LiveJournal for A Lost Star.

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Thursday, November 28th, 2002

Subject:Yay for no pain!
Time:12:46 pm.
Anti-inflammatories + Tylenol= <3

Dude, this is great I am feeling NO pain. Alas though, drugs will not FIX MY DAMN LEG. Sigh.

TonightREGAL, the RegalTONIGHT. AH!@#&@* I get to see Noel! I feel like I'm back in grade school. Crushes, mua ha...craziness. He's so cute/nice/funny/mature though. Eek.

This morning's OW session went really well, and I got some one-on-one client contact for resume help. Schweet. Anyway, my break is over. Peace out homesliceeeee.
Scream to the angels

Wednesday, November 27th, 2002

Time:5:51 pm.

I got my foot checked out.

It's either Tendonitis, or it's a "marching" fracture. Yeah. From walking.

Comedy tonight.

Scream to the angels

Subject:Oh Serena, I know what they say about you..
Time:10:33 am.
Umm, hmm.

I've being doing mad crazy homework, and plotting my evening on Thursday (going to the Regal to see Noel).

Umm, what else. 2 dollar show @ Rack and Roll...a lot of the same bands that played the other night, plus Dead Only Better (Zack and Aaron's gig). I may go, for there is going to be door prizes and a I told Craig that I might go. I still haven't seen ADAADW play so I should. He's a cutey.
2 saved| Scream to the angels

Monday, November 25th, 2002

Time:11:51 am.
Time goes by ever so slowly on Campus. Only like, 2 more weeks to go then I'm done for three weeks before last term starts up. Blah, I have to save up for books and shiat. Lovely. It seems like only yesterday I was starting college.


A guy I went to public school with was stuck by a 74 yr old man on the 406 Saturday night, his car broke down. He died instantly. Sad times. His girlfriend goes here..

Scream to the angels

Sunday, November 24th, 2002

Time:2:46 pm.
Mood: chipper.
So yes.

Sue, Ashley, and myself made our way to Oddfellow's lastnight for the show. Smokey silly scene it was, indeed. Little girls running around every where, most of them trying to prove something with their studded belts or Vans. Hrm, how do I explain this.

Majority of the girls: 15-17 y/o
Majority of the guys: 19-22 y/o

So yeah, upon doing the Math we discovered we were the OLDEST people of the female persuasion there. Eegads. So we sat down in the back, observed people and waited for some familiar faces to appear. Shortly after Robbo, and Craig of A Day and A Death Wish showed, and we all exchanged greetings. Mikey came and I'm pretty sure he was high for he was super paranoid and thought we were staring at him. Bob came, and walked RIGHT past me, so I was forced to draw his attention by yelling. He came over, and squeezed my hand.

Upon asking him about his whereabouts the other night, he told me he "had plans". Yeah, TO GO OUT WITH PAM AND I YOU DORK. Fuzzbug and Haddonfield rocked my world. I think playing guitar is the only thing I support Bob with 100%. I asked him when we were going to hang out again, and he said he was really busy, and didn't know. Oh, I think his sudden asshole-ness had a lot to do with the fact that Rachel was there WITH HIM. Goddammit.

We felt old, and overly mature and decided to leave. The music rocks ass, but I hate the scene. HATE.

From there, we went to St. Kitt's and felt like dancing so we hit up Club Excess. 2.00 Rum and Coke's were my poison. Sue and I danced it up, and a few guys that we knew kinda protected us from the swarms of perverts.

Sue, Ashley, and I were being crazy drunk kids so we ran down to her ex-boy toy Steve's appartment and Ashley and I kept buzzing up to his place, and saying "Who's ya daddy?!" Which was hilarious until him and his friends showed up and scared me half to death.

We left the building around 3ish, and were running back to the car when this cute black guy stopped us and serenaded us with a song. He gave me a CD as well, which I haven't had time to listen to yet. Him and his 2 friends walked us to the car, and the guy who sang to us kept saying to Sue and I, "You girls need a bit of chocolate in your life". HAHA, oh dear.

So yeah, I got in around 4-ish and had to work at 9:30. T'was alright though!
1 saved| Scream to the angels

Saturday, November 23rd, 2002

Subject:Tonight @ Oddfellows...
Time:3:45 pm.
Haddonfield, Andy Moog and the Sausage Party, Psybin, Fuzzbug, Uphoria, A Day and a Death Wish, and the Ceremonial Snips. Doors open @ 7:00, show starts @ 7:30.

I shall be in attendance. Woo.
Scream to the angels

Friday, November 22nd, 2002

Subject:So predictable it seems.
Time:10:55 am.
Why would you tell someone you wanted to hang out with them if you didn't really want to?

Bob ditched out last night. I called, he wasn't home. I paged him, I got no reply back. I just can't depend on him, which makes it very hard for me to talk to him. I need to be able to depend on someone, like they should and CAN depend on me.

But I digress. Pam and I had a marvelous time. We went to the Regal, and the ENTIRE E.L. Crossley staff was there. Yep, all of my high school teachers=/ T'was interesting drinking in front of former teachers.

I met an amazing guy. A friend of Pam's, Noel. 24, a chef, funny, cute. He was interested in what I had to say, and REALLY listened. I told him I had no fears about finding a job when I'm done, and he told me he has a friend that works at Brain Injury Community Re-entry in St. Kitt's that he could talk to about possibly finding me employment. WELL, that guy showed up and Noel introduced me to him and he gave me the phone # of the HR person. Score! He knows a lot about Social Services, for his parents used to take in foster children. We both decided we were happy at where we are at this point in time, and had cheers.

He kept on topic with me despite other people talking to him, and introduced me to a few of his friends. He was touchy, often placing his hand on my back, and touching his leg with mine and smiling.

I hope to see him next Thursday, and I hope that again I have fun with him. He was such a goof, it was great. Sigh.
Scream to the angels

Thursday, November 21st, 2002

Time:5:38 pm.

Why do I have butterflies in m tummy?

It's just Bob. But not just Bob. How do I explain it? Meh.

I'm worried he's going to forget about tonight, or I won't be able to get a hold of him.

It's all fear from our past, god I wish I could just get by it..I don't want it to keep me from being happy..but I don't want to get hurt again either.

Why is this such a big deal? blah.
Scream to the angels

Wednesday, November 20th, 2002

Time:8:07 am.

The Scientist

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start

Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart

Questions of science
Science and progress

Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me

Come back and haunt me

Oh and I rush to the start

Running in circles
Chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

I'm going back to the start
2 saved| Scream to the angels

Tuesday, November 19th, 2002

Subject:Bob's bro rocks
Time:9:30 pm.
LISA DEE says:
Hey kiddo!

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
whats up

LISA DEE says:
not a thing really...about to rip my foot off..what's up with you

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
shit balls on fire

LISA DEE says:
LISA DEE says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:
mua ha.

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:
yeah, my foot hurts for no reason and I went to the walk-in clinic and it was closed so I have to skip my morning classes tomorrow to get it checked out.

LISA DEE says:
but meh..class is bunk.

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
u'r extremley right

LISA DEE says:
Mmhmm! But then again, I'm paying to go to school.

LISA DEE says:
lofl...there's something sooo wrong about that.

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
ya there is

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
your paying to go to school

LISA DEE says:
yeah. But it'll be worth it when I'm done I guess.

LISA DEE says:
because where I want to work pays good coin

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
it's all worth it in the end
LISA DEE says:

LISA DEE says:
do you know what you wanna do?

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:
chefs get alright cash

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
I'll be a pimp too

LISA DEE says:
lol pimpin dewey

LISA DEE says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:
I guess that works

LISA DEE says:
You could have your own show, "The Pimpin' Chef"

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
it sure does

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:
Pat thinks you should come and check out the new digs here soon he says

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
the new digs?

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
what the hell is that

LISA DEE says:

LISA DEE says:
the new house

LISA DEE says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
i c

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
I gtg so I'll cya tommorow

LISA DEE says:
lol, where?

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:
to bed

LISA DEE says:
no, where will you see me?

LISA DEE says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

dewster 24metallica-and justice for all says:

LISA DEE says:

LISA DEE says:

LISA DEE says:
Scream to the angels

Monday, November 18th, 2002

Subject:Nobody said it was easy...
Time:7:31 pm.
Talked to Pammy about beers with Bob, and the fact that I went over there last night.

"He's always kinda been smitten for you though, Lise. You two have always had a little thing, it's just always been at the wrong time...maybe this is the right time."

I don't want to think about it, although I still am. The prospect of being with him is a bit overwhelming, for I've always cared a lot about him.

MEH, coffee with Sue.
Scream to the angels

Sunday, November 17th, 2002

Subject:My wonderful Robert George.
Time:11:28 pm.

Interesting evening.

Went out for coffee with Lacey, gosh I missed that girl. I hadn't seen her for a week and a half up until tonight. So we caught up, and laughed because that's just what we crazy girls do I suppose.

Went home, chilled...went on IRC, and Bob was on. I was bored, he invited me over (yay!)

We laid on his bed and watched Die Hard 4 and talked about stupid things, like what would be worse, drowning or burning to death...He took down my new number, and myself, him and Pam are going for drinks later this week.

We didn't make out, and that's GREAT because we have a bad habit of not really talking at all and just making out..things don't seem to work out like that. Maybe this is a new beginning of sorts. Maybe not, but either way I'm happy to have him in my life.
Scream to the angels

Saturday, November 16th, 2002

Time:11:38 pm.
Tonight was fun.

Went to my cousin Richard's wedding party, t'was neat. All of the VanRavenswaays were there, including Taylor the breakdancing dutch boy (that is his official title, mua ha) and Krista.

I got drunk, and Angie and I danced to The Middle-J.E.W.

There was a really cute guy there, and I was -this- close to talking to him, when it was time to Oh well, c'est la vie.

I wore a very lovely grey knee length pin-striped skirt that had a slit in the front and went down on angle. Hot.

I really don't want to work tomorrow. I should go to bed.
Scream to the angels

Friday, November 15th, 2002

Time:1:36 pm.
Mood: chipper.
Music:Coldplay- The Scientist.
Had a test this went well.

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I parked on a crime scene on Wednesday...yeah there had been a stabbing, and I parked in the blood after the road blocks and yellow tape had JUST been taken down...needless to say I moved my car away from the puddles/splatters of some woman's blood..ick.

Shopping now, and Scott's coming down to hang out later(#&$(@!!!
Scream to the angels

Thursday, November 14th, 2002

Subject:Something that made me feel good...
Time:3:39 pm.
"As you all know, "I" rarely engage in non-essential e-mail because we are all so overwhelmed as it is. BUT...I just couldn't help myself from sending this to some of the wonderful, smart, strong, intelligent women I have had the pleasure of meeting. Hope you find them as humorous as I did! Kim L***:)"

Kim was the regional manager of all the Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students Centres, and she sent an email to me that was "Bumper Stickers for Women".

The above is what was written before the email, and to my suprise I was the only non-staff email address on there..And the only former student employment officer she sent it to. It just felt good that's all.
Scream to the angels

Time:1:06 pm.
You will live in House.
You will drive a Grey Jetta.
You will marry Bob and have 3 kids.
You will be a Employment Counsellor in Wherever we are.

I do want a Jetta.
I do want to live in a house.
Umm..Bob is going to be a famous musician (heh) and umm...if we do marry then I suppose we will end wherever he goes..haha.
I do want to be an employment counsellor, and I WILL be one...

Scream to the angels

Time:6:59 am.
Mood: awake.
Music:The Distillers-Gypsy Rose Lee.
Lindsay pointed out to me that the pictures are kinda unclear. Good point! I'm going to make it my mission to get a good picture of him soon, whether he likes it or not. At my birthday perhaps, he won't be able to avoid it! Mua ha.

Today placement, tomorrow the world! BAHAHAHAHA
2 saved| Scream to the angels

Wednesday, November 13th, 2002

Time:8:05 pm.
Check this shit out it's BOB!

He's the guy wearing the blue plaid jacket in both pictures..That's my darling Bobbo.
2 saved| Scream to the angels

Time:8:06 am.
Hahaha, WOW.

I love it here.

The internet is up already. And it's faster than in the fleet!

I have downloaded some Distillers, The Donna's and Coldplay so far.

My room is super big with shaggy brown carpets, wood paneling and no door. But I love it! I don't know what colour I should paint it..hrm. I think I'm gonna paint it ORANGE. Rock.

Sarah came over last night, and we talked Hydro with my parents..Hydro..blah BULLSHIT. We also met one of my neighbours Paul.

I'm not going to classes till 9:30...because I don't have to! Hee.

Ah, I'm happy!(@#& Who cares about everything else..This is good times.
4 saved| Scream to the angels

Tuesday, November 12th, 2002

Time:2:01 pm.
Moving. Right now. On campus, in LRC.

Won't have computer for awhile. Good.

Scream to the angels

LiveJournal for A Lost Star.

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