Now to figure out how to feed myself.


This will work out....right?

You could say this is a...Quizual Inundation...or something... )
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Thursday, November 7th, 2002

Time:3:52 am.
Mood: gloomy.
~blink, blink~

NO, I did NOT just walk in on my roommate and her boyfriend BUCKASS NAKED.

~mumbles prayer of deliverence~

So, anyway...Thomas goes off for five whole days with The Yeti to Charleston...I move out tomorrow or the next day...if I ever get around to it. GAWD. This all sucks.

A cloud's following me around tonight. I had fun, I'm just all icky-like. All depressing stuff happened. Bleh.

And then I found this...

I am quite lazy by inclination and have had confidence problems at various stages of my life. Amphetamine seemed to solve both these problems. I didn't get tired and I didn't get self-conscious. In fact, I felt witty, energetic, powerful, amusing. For six months I thought I was God. I wrote masses, lost a lot of weight, which was bothering me at the time, and didn't have to miss out on anything through the mundane need to sleep. The use gradually escalated until I was only sleeping about three nights a week... I woke up one day and decided I couldn't stand it any more... There was this complete lassitude and depression in the first couple of days. I don't think I've felt quite so low in my life... I could do virtually nothing, but what I would do was get up as early as possible, which effectively meant that after week two I was getting up at four instead of five, and a week or two after that, at noon. When I actually got to the point where eight hours' sleep was enough and I could get up at 9 am I went back to work. This took about two months, but it was 18 months before I felt I was restored to the kind of human being I'd been before taking the speed." - Writer quoted in A. Tyler, Street Drugs. NEL 1986.

I read this and am there.

18 months? FUCK. 15 months to go...I think.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has it this hard with this crap.

I'm gonna sleep so I can wake up and be that much closer to Thomas getting back and that much farther away from naked roommies.
Comments: 9 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Tuesday, November 5th, 2002

Time:1:53 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:"Passenger" Deftones f/t Maynard.
Yesterday was a draining day, emotionally speaking.

I finally told my parents about having to withdraw from school this semester. Mama took it with her token pursed-lipped calm. There was an understanding note to her voice. By the end of telling her, I was crying a bit.

Then she made me tell Daddy.

I told him, and he was quiet. I kept babbling, getting more agitated, and finally he said, "Corrinne...shit happens."

I lost it. I was all sobbing and crying, saying, "I'm so sorry Daddy." He finally said in his Daddy voice, "Corrinne! You screwed up. Fix it. Do better." I said, "I will. I promise."

He said, "I believe you."

I lost it more.

He finally said, "Corrinne, I love you. Your mother loves you. Your brothers love you. Your friends are there for you...what else do you need?"

I felt like I was going to overdose on loving my father. He said exactly what I've been thinking to myself for comforting purposes. My eyes are tearing up now.

I love my family so fucking much, it hurts.

Thomas came over right after I got off the phone. We were gonna pack, but he took me to Subway and the NRV Mall to try on prom dresses. It was awesome. We ended up at the 706 for RAW.

We (Me, Thomas, The Yeti, Jen, and Kate) went to Sheetz at some unGAWDly hour of the morning where I slammed a chili dog with onions. Then Kroger for nacho supplies (THANKS KATE), then off to Jen's apt to get stoned.

Now, you have to understand these guys get RETARDED when they smoke. We have pages and pages of shit we all say while high. Makes NO sense, but you have no idea how much fun it is.

The night closed with some deep discussion between me and Thomas.

Life is so fucking good. Always is, but sometimes I need that reminder. I got it.
Comments: 2 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Monday, November 4th, 2002

Time:4:38 am.
Mood: grateful.
I totally loved this idea from Kate. So I stole it.

50 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Anything with Thomas
2. Bong hits with Jen
3. Playing Drinking Life...especially if Em is there
4. The face Loren makes when she thinks someone's being stupid
5. Lunches with Kate
6. Hugs from Kevin
7. Making Karl (brother) laugh so hard he has to run to the bathroom
8. Watching movies with Karl's (the friend) head on a pillow in my lap
9. Back scratches
10. Painting my toenails a cool color.
11. Good hair days
12. Getting out of the shower into freshly laundered clothes
13. A glass of really cold water when I'm thirsty
14. Making my parents proud
15. Getting a peanut butter and jelly kiss from one of my kids
16. Sleeping late with no interruptions
17. Waking up next to the person that makes you smile in your sleep just cuz you can hear him breathing
18. My burgundy sweater
19. Tater tots
20. Cooking a big meal for someone appreciative
21. Teaching a child something new
22. Clean sheets
23. Frankie
24. Listening to Nonpoint with Loren
25. Hearing Emily call me "luv"
26. Beefaroni...anything Chef Boyardee, actually
27. Sidewalk Chalk
28. Board games on rainy days with people you love
29. Having a hand to hold
30. Grocery shopping with Mama when she's in a good mood
31. THRIFT STORE SHOPPING (when I have money)
32. Looking over old cartoons from back in the day with Kate and singing the theme songs loudly
33. Seeing anyone I care about be happy
34. Crystals and hairs on my weed
35. When Pastor Trower calls me by my name instead of my mom's name
36. This entire weekend
37. Hearing APT102 B's voice after a long time...especially his laugh
38. Learning a new useless fact
39. Making a new friend
40. Grrrrrrrlz Nights with Christine and Jen
41. Imagining my future tattoos and piercings
42. Road Trips...even just planning them
43. Napping with someone
44. Being domestic
45. Watching my friends play the music they love for people
46. I quit biting my nails, being a smoker, and tweeking in the space of few months.
47. Jo's smiles
48. Crayolas…especially the Sea Green, Cerulean, Violet, and Yellow-Orange ones
49. Knowing that I am loved
50. Knowing deep down that I CAN DO THIS and that things will work out the way they are meant to.

Wow. That really does put you in a good mood.

I say it a lot...but I am blessed.
Comments: 3 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Sunday, November 3rd, 2002

Time:5:26 pm.
Mood: content.
Music:Sammy and Thomas fuckin around with the instruments....
Why can't I keep nail polish on for more than 24 hours without massive chipping???? Are my nails rejecting the blue Ice??

Fuck it.

So, no I have not disappeared. I'm alive and well in Ft. Chiswell, VA. Thomas kidnapped me and took me to his house for the weekend. We've been doing laundry and cooking and painting nails and getting drunk and high with his mom and brother all weekend.

Last night we went to Marion for a six-band show. Couchboy ruled of course, and Far Less played the best damn show I've seen them do. One other band was passable, but the other three were PAINFULLY BAD. ~twitch~

Still havn't told my parents I have to withdraw. I am so anxious.

Loren didn't come down. I cried. I need my Loren.

Thomas should be comin up for Thanksgiving, which will rock the fuckin house...especially since we get to party with Loren for the entire weekend after the holiday. I get to show a country boy the big fuckin city. It'll be a fuckin blast.

I've had a disgusting amount of fun this weekend, which started on Thursday. Halloween is good again in my book. Still waiting on the pictures. Things are still kinda fucked up, but I feel together and happy for the first time in a long time.

Quitting smoking has been pretty successful. I average two or three cigarettes a day, but as I told Thomas, "Even if I didn't quit smoking, I quit being a smoker."

I need a damn nap.
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Friday, November 1st, 2002

Time:7:36 pm.
Mood: ecstatic.
Music:"Double Stacked" Nonpoint.
Last night, I am happy to say, exceeded my expectations.

It took Jen and I a good hour and a half to two hours to get fully into costume...but once we did...I hate to sound conceited, but we were the best damn pixies ever. I worked my ass off sewing and planning and it all paid off. Makeup, accessories, nighties, flowers, ribbons, and tons and tons of glitter...we ROCKED Halloween.

So then we went to a party with Mle (dressed up as a drug dealer), Mykie, and Ryan leading in one car and me, Jen, Kate (Little Red Riding Hood), and Thomas (in pink leopard-print drag) following to Blacksburg.

So we're all crammed into our costumes jammin to some tunes along Price's Fork. We're talkin, Jen's attempting and failing to sing, I'm screeching because I had totally forgotten to call Mellissa who's back in town for the weekend and I've been so excited to see her and I FORGOT. Kate's never been to a party other than ones thrown by her friends. Ryan keeps having to turn around and shit and then we finally find parking.

After FREEZING MY PIXIE NAYNAYS OFF, we finally get into the party. To our (okay, my) dismay, the three dollars in cover was for the keg and shots are $2 and drinks are 3. Bullshit. But I manage to bum enough for one mucho strong bourbon and coke. Everyone's running into my wings and the music was so loud that I couldn't help dancing.

The other three hate it, but I'm mingling and being social for some reason. I'm outside FREEZING MY PIXIE NAYNAYS OFF again, when I turn around and all I see is this huge head of teased red hair. THis chick a few people over is dressed as Magenta...

Wait a sec...Mellissa was gonna dress as Magenta...



So I'm screeching and we finally notice each other. Dude, MY MELLISSA WAS BACK. We ran around, some guy found me who was a friend of the kids I used to NANNY FOR, and the Mad Hatter accidentally smoked me out.

BUT Thomas and Kate were miserable. And Jen too, but she was drunk, so fuck it. They stayed in a corner the whole hour and a half or so that we were there. And finally, much to Thomas's relief, we left. He wasn't too happy with me because I kept wandering off.

But I had a fuckin ball there.

So we went back to Jen's for a quick pit stop and touchup. I was nice and floaty at this point (Did I mention the bourbon and coke was STRONG) when we decided to hit up Maria, Kay and Chris's party.

Smaller, but with more people that I knew, I went back into party mode. Jackie immediately showed me where the Jello shooters were and I had...four I think...a few cups of punch later, including the VERY LAST half cup left in the couldren, I was done for the night.

All I promised Thomas was that I wouldn't get so fucked up that I was incapacitated.

I was just nice and sloshy.

Back to 706 where Jen and I stumbled in giggling, still in our pixie costumes. Atkins, Steve, Sammy were there in addition to the 706. My sniffly sloshy pixie ass decided I NEEDED to go home and shower and change, and my knight took me in his golden...well, not a horse, but a depixify.

We made it back to the 706 for like...10 minutes before Thomas and I realized we were about to keel over and pass out. So we went back to my room and did.

This so totally made up for the disaster that was last year's Halloween.

We slept late.

I'm still so fucking sick. Now it's a serious sinus infection and bronchitis...although it could be that walking pneumonia stuff by know.

Now, if this entry seems a bit out of character for me, it should be noted that I have not taken any mind-altering substances today such as weed, alcohol, or any form of cold medicine. This is my sick, woozy, still-tired-after-sleeping-all-day brain working right now.

But damned if I'm not happy, sick and all.
Comments: 2 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Thursday, October 31st, 2002

Time:2:09 pm.
Mood: excited.
Music:"Somewhere Out There" Our Lady Peace.
Chino's voice STILL gives me goosebumps on a regular basis.

So, I have mad sewing to do and I've been procrastinating.

After some thought, Jen and I decided bringing Thomas to Maria's would be notsuchagoodidea. My asshole ex will prolly be there, not to mention it's usually only entertaining when drunk. And they're huge rednecks and he's dressing in drag.

So, yet again, Mle saves the day with a bomb-sounding party in B-Burg. So where she goes tonight, we will follow.

So off go I in a much better mood to do some seriously tedious work for the simple goal of being the awesomest pixies on Earth.

I always feel weird about being optimistic about things because it never reaches my hopes...but for some reason, I think mebbe I can be optimistic.
Comments: Feed me, Seymour.

Time:11:18 am.
Mood: cranky.
Music:"Learning" Ten Missing Days.
Oh, I am so fucking pissed off right now. I realize it's irrational. I DON'T CARE.

I ge to sleep at 5:30 or so. at 10:45 my roommate turns on the TV. Five minutes later, after seeing I am awake. SHE LEAVES THE ROOM.

~grinds teeth~

Anyway, I am going to try to ignore this overwhelming feeling to knock her teeth out.


Sara had this up in her journal, and I thought it was worth a look. Click on it, pick your favorite football team, and a can of Campbell's Chunky Soup is donated. You can do it once a day. Mebbe you can add a link in your journal...takes five seconds.

Click for Cans.

Sara rocks.

Tonight looks to be a good night. I'm gonna get started on finishing my costume. I have a couple of hours of work to do, I think.

I WILL post pics of Jen and I...or Nif and Ixi, that is. We're gonna be the bestest pixies EVER.

Someone feed me...
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Wednesday, October 30th, 2002

Time:1:33 pm.
Mood: frustrated.
Music:"South Texas Death Ride" Union Underground.
ACK. The stress begins.

I SWORE I wouldn't wait this time to do our costumes at the last minute. I SWORE. But Jen got sick and it just didn't work.

NOW I have to go to her house today while she's TWEEKING and fit the damn costumes and sew them even though I actually have shit to do tonight. I have a counseling appointment in two hours, plus we still have to go to Wal-Mart and get thread, fake eyelashes and blue spray paint...and possibly return some stuff. And she has to be in class and at work by the time the appointment is done.

This is NOT going to get finished.


I need a bong hit and a No-Doz.

And I'm fucking hungry.

This day is off to a grand start.

Fuck it.
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Time:1:26 am.
Mood: accomplished.


We is invading.

It's about damn time.

I worked my ass off on that damn journal.

Everyone must love Jen as much as I do.

And thank you sooooooooooo much Emily for your code.

~bounce, bounce~

Off to bed.
Comments: 3 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Tuesday, October 29th, 2002

Time:9:19 pm.
Mood: blah.
01. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? I usually don't wake up in the mornings unless my roommate gets me up. I'm a noon or after person...but somewhere in between 11 and 2 is when I get outta bed on average.

02. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? I'd love to sit down to eat with Frankin Delano Roosevelt or Trent Reznor. Yesh, those are my honest-to-Gawd top two.

03. GOLD OR SILVER? SILVER! I hate gold...unless it's white gold. Even then, I choose platinum. Yellow gold is SO UNATTRACTIVE.

04. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? Thomas took me to see The Ring in Bluefield on Saturday. And as much fun as I had in that theatre, the movie was not to my liking. It had quite a few good moments, but generally it left me feeling unfulfilled.

05. FAVORITE TV SHOW? If I had to choose, it would be The Simpsons now, and of all-time, we all know SIFL AND OLLY take the cake.

06. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? Usually by the time I'm awake it's lunchtime, but I love breakfast food. I love eggs with bacon bits in them, bacon itself, Jimmy Dean sausage, Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, Golden Grahams, bagels with onion cream cheese, toast, waffles with pecans (shaped like hearts, right Loren?), pancakes...but I hate maple syrup and I really don't like french toast...

07. WHAT WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? A spider cricket. When I am so petrified that Loren has to rescue me, you know I'm in trouble.

08. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? I have this extremely long toungue but still no.

09. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? I usually write after a song particularly strikes me. And my friends inspire me.

10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? ~gack~ Barbara.

11. BEACH, CITY, Or COUNTRY? How about the country with a beach right outside the city? Ummm...I'd have to choose country. Yes, I am getting countrified...but it'd have to be with two hours of a major city. So like Haymarket/Winchester bumfuck, not Fort Chiswell/Max Meadows bumfuck. Sorry guys.

12. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter. I HATE being hot. If one gets cold, all they have to do is add layers.

13. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? I have just discovered it. PISTACHIO!!!! IT RULES...close runners up: Cookie Dough, Cookies n Cream, and Bubble Gum.

14. FAVORITE TIME OF DAY? Right now actually. I love the late evening round 10 into the deep of night. The changover to early morning is 4 AM. So 10-4.

15. FAVORITE COLOR? Burgundy and Violet.

16. FAVORITE CAR? Not a car, a truck. GMC Sierra, baybeh.

17. FAVORITE SANDWICH FILLING? Turkey club with sharp cheddar or mom's meatloaf.

18. TRUE LOVE? I do believe in it. I hope to find it soon.

19. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO YOU DESPISE? Passive-aggressiveness, dishonesty, facades, dishonesty, pettiness, and dishonesty.

20. FAVORITE FLOWER(s)? Snapdragons, hyacinths, and lilies. I don't like roses, or daisies, caarnations are okay...I love the big lillies and purple hycinths cuz they smell good and millions of snapdragons in an arrangement. Baby's Breath is fun to eat, too...inside joke for hte good ol days with Sam, Jesse, Kris, and Lisa.

21. IF YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY, HOW LONG WOULD YOU WAIT TO TELL PEOPLE? Until after I had purchased some gifts for friends and myself. I'd say, "SURPRISE! I WON THE LOTTTERY!" Big bags of dank for Jen and Loren and me, and Grey Goose and Sambuco for Em.

22. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? Still. Cold. I lvoe water.

23. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? Greyish beige. Very hospital looking. It IS a drom room...

24. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 5. Front door to the dorm, room key, house key, key to Small Miracles, and the van key.

25. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? I wanna retire to a ginat sized-R/V and just drive all around the country...then who knows. I'm so like my Nana some days it hurts.

26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? IF YES HOW MANY? I don't even have the coordination to walk with hitting inanimate objects, much less juggle. No way.

27. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK: Friday or Saturday. Though it really doesn't matter since I don't go to class or work anyway.

28. RED OR WHITE WINE? Arbor Mist or Boone's. It's not real wine I know. But Bitch Beer RULES.

29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Birthdays are big no-no holidays for me. I haven't had a good birthday since I was sixteen, I think. Last year was the 17-hour workday and the parents losing it and having to deal with extended family and wedding preparations. Sucktitude.

30. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? No, but my family knows it's very important to me that my organs will be donated. I'm a little wigged about the rumors abotu killing people for their organs, so I figure it's better to be safe than sorry.

Not like you can tell that I filled that out while doped up on cold meds.

It's weird. Some of you have been with me for a long while now, and may vaguely remember my ex Chris. I got really sick last Spring and would write in my joural about how Chris refused to do anything for me for the first and most horrible three days...I got a lot of comments about what a dick he was. I actually had to fend off Thomas from coming to wait on me hand and foot.

This relationship is so different than anything I've ever been in. He's so sweet. We're both used to spending our time accomadating other people. It's weird vying for who gets to do what for whom.

I like it, though.

Ugh, I hate writing about him in my journal cuz he reads it.

But I'm drugged on sinus medicines, so fuck it.

Jon Howard did some Halloween moments for ROC. They're cheesy as hell...but entertaining, I must say. Even though he was WEARING A SHOWER CAP and DIDN'T NEED SHAMPOO.

Comments: 3 Horrors - Feed me, Seymour.

Time:5:46 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:Becka on the phone....

What Color Eyes Should You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

Si, si. I do have greeny eyes. Grey, too.

Thomas: i think you have very calming eyes...they're very soothing to look at...i'm sorry if you get weirded out sometimes, but i can't help but just look at them
Thomas: they're purty :-D


I feel like total ass. I think I have what Jen had. She was gonna make me soup, but I've been sleeping all but about two hours today. I've taken a million different pills,a nd feel a little better. I think I'm not losing my voice as fast.

At least I'm not smoking anything.

I have no food and no money. My mother has refused to send me ANY more. I just had half a slice of cold pizza. And water. And I have one package of Easy Mac left.

I'm in trouble.

Otay, more bed.
Comments: 1 Horror - Feed me, Seymour.

Time:12:53 am.
Mood: sick.
Today was a good day.

Afortunadamente, I am ridiculously sick right now. Throat, eyes, nose, lungs, the works. How does my body produce its own weight in mucus in one day? HOW?!

Still trying to figure out this weekend. Cross your fingers.

Lately, things have been feeling better. I'm still scared shitless to tell my parents about school, but I have this underlying confidence that things will work out.

I would write more, and do the introspection thang...but I spent the day in sniffling hell, and it is past time for me to hop into bed and rest some of this mucus out of my head.
Comments: Feed me, Seymour.

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