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You are alone again
[03 Apr 2004|11:52am]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Linkin Park - "Numb" ]

In a project unlike any other, embraced by some and shunned by many, I've managed to capture people blatantly announcing that they are stupid.

I'm Stupid Signs
I'm Stupid - Ahn Phong )
I'm Stupid - Alain )
I'm Stupid - Brandon )
I'm Stupid - Brenda )
I'm Stupid - Bryce )
I'm Stupid - Cameron )
I'm Stupid - Candice )
I'm Stupid - Chris )
I'm Stupid - Christy )
I'm Stupid - David )
I'm Stupid - Derek )
I'm Stupid - Eduardo )
I'm Stupid - Edwin )
I'm Stupid - Emanuel )
I'm Stupid - Gerardo )
I'm Stupid - Girl )
I'm Stupid - Grady )
I'm Stupid - James )
I'm Stupid - John )
I'm Stupid - Joshua )
I'm Stupid - Kenny )
I'm Stupid - Liz )
I'm Stupid - Matt )
I'm Stupid - Michael )
I'm Stupid - Mrs. Murray )
I'm Stupid - Nick )
I'm Stupid - Rafael )
I'm Stupid - Rhonda )
I'm Stupid - Robbie )
I'm Stupid - Saba )
I'm Stupid - Sean )
I'm Stupid - Sign )
I'm Stupid - Soheila )
I'm Stupid - Tony )
I'm Stupid - Travis )
I'm Stupid - Walt )
I'm Stupid - Will )
I'm With Stupid - Bryce and Saba )

They day before this wild experiment however, I took a few pictures of other signs with myself. Nothing funny, but sweet and loving instead.

Hi Steph - Robbie )
Robbie Loves Steph - Robbie )
Steph Es Muy Bonita - Robbie )

~ Robbie

2 Will Believe The Lie You are alone again
Assortment of Photos [26 Mar 2004|04:23pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Disturbed - "Breathe" ]

It has been some time since I've last posted any photos, but that isn't to say I haven't taken any - so today I've decided to post some of the pictures that were snapped last week and during the previous two days. Just a warning before viewing, many of the pictures taken during the previous two days are of myself since that has been the only object to take pictures of.


March 19, 2004
This guy hugged me... EWW. )
This guy hates me... XD )
This guy, well, is Bryce. )
This guy is like, UFF! )
Loogit my new friend! )

March 25, 2004
Chunk lunging forward! )
Stand tall, chunk. )
Boredom urged me to color my hand with pen. )
Matt in  )
Me in  )
Nature Shot: Fox Tails. )
Nature Shot: Poppies. )
Nature Shot: Sticker Ball. )

March 26, 2004
Me, cool looking actually. )
Andy lookin' like a monk. )
Will, the bad singer. )
David, the bad drummer. )
Michael, the annoying person. )
Crazy Robbie! )
Retarded Robbie! )
Without glasses, Robbie again. )
This is wrong on so many levels. )

My day was quite interesting, but if you want to read about that you'll have to check my friends-only journal ([info]sane_asylum) a little later today when I get into more detail.

~ Robbie

1 Will Believe The Lie You are alone again
Weekly Updates [18 Feb 2004|04:20pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | The Bobs - "Rainbird" ]

I'm thinking either twice a week, or maybe I'll just stick with the current once a week but maybe take more pictures. I'm not quite sure, I'll figure it out. More pictures is a good thing though, I like taking pictures of random things and making captions and explanations for them =)

~ Robbie

PS. I'm listening to a song about sprinklers, XD.

4 Will Believe The Lie You are alone again
A (visual) day in the life of... [13 Feb 2004|08:03pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Guns n' Roses - "Patience" ]

Today wasn't the best day of my life: I was neglected a bag of candy from someone in journalism, I swallowed more paper than I should have, we had a rally, and it all happened on the day of Friday the 13th which tends to make me believe in superstitions all over again. Oh well, here are some pictures:

My Little Lucy Baby :) )
Rallies Make Baby Jesus Cry )
Greatest. Substitute Teacher. Ever. )
Johnathan Fife is Gayz0rz )
Walking For FUN! )
Bitch slapped! )
Valentines For Deh Robbie )
Bryce Sucking on a Lolli )

~ Robbie

PS. I love my baby girl. <3

You are alone again
[06 Feb 2004|07:38pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Silence ]

I'm turning this journal into a picture journal for two reasons: a.) so no one can take the name and b.) because I like to take pictures of people, myself, and other things. Hence the reason this journal is becoming my picture journal - so I can take lots of pictures and indulge in my little hobby. Comments are welcome and encouraged, but are not required. XD Added that last part for my own humor.

Morning Walk, Snowy Mountains )
Matt in Blurred Vision )
Computer Lab Blues )
Take My Picture, and Die )
Good Grades Are Good )
Standing About For Valentines )
Bryce, Almost Cool? )
Changing of the Tire, Starring Me )

~ Robbie

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