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Community Information

Below is information about the "LJ Christians" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:ljchristians (712093)  
Name:LJ Christians
About:This is a community for people with an interest in Christianity to come and discuss religious matters, make prayer requests, hold debates and, for some, to make new friends.

Even if you're not a Christian but have some questions that you would like answered or would like to put forward a matter, please feel free to join, but please do so in a mature, sensible, respectful manner.

Sadly, because of a number of contentious posts, we are exercising a strict moratorium on political posts until the end of the US General Election 2004. If you make a post that in any way pushes a political argument or makes comments re any of the candidates then your post will be deleted and the moderators will consider your further participation in the community. If you are in any doubt about a post that you wish to make then please email us first.

Anyone wishing to promote a community in [info]ljchristians must ask permission from the moderator first. Anyone who does not ask permission will have their posts deleted without warning.

The maintainer of this community is gingertabbyEmma and she can be contacted at

[info]davidould and [info]jadeejf are co-moderators.

Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any problems or queries.

Emma can be contacted at: emma @
Beth can be contacted at: beth @
David can be contacted at: davidould @

Other Christian communities on LJ are:-

Interests:121: 1 chronicles, 1 corinthians, 1 john, 1 kings, 1 peter, 1 samuel, 1 thessalonians, 1 timothy, 2 chronicles, 2 corinthians, 2 john, 2 kings, 2 peter, 2 samuel, 2 thessalonians, 2 timothy, 3 john, acts, amos, autumn soul, baptism, beatitudes, bible study, cain and abel, celebrating, christian, christianity, christians, church, colossians, communion, creation, daniel, david, deuteronomy, disciples, ecclesiastes, ephesians, esther, eternal life, exodus, ezekiel, ezra, faith, following god, forgiveness, freedom, galatians, garden of eden, genesis, giving, god, god's love, god's power, god's will, habakkuk, haggai, happiness, hebrews, holy spirit, honesty, hosea, isaiah, james, jeremiah, jesus, jesus christ, job, joel, john, jonah, joshua, jude, judges, justice, lamentations, leviticus, life, love, luke, malachi, mannafest, mark, matthew, micah, ministers, nahum, nehemiah, new testament, numbers, obadiah, old testament, parables, patience, peace, philemon, philippians, praise, prayer meetings, prayers, promises, proverbs, psalms, revelation, romans, ruth, service, sharing faith, sin, song of solomon, spiritual growth, summer madness, summerserve, thankfulness, the bible, titus, worship, youth fellowship, youth workers, zechariah, zephaniah. [Modify yours]
Members:654: View Members .
Account type:Free Account

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