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December 26th, 2003

10:24 pm - Wow a post...
So i am sitting at my cousins house alone becuase they are all at the movies. however, there seems to be something about the day after Christmas that i just dont want to go see movies. this happened last year too. so i end up staying home and they all go to movies. but i have a lovely time to myself, and i thought i might as well update, beware its kinda long...

:::flashback music:::

Lets start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) yeah so i was just watching Sound of Music. Anwyays, the beginning is Saturday, when finals week was finaly over, anther semester over and done. I was bored, i very much wanted to go see Rent, but no one could go with me. Thankfully Ben had never seen it, and was gracious enough to go with me, since he knew i relaly wanted him to see it so he could know what i was talking about. Being broke, we decided to do pit seats, since i had never done that, having only previously seen it in NY, and over there i didnt want to risk not getting a lottery ticket so i always just buy them ahead of time. So anyways, we went down there, got there about 5:30, and were able to scrape the very last 2 tics: front row, far house right. fun stuff yo. so i saw it again yay me. It is amazing from the front row, i cant even tell you. All the little nuances and reactions from the characters that you have no idea happen from far away are soo visible up close, i loved it. Mark had his voice back, but i still didnt think he could hold some of the notes very well. i dunno, other than that he was great. rather cute, and he winked at me!!! ben commented after that i seemed to be staring at him a lot, but i couldnt help it, hes cute and i love that character. and this Joanne is amazing. i have never felt that the character of Joanne was all that intersting, but she made it her own, and she is one of my fav characters now. amazing waht one stellar performance can do! Ben even liked it, well actually, he says that to "like" it he woudl have to like musicals and/or plays but he did think it was good. hehe he cracks me up. anyways it was a great night to be had. Christin: you still need to take Erin or i will be very mad at you! she needs to no longer be a Rent virgin!!!

Sunday, Ben and i went down to Balboa Island to the Yount's little beach house to watch the boat parade. It was really fun we had a great time.

Monday who knows wah ti did, prolly shopped/and or wrapped presents...

Tuesday was Christmas Eve, so Erin, Christin and I did a gift exchange. Unfortunately goon!Erin was running late as usual so we were unable to go out to lunch to do gifts, cause Christin and i realy wanted to see Love Actually. But we did gifts, and i got my wand!!! My 14" Willow wand with a Unicorn tail hair!!! yay im so excited. No longer using my secondhand wand hehe.... And i got these realy cool Scren shoots of Death to Smoochy. Its actually the film itself, so its relaly neat, so i am goign to go develop some of the ones i really like. i am such a dork =D Love Acutally was very intersting. I really loved it, i am kinda upset that a few things were left unresolved but i guess life is never completely certain anyways....but sometimes i like my movies to be =)

Then the fam and i headed over to EV Free Yorba Linda (our old Chruch) to meet the V's and do the Christmas Eve Service, then we went over to their house for Fondue and Catchphrase and chatting. we were going to read Best Christmas Pagent Ever, but we ran out of time cuase we talked too much. o well, it was a fun night anyways...

Then Christmas we did the morning as a family. I got a gorgeous Leather Jacket that i have been wanting, and a Harry Potter messenger bag, and other random stuff im too lazy to type in hehe. Then Ben came over, we did breaky, and packed up the last stuff to fly up to Sacramento. Said bye to Ben, and went to the airport where we got up here aound 5 in the afternoon. Did christmas dinner, hung out, and then i dragged my brother, cousin and her boyfriend to :::gasp::: Peter Pan. like Christin said it was a lot different from what i thought it woudl be, but i absolutely loved it. I really liked that it was based more on the book than any other version, and i absolutely loved the book. now i must reread the book and see it again cuase i must compare, and i want to see if they added a few things or if i just dont remember them in the book. but Peter is abosolutely adorable, he has the greatest smile, and of course Jason Isaacs is fantastic! go see it you will love it!!

Then today Kara and i slept in, and went shopping all day as is our tradition. got some great stuff. Finaly bought Lion King special edition DVD and the Bernadette Peters Gypsy 2003 revival cast soundtrack is finaly in stores so i bought it, and i absolutely love it. i liked that show so much it was great!! and then they all went to the movies and that brings me to the present. actually they are back now, and i must go blowdry my hair so i can wear it down tomorrow. hope you all had a merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday was Christmas Eve!
Current Mood: [mood icon] chipper
Current Music: Let Me Entertain You - Gypsy

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December 25th, 2003

09:34 am - Awww yay!!! I miss Moulin Rouge! ...must watch

You're "Come What May" from the best
musical ever Moulin Rouge! Like the God that
is Ewan Mcgregor, you're a romantic and use
words like courtesan instead of DIRTY WHORE!

What Song From A Musical Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Mood: [mood icon] content

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December 18th, 2003

06:32 pm - Witty Witticism: A Politically Correct Christmas Poem
Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck...
How to live in a world that's politically correct?
His workers no longer would answer to "Elves",
"Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves.
And labor conditions at the North Pole,
were alleged by the union, to stifle the soul.

Four reindeer had vanished without much propriety,
released to the wilds, by the Humane Society.
And equal employment had made it quite clear,
that Santa had better not use just reindeer.
So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid,
were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!

The runners had been removed from his beautiful sleigh,
because the ruts were deemed dangerous by the EPA,
And millions of people were calling the Cops,
when they heard sled noises upon their roof tops.
Second-hand smoke from his pipe, had his workers quite frightened,
and his fur trimmed red suit was called "unenlightened".

To show you the strangeness of today's ebbs and flows,
Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose.
He went to Jerry Springer, in front of the Nation,
demanding millions in over-due workers compensation.

So...half of the reindeer were gone, and his wife
who suddenly said she'd had enough of this life,
joined a self help group, packed and left in a whiz,
demanding from now on that her title was Ms.

And as for gifts...why, he'd never had the notion
that making a choice could cause such commotion.
Nothing of leather, nothing of fur...
Which meant nothing for him or nothing for her.
Nothing to aim, Nothing to shoot,
Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise.
Nothing for just girls and nothing for just boys.
Nothing that claimed to be gender specific,
Nothing that's warlike or non-pacifistic.

No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth.
Nothing that seemed to embellish upon the truth.
And fairy tales...while not yet forbidden,
were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden,
for they raised the hackles of those psychological,
who claimed the only good gift was one ecological.

No baseball, no football...someone might get hurt,
besides - playing sports exposed kids to dirt.
Dolls were said to be sexist and should be pass?.
and Nintendo would rot your entire brain away.

So Santa just stood there, disheveled and perplexed,
he just couldn't figure out what to do next?
He tried to be merry he tried to be gay,
but you must have to admit he was having a very bad day.
His sack was quite empty, it was flat on the ground,
nothing fully acceptable was anywhere to be found.

Something special was needed, a gift that he might,
give to us all, without angering the left or the right.
A gift that would satisfy - with no indecision,
each group of people in every religion.
Every race, every hue,
everyone, everywhere...even you!
So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth...

Current Mood: Procastinating
Current Music: Procastination Dance Music =D

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December 17th, 2003

01:22 pm - the precious is gone....
So yesterday i had my first finals. Speech when fine in history, i deal, and then my math test wasnt all too bad, considering i only needed a 50% on it to keep my A in the class. so i am sure i did that...

Then last night we all went to Lord of the Rings. What started out as me and my brother, actually turned into about 10 of us, and a couple more who would have gone but it sold out (SORRY ANDI)!

It was lots of fun, i really enjoyed it, but i felt there were a couple scenes that just dragged on to no end which could have easily been shortened, and there was this one scene involving someone being burned alive which i just couldnt handle. but anyways, overall it was a very good movie, and the trilogy has come to an end.... so sad...

but i think i am sick. i feel terrible this morning, i cannot be sick this week i have finals, and i dont wanna be sick for christmas...i thought i had kicked this thing, but it seems to have come back to haunt me.... ick

o well... all i have to do is get thru this week, and then fantasmic night friday!!! woho!!

Rivers of America
5:00 pm
Be There!!!!

Some happiness:
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." Danny - age 7

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones." Lauren - age 4

My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 babynowell99s a-sipping.
11 bekkios a-twisting.
10 bugsters a-kissing.
9 cb_yb_df_pts a-giggling.
8 disphorias a-squatting.
7 freckles23s a-snorting.
6 jmpovrthemoon23s a-hacking.
5 platinum newsiesstars.
4 grunting pryncess_angels.
3 Slovakian somebodylikeus.
2 swan tinkrbelle19s.
And a toothpickgirl in a peach tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

Current Mood: [mood icon] sick

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December 15th, 2003

09:21 pm - hehe o its so me!

Current Mood: [mood icon] geeky
Current Music: more procrastination music!!

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07:05 pm - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Ok... so i went to the theatre tonight and i bought 10 tickets for the opening night showing. It was $95.00. geez thats a lot of money....Here is who i have a ticket for (and if your name is on this list you owe my $9.50....

Kyle (the original two)
Erin Fitz.
Erin V.
+ 3 friends
Thats ten right? yeah it is...

So anyways, if anyone else wants to go with us here are the details:
Birch Street Edwards
Theatre 1
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Meeting at Denny's by Borders at 8:00p for late dinner

If you want to come for just Denny's that would also be much fun!!!
Call me for more details, you know the number, and if you dont post a comment... ill get it!

Woho!!!! This is me being excited.

However, my excitement is dimmed by the realization that i have my Math 250B final tomorrow, and a speech in Honors history which all i finished is that i have selected my topic! time to get the books cracking....
Current Mood: [mood icon] excited
Current Music: procastination song...

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December 12th, 2003

11:40 pm - I want Hugs!!!
Yoinked from [info]cb_yb_df_pt
1) Copy this list into your journal.
2) Bold the lines that pertain to you.
3) Anything you have not bolded, erase and write a new line that does pertain to you. (What I did was change a few words or the meaning of what you didn't agree with...I suggest you should too...)

01. I am in like (but with only one boy).
02. I've learned how to play one instrument crappily.
03. I've been in drama for more than five years.
04. I have too much stuff.
05. I don't trust myself.
06. I love kitties.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online.
08. I drive an Infiniti.
09. I'm Christian.
10. I am selfish and self-centered part of the time.
11. I am in love with New York City, but stuck in the OC.
12. I love to meet cute boys.
13. I love certain videogames.
14. I drink too much Diet Coke.
15. I read Harry Potter
16. I have slept outside.
17. I never have enough time.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I have much to offer.
20. Most people LOVE me.
21. I am not passive in my thoughts.
22. I don't know where to go with my spare time.
23. College is/was the greatest time of my life.
24. I am often thought to be a homosexual.
25. I dont think i have a reputation.
26. I like many kinds of Girl Scout cookies.
27. I hate mean people.
28. I try to be there for my friends.
29. I know myself, but myself is full of contradictions.
30. I never was a Girl Scout.
31. I also try to not be there when my friends don't want me. I try hard not to pester them, even though it doesn't always work.
32. I want to visit England.
33. I sleep very, very heavily.
34. I have lots and lots of cousins my own age.
35. I get cranky sometimes.
36. I hated summer camp until high school (and that was only Oasis, doesnt count as "camp")
37. I like to sing, but i am not good at it.
38. I sometimes admit things about myself that I feel I shouldn't.
39. I like purses.
40. I love 93.9 KZLA.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I eat too much.
43. I want to contribute something useful to the world.
44. I am curious about a lot of things.
45. I want to face the future head-on.
46. I am confusing at times.
47. I have never been intoxicated.
48. I dance when I'm in a very good mood.
49. I enjoy being online, but I enjoy other things more. That doesn't mean that I do them more, though...
50. I try to see the good in people.
51. I like old fashioned sword fights (think Pirates or Robin Hood)
52. I am materialistic, and somewhat okay with it.
53. I wish money wasn't an issue.
54. I'm tired of worrying about shit.
55. I like working from my computer.
56. I hate having to tell others what to do.
57. I get along with my parents very well.
58. If I'm bored, I look for other people.
59. I like when my friends write me letters and emails, it makes me feel special.
60. I am a total cluttery mess.
61. I am of average height (finally).
62. I worry if the people I care for are really telling me the truth.
63. I take photos during certain occasions.
64. I love being busy (but not with work).
65. I have very talented friends.
66. I use LJ as a way to mass-communicate with ease.
67. Humor and Heart are the two most attractive qualities a person can have, in my book.
68. I don't care how other people define their success.
69. I have posted livejournal entries to a friends only filter.
70. I want children.
71. I want to win a billion dollars.
72. I am bad at showing people just how special they are to me.
73. I prefer Diet to Regular.
74. I don't think in complete sentences or thoughts.
75. I dislike sudden change, but love surprises
76. Cats make me sneeze.
77. I love to read Harry Potter.
78. Sometimes i dont believe in myself, and doubt my abilities at life.
79. I enjoy tickling people., but hate being tickled.
80. I enjoy public speaking.
81. I hold grudges
82. Granted, it takes a lot to get that grudge; but once I have it, I don't let go.
83. I get songs stuck in my head for days at a time sometimes.
84. I love it when people appreciate my efforts.
85. I like producing tangible results, thus I hate studying.
86. No matter where I go, there I am.
87. I love Music, but cannot sing.
88. I am not passive if its something i believe in.
89. I have a long temper, but when I'm mad, I'm MAD.
90. I also have a short memory.
91. I like chocolate.
92. I can't stand racists.
93. I often doubt myself.
94. I like vanilla.
95. I speak English.
96. I am too nice sometimes.
97. I'm usually too hard on myself.
98. I love food.
99. Pink and Purple are my favorite colors.
100. I love sleep.

wow patty we had a lot of similar things...

Today was Christin's Birthday! Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!!
Tonight we had our play at Mark Taper Forum called Like Jazz. This is like the third or fourth name it has had, and not relly the best. but oh well. it was fine. the others like it, but of course they like Jazz. I dont. So sitting thru 2 hours of Jazz music with no story or plot just didnt do it for me. I can appreciate that if i like Jazz music i woudl have liked it. but i dont. so yeah.... i dealt with it tho.

but now i must off to bed. lots of studying to do this weekend, plus a ten page paper and 7-10 min speech for history and i dotn even have a topic yet....woho cant wait! ick...

Nighty Night...


give Prfctlilangel more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

Current Mood: [mood icon] sleepy
Current Music: Time Warp - from my Dancin in my Car CD

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December 11th, 2003

10:41 am - Measure a life in love!
So last night was RENT. It was very much fun. As i know many of you dont care, ill cut my thoughts...

...the need to express, to communicate )
Lastly: Patty! christin and i want to take you! and erin! what are you doing next Saturday. We have fantasmic night Friday, and then we were thinking doing Rent Sat. We coudl go down there early and do the $20 front row seats, see if we can get those, and if not, we can just buy tics for the back (it wont be sold out) and christin and i were towards the back, and they were still really good seats, we coudl see really well. so yeah, we must talk!!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] nervous

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December 10th, 2003

04:45 pm - Bear with me if you have seen some of this before...
From interviews with JK Rowling

Q: What makes some witches/wizards become ghosts after they die and some not?
JKR:You don't really find that out until Book VII, but I can say that the happiest people do not become ghosts. As you might guess, Moaning Myrtle!
book seven?!? wil this have to do with Sirius perhaps???

Q: What did the Potter parents do for a living before Voldemort killed them?
JKR: I'm sorry to keep saying this, but I can't tell you because it's important to a later plot. But you will find out later!
oooo 6th book come soon!!!

Q: Do you take real people you know and put them in your books?
JKR: The closest I've come to putting a real person in my books is with Gilderoy Lockhart, who is an exaggeration of someone I once knew. John Weasley is a little bit like my oldest friend, a man I was at school with, whose name is Sean. But neither of them are accurate portraits.
Who is John Weasley????
edit: They mean Ron, he is based off her friend Sean, but when they did the transscript of the interview they did it wrong...how obnoxious...

Q: How can two Muggles have a kid with magical powers? Also how does the Ministry of Magic find out these kids have powers?
JKR: It's the same as two black-haired people producing a redheaded child. Sometimes these things just happen, and no one really knows why! The Ministry of Magic doesn't find out which children are magic. In Hogwarts there's a magical quill which detects the birth of a magical child, and writes his or her name down in a large parchment book. Every year Professor McGonagall checks the book, and sends owls to the people who are turning 11.
so if it is true that Petunia did get a letter or something and didnt go, the Ministry woudlnt know about it. only dumbledore and mcgonagall would... very intersting, as in that case she wouldnt be registered...

Q:Which house was Lily Potter in, and what is her maiden name?
JKR: Her maiden name was Evans, and she was in Gryffindor (naturally).
Well that answers that one...

You said Ron's cousin was taken out of Book 4, and you developed Rita Skeeter more after that. Do you still think that it would have been more fun to keep her? Can you tell me anything about what she was going to be like?
Well, maybe I will use her in another book, so I don't want to talk about her too much. I had never "killed" a character before (in either sense) until Goblet of Fire, so that made writing the book a little more stressful!
maybe thats who John Weasley is...ron's cousin...i wanna know how he fit into evertying, maybe he just went to teh world cup with them. But it brings up an intersting point as Sirius Black and Arthur Weasley are like second cousins once removed. so would this cousin John be a closer relavite to Sirius? or Draco??? or Bellatrix??????
edit: other Weasley was a girl. but she could still be related so it all works...

Q: Is it just me, or was something going on between Ron and Hermione during the last half of Goblet of Fire?
JKR: Yes, something's "going on," but Ron doesn't realize it yet. Typical boy.
so there... good ship r/h all the way!!!

Q:The first four books have been getting longer, but number four was huge! Is number five likely to be shorter than number four?
JKR: Yes, five is going to be shorter than four. I always knew four would be the longest, but even I didn't expect it to be that long.
haha that was optimistic...so now who knows if 6 and 7 will be shorter...
Current Mood: [mood icon] pensive

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08:32 am - Finally proof of my theory!
Found in the Harry Potter Lexicon.
Just to put the question to rest:

Zabini, Blaise (wizard)
b. 1980
Slytherin 1991-98 (SS7)
Blaise Zabini is male. The name is a male name (although there are always exceptions, but they are just that, exceptions). Also, in the Spanish translation it says Blaise is a boy, because it uses the masculine form of the verb: "seleccionado" instead of "seleccionada."

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December 9th, 2003

10:40 pm - Mooo With Me!!!
Math test tomorrow. Went to Kari's to study. it was fun, she has the cutest christmas tree. All the ornaments (save a few tiny ones her bf put up lol) are pink and purple and white and she has purple lights. its sooo great. but yeah, we got some studying done and talked more about how we are such nerds. And i didnt go insane afterwards yay! went over to bens, hung out for a bit it was much fun...

but anyways i must get sleep. big day tomorrow. Math test, mtg with theatre group and then... :::pause for dramatic effect::::: RENT!!!

Nighty Night...

they sure have me pegged...> <img src= )
Current Mood: [mood icon] chipper

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December 8th, 2003

11:14 pm - Christmas time is here....
Today mum and i decorated the house a bit for christmas. While we did we watched The Bishop's Wife <----- best Christmas movie in my point of view, i love it ever so much. And Muppet Christmas Carol. hehe, and her are my thoughts:

I miss our door.

...and the curlers even tho they killed my hair

I unpacked the wreath i made, and our garland and my string of beads that i wore for the scene...

I miss Kyle Taylor

The muppet version doesnt have the Christmas pussy...although if it did it woudlnt say pussy so that woudl make me sad too....o welll...

I need to get more mistletoe for my car... since i dont have a doorway of my own to hang it on lol...

And on another subject, i am so tired of being sick. i have been sick for a week now,a nd it is darn well time i get better. I have lots due this week: Math test Wed, Theatre Pres on Angels in America Thursday, 10 page paper due on readings i havent done next week, plus finals in every class next week. Ooo, and i have RENT Wed night (YAY!!!!!), and i really want to kiss ben again....

...that is all
Current Mood: [mood icon] nostalgic

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06:08 pm - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
You are Kermit the Frog.
You are reliable, responsible and caring. And you
have a habit of waving your arms about

"Hi ho!" "Yaaay!" and
"How Green Was My Mother"

"Surfin' the Webfoot: A Frog's Guide to the

Sitting in the swamp playing banjo.

"Hmm, my banjo is wet."

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Has Habit of waving arms about maniacially!!!!
omj its so me!! everyone makes fun of me cause i cant talk without my hands.....

and hahaha, "my banjo is wet!" i want a banjo lol...

.....i seem way to entertained by this
Current Mood: [mood icon] amused
Current Music: Bishop's Wife, mum and i are watching it!

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December 5th, 2003

03:44 pm - GASP!
guess what came in the mail today?!?!?

My RENT tickets!!!! yayness!!!

on that note: smock smock smock... )
Current Mood: [mood icon] excited

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December 4th, 2003

05:59 pm - Christmas Cards!!
People's addresses i still need:
Meghan (if you dont want it to your house)
Lauren (yes i still dont know it....hehe)
Ann-Laurel's (Christin do you have this?!?)
Current Mood: X-mas-y!

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December 3rd, 2003

10:07 pm - Ickyness...
Im sick, however things are looking up...

Mum went to Target and bought me more Nyquil, Kleenex, and Violet fleece full-body footie pj's that are uber comfortable which i am wearing right now...

I watched all the special features on my PotC cd and had much fun doing it...

I acutally didn't fail my math test today like i thought i would. i may pass this class yet!

I took a nap this afternoon, and i think i am going to go to be early since i dont have any homework...

Night all. Nyquil here i come!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] sick

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December 2nd, 2003

02:42 pm - No...he's a Pirate!!!
I am now the proud owner of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl!!!!!!!!! EEE im so excited!!

But what do i watch first?!? The movie, or all the special stuff on my two-disc collectors edition?!?!

Decisions, decisions...
Current Mood: Pirate-y
Current Music: Pirates soundtrack of course!!!

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December 1st, 2003

So, Mugglenet just posted a link to the Ukrainian cover of Order of the Phoenix. OMJ it is sooo beautiful. the cover is soo cool i love it. So then i look on Ebay and they have pics of the fist, second and third books (for some reason not the fourth.).

But i want them!!!! I really want to learn Russian, i can pronounce the characters and stuff, but yeah....i wonder if having Harry in Ukranian would be incentive to getting on the ball and learning the language. but i want to have them just cuase the covers are soo cool, tehy are like artwork or soemthing, i cant stop looking at them....

*goes back to gaze at them*
Current Mood: [mood icon] enthralled

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01:49 pm - True True...
you are violet

Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.

Enter your username to see your friends colors:

the spacefem.com html color quiz

Current Mood: [mood icon] drained

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November 29th, 2003

11:16 am - A Challenge!!!
And now, a CHALLENGE. Post anything that you want (in comments), and post it anonymously. Anything. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love -- anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like. Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say...

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