April 26, 2005 | Organised by Greenpeace, the "Substitute with Style" catwalk show highlights the steps being taken by major consumer brands to stop using hazardous chemicals in a wide range of products, including clothing, cosmetics and even DVD-players and shower curtains. Greenpeace is calling for a substitution requirement to be at the heart of the new chemicals regulation, which the European Parliament and Council will vote on later this year.
(Photo: Greenpeace)

Iraqis Get Partial Cabinet,
Chalabi Deputy PM

DeLay Is Likely
to Be Found Culpable

Fox Moves to End
Mexican Crisis

Prisoner from Abu Ghraib

Tenet Admits WMD 'Slam-Dunk'
Remark "Dumbest Ever"

Memo Blair Tried to Hide
Raises New Doubts over War

Secular Europe: Spain
Stands Up to Pope on Gays

Chernobyl Threatens
to Blow Again

Filibuster Vote
Hard to Predict

House Limits Out-of-State
Abortions for Minors

House Republicans Cave,
Restore Ethics Rules


Corruption Trial Renews
Pressure on Berlusconi

The Battle over
Birth Control

Kennedy: US Response to
Abu Ghraib Still Inadequate

Italy Furious over
Exoneration of US GIs

Alabama Bill
Targets Gay Authors

Iraqi Woman Lawmaker
Slain as Violence Surges

Rights Watchdog
Calls Abu Ghraib
'Tip of the Iceberg'

US Offers Israel 100
Bunker-Busting Bombs

Terrorist Attacks Tripled,
State Department Hides Data

Bolton Nomination Fight May
Hurt Bush, White House Fears

GOP Backs Down, New
DeLay Probe Likely

Social Security Battle
Unites Dems, Splits GOP

Europe Invites the United
States to Observe the Law

Frist Says He's
Not Interested in Deals

Aid Group Criticizes US
Policy on Sudan

Howard Dean: GOP 'Evil,'
'Corrupt' and 'Brain-Dead'

GOP Centrists May Block
Bush's Radical Agenda



April 26, 2005 | A former prisoner who says he was the man under the black hood in this shocking photo from Abu Ghraib speaks out on this week's edition of the PBS newsmagazine, 'Now.' Haj Ali was Mayor of a Baghdad suburb and a member of the ruling Baath Party when he was snatched off the street in late 2003 and transported to the prison, despite denying involvement in the insurgency. The 'Now' story examines legal and human rights issues surrounding America's policy for handling suspected terrorists.
(Photo: Max Rossi / Rueters)

William Rivers Pitt: FYI

Steve Weissman | The Religious Right:
Saints or Subversives?
Part I:
The Lure of Christian Nationalism
Part II:
Hang Ten and Fight!
Part III:
A Deadly Culture of Life

TO Investigation:
California "Energy Crisis" II

Cindy Sheehan:
Casey's Story

John Bolton: In His Own Words

Gen Ricardo Sanchez Orders
Torture in Iraq: His Memo

Fort Bragg | A Film by Chris Hume

House Republicans Chip Away
at Abortion Rights

Bush to Support Expansion
of Nuclear Energy

UFCW Adopts New
Organizing Strategy with Ties
to Groups Fighting Wal-Mart

Jane Feinmann:
How Mad Are You?


The web TO

April 26, 2005 | From left, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid join hands onstage as they are cheered by supporters at a rally on Capitol Hill against the privatization of Social Security.
(Photo: AP)

Jean-Marie Colombani:
All Europeans

Bob Herbert:
On Abu Ghraib,
the Big Shots Walk

Michael Schwartz:
Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Sidney Blumenthal:
The General's Revenge

Thomas Frank:
What's the Matter
with Liberals?

Marc Ash:
Hitler Youth and the Vatican

William Rivers Pitt:
Hostile Information

Dean Baker:
Numbers before Politics

Jonathan Steele, Dahr Jamail:
Fallujah Is Our Guernica

Jack Hitt:
Jesus Was No GOP Lobbyist

Ray McGovern:
Bolton Nomination Is
More Than Meets the Eye

Nicholas D. Kristof:
N. Korea, 6, and Bush, 0

Daphne Eviatar:
Wolfowitz's New Agenda

Robert Scheer:
Fiddling While
Crucial Programs Starve

Marjorie Cohn:
Right to Choice
under Nuclear Attack

Molly Ivins:
The Nuclear Option
and Judicial Activists

Juan Cole:
Mainstream Media and Bloggers

Stirling Newberry
Rove's Revolution:
Bash, Break and Borrow

Philippe Gelie:
Bush Worried about
Saudi Fragilities

Tom Engelhardt:
Iraq 'Uptick,'
Superpower Downtick?

Leslie Weise:
A "Volunteer" Police State

Paul Krugman:
The Oblivious Right

Bob Herbert:
The Agony of War

Kit Kincade:
Constitution, Not Religion,
Under Attack

Lousiville Courier-Journal:
Holy War Sunday

William Rivers Pitt:



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