Tue, May. 10th, 2005, 02:11 pm Out of ideas.... [Now with tasty edit]
So... is there anyone that I know (or that they know) looking for a 1 bedroom apartment? A friend of mine, no seriously, is looking to get out of the lease for a place about 5 to 10 minutes from Downtown.
yes non
approximate measurements are as follows:
Living room is approximately 14' by 16' kitchen is 8'6 X 5'6 with a window bathroom is bathroom 5'6 X 6 lots of closet and cupboard space bedroom is 8'10 X 10 with a 5'7 X 2 closet
those are the details as I have them. Hull... approximately 5 minutes from downtown. Tache and St Joseph area.
Tony and Ps2 not included. Mon, May. 9th, 2005, 04:40 pm Details and breasts are important to me.
"Tony. Come proofread this for me!"
... scan scan scan...
"Put in 'research' here."
"Put in research. I'm not willing to pay to support breast cancer but I am willing to donate to research in order to treat and cure it."
"Oh." *blush*
I like breasts... so tomorrow, everyone should wear pants... well, jeans, to (somehow) support research. Not breast research as I'll do that for free but rather medical research into the cause/s and potential cures for it. Oh, give money too as that will help things along nicely.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled fro drivel. Mon, May. 9th, 2005, 01:08 pm Meh. Bored.
| You scored as The Dragon Clan. You are a member of the Dragon Clan! People find you strange, and don't really understand you, but that's because you see things from a unique perspective. You stand back and let others find out things by themselves, and perhaps give a friendly nudge once in a while to get them in the right direction.
The Dragon Clan | | 100% | The Phoenix Clan | | 89% | The Scorpion Clan | | 89% | Ronin | | 83% | The Crab Clan | | 78% | The Mantis Clan | | 78% | The Unicorn Clan | | 72% | The Crane Clan | | 72% | The Lion Clan | | 55% |
What Legends of the Five Rings Clan are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
Fri, May. 6th, 2005, 01:20 pm
Shit! A Clarke Bridge... that's the term, I think, that I was trying to remember in a discussion with someone about developing technologies as it relates to C60 (yes, I'm still obsessed with bucky balls even though I don't have the academic background - I see their potential). So yeah. However I was talking with about surface to orbit elevators, there you go.
... likely moons ago... Mon, May. 2nd, 2005, 04:45 pm
Neat. I have the day off tomorrow! Hmmm... be bored at home alone or do something? Proposals being accepted until sometime later tonight! ( Read more... )Fri, Apr. 29th, 2005, 04:33 pm Exchanges between coworkers...
( Read more... )Lesson: Some co workers cause work to be funny like a SitCom. Others cause work to be dreadful like a Reality Program. Yet others almost cause a hybrid of BloodSport and Office Space. Thu, Apr. 28th, 2005, 04:07 pm in·dif·fer·ent
2 a : that does not matter one way or the other b : of no importance or value one way or the other 3 a : marked by no special liking for or dislike of something b : marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something 4 : being neither excessive nor inadequate 7 a : not differentiated b : capable of development in more than one direction
It is a good word.
And now, back to silliness!
Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake |
You are a garden or landscaping tool that in a pinch could be used to kill undead and zombies alike; no one suspects such overwhelming power in such a simple form. The minute you meet anyone, you get stepped on and cursed for their lack of awareness. Luckily you're not rusty and your shaft isn't made of oak otherwise you'd be in a lot of trouble. While many claim that you are dirty, they've never been in dirt nor do they know the first thing about gardening or life cycles (or they're just trying to make themselves feel better because they are useless). As a person, you're probably fun in the right company and right frame of mind. As a tool, dangerous. |
Wed, Apr. 27th, 2005, 08:42 pm
Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible.
No reason to say this. Wed, Apr. 27th, 2005, 06:01 pm Understand that my lasers are attached to the frikkin heads of my frikkin space dolphins!
Following shortly will be something involving generic questions and answers. Move along or I shall attack with my frikkin dolphins of EVIL!!!
Fri, Apr. 15th, 2005, 07:32 pm WTF!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?
This is what I get for not touching my home email account for... several weeks. You know what I get? Apparently I get turned into a major arcana for a tarot deck. I'm not sure if I should be flattered, confused or demanding a tithe (because "I'm The Emperor")
Well in any event, so be it! On this day, I as your rightful High Lord Tyrant do declare war upon our vile enemy; the kitten!!!! Let all who oppose my most righteous will be swept from this world and from history! Fri, Apr. 15th, 2005, 03:40 pm Too much caffiene
Note: A kitten shall die tonight. I won't even touch it and one shall die. Kinda like in 'It's a Wonderful Life', you hear a bell and an angel gets its wings. Well, I'm killing a kitten because an internet fortune teller thinger said that's what occurs. Two birds (well, neither of them are birds but what the hell) with one stone!
That is all.
Or! Homework! Oh yeah!!! totally loads of fun! I think I shall do 3 chapters of review and then kill kittens. Or.. or I could kill a couple of kittens, then break off to review stuffs for my exam and grant the furry bastards a reprieve only to kill some more once they feel they are safe. yes! that would be the evil course of action!
bwuahahahahahahahahahahaha Wed, Apr. 13th, 2005, 01:36 pm
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Katana of Patience. Get yours. Also, I am such a turd... [EDIT] Looks like they removed it because they are turds and I am not. [end EDIT] Mon, Apr. 11th, 2005, 03:55 pm
My back is startening to hardening again. <--- That was an attempt at humour
It hasn't done this for years as I've developed some rather effective means of dealing with all the little joys life tends to throw around. Well then, if the muscles in my back are going to harden into unpleasant knots wrapped around my spine, I might as well workout again. Fuck it. Won't that be nice? Fri, Apr. 8th, 2005, 02:20 pm It's Friday; do you know where your drama is?
Dear Internet,
The ultimate love of my life, Ms. Kenza, is cheating on me with her hypothetical boyfriend named Carlos. This upsets me greatly as I had to find out through the use of porn and playstation 2 games that this has been going on for quite some time (as he apparently is a hologram from the future trying to find a friend of his named 'Sam'). I am totally angry and hurt by this because I thought that she and I shared something special but I see that she was just after my Aludium Q36 (and let me tell you that it's damned impressive!). This Carlos dude (a likely name! I bet it's Davros!! Once more Davros must mess with my shit. I hate when he does this. When will he ever learn that I have curly hair, once used a scarf to navigate a portion of infinite space contained in my police box and own a sonic screwdriver so he's doomed?) is messing with her head and it's time I take him down. I heard that he's going to be involved in the King of The Iron Fist Tournament so I'm going to enter under the name Kumo. Also, I shall use my fully operational Quantum Accelerat0r to send multiple selves throughout my life time to deal with this 'Carlos' fellow. Then revenge shall be mine! mwuahahahahahahahahah AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!! ... this is supposed to be insane laughter people... Thu, Apr. 7th, 2005, 02:50 pm
Breaking the bank on a pair of deuces, ( Read more... )We now return you to your regularly scheduled livejournal-ing.
Ultimate Gamer!! GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 88% ! |
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;) |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 93% on dice |
| ... how could I have failed this test? For this, I must commit seppuku!!!!! You are a Samurai. You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.
Main weapon: Sword Quote: "Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain Facial expression: Small smile What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by QuizillaAnd this just proves that I must cleanse my honour with a bokken (again, because it's on the net). Who will be my second? YOSH!!!!! Wed, Apr. 6th, 2005, 03:25 pm Such wisdom...
Keep masturbating; I fucking hate kittens. |
| Billy's Weird...cat...thing tells your fortune!
Batman Congratulations! You scored a super 72%! |
Cool, calm and powerful. Whilst your actual super abilities may not be anything too dazzling, you have earnt the respect of both friends and enemies in response to your amazing fighting skills, strategic combat and experience. Luckily you have access to the greens which can fund all your majorly cool gadgets, vehicles and weapons! Also, you're reluctant but still accepting to the idea of having a teammate/side-kick, which just makes everything a whole lotta fun, doesn't it now! On the down side, you've probably suffered some sort of trauma at a young age (that's why we don't talk to the old man near the swings, kids). Similar to the Wolverine, your past is a base for your current motivation, undertaking some kind of personal vow in search of justice. All in all though, you're one tough nut. There's not a lot of people who have the minerals to go up against you, and you're experienced enough not to get cocky and let the little things like never finding happiness get you down! |
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 83% on Heropoints |
| and I'm not cutting any of it because I don't want to. ps - people despise those that are successful. it's true. to protest this unjust hatred, I'm going to masturbate at some point in the future. Could be tonight. Could be while talking with you or could be tomorrow... you'll never know! Mon, Apr. 4th, 2005, 04:10 pm
You're crazy. All of you. Completely and utterly crazy. I mean, what the hell? No seriously! Totally bonkers! And to traumatize you, I'm totally h0nry <--- Notice that I spelled it honry... What do ya think of that, huh? Yeah that's what I thought!!!! Stay away from my friggin lasagna and my cream of mushroom soup or I'll kill you! Also, Suprnova has earned my totally anger and head kickage even though I haven't given them any of my money. Also +4 vs Stuff, it needs to stop raining and being wet. Some of you might understand this while others may pretend...
Also... I have nothing else to say.
Begone! *bamf!!!!!!!!*
ps - likely only one person will get this Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra! Tassadar, his arms wide. Kerrigan, her eyes open and blades wet! Char, when the stars fell. Darmok and Jalad, their minds heavy. Thu, Mar. 31st, 2005, 03:07 pm
Yup, it's work safe (or is it?) but I'm trying to distract myself. ( Mostly to torment a select group of people. )and on a completely unrelated note, my back REALLY hurts. I mean it hurts so bad that when a coworker came to the front she was a bit shocked by what I was doing. She didn't say, "Tony, you shouldn't stretch like that at the front as it could give our clients the wrong idea about the company." No. It was along the lines of "Tony... that isn't right. Your arm shouldn't be doing that." I need to fix my back. I mean, it's always malfunctioning but I really do need to do something about it now-ish because if this discomfort continues, I'm likely to point at a kitten and say that it's ugly. Shortly after that, I'll turn into a giant radioactive monster, step carefully around said kitten and crush Ottawa all the while calling it Tokyo. And no, Matthew Broderick can't stop me. Not even as Ferris Bueller. And no, I won't show no pity to P.Diddy even if Jimmy Paige is on guitar. In fact, Mr. Broderick, Jimmy Paige and Sean Combs could all be there and I'll make it a point of eating all of them after, as a giant radioactive monster, river dancing on the little pink apes. Alright. I'm done ranting. Aren't you glad that you read my journal? Bored... | You scored as Justice (Fairness). Your life is guided by the concept of Fair Justice: Everyone, yourself included, should be rewarded and punished according to the help or harm they cause.
"He who does not punish evil commands it to be done."
--Leonardo da Vinci
“Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.”
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...
Justice (Fairness) | | 85% | Existentialism | | 80% | Utilitarianism | | 80% | Kantianism | | 70% | Hedonism | | 70% | Strong Egoism | | 60% | Divine Command | | 55% | Nihilism | | 30% | Apathy | | 20% |
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03) created with QuizFarm.com |
Mon, Mar. 28th, 2005, 06:30 pm
C - "Pain?"
B - "Yeah."
C - "Try aspirin." Mon, Mar. 28th, 2005, 04:11 pm (Not so much of a) Warning: Game Geekery ahead!!!!