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User:starmygalaxy (2258259) starmygalaxy
Star My Galaxy
Come fill my skies take the spaces and paint them with stars¸.·*
Website:Kurt Halsey Frederiksen
Location:New York, New York, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Jbutterflyz0806 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 252009116 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status buttercup_0806 (Add User, Send Message)
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Top Commentors in Starmygalaxy's LJ

1 [info]jmshutch84 155 comments 8.49% of total
2 [info]soordinary 101 comments 5.53% of total
3 [info]thegodofwar 73 comments 4.0% of total
4 [info]xaeroscotty66x 59 comments 3.23% of total
5 [info]badtzmaru115 56 comments 3.07% of total
6 [info]notmyself43 50 comments 2.74% of total
7 [info]jsilver20 44 comments 2.41% of total
8 [info]sacredillusions 40 comments 2.19% of total
9 [info]mandyjalo 35 comments 1.92% of total
10 [info]neverletitgo 31 comments 1.7% of total

These statistics were generated using the LJ Stats Web Interface by [info]mpnolan.
Original idea from [info]scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard
Last Updated 10/10/04

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√2 φe π
Love is Irrational

any love that is love is right.
francesca lia block

Kurt Halsey is love.
Memories:3 entries
Interests:149: , 311, 98 degrees, acting, adema, afi, all-american reject, angels, anime, art, avocados, baking, barry white, beach, believe, blink182, blues, books, boxes, brain mcknight, brand new, brownies, candles, cartoons, cds, chevelle, christmas, circles, classic movies, coca-cola, cold weather, coldplay, college, computers, concerts, cookies, cuddling, custom, dancing, dashboard confessional, dave matthews band, david draiman, death cab for cutie, desserts, disney, disturbed, down with the sickness, drawing, dreaming, drowning pool, dvds, eminem, extremes, eye contact, france, friends, frou frou, godsmack, good charlotte, hangingout, happiness, heaven, history, hugs, ice cream, incubus, jason mraz, jimmy eat world, john mayer, justin timberlake, kisses, kurt halsey, lauryn hill, life, literature, living, lord of the rings, love actually, love songs, loving, macy gray, making new friends, maroon 5, matchbox twenty, mixtapes, movies, mp3, mudvayne, music, new found glory, nirvana, no doubt, norah jones, ok go, oreos, paint, painting, paintshop pro, paris, pencils, pens, photography, pictures, pillows, procrastinating, psychology, rain, rainbows, rainy days, reading, ricky martin, rock, rodrigo santoro, running, screaming, shakira, shopping, singing, skittles, sleeping, snow, something corporate, spring, staind, stars, strawberries, subtitles, surveys, swimming, switchfoot, system of the down, telepopmusik, the cure, the darkness, the ring, the sims, theatre, thunderstorms, vincent van gogh, violin, walks, webdesign, weezer, will and grace, winter, wishyouwerehere, working out, writing, [Modify yours]
People68:1warrior, __stfu_plz, __twinkl, _pernicious, arrghoaxy, badtzmaru115, bdaleflirt2007, big_ben, br0kenangel, brak_machine, didactic_love, didjplayer, echoes_fade, emmyflirt2007, fiveletterfear, gibson_rocks, gurliesloveme, hefelumpman, house_of_fists, illfall2fly, jasontroy, jessicastewart, jmshutch84, jsilver20, justinjoseph, kefkadotcom, landrym28, lawtalkingguy, lifeiswondrous, lowlander, lust_always, mandyjalo, media_darling, mix_it_up_good, mr__cellophane, neverletitgo, notmyself43, oh_emergency, omyluckystars03, outlawed, peachick, perfectpoison, pixiefairyhaze, pricklyisqueen, princessmia85, rasberry_cloud, reject1982, rememberedzion, sacredillusions, sandwichwarrior, secretprophet, sewcute, skecherod, smath, soordinary, starmygalaxy, still_dreams, still_voices, stoopidliargrl, striped_sweater, thegodofwar, tornado_jimgray, tornadojimgray, underroos, vykroth, wideadmiration, xaeroscotty66x, your_dying_wish
Communities39:100_words, 1980s_babies, 2_lines, __disturbed__, _letterstoyou_, _life_is_a_song, adopt_me, art_expressions, bush_sucks, cooking_club, craftgrrl, crush_ed, distrbd_designs, diy_tutorials, get_friends, house_of_leaves, icon_tutorial, jasonmraz, jmayerfans, kurt_halsey, lipglossaddicts, ljsingles, loveactually, lucid_dreaming, madhattan_trig, maroon5, mp3_share, mp3_xchange, newyorkers, nycnobody, nyscreenings, quotes, rodrigo_santoro, story_continued, superd0rks, teh_music, thequestionclub, upthebum_icons, wishyouwerehere
Feeds2:dictionary_wotd, gardenstateblog
Mutual Friends:66: 1warrior, __stfu_plz, __twinkl, _pernicious, arrghoaxy, badtzmaru115, bdaleflirt2007, big_ben, br0kenangel, brak_machine, didactic_love, didjplayer, echoes_fade, emmyflirt2007, fiveletterfear, gibson_rocks, gurliesloveme, hefelumpman, house_of_fists, illfall2fly, jasontroy, jessicastewart, jmshutch84, jsilver20, justinjoseph, kefkadotcom, landrym28, lawtalkingguy, lifeiswondrous, lust_always, mandyjalo, media_darling, mix_it_up_good, mr__cellophane, neverletitgo, notmyself43, oh_emergency, omyluckystars03, outlawed, peachick, perfectpoison, pixiefairyhaze, pricklyisqueen, princessmia85, rasberry_cloud, reject1982, rememberedzion, sacredillusions, sandwichwarrior, secretprophet, sewcute, skecherod, smath, soordinary, starmygalaxy, still_dreams, still_voices, stoopidliargrl, striped_sweater, thegodofwar, tornado_jimgray, tornadojimgray, vykroth, wideadmiration, xaeroscotty66x, your_dying_wish
Member of:39: 100_words, 1980s_babies, 2_lines, __disturbed__, _letterstoyou_, _life_is_a_song, adopt_me, art_expressions, bush_sucks, cooking_club, craftgrrl, crush_ed, distrbd_designs, diy_tutorials, get_friends, house_of_leaves, icon_tutorial, jasonmraz, jmayerfans, kurt_halsey, lipglossaddicts, ljsingles, loveactually, lucid_dreaming, madhattan_trig, maroon5, mp3_share, mp3_xchange, newyorkers, nycnobody, nyscreenings, quotes, rodrigo_santoro, story_continued, superd0rks, teh_music, thequestionclub, upthebum_icons, wishyouwerehere
Account type:Free Account

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