April 12, 2005
Fantastic quote for the next time I discuss blogs vs. MSM
by Liza Sabater
I'm going to get a t-shirt made at CafePress that'll say :
Have you Sterling Newberried today?
OK, I do have one of those "only in the US can you get such a white sounding name like that" moments when I hear his name. But when it comes to his writing, AND I MEAN ANY WRITING, I devour it whole. In the Blogosphere, Sterling is to Political Economy what David Newirt is to Sociology and Eric Muller to Law and History --but he's got them out written at least 2 to 1. He consistently put out good, quality writing on a daily basis. It's an invaluable contribution of knowledge and insight.
All I need now is really good bloggers in Microbiology, Phorensic Archeology, Immunology, Philology, Microeconomics and Statistics. Any good recommendations?
The Blogging of the President: 2004
The truth is that the mainstream is where the fish are swimming, and any fish on fox is a fish out of water.This is why the use of the term "mainstream" to refer to the top down media is a bad idea. The employee of a large corporation may be upstream, but whether it is water or sewage depends on what is coming out of the pipe, not the amount of money that it cost to buy the pipe. as this Pew report shows the mainstream is the people searching for information, and everyone, from the mightiest of corporate outlets to the smallest of bloggers, is carried along by the tide of that stream.
Looking at the demographics - 50% of college graduates and 36% of people from 18 to 49 go online for news at least three times a week, and 82% of 18 to 29 year olds are on the internet regularly. Getting news online now equals in frequency reading a magazine. That's as mainstream as it gets.
Posted by Liza Sabater in Economics, Internet, Media, Politics, Sidelinks
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Say it loud, say it proud!
nice site! i try to "Stirling Newberry" at least a couple times a day.
Comment by: colorless green ideas at April 18, 2005 02:27 PM