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User:eigproductions (1252784)  
Location:Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Bio:I am a multi-media artist, producer and director for television and film.
Interests:124: adobe after effects, ambient, ambient dub, ambient jungle, animation, art, artfilms, authors, autobiographies, basque, battles, bellydancing, bindlestiff family, biographies, body-mind movement, book reviews, books, bowling, breakbeats, breakdancing, cars, cats, chillout, competitive edge, director mx, documentary film, drums, dub, dub house, electronic music, equipment, experimental film, film criticism, film critique, filmmakers, filmmaking, films, final cut pro, flash, florida breaks, folklore, frederico fellini, funk, goth, graphic arts, guitar, harvey keitel, health, hip hop, hip-hop, horseback riding, human rights, iggy pop, independent film channel, independent films, ingmar bergman, jazz, jazz funk, jean-luc goddard, jean-michael basquiat, john waters, johnny rotten, journalism, keyboards, laughter, leather, love, macromedia director mx, martin scorcese, massages, mediation, metal, modern art, music, muti-media events, nature, oliver stone, painter 8, painting, parenting, peace, philosophy, philosopy, photography, photoshop, politics, post modern literature, pow wows, power moves, punk, rap, riot girzs, robert deniro, roman polanski, scratching, self discovery, sex, sex pistols, sleeping late, spanish, sushi, swimming, tattoos, the clash, the fugees, theories, tim burton, tours, trance, trance breaks, tribal funk, tribal house, tribla, trip hop, vegitarianism, video, vinyl, web developing, website design, women's rights, wrestling, writing, wyclef jean, yoga. [Modify yours]
People50:artvamp, breathonme, cdefiant, classytart, crystalplumage, cyber_zombie, dabrooklyn, digitalobscura, dreamless, electropunk, end_serenading, future7, geezah, halfbeast, honorata, hypnox, iamstatic, indiefilmpage, jazzyjupiter, lilmartini, metrocentric, mixelmagic, moonbird, msvicious, nematoddity, noway, nowthestars, oceanicundertow, omaha, paranoid_void, photosexual, punkythecat, rastamandita, ratspike, rosetta__stone, roxics, sadiecakes, scottlanes, shecanfilmit, shower_sleep, spectro, spikyme, studio3dom, susurro, tangledweave, thefirenexttime, themetrosexual, unity, volksjager, vx69
Communities100:_photos, alt_expressions, amnestyint, art_expressions, artfilm101, artinnudity, artist_gallery, artists_studio, aussie_plur, autonomous_art, avant_garde, bandphotography, bayareamusic, bodybuilder, books, breaksjunkies, buddhists, burlesque_today, burning_man, bwnudes, celticart, celticastudica, celticmyths, cerebralmusings, chicago_films, cinema_obscura, contemporaryart, corsetmakers, corsetry, crimson_guitar, critical_skin, crypticbeauties, dancersunlmtd, darkpinupgirls, dc_activism, deephouse, deluxe_dolls, design, digital_art, digital_video, digitalartist, electronic_love, europe_history, fashion_nation, feminist, filmdirectors, filmmakers, filmmaking, filmscore, finalscratch, fourelements, freestyling, frenchhouse, future_liberals, gothic1920s, graffitiisart, graphicdesign, graphics, guerilla_films, human_rights, illustrators, lowbrow, music_producers, naked_obsession, newyorkdolls, ninart, nyc_alternative, nyc_for_free, nychappenings, nycnobody, oldschoolpunk, paint_shop, phreaking, pratt, printmaking, progressiveppl, protest, punks_of_co, punksnotdead, punksters, seattlegothic, seattleindust, selfportraits, slagpolice, stain_gang, stlouisgoths, tattooshowdown, techno_artists, the_underbelly, theme_photoshop, translators, trip_hop, tromatrash, tv_production, urban_decay, varlagirls, veganpeople, visionary_art, webdev, wholewheatbread
Friend of:35: breathonme, cdefiant, corporatewh0re, cremaster, cyber_zombie, digital_media, digitalobscura, dreamless, electropunk, flasher_, fuckyoufilms, geezah, habibi, honorata, iamstatic, indiefilmpage, jazzyjupiter, metrocentric, mixelmagic, msvicious, nematoddity, noway, paranoid_void, photosexual, punkythecat, roxics, sadiecakes, scottlanes, shower_sleep, sikboy, spikyme, tangledweave, themunk, vx69, yr0nwulf
Member of:94: _photos, alt_expressions, amnestyint, art_expressions, artfilm101, artist_gallery, artists_studio, aussie_plur, autonomous_art, avant_garde, bandphotography, bayareamusic, bodybuilder, books, breaksjunkies, buddhists, burlesque_today, burning_man, bwnudes, celticart, celticastudica, celticmyths, cerebralmusings, chicago_films, cinema_obscura, contemporaryart, corsetmakers, corsetry, crypticbeauties, dancersunlmtd, darkpinupgirls, dc_activism, deephouse, design, digital_art, digital_video, digitalartist, directory, dropabeat, electronic_love, europe_history, fashion_nation, feminist, filmdirectors, filmmakers, filmmaking, finalscratch, fourelements, freestyling, frenchhouse, future_liberals, gothic1920s, gothic_babes, graffitiisart, graphicdesign, graphics, guerilla_films, human_rights, illustrators, lowbrow, music_producers, naked_obsession, ninart, nyc_alternative, nyc_for_free, nychappenings, nycnobody, oldschoolpunk, phreaking, poisonous_kiss, pratt, printmaking, progressiveppl, punks_of_co, punksnotdead, punksters, seattlegothic, seattleindust, selfportraits, slagpolice, stain_gang, stlouisgoths, tattooshowdown, techno_artists, the_underbelly, theme_photoshop, trip_hop, tv_production, urban_decay, varlagirls, veganpeople, visionary_art, webdev, wholewheatbread
Account type:Free Account

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